Chapter 8

The Obstacles of Love&Friendship;

Friday Morning

(Sehun's perspecitve)

The day has finally arrived, today was my double date with Luhan 

I'm usually excited for my Friday's since the whole day is just reserved for us two.

But today it looks like I'm spending it with 2 intruders. 

I wasn't too happy about seeing Luhan being lovey dovey with some girl, but I guess I had no choice.

I'm going to have to try really hard for the sadness to not show on my face. 

Luhan's not the type to ignore me though in front of a girl, even if he likes her.

So it wasn't that bad I guess, since I know he's still going to talk to me during the date.

All I'm worried about is if his girl tries attracting his attention back to her. Two can play at that game though.

I hope I'm ready for this..


(Luhan's perspective)

Ahh the day I have been waiting for. I'm going to see Sooyeun again. 

I'm glad I got Sehun a date too, so that way everyone is happy. 

I was going to go pick sehun up on my way to the theater, but I thought I maybe should have visited him earlier than that so I can help him on what to wear for his date. I want him to make a good impression on this girl. I could also give him some tips on how to act on during the date. 

Although he is my best friend, I'm not going to deny that he has a really awkward aura to him. 

He isn't awkward with me one bit, but he really is in front of girls. 

I'm going to make sure the result of this date is positive, at least for once. 

I want Sehun to have his first girlfriend already. Poor guy hasn't even gotten his first kiss.

I'm hoping that will all change today though.


I called sehun to tell him I'm going to be there early to talk everything over with him before the date starts. 

I shall get ready, and then I'm off to Sehun's house.


1 hour later


(Sehun's Perspective)

Luhan is going to be here any moment by now. I still hadn't gotten dressed since Luhan told me he wanted to pick out the outfit I was going to wear for today. 

I heard a knock and the door, and went to go open it.

Once I had opened the door my jaw dropped in amazement. 


Luhan looked... he looked... I cannot even find a word to describe how he looked. But for one thing he looked amazing.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" Luhan joked. 

I snapped out of my daydream, "Haha yeah sorry, I'm just surprised by the way you look."

"It's not too much is it?" Luhan said a little worried.

"Well I wouldn't wear that just for a movie date, but its really nice, dont worry."

Luhan sighed in relief. 

Why would Luhan get so dressed up and do his hair and everything just to go out to the movies? that mean he must really like this girl..

"So.. What shall we do with you?" Luhan looked with his head tilted to the side.

I didn't want to get all dressed up like Luhan, there wasn't really any reason to. 

"Luhan, please. I dont want to go all out like you. I don't really feel like I have to." I begged Luhan

"Shhh" Luhan said and grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to my room.

Once we entered my room Luhan went straight into my closet. He looked through all my clothes. 

"Hyung, this isn't really neces...."

Luhan cut me off. "Didn't I say to be quiet? You are going to wear whatever I tell you to, and your the same goes for your hair. No buts about it, I want you to look great in front of your date."

Aishh.. Luhan is being so bossy. But I have to admit it was kind of a turn on.

"Fine then.." I whispered back.

Luhan then threw me a shirt and a pair of pants which landed on my head.

"Heyy!" I screamed to Luhan.

"Shut up, and try it on. Hurry we don't want to be late. I still have to get started on your hair so come one already!" Luhan orderd.

I listened to him and tried on what he gave me. 

It looked like I was about to go to somewhere really fancy, I didn't feel to comfortable in it.

As much as I wanted to tell Luhan I didn't like it, I just decided to be obedient and go along with it.

"Now come here, lets start on your hair." Luhan took out a bunch of random hair supplies from the cabinet that I didnt even know I had until today.

"Can't I just keep it down and straight?" I whined 

"Damn Sehun you are so boring, lets try out something wild and crazy. Girl's love that, dont you know anything?"

I stayed quiet and just let Luhan do whatever he wanted to my hair.

a half and hour passed and Luhan was finally finished. He turned me over to face the mirror.

"So how do you like it?" Luhan smiled looking proud of himself.

Wow, I have to admit it, Luhan did a pretty good job. This is the first time I had my hair in an updo since forever, and I really liked it.

"Amazing job, thanks I love it." This was my excuse to give Luhan a big hug.

"I knew you would, you just love to nagg on me don't you? Well come on we have to go to the movie theather before the girls arrive. It's not nice to keep a lady waiting, I'll tell you some tips for your date in the car. Let's go!"

Luhan and I both rushed into the car, and as soon as I knew it we were there.

Am I ready for this? 

Even if I'm not, It's time..

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Jerrybugi #1
Chapter 36: a really good fic though..a lot twist but ended to be great.I hope the next time you write fanfics authornim I hope Luhan will be the bottom.Sehun top.It suit me atleast.
Jerrybugi #2
I like you already authornim just by reading your reply to your take it positively and sorry for your mistake.not like other writer.ok then,let me start reading your story.
Popcornparty #3
Chapter 1: I've just read the first chaper and I hope that it changes throughout the other chapters, your story's good but you're not using paragraph in the right way, it's annoying to read the next word, of the uncomplete sentence, in the next line.
Oh_ChaeHun_ #4
Chapter 34: OMFG AUTHOR-NIM.I read this in like ..3 HOURS ONLY.OMG /cries/ MY EYES ARE SO SWOLLEN.THIS STORY IS SO BEAUTIFUL,OKAY ? and knowing that CH 35 is the last chapter only adds up to my tears..but oh well,I can't ask for more because this story ended beautifully and happily,looking forward to your other (and probably upcoming) fics,author-nim ~ YOU'RE REALLY JJANG ! :3 ♥♥♥
Chapter 36: aiiiisshhhhhhhhh i was so excited yesterday to read the last CH!!1 only to find out CH 35 was legit the last one. faaaak. thanks for the nice story though author-nim!
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't end it..................uwu
I really love this fanfic, like, it holds a special place here in my heart (I know, cheesy much) because this is the very first HunHan fanfic I ever liked ;)) I just love this :))
youllsee #8
I love this fanfic :3
SummerPencil #9
Chapter 2: I've read this fic and i love it! I'm a true blue hunhan shipper.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was not able to leave a comment before because I just made an account and I would really love to comment on Kai.. He's freakin' hilarious here. Thumbs up~ hope you make more blogs in the future~~ i'm also trying my best to make a fanfic of my own, and although im a hunhan shipper, i ended up making a chanbaek.. Where's the justic in that lol.. But anyways, I love your work! Keep it up~~~
daragd #10
Chapter 35: is luhan the 'top' here?