Im MinhaeRELLA with my stepMASTERnagger and my KNIGHT in his SHINING smile.

The Kim's

Minho, iu ,amber and me went to the cafeteria after class and grab a snack .

I was happy chatting with them , its been a week since i got to really talk to them  and i really miss them.

someone suddenly texted me . I read the text .

Imstupidassmyungsoo :

Come to our house .

* ha. I'm not going * I said and ignored my phone and continued talking .

Someone texted me again .



I suddenly felt the urge to throw my phone! Arrrrggghhh! Myungsoo !

" Ammm guys, I'm sorry but I got to go . " I said and lazily stood up .

" have to leave already ? " iu asked .

" ooooowwhhh guys I really want to stay but------ "

" duty calls for minhaeRELLA ." amber finished my sentence  and she was laughing her head off .

" stop bullying her . " Minho said  and amber rolled her eyes .

After saying goodbye I headed straight to myungsoo's house.

I sighed in frustration .

When I entered the house i was surprised when the devil was not around.

" took you long enough . " someone said.

I turned and face ......... EUN AH!

" myungsoo is not around today . He attended an urgent meeting . He left you under my care. " she said and gave me a devilish glares .

* you mean he left me under your devil hands! The last time I remembered she told me she'l make my life miserable! ;(*

" so let's start . " she grabbed my hand and took me to the garden ." water the plants and cut short some bushes . The sight is becoming scarier . Go on move " she commanded .

I just sighed heavily and followed her wishes . I watered the plants and curt some bushes .

" Yaahhh minhae'sshi , the plants are drowning already ! Water them properly! And why is it that half of the bushes disappeared?!! I told you to cut them short , not cut the entire bushes down! "eun ah nag.

" ne. " I said lifelessly .

  I wiped all my sweats away .

After cleaning the garden EUN ah asked me to clean the swimming pool .

I grabbed the pool cleaning rod and started cleaning and catching some dirts on the pool.

" yah, minhae-sshi! Are you cleaning the pool  or playing ? You've been splashing water everywhere ! " EUN ah nag AGAIN.

" ne. " I answered her .  

After a few minutes of cleaning a head suddenly popped out on the surface of the water .

" hi sweetie pie ! Whatcha doin?? " jonghyun said while floating .

" errr, I'm cleaning the pool " I said  while holding the rob .

" let's have a swim ! Myungsoo is not even around . "

" he isn't , but EUN ah is . " I said frowning .

" hahahahha! He left you under EUN ah's hands?! " he said " how is it going?.

" worse . She nags nonstop " I said and frowned again .

" hahaha, key and EUN ah are the nagger line in the family , EUN ah ,your STEPMASTER. He said and giggled"

I just looked at him and sighed .

" c'mon! Let's swim ! " jonghyun said and suddenly pulled the rod, making me jumped into the water !

" Yaahhh!! I can't swim! I said in panic and grabbed jonghyun's arms .

" hahaha scaredycat! " he said and gave me a wink and i just laughed at his face .

" yaaahhh! What are you two doing? EUN ah said with Both hands on waist.


EUN ah gave me extra clothes to wear .

" myungsoo wants me to give you this . " she said and handed me a paper .

* great another deadly order from my master * I took the paper and read .


" fresh ??? " I rolled my eyes . * freshly harvest . Great * I sneezed .

" you better get going or else you won't make it home tonight . " she said sarcastically .

I stood up and went outside . I tried to look for jonghyun but he was not around , weird .


 I was walking around the city streets, kicking a can of soda .  I felt like a street kid with my oversized shirt.

" where am I going to buy fresh strawberries around here??" I mumbled and sneeze . * wonderful. Just wonderful *  

I was busy thinking when suddenly ..

BEEEPPP! BEEEEP! It was a horn. I turned around and saw a familiar car following me . The window opened and a head suddenly popped . He was smiling so brightly!

 * owwww my knight in his shining smile  <3 *

" ONEW oppa! " I said cheerfully .


" hi! Where are you going ?" he asked and stopped his car .

" myungsoo asked me to buy him a box of fresh strawberries ."

" HAHAHAHAHA! Myungie asked you to do that ? "

" Yaahhh, and I don't know where to look . "

" I know the exact place , we've been going there since we were kids , hop in . il accompany you . " he said with his blinding smile .

" ONEW oppa! Your heaven sent ! " I said and hopped in.


" so where is this farm your saying ONEW oppa? " I asked . While ONEW was busy driving .

"the farm  is called the strawberry heaven here in Korea , you can find all the organic strawberries there, it's  in Yangpyeong, about a one-hour drive east of downtown Seoul on the Han River. " he said .

" whaaaattt?!! An hour drive?! " I said and ONEW was a bit startled but laughed anyway .

" yeah, don't worry we'll be there in no time . :) "

* myungsoo ! How could you order me to buy a food worth an hour drive!  Arrggghh! He's Mybe laughing so hard right now thinking how hard I'm suffering ;( *

" minhae, you can take a nap if you like , you look tired . il wake you up when we're there okey?" he said and glanced at me .

I looked at him with teary eyes ." really?? "

He glanced at me and laughed at my expression .  "really, go on " he said and made my chair changed into a lying position .

I smiled gratefully and closed my eyes .



" minhae-shhi, were here . " ONEW said and shook me lightly . I opened my eyes and yawned.

We entered the farm house and I was all " ohhhhh myyyy " . I ran and looked at the strawberries waiting to be pick . ONEW looked amused with my reaction .

Moments later an old man approached us, I think his in his mid 60s . ONEW bowed and I followed .

" ONEW-ah!, one of my favorite customers . How are you? The last time I saw you was last year .

" mianhe :) , the kids and I got busy lately . " ONEW said politely .

The grandpa looked at me . " and who is this ? Your girlfriend? "

* I swear to god I blushed * ONEW laughed .

" aneyo, this is my new friend SOO minhae , minhae, this is mr. Cho , the owner of this farm "

" Annyeong haseyo ." I said and Bowed again .

After the quick chitchat , we grabbed the baskets and started picking strawberries .

 I was giggling while picking some fruits . ONEW seemed to noticed .

" is this your first time? " he asked while picking .

" yeh kekeke I rarely go out in America ". I said and took a strawberry and stuff it inside my month ."

" hmmmmm! Taste like heaven ! :) " I said cheerfully and ONEW stuff some inside my mouth I almost choked . He laughed and patted my back .

" how are you with myungie?" he asked

*arrrggghhj! The sound of his name ruined my mood! *

I told him all myungsoo told me to do and ONEW was laughing so hard he almost pee'd on his pants .

" myungsoo . That stubborn kid . " he said .

" I hate him ;( " I said

" minhae, don't hate our myungie. If you stick around longer , you'll meet the real Kim myungsoo "

" what? You mean , the evil, bully and arrogant myungsoo is not the real myungsoo? Is he worser than that ?

 ONEW giggled ." aneyo,  behind his cold exterior is the thoughtful, honest , gentle and kind myungie ."

" what??!! Pssshh! I can't imagine him . " * I'd choke when that day comes * .

" you'll see " he said and smilled brightly .

* look away minhae, permanent blindness ALERT ! *


We took selca's together And laughed .

After paying for the fruits , we drove back to the city . We stopped in a grocery store .  

 ONEW bought banana milk for taemin, sweets for key and some foods for the rest .

  We were taking our time when a gang of guys in black suddenly showed up .

  " EVERYONE DOWN!! " they shouted. All the people obeyed but all in panic  .

 " ONEW oppa... " I said almost shaking .

" sshhhhhhh.." he came closer and covered for me .

 The guys pointed a gun at the cashier's head and the cashier immediately gave all the money .

" omo!! Their robbing the entire store . " I said .

 Moments later police sirens was all over the place . " aaaiiissshhh! ! Police ! " all the guys panicked and they grabbed someone as their hostage.  


And he pointed his gun at me ! :( I was already crying !

ONEW stood up " let her go . Take me instead . "

" bwwooooo???!!! " I shook my head . But ONEW was so persistent , the guy pushed me and grabbed ONEW .   " yaaahhh! " I shouted . But to everyone's surprised , ONEW collapsed to the ground! And all the police came rushing in .


" ONEW oppa, " I called and shook him . He opened his eyes . " what happened?! " he asked and got up .

" you fainted . :p" I said . He scratched his head . " the police took care of everything . "

" I did? Kekekeke " and scratched his head.

" ONEW oppa ..  THANK YOU . Thank you for saving me . " I said and smiled . He smiled and messed my hair .


 We got back to the house and everyone was there . I ran straight to myungsoo and gave him his berries! I was about to start yelling when Mir suddenly screamed !

" yaaaahhh! ONEW hyung!! Your on tv news flash! " Mir said . All of us came running to the living room .

The event earlier was reported .

" YOU WERE HOSTAGED?'!!" everyone said in high pitch tone I felt like the glass window cracked a little .

 " yeah.. But I fainted " kekekekeke

 Everyone giggled Except myungsoo . ONEW turned to myungsoo .

" myungie , stop giving minhae heavy errands, it will only cause her much trouble in the future ". ONEW said .

Everyone was quite because the eldest  was now stepping up .

" you helped her?? " myungsoo asked  ignoring what ONEW said .

" yess, because she can't go to the strawberry farm alone and at the store when ---------- myungsoo cut ONEW off .

" so your taking her side now?!ONEW??" myungsoo said and his face was stiffened and his eyes were ice cold his even using a different tone on onew.i can't believe he was actually taking to ONEW like this!

" not that I'm taking her side , I just----- ONEW didn't finished his words because myungsoo turned his back on him!!! How could he?!

ONEW ran towards myungsoo and grabbed his arms .

"myungie.. Don't be like this please ?don't turn your back on me, talk to me ,you misunderstood  what I said ,I'm not taking sides ."  ONEW explained in a soft voice  and almost pleading ! I felt like my heart just cracked with what I'm seeing .

Everyone was also holding their breath .

 Myungsoo yanked ONEW 's hand and didn't even dared to looked at ONEW .  

But ONEW still followed him to the door . Myungsoo trashed the strawberries ONEW and me risked our lives  for! He went outside  And slammed the door in front of onew's face . And I could feel how Hurt ONEW was , I must be hallucinating but I think I saw a drop of tear from onew's eyes.


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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen