Chapter 14

The Obstacles of Love&Friendship;

A few weeks later

(Sehun's Perpective)

Since the weeks have been passing by I grew fonder of Sooyeun and Luhan's relationship. Although it seemed like he was going out with her more than me, I didn't  care as much. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt about it, but I grew to accept it. 

Though I still do love Luhan just as much as before, this doesn't change one thing about how I feel for him. Nothing can change that.


Today was another boring day of not doing anything, I wanted to call Luhan up and make plans but I knew he'd probably be to busy with work. 

I had no one else to go to but Minjoo.

I havent contacted her ever since our date, but I shouldn't be so distant from her. She's really nice and I feel kind of comfortable around her, and she accepts the fact that I only want to remain friends with her.

I went up stairs to find the pants I wore that day. When I did I dug my hand into the pocket to find a crumpled up piece of paper.

I got my phone and dialed the number while my hands were shaking. I was pretty nervous as to what she would say. I'm hoping that she still wants to keep hanging out.

"Hello.." I heard a soft delicate voice answer the phone.

I didn't say anything back for a couple minutes. 

"Hello?" The voice repeated itself.

I finally broke free from the silence, "Hi, this is Sehun"

"Sehun? Ohh Hi! How are you? I didn't think you were ever going to call me." She sounded pleased.

"I've been busy, sorry." I answered. "I was just wondering if you want to hang out today, that is if you don't already have plans of course."

I kept my fingers crossed, wishing she was free. I needed to go out today, another day locked up in my house and I might die.

"This is unexpected, but.." 

I held in my breath in anticipation to what her answer was.

"I'd like to see you again, where do you want to go?' 

I let out a big sigh, "Great! Well there is a town fair it looks like fun, how about going there?" I asked.

"Sounds exciting, I need about an hour to get ready, alright?' 

"Fine with me, text me your adress and I'll pick you up." I was really excited about going out with her.

She sent me the text soon after we hung up. 

I'll try my hardest to be open with her, I don't want it to be awkward. 

She's the first person I will ever hang out with besides Luhan in what felt like forever. 

I'm concered about the change, but overall ready for it. 


1 Hour Later

After I picked Minjoo up we headed straight for the fair, so far everything was normal between us. I was glad that there wasnt an awkwardness towards us.

We arrived to the fair and began playing all the fun games they had set out.

The two of us bonded a lot each hour we spent together. 

I even won her a stuffed animal that she really wanted.

After we finished playing all the games we sat down to get a snack.

"Wow Sehun I'm having so much fun! This stuffed unicorn is adorabe thanks for winning it for me." Minjoo looked really thankful.

"Good thing you like it, I only had to play the game 50 times in order to win it." I joked.

"Well, what do you feel like eating?" I asked Minjoo.

"Surprise me" she winked.

"Okay stay here, I'll get it for us." I smiled.

I went over to the snack station which was a bit far from where Minjoo and I were sitting. 

As I got closer to the stand I saw Sooyeun. 

"What is she doing her?" I thought to myself.

It appeared that Sooyeun was standing with a guy. I moved back a couple steps and hid behind a tree in front of the area so I wouldn't attract her attention. I kept an eye out for what she was doing with this man. 

I shouldn't be too quick to judge since it might just be here brother or relative. 

But I knew that it was the total opposite of that right when I saw her kissing him.


At that moment my heart dropped.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I even had to rub them to make sure I wasn't just seeing things.

Sooyeun is cheating on Luhan.. My Luhan.. How dare she!

I was completely confused, Luhan told me that everything between them was perfect. How could she be out with another man so easly?

I knew she wasn't right for him, It's always the nice ones who are the most evil. 

I was so close to going up to her to let her know I knew about what she was doing behind Luhan's back, but I stopped myself.

I stood still thinking about what I should do. I didn't know if I should call up Luhan right there and tell him about it, or if I should go and confront Sooheyun. So many thoughts were rushing in my head at the moment.

As much as I don't want Luhan and her to be together, how could I just be so incosiderate about it.

Luhan loves this girl, I'd be the worst friend to go and tell him that his girlfriend is cheating on him. 

But then again I cant let this girl take advantage of him like that, thats the last thing he deserves. 

I'm not going to allow her to hurt him like that, no way.


What am I going to do... 

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Jerrybugi #1
Chapter 36: a really good fic though..a lot twist but ended to be great.I hope the next time you write fanfics authornim I hope Luhan will be the bottom.Sehun top.It suit me atleast.
Jerrybugi #2
I like you already authornim just by reading your reply to your take it positively and sorry for your mistake.not like other writer.ok then,let me start reading your story.
Popcornparty #3
Chapter 1: I've just read the first chaper and I hope that it changes throughout the other chapters, your story's good but you're not using paragraph in the right way, it's annoying to read the next word, of the uncomplete sentence, in the next line.
Oh_ChaeHun_ #4
Chapter 34: OMFG AUTHOR-NIM.I read this in like ..3 HOURS ONLY.OMG /cries/ MY EYES ARE SO SWOLLEN.THIS STORY IS SO BEAUTIFUL,OKAY ? and knowing that CH 35 is the last chapter only adds up to my tears..but oh well,I can't ask for more because this story ended beautifully and happily,looking forward to your other (and probably upcoming) fics,author-nim ~ YOU'RE REALLY JJANG ! :3 ♥♥♥
Chapter 36: aiiiisshhhhhhhhh i was so excited yesterday to read the last CH!!1 only to find out CH 35 was legit the last one. faaaak. thanks for the nice story though author-nim!
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't end it..................uwu
I really love this fanfic, like, it holds a special place here in my heart (I know, cheesy much) because this is the very first HunHan fanfic I ever liked ;)) I just love this :))
youllsee #8
I love this fanfic :3
SummerPencil #9
Chapter 2: I've read this fic and i love it! I'm a true blue hunhan shipper.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was not able to leave a comment before because I just made an account and I would really love to comment on Kai.. He's freakin' hilarious here. Thumbs up~ hope you make more blogs in the future~~ i'm also trying my best to make a fanfic of my own, and although im a hunhan shipper, i ended up making a chanbaek.. Where's the justic in that lol.. But anyways, I love your work! Keep it up~~~
daragd #10
Chapter 35: is luhan the 'top' here?