" I'm not prepared to give you up ."

The Kim's



Both of us took the bus , we were seated at the farthest end , junhong was sitting beside me with his hoodie and mask on .


I glanced at junhong who was looking outside , I nudged him " hey , where are we going ?? "  


He turned to me and gave me a silly smile " night market near downtown , I'm sure you haven't gone to one yet , and it's a newly opened night market , just last night . :) " he laid back and whistled under his mask .


New night market ??


" how did you know ?? You were in Japan . " I questioned him , he closed his eyes .


A smiled formed in his face " secret ... " and end it with a giggle .


I pinched his cheek " aissssh !! " he suddenly opened his eyes and sat straight , startled with the slight pain , my pinching was causing .


" ah ! Ah ! Yah !!! " he screamed and pulled my hand away . XD " stop doing that . " he pleaded . XD


Junhong kept caressing his cheek like a Hurt baby . XD " okey !! " I said .


I was laughing at his expression , when my eyes caught my most favorite place in Korea , Ice castle!!


I immediately got up which surprised junhong " where are you going ?? " he asked and stood up with me .


I called the attention of the driver to stop the bus because where getting out , I held junhong's hand and pulled him outside " my favorite place here , so far . " I said and pulled him to the Store . Junhong was confused but walked with me .


We were now outside the store , I stretched both of my arms and yelled " TADAH !! Ice castle !! My favorite ice cream store !! " I cheered and jumping in place .  


Junhong was laughing at my action , " Ice cream .. You still love Ice cream ?? " he stepped closer and gaze at the store from the outside .


" of course !! Will it be okey If we drop by for a sec ?? " I looked at him who was also looking at the people busy with their Ice cream .


He nodded and held my hand guiding me inside , I was about to step inside when I realized that ..


I held back pulling him , to stop him from entering the store , he looked at me with a confused eyes " what's wrong ?? " he asked , facing me .


I smiled awkwardly and pointed at the crowded store " junhong , there are many people inside , what if they'l notice you ?? And there are teenagers there ( pointing at the corner with laughing girls ) I'm sure they'l definitely recognize zelo . " I explained , I was actually expecting him to think about it since he's an idol now but .. He just rolled his eyes , pushed the glass door open and pulled me inside . XD




" junhong,.. C'mon ! Let's just go to the night market your saying ! " I kept pulling junhong out of the store , but his feet are nailed on the ground infront of the staff , he just ignore me but remained holding my wrist , not wanting me to leave .


The lady stuff smiled at us " good evening sir , what do like ? " she asked looking closely at junhong who was looking at the displayed ice creams .


Junhong on the other hand was deciding what to order with his eyes wandering around thinking " hmmmm , Hae- shi ! What do you like ?? " he turned to me .


Argh ! I want to shout at him acting so normal .


" are you going to treat me ? Hahaha one gallon of chocolate ice cream with sprinkled marshmallows ! " I said , ordering the impossible to finish ice cream .


He squinted his eyes but gaze to the staff waiting , he pulled his mask down , revealing his entire face and smile " pretty noona ! Pls give us 1gallon of chocolate Ice cream sprinkled with marshmallows . " he asked. The staff nodded and prepared our order .


My eye widen and smacked his arm " junhong !! That's too much ! " I glared " I was only joking ! " I added .


He wrapped his arm around me and messed up my hair " well I wasn't joking when I asked you what you wanted hahhaa , now you better finish everything . "


I struggled , pushing him away " Waaaaaa ! I can't finish those ! " I protested while fixing my messed hair .


He kept giggling , his innocent , happy go lucky giggles made him looked more adorable , the staff on the other hand just got back with our ice cream in a tray " here's your order sir ! " she said .


Junhong was about to pick the tray up when the staff stopped him with examining eyes " are you , zelo from BAP ?? " she asked with big eyes and was looking closely at zelo with hoodie .


Argh !! This is it , someone recognized him !


But to my surprise , junhong wasn't even looking worried but remained calmed , he bowed infront of the staff " deh , I am zelo but plssss ( he placed his forefinger on his lips ) sshhhhhhhhhhh .... " junhong put his mask on and looked at the now store packed with teenagers , gesturing the staff not to announced his presence .


The staff nodded nonstop at zelo " but will you sign this for me ?? " the staff said holding at a bap cd and a pen .


Junhong nodded cutely and signed the cd right away , the staff squealed in silence while holding the cd .


And I was standing there like a nobody bystander . XD


I pulled junhong to a vacant table , he sat infront of me and arranged the table .


I sighed in relief " thank god she was considerate . " I said , I looked back at the counter , and the staff was looking back at us " what if she'l take a picture of us and ------- zelo cut me off by stuffy a spoon full of ice cream into my mouth.


" you worry and talk to much . Hahhaha " he looked at my surprised expression and started laughing .


I glared at him while swallowing the ice cream .


" your overreacting again Hae- shi , it's fine if they see us together . Hahhahahaa " he said sounding like its a big deal at all .


He pulled his hoodie down with his mask and grabbed a spoon of ice cream .


I gasped and immediately stopped him and pulled his mask up " what are you doing ?? They recognized you . " I panicked .


He gave me a STARE . " Hae-shi, how am I going to finish my ice cream with my mask on ?? " he questioned .


And I just scratched my head like a dummy head " owww right . "


He shook his head and picked the spoon " pls stop worrying like that , it's making me feel uneasy . " he said and ignored me .


I pouted . Great . I just pissed him off with my paranoid brain .


Junhong pulled his hoodie up and glanced outside .


I bit my lips as I reached for his hand " hey .. Choi junhong . " I called with a pleading voice . But he shove my hand away and just ignored me , while stuffing some ice cream and acting like a busy person looking outside .


I sighed . I quickly transferred and sat beside him . " yaah .. Zeloooooooooo oppa . " I intendedly made my voice sounded like a fangirl and gave him a side hug .


I smiled , I know junhong . His anger will crumble down when I'm being sweet whenever were having some childish fights . XD


I hugged him tightly and leaned over , but to my dismay , junhong remained quite . * his playing hard to get ! *


Evil me : owwww just kiss him already !!!! Im sure as hell zelo will forgive you !XD


Good me : nooooo! That would ruin your friendship . !


Evil me : * rolled eyes *


" yaah junhong .." I glanced at him , he was still silent and looking at outside .


I stopped when I caught his reflection on the glass wall ! his eyes were shut close and he WAS BITTING HIS LIPS SUPRESSING HIS LAUGH !! XD


( 0 . 0 ) I grinned my teeth and smacked his head " YAH !! YOUR MAKING FUN OF ME CHOI JUNHONG !! "  he immediately turned to face me , his face was all red , he brust out laughing , stomping his feet on the floor and totally LAUGHING OUT LOUD .


I pouted and crossed my Arms . " not funny junhong . "


He pulled his hoodie down revealing his adorable ramen hair , he was also clapping and tearing up with happiness . " I'm sorry ! ( with peace sign ) I actually missed your sweet aeygo when we're having fights . " he immediately straighten his face into a serious face but still laughed while looking back at my annoyed expression .


I giggled with him " hey , wanna have a race who gets to finish these ice creams ? " zelo started .


I smiled and glanced at the two big ice creams " what's the prize ? " I asked getting interested in this silly Match .


Zelo pressed his fingers on his chin " if I win , you have to kiss me . Kekeke !! " he laughed .


I turned to him " mwoooooh ?!' " I gasped , zelo nodded and pouted his lips telling me to kiss him on the lips if he wins . XD


I laughed at him , he rest his head on his hand and looked at me like he was amused with my laugh . " but what If il win ?? " I stopped laughing and pouted in front of him .


He squinted his eyes and bit his lips ,with a " hmmmmmmmm " sound like he was thinking of something but it's quite obvious that he already thought of something . XD


" I'm going to give you a gift if you beat me . " he said .


My eyes just twinkled . XD " GIFT ?!! OKEY THEN ! LET'S DO IT !! " I said with full enthusiasm.


 Both of us grabbed our individual spoons " Hana .. Dul... Set !! " zelo counted and both of us immediately dig into our ice creams and murdered like it was the first time we tasted an ice cream . XD


We were competing with each other , my mouth were frozen but I didn't want to lose ! Hahahaha junhong suddenly dropped his spoon and laid back almost screaming with his hands on his head . Hahaha


I stopped eating and giggled " I WON !!!! Hahahah ! " junhong just bang his head on the wall . XD


" arrhhhh ! I think my brain just froze . " he said struggling and cried in pain when he hit his head accidentally .


I held his head steadily , " haha , let me see . " I said and checked his hurting head , " omo ! It's swollen , " I grabbed his bowl of ice cream " want me to pour some ice cream on your head ? It will ease the pain " I joked . XD


His small eyes widen and pushed my hand away " NONONONONONONOdontdothat!!. " he said in fast tone , I even think he just rapped the entire sentence . XD


" I'm joking , hahha c'mon let me see it . " I said to the whining junhong . XD I scoffed closer and checked his head " it's fine . " I said , he nodded and straighten up .


I was about to get back to my ice cream when I saw a familiar man from a far , he was wearing a light green sweatshirt with cream slacks , he was wearing glasses and he was looking around probably looking for a seat , he was holding a tray of ice cream .


I smiled when I finally recognized him " Harabuhjee !!! " I called with my hand waving .


Junhong glanced at the person I was calling " hara- ---- who ?? " both of us got up when Harabuhjee approached our table .


I took his tray and placed it on our Table .


He adjusted his glasses and looked at me " ahhh , minhae-shi ! " he said finally remembered me . XD


" annyeonghaseyo Harabuhjee ! " I bowed and junhong bowed 90deg with me .


He smiled at us " Harabuhjee ! Sit with us . " I offered , he nodded and sat infront of us , where I was first seated .


" owwww minhae-shi , it's so good to see you again . " the old said , I was about to respond when both Harabuhjee and junhong started laughing .


I think my face just crumpled with confusion " huh ?? Waeyo ?? " I asked them .


Junhong reached for the table napkin " you look like a child with all the  ice cream on your cheeks " he took some napkin and held my chin with his other hand , I glanced at the glass wall behind junhong and was embarrassed with how I actually look . * like a 2yrs old who played with mud *


I giggled . Junhong raised his eyebrow at me " stay still . " he commanded like an adult. XD


I listened to him as he kept on wiping my dirty cheeks . I starred at junhong , he looked serious while doing it , he grabbed another tissue and wiped my lips , I felt like my muscles stiffen when I caught him looking at my lips , I  suddenly felt .. Weird , and I felt my cheeks were warming up , I gazed at his eyes and they looked so different , like they were telling me something I can't understand . I think he also felt that weird feeling and paused from wiping and starred back at me also , and I couldnt even look away ! Like we were in a movie and this particular scene was paused /stopped , he was also frozen and i just realized how close we were , almost hugging and -------


" EHERRRMMM !! " Harabuhjee purposely cleared his throat , grabbing us back to earth . XD


Both of us immediately move a few inches from each other . And from the awkward moment . XD


Harabuhjee giggled on his seat like he remembered  his teenager yrs while looking at us . " is this young man your boyfriend minhae ?? " he asked , eyeing us two .


Our eyes widen with his question .


" BWOOOOO ?!! " we both gasped at the same time .


" ANNNEEYOOO ! " we also said that the same word making Harabuhjee laughed even more . XD


Junhong was all red and just covered his face with his hoodie from embarrassement . XD


While I was left to explain . " ah - Harabuhjee , this is choi junhong . He's my childhood bestfriend.  " I introduced , and junhong gladly shook hands with junhong .


I wonder If Harabuhjee know BAP ? Kekeke


" owww , I thought he was your boyfriend . Well he's more nicer than the last boy you were with . " Harabuhjee said making me choked .


He was referring about myungsoo . !


Junhong looked at me with interrogating eyes " boy ? , you were with a boy in here before ? " now he's throwing me a one hella million dollar question. And he's expression was .. Difficult to name .


" ah . Ha - ha -ha !! Yeh , he's my friend , and he's nice . Really . " I said " so Harabuhjee , i noticed that you always here  " I glanced at Harabuhjee begging the lords to make junhong forget about the * boy I was with * and just move on with another subject .


And to my relief junhong glaced at Harabuhjee like his attention was shifted , but I Know him , he'll start asking LATER . Wonderful .


" yes , this store is actually my daughters favorite store , we used to hang out here , and this placed became my favorite place also . Hehehe " Harabuhjee giggled forming some wrinkles , but his smile was like a smile remembering a happy moment that was long gone . He suddenly stopped giggling like the memory made him a bit lonely .


Zelo and me both looked at each other with his expression .


" Amm I actually saw you many times here when I'm passing by , heheeh " I said making the atmosphere lively .


He looked at me and took an ice cream " hehehe , yeah .. I'm always here , I am waiting for someone . " he said .


" who we're you waiting for Harabuhjee ? " junhong asked in a curious tone .


He looked us like he was expecting us to ask that " I'm waiting for my daughter . " he said. .


I saw him a couple of time , but he was always alone :(  .


" Mybe she's just busy with work and some things , I'm sure your daughter will come and see you ! " I said cheering him up .


But I think we just opened a sensitive topic because Harabuhjee turned so silent " yeh , I really hope so . " he said and his voice is telling us that * I miss my daughter , I hope she'l remember her papa and come and have an ice cream snack with me again . *


And my heart was a bit hurt with the thought of it . ;( I felt like tearing up already , and junhong was also quite .


" Harabuhjee !! I'm sure she'l visit one of these days ! Deh !  " junhong said and giggled .


Harabuhjee smiled , and I suddenly thought of something . " Harabuhjee !! Do you Want to see junhong 's aeygo ?! His very good at it ! " I said .


Junhong giggled in his seat " DEH!! IM -- WAIT -- WHAt ?? " he was surprised and gave me his AEYGO? CAN'T YOU JUST ASK ME TO RAP , OR DANCE,  look ? XD




I placed my hand , covering his face to prepare his aeygo , " Hana .. Dul.. Set !! " I uncovered junhong .


And zelo showed off his aeygo he showed during their Singapore visit ( BAP diary ) XD


All of us laughed because , we were confused whether it was a giggling aeygo  or CRYING AEYGO??XD since he was grinning his teeth while shrugging his shoulders


And Harabuhjee looked happy again . XD


I felt some footsteps coming .


" OMO !! Zelo oppa !! "


" kya !!! OPPA !! " the teenagers flooded our table in less that a minute  and I immediately pulled my hoodie on .


I stomped my feet * this is what I'm talking about *


junhong didn't panicked and just stood up and gave them a smile " annyeong !! Good evening to all of you " he said politely and bowed


I stood up and stepped back a little , Harabuhjee also did the same since everyone stormed at our table asking for zelo's sign , a hug , and a picture .


And I stood there bewildered , even Harabuhjee's jaw dropped with all thee crowd .  


Zelo was just smiling and signing  ,even the manager of the store came out , the entire crowd just turned into a fan meeting . XD


I glanced outside and some people were now starting to come inside .


A girl pulled me " UNNIE ! Plss take a picture with me and zelo oppa !! " she pleaded and dragged me near zelo .


Zelo was about to voice out his protest when I gestured him that it's okey , I awkwardly took the camera " Hana .. Dul.. Set !! " I clicked the button with a flash.


I looked at the picture , zelo was smiling with his fans , the girl grabbed her camera and the fangirls came more closer to zelo asking for a hug , and signs .


I looked at zelo who was accommodating everyone as much as he can .And it hit me .


I knew  this day would come , I knew he'l debut because his a very talented person even when he was still little , I remembered the days when he was practicing beat boxing and dancing in his mother's dresser alone , well I actually caught him many times XD , and he worked so hard even when his parents objected about his dream , he kept auditioning so many times I can't even remember when it was exaclty ,he got rejected over and over Because of his age , but that didn't stopped him from pursuing his dream , I was there when he was trying hard during Auditions  and when he was rejected , I comforted him and he never gave up on it , until an agency finally took him ,  and he actually spent round trips around seoul during his trainee days and I could feel how hard It must been,6 yrs of training and his hard work brought him to where he is right now , and I think he spends  most of his time practicing his rap and dance much longer than his sleeping time and still feels like he's lacking . I smiled at the memory when he first told me that he's interested in  music during our elementary years , totally different form his first dream which is to become a soccer player . XD , and now .. Looking back at the boy who was full of hopes and dreams , and looking at person standing infront of me with all the fabgirls and cmaeras, that hardworking boy finally reached his dream . And he truly deserves this .I am forever proud as his bestfriend ,And seeing him now , made me realized that .. Junhong is now a grown up person , his not that boy I used to play with anymore , I can't go on friendly dates with him like we usually do , I can't talk to him for longer hours like we used to, I can't run to him when I'm hurt , or sad , or devastated , I can't share my problems to him because I know it will only bother him , and  we can't Have that normal relationship anymore ;( , and I didn't noticed that I was already dropping tears , I felt my chest tighten  and feeling heavy with the realization ,


that I really really miss him . ;(


I looked down and wiped my tears as I moved backwards to give all the people enough room .


Zelo stopped signing and searched for me , he paused when he saw me , I gave him my warm smile but I guess he noticed my swollen eyes that he dropped the pen he was holding . His expression looked hurt while looking at me .


He made his way out and looked at his fans " babies !! Thank u so much and I'm very happy meeting all of you , but I Have to go I hope you understand ( bows ) well meet each other again soon ! " ( gave a flying kiss )he said sweetly .


Some were whining and begging him not to go but some were understanding and voiced out their forever supports .


I was just standing at the corner looking down and shocked when someone came to me and held my hand .


" JUNHONg ?! "


He smiled at me as his hand slowly intertwined mine , and it was the first  time he ever did held me like this , I was left spazzed .


He turned to Harabuhjee to said goodbye and to his fans , and everybody was looking at me .


" Omo ! Who is that girl?"


" is that zelo oppa's girlfriend. ? "


" waaah ?? He has a girlfriend. ?! "


Everybody was speculating but junhong dragged me outside , the moment we stepped out , some cameras came flashing , but junhong wrapped his Arms around me shielding me form all the cameras , we Kept running until we reached an empty lot .


The two of us leaned at the wall panting . I faced him . " Yahhh ! You dont have to do that junhong ! " I scolded " they are your supporters "


He shook his head and pants " I -- know -- (pants ) -- but -- I came back as junhong -- ( pants ) not zelo " he stood straight and cupped my left cheek and wiped a tear that was waiting to fall, " Hae- shi ,


I came back for you " . He looked me straight into my eyes as a sweet smile formed on his face .


I looked at him , he Mybe became what he was dreaming of , but his still that Little boy who always have my back , who always shares his chocolates with me  ( even though he hates people touching his chocolates ) who always cheer me up when I'm down , that little boy who'll beg me to watch his auditions even though he thinks he'l just messed up again and will get rejected , that Little boy who always tell me that ---


" I am here for you . ALWAYS " he looked at me closely making sure theres no tears threatening to fall , and hugged me tightly .


I smiled as I hugged him back tightly .


Yes , that little boy did grew up , but .. He's still my same old junhong after all .


He released me " now .. Let's go to the night market !! " he yelled .


I nodded nonstop and shove away the loneliness I was feeling .






The market was filled with people and some were foreigners , junhong and me walked hand in hand while gazing at the things the people were selling there .


Junhong pulled me to a store selling some random stuffs .


We pulled our hoodie off and picked some eye glasses , we were laughing at each other while looking at ourselves in the mirror . XD


We took selca's and earned some glares from the sales lady , XD , junhong bought me a nerdy glasses , while he bought the thick black glasses making him looked more like a rebel kid . XD


We went out and continued walking around and checking each store .






I was walking in the middle of the night market but my attention was stuck at taemin and mir who was walking ahead of me and was jumping from one store to another .


I scratched my head and sighed remembering my conversation with key , ONEW and eun ah earlier .






I stopped chewing my bread " WHAAAT ?? You Want me to babysit the two ?? " I gave them an objecting look as I starred at Mir and taemin who was both playing some game on ONEW 's laptop .


Eun ah was looking at me with pleading eyes and kibum was kneeling infront of me . " yeah just for tonight myungsoo- yah ! " key said and sat beside me with his puppy smiles .


" cmon , I can't because I have figure skating practice " eun ah explained .


" and I have cooking class to attend to !! " key whined.


I drank the entire milk key offered earlier * psssh ! No wonder they gave me food *


" why don't you just take the two with you ? "


" can't " both of them shook their heads " Mir will eat all the food at my cooking class and taemin will be harass by some Pedo noona at the skating arena again " both of them defended .


" how about ONEW ?? " I suggested and looked back at the two playing , Mir was sobbing since taemin beat him in the game , taemin was rejoicing .


ONEW came with his sling bag " I can't myungie, I have committee meetings , they 'l get bored waiting . " he said and sat beside eun ah .


" how about JONGHYUN ?? " I can't stop trying . XD


The three of them gave me a YOUR KIDDING RIGHT ? look .


" and get my innocent baby taemin corrupted ?! No way !! " key slammed the table .


" and jonghyun will hook Mir off to an older woman ! Just agree alreAdy !! " eun ah begged .


" just Leave them here ! Home is more safer . " I said , still trying . XD


ONEW giggled as if remembering something " myungie , Mir nearly burned the entire house down when taemin asked him to heat a chicken for dinner . Dont tell me you forgot ?? "


I grinned at the memory . Right .


" leave them here so you can ran off to Uee and date ?! Yah ! Family come first ! " eun ah said flipping her .


" and besides , you know how to look out for little boys , and il feel more at ease if your with them " key said .


I squinted my eyes at him " little boys ?? They are wild teenagers , way different form a 5 yrs old . " I explained , the of them pouted and gave me a begging look saying " PLSSSSSSSS "


I rolled my eyes " fine ." finally agreeing . All of them cheered .




Now I'm stuck looking after the two maknaes , i decided to take them here since they both bugged me to go out , mir was kneeling and hugging my legs while taemin was using his puppy teary eyes against  me AGAIN ! How could i say no ? *sighs * I was looking around when both of them came back and walked with me .


" hyung , can we buy bananamilk Plss ?? "


" okey , we'll buy some on our way home , araso ? "


" pssshh ! Myungsoo hyung ! Let's just get out of this night market and drink some bear at a bar where jongie hyung 's singing !! " the hyperactive one said .


" and eun ah and key will kill me the moment they got home ?? No thanks . " I wrapped my arms to both of their shoulders to keep them walking with me .


I think all of my hair just stood up hearing the 3 people
Walking behind me and junhong !!




Junhong looked at me " are you okey ?? "


I cleared my throat and changed my voice into a granny 's voice " YIIIHHH ... "  


He smiled and I can feel the pressure at my back because they were walking too close at our back , I quickly pushed junhong to the next clothes store . Junhong was startled at my sudden action .


The store was empty , the sales lady might wander off somewhere , I took a shirt and give it to junhong , " here !! Try this on!! " I said and pushed him into the fitting room , I heard a thug inside , I think he tripped at something . " Heeey ." he said sounding Hurt , " try it on and -----


" excuse me miss ?? " a voice from behind called my attention .


My eyes popped and I think all my neurons stopped working . My breathing was fast hearing that cold stubborn voice coming from the Pitt of Tartarus !!


It's myungsoo ! His standing behind me ! Ottoke ?!! I'm starting to panic ! Ahhhhhhh !!! * nervous breakdown ! Nervous breakdown ! *


" hey miss . How much is this ? " he asked again .


OTTOKE ?! My eyes kept darting around looking for a plastic bag , a hat or even a garbage paper to hide my face !!


I saw an angry bird  mask hagging, I immediately took it and wore it , I cleared my throat and faced him .


Myungsoo got startled with my appearance , he was forcing not to laugh .




" Eherrm , yes ? What can I do for you ?? " making my voice sound like a squealing bird .


He glanced at the sparkling fancy bracelets " how much is this ? " he took a red bracelet .


Huh ?!! I don't know !! I glanced at the box and saw the price.


I gasped ! 20 thousand won ?! WHAT IS THAT ?! GOLD !?


" miss ? " he called out .


" ah -- you know what ? Just take it ! Il give it for you for free ! " I said just to get on with it !


He was shocked " really ? Are you sure ? "


" ah- hahaha ! Yeh ! You know, I'm giving free ones since your a very -- Ammmm , good looking customer ! Hahhahaha ! " gosh , did I just praised him ?!


He looked at me and smiled " gomawo . " he kindly said and took tha bracelet ,


" ah .. Is that for your girlfriend ? " I asked thinking of Uee . He stooped and was about to answer when ..


" HYUNG !!! " Mir came panting with taemin .


Taemin was holding a cotton candy " here's for you hyung ! " he gave it to myungsoo . Myungsoo ruffled his hair and took it .


He glanced at Mir " bang chul Yong , will you stop running . Your already sweating . " he said and gave Mir a hand towel .


I was stunned , wow , is this myungsoo ?? This is the first time I saw him act so -- brotherly ???


" hey that's pretty ! " Mir said looking at the bracelet myungsoo was holding . Taemin also checked it out.


Great . Now their chatting in front of me . : |


Mir glanced at the bracelet I'm SELLING . XD


" how much is this noona ?! " Mir asked looking at the colorful bracelets .


" Ammmm -- that ----


" she gave it for free " myungsoo said while stuffing some cotton candy .




" really ??!! Okey , Amm I'm gonna take this one. For nana , and this one for eun ah noona , cause I know shel start shouting , and this is for my ---




" YAH ! That's too much !! " I yelled revealing my natural tone . The three of them looked at me .


I changed my voice immediately . XD " I mean , only one free bracelet . "


Mir was dismayed . With his " awwwwwwww " taemin took two bracelets .


" only one free,  noona ? can you give me two free bracelets ? Plsssss ? " he begged me while holding the pink one and a pearl  bracelet .


" why ? You'l give it to whom ? " myungsoo asked .


" this one ( pink ) I'm gonna give it to key hyung , and this one ( pearl bracelet ) this is for minhae noona ! " he said giggling .


OWWWWWWWWW ! TAEMIN- ah ! My heart was touched ! I wanna hug his kid right now ! He really loves me ! XD


" okey ! You can have both !! " I said and wrapped the two bracelets .


Taemin clapped " chincha ?!! Ahhh gomawo noona !! "


Mir was now throwing tantrums , " NOT FAIR ! " he said stomping his feet . XD


I gave him an apologetic pat . XD


Taemin shook myungsoo's sleeve " hyung! We should call minhae noona ! I Want to see her ! " taemin said .


" YESSS YESSS ! We should ! " Mir chimed in .


My eyes widen . NOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! My mobile is right inside my pocket and I didn't silenced it !


Myungsoo took his phone and scrolled my contact , and I know my phone will start singing " Barbie " any seconds now . no !!  Myungsoo was about to press the call button when


"OH MY GAWWWDDD STOP ! I " i screamed . They all looked at me shocked while myungsoo dropped his phone in surprised .


" YOU -- guys should go to the next store ! Plenty of free stuffs !! " I pushed to away and handed myungsoo 's dropped phone over , I intentionally, pressed the home button . XD


The three of them started moving forward " bye !! "


I went back and sighed in relief . THAT WAS CLOSE ! I removed my mask and wiped my sweats . Junhong got out and placed the shirt back , " not my type . " he said smiling .


" are you okey ? Your sweating an ocean . " he joked .


" deh ! I'm I think we should go home . I'm tired . " I said .


He nodded " okey then , well take a taxi . " he grabbed my hand and pulled me out .


I glanced at the three who were at the next store , and I think I heard Mir asked the sales lady . " how may free item you have ? Can I have 5 ? " while holding the bracelets .


The fat sales lady slapped MIR's hand " NO FREE ITEMS IN THIS WORLD BOY ! " XD Mir whined .




We arrived home, I went to my room and wash up , I changed back to my PJ , I sighed in relief remembering the three boys , " I was almost caught . "


I went to my room and shocked when I saw junhong laying on my bed , he was now in his pajamas and a plain white cotton shirt . He got up when he saw me .


" hey , your room is at the other side . Hehehehe " I sat next to him  .


" I'm sleeping here ! " he announced " plsss. ?? Heheh "


I rolled my eyes " okey " , I sat next to him , junhong 's gaze focused on my exposed arm since I was wearing a sleeveless .


He touched my arm " what happened to you ?? " he asked with concern  . I looked at my arms and , shoot ! He saw my bruises and redded wound . I withdraw my arm . " HAHAHHA ! You know ! Clumsy me ! " I stood up and was about to walk he stopped me .


" sit still , il be right back . " he said , I was confused but sat .


He got outside , After a few sec he came back with a first aid kit , he took something's out ..


" you should always be careful Hae-shi . " he poured little alcohol cause he knows how I hated them .


He blew on it to ease the pain .


His actions warmed my heart " junhong .. "


He took some cold ointments and applied it on my wound , I paused because a memory with a certain person came in .


Myungsoo .. ;(


I shook my head and tried to ignore that night when he took care of me when I was having heels problems .


I focused my attention at zelo who was placing a bandaid , " there , " he said and kept the kit . " promise me you'l stop Tripping again . " he said with his pinky finger raised . It was our promise gesture.


I smiled and intertwined our fingers " promise . "


He both laughed , he suddenly became serious and looked at me " Hae-shi , I know there's something your not telling me . What is it ?"


I gulped and looked at him . " nothing , really hehehhe I'm fine now that your here ! " I said and hugged him . He sighed for a moment and hugged back .


I knew he'd noticed .


" lets get to bed !" he said , both of us tucked ourselves and laid down comfortably , I switched the lamp off .


Junhong was silent and but I know he's still awake . " junhong ? "


He moved his head to my direction " hmmmm ? "


I faced him into a side lying position " your future girlfriend is very lucky to have you . " I said sincerely .


Because he's a naturally  sweet , innocent and thoughtful person , and id Want to see with him a girl that truly deserve him . Someone caring .


He chuckled " chicha ? "


I nodded " aren't you worried ? YOU can't date like normal teenagers do anymore , " I said .




I smiled and moved closer to Hae-shi" the love I receive  from my baby fans is sufficient enough for me . And before i signed a contract with TSE. , I am well aware , that The aspect of school life and meeting with friends is something I have to give up. In order to achieve my dreams, I think of this as inevitable. I already prepared myself for it . " I glanced at Hae- shi , she was now breathing calmly , I chuckled as I slip my arm and rest her head on my arm ,  she moved closer and wrapped her arm around me , like she's hugging her pillow , *giggles * I rest my cheek on his forehead which is close to me and raised the blanket to cuddle us .


" but you know what ? " I quietly asked , Hae-shi , mumbled something , I know shes already sleeping " there is one person I wasn't prepared to give up out of everything I love "


She cuddled closer and mumbled random things . I smiled .


" Im not prepared to give you up . "


Those word slipped out of my mouth almost like a whisper , and I doubt if she heard it , XD , I planted a good night kiss on her forehead and closed my tired eyes .


AFTER 15 minutes ..


IM A BARBIE GIRL ! Undress me anywhere ! It's ----- Hae-shi, phone woke me up . I reached for her phone since it was ringing nonstop . XD


I looked at the caller .


Imstupidassmyungsoo calling ..


I frowned at the name , I wanted to ignore it but it was so annoying . I pressed the answer button and ..


" YAH SLAVE GIRL ! WAKE ME UP AT 6 ! BE EALRY ! " and the another line was cut .


I got up in confusion , I looked at Hae-shi who was peacefully sleeping beside me. , and back to her phone .


And a questioned formed inside my head . " SLAVE ??? "




OKEY !! how did you feel between zelo and minhae 's relationship ?! Kekekeke !! LET'S FORGET ABOUT MYUNGSOO?! HAHAHAHAHA ! Kidding !


OH NOW THAT ZELO 'a starting to suspect something , will minhae stopped the unexpected things from happening in the future ?! Hahaha an angry bird mask is not enough when that time HAPPENS ! XD


Il give you something to look forward to :


TEASER  ( that might crack your skull XD )






Two blonde boy were seating on the two seated row near the window. The other blonde boy was tapping his foot impatiently and was punching the empty chair infront of him , probably venting his temper .XD


The other blonde guy caught the others Arms and glared at the other " yah . Will you stop that ?all the stewardess are looking at us . we might be featured in a magazines " idols destroying a planes 's property " . The other blonde boy sat back and grinned his teeth .


" aren't you worried where the hell that zelo went to ?! How could he just left us in JAPAN ?!! I swear I'm gonna tie him at the  wings of an airplane on our way back to ilpon (japan) !" he said and glared in anger .


The other blonde massage his temples like he was sick of hearing all  of the other's pissed off words * I know i could have just chose another member to accompany me to look for zelo , they'l  start bickering again the moment they see each other , arrghhhhhh ! * the blonde boy laid back .


" I think I know exactly the person he's with . " the calm one said


" that troublesome kid alwaysgets us into a lot of trouble ajdjckoanxiaicyslfhchairuwjxba ! " the other blonde can't stopped mumbling . XD THE other blonde stuck some earplugs to have some peace and quite . XD




Wild guess who the two blondes  are ?! Hahahhaahhahahaa !! yep !! Two BAP members are coming to town . XD


And hello to my new subbies ! YEHEY !! Hope you enjoy this crazy fic hahahah  plsss don't remain a silent reader and speak up ! No matter how crazy your comment is , I'm happy to read it XD!


And thank u so much to those who message me and commented regarding my fic , and how you expressed your feelings !YOU GUYS MADE ME CRY ! XD thank u so much ! * sniffs *




Oww and those zelo's words regarding the things he prepared himself to give up to , i was from BNTNEWS, kekeke he said it himself .


That's all for now kekek il update soon ! Pinky promise kekeke !


Sarangheyo !


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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen