Chapter 27

The Obstacles of Love&Friendship;

(Luhan's Perspecitve) 

Sehun and Minjoo continued to dance with each other, and I couldn't stand the sight of it. The fact that he picked to dance with her over me, just made it a million times worse. I cant bare to stay here much longer, I'm practically alone now anyway, so its not like they'd care if I leave. Not like Sehun would care....

I didn't even bother to say goodbye, I just wanted to leave there fast. I saw Kai by the door leaning on it with a tiny smirk on his face. I ignored any eye contact with him, but he blocked the door passage way.

I looked at him, unamused, "Move" I said still avoiding eye contact. "I saw what happened." He laughed, "You failed so hard man" 

He wasn't making this any better... 

"JUST MOVE" I began to loose my patience. Kai stood still, "I don't blame you for being angry, I would be too"

I pushed him out of the way, and stormed out. I thought I lost track of him, but he followed me. 

"Hey, that wasnt very nice" Kai pouted. I kept on walking, not replying back to him. He didnt stop following me though. 

"Mind if I walk with you?" Kai smiled. 

"Yes" I bluntly said. Kai stopped walking "Harsh." Kai looked at the floor sadly, "I understand, no one wants to hang out with me today" 

Ugh, he made it harder then I thought to get rid of him. "Fine, you can" I said, curse my kind heart!! 

Kai seemed happy, "REALLY!? Gee thanks! Oh and to make this less awkward, It might help if you tell me your name." 

"Oh right, I'm Luhan."

"Cool name! So where are we headed to? Kai asked. "I dont even know," I shrugged, I left my car back at Sehun's place, since Minjoo gave us all a ride in her car. 

As we kept walking, Kai stumbled over a couple of times, but ended up laughing at himself, each trip. I had to let him lean on my arm, so he wont fall completely onto the floor. 

We ended up walking to the bus stop, waiting for the bus. 

We both sat down on the bench there. I looked up at the stars, I wish Sehun was here with me now. 

Kai then tapped my shoulder softly, I looked over at him. "What?" 

"Can I ask you a question?" I nodded my head once, and he looked at me seriously, "So what do you like about him?" 

My eyes widened, but before I could say anything, Kai spoke again. "I know you like that guy. Dont try to tell me that you dont." He laughed a little. 

I shook my head vigorously, "W..WHAT!? I DONT!!" Kai laughed even harder. 

"Woah, your even blushing. Just admit it. You must have a crush on him!" 

"I DONT LIKE HIM LIKE THAT!" I shouted, the people passing were giving me some weird stares. 

"Calm down a little, your so tensed up when I mention him... You know its not that big of a deal if you do." 

"I DONT!" 

"Suuuuureeee..... I was observing the way you acted with him, your eyes glistened when you looked at him. And why else would you keep pushing him away from that girl? I might be drunk, but I know when a person has feelings for someone."

I didnt respond, because for a second, Kai actually made sense. Why did I do that? and why do I keep getting that feeling when I see Sehun with Minjoo. I dont want to believe I like Sehun though.... He is a guy, two guys arent meant to love each other...

"Kai, I dont like him...." I said once more. "I cant like him, Im a guy." 

Kai rolled his eyes a little, "So you cant like him because he is a guy? Thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Why does that matter? You cant help who you have feelings for."

I shook my head once more, "Its not that easy" 

"Its not easy, because your making it hard. You like him dont you? It doesnt take much to just say yes." 

I stayed silent, and thought to myself for a while. 


Kai was right, as much as a try to make myself believe that I dont like sehun, it just makes it harder on myself. I dont want to lie to myself anymore. These past few weeks, I've missed Sehun so much. I miss our Fridays together, I miss our jokes we used to make, I miss having him next to me, I even miss him liking me. I want that back. I want him back. Not just as a friend this time though, seeing him with someone else hurts me more than I thought it would. I want him with me. With me only. I want to make up for all those years I lost. I made him cry so many times, I can never make up for that though. I want to hold him in my arms and tell him I wont hurt him again. To tell him I'll be there for him always. To tell him I love him.


I love you, Oh Sehun


Girl or Guy, I dont care anymore. 


I just want you. 



First of all, I wanna say Im sorry for not updating for like ever. So to make it up to you guys, I finally made Luhan realize he loves Sehun! Woot Woot!~ But wait.. will Sehun want him back? o.o

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Jerrybugi #1
Chapter 36: a really good fic though..a lot twist but ended to be great.I hope the next time you write fanfics authornim I hope Luhan will be the bottom.Sehun top.It suit me atleast.
Jerrybugi #2
I like you already authornim just by reading your reply to your take it positively and sorry for your mistake.not like other writer.ok then,let me start reading your story.
Popcornparty #3
Chapter 1: I've just read the first chaper and I hope that it changes throughout the other chapters, your story's good but you're not using paragraph in the right way, it's annoying to read the next word, of the uncomplete sentence, in the next line.
Oh_ChaeHun_ #4
Chapter 34: OMFG AUTHOR-NIM.I read this in like ..3 HOURS ONLY.OMG /cries/ MY EYES ARE SO SWOLLEN.THIS STORY IS SO BEAUTIFUL,OKAY ? and knowing that CH 35 is the last chapter only adds up to my tears..but oh well,I can't ask for more because this story ended beautifully and happily,looking forward to your other (and probably upcoming) fics,author-nim ~ YOU'RE REALLY JJANG ! :3 ♥♥♥
Chapter 36: aiiiisshhhhhhhhh i was so excited yesterday to read the last CH!!1 only to find out CH 35 was legit the last one. faaaak. thanks for the nice story though author-nim!
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't end it..................uwu
I really love this fanfic, like, it holds a special place here in my heart (I know, cheesy much) because this is the very first HunHan fanfic I ever liked ;)) I just love this :))
youllsee #8
I love this fanfic :3
SummerPencil #9
Chapter 2: I've read this fic and i love it! I'm a true blue hunhan shipper.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was not able to leave a comment before because I just made an account and I would really love to comment on Kai.. He's freakin' hilarious here. Thumbs up~ hope you make more blogs in the future~~ i'm also trying my best to make a fanfic of my own, and although im a hunhan shipper, i ended up making a chanbaek.. Where's the justic in that lol.. But anyways, I love your work! Keep it up~~~
daragd #10
Chapter 35: is luhan the 'top' here?