The Kim's

I was sleeping like an angel when someone suddenly flicked a finger on my forehead !

" aaaahhhhhhh!!! " I groaned in pain and  collapsed to the ground. * ouch!! I felt like a big rock hit my forehead * I looked up and a devil was smiling like crazy in front of me .

" ohhh!! Noona! Your here already ?? " Mir asked looking down on me .

Taemin offered a hand and helped me get up .

" well yeah, obviously someone called me nonstop as early as 4:00 am" I glared at myungsoo .

* seriously ! He kept calling me at 4:00am telling me to come to school early . His calls was noisier than my alarm clock ! So I dragged myself to school as early as 5:30! And waited at the entrance , I even fell asleep just by standing ! *

" ohh hi sweetie pie ! You waited for me?? " jonghyun asked and wrapped his arm around me .

Key and eun ah gave me dagger stares .

" guys, please go to your classes ." ONEW said  and all of them obeyed .

Myungsoo suddenly gave me his bag and 6 gigantic books.

" what's this?? "

" what do you think? " he said and just left me dumbfounded .

" hey!! I can't carry all of these ! "I shouted .

" your problem . Not mine " he shouted back .

" grrrrrrrrrrr!!! " I stomped my feet in anger ,carried everything and followed myungsoo.

Everyone was looking at me at the lobby .

" who is she??!! "

" why is she following myungsoo oppa?? "

" she's ugly ! "

" she's the one who crashed myungsoo oppa's car ! Such a ! She deserves to die ! "

* great. Now the entire school is against me ;(  I hid myself in humiliation


I was already having a hell time carrying all myungsoo's stuffs and mine while myungsoo was just walking lazily!

" yaaahhh! Where is your class? " I asked . He stopped walking and turned to me .

" at the 10th floor " he said lazily .

" whaaaaattt??? 10--10th floor??" I gasped.

" we'll Take the stairs ." he said and took a step up .

" STAIRS!??? There's elevator everywhere ! " .

" I always use the stairs . Its a good exercise early in the morning ." he said with a smirk and started taking steps up.

" BUT--BUT!! " * arghhh!! He's obviously torturing me ;X.  " all of these stuffs to the 10th floor?! My god . KILL ME NOW .


I collapsed to the ground and breathing heavily .

" get up ." he commanded .

" could you give me a minute please! " I pleaded .

" I'm gonna be late because of you " he said raising a brow  and left me lying there .

I closed my eyes for a minute " late , late , yaaahhh! I'm going to  be late ! " I got up and followed myungsoo and slammed everything at  His table and ran .


I ran as fast as I could and arrived at our classroom. The class was already starting . I sneaked at the back and ----

" MISS SOO!! You ARE TOO EARLY FOR THE NEXT SUBJECT .!"our fatty teach shouted .

Everybody looked at me . Iu,minho and amber looked at me with concern.

" I'm sorry sir! I was--- well --- " how will I explain it? I'm Kim myungsoo's slave and he asked me to carry his stuffs?? GOD .

" GET OUT! You are marked ABSENT " he said and the students giggled .

I went outside with a dead soul  ." WHY LORD WHY??!! ". I said



I was carrying myungsoo 's tray and he was randomly picking food. The foods  were filling up and getting heavier.It was too much for a person to eat !

" Yaahhh! Are you going to eat all these ?? " I asked him .

" I wouldn't have picked it if I wont eat it right??" he said sarcastically and gave me his IRRITATING GLARE! .

* I swear I want to slam this tray in front of his freaking face!! * my stomach is already complaining. X(

I looked at my friends table and saw amber laughing at me , iu smacked her . Minho gave me an encouraging gesture .  

after my DEVIL MASTER paid for everything , he went to the Kim's table and I immediately ran to my friends table .


" hey slave girl!! How are you coping up huh?? Amber said and started laughing .

Iu gave me food and I immediately stuff everything inside my mouth . I was SOO hungry I felt like I could eat an elephant .

" hey, take it easy . You'll choke ." Minho said and offered me a drink .

" minhae, don't lose hope ! You can do it ! 2 months is not that long " iu said .

" are you kidding me?! Many things can happen in an hour , how much more in  two months ?. She'l probably end up at the hospital . Hahahahha! Amber said .

I felt minho's light patt at my back and I saw him giving myungsoo death glares .

*minho-yah ;(*


Myungsoo dragged me to their house after class .

He handed me a long paper . It was a list of things .

I looked at him

" buy EVERTHING listed there  and be back after an hour " he said and gave me his money.

MY JAW DROPPED! The list was too long. The end of the paper even rolled over to the floor. And his telling me to be back after an hour?! The ride to the grocery store would probably take me 30mins !  

 I was about to voice out my complains but he immediately turned his back on me !

Remember, 1 hour . You'll be sorry if your late . He said .

"I'm not doing this!! ." I shouted and threw the paper .

He turned to me . " huh. Ok then . il just call mommy " he said and took his phone .

 I almost laugh " you already deleted her number grandpa! "  

He took steps closer and gave me an insulting stare . " you think I can't remember simple digits? " he said and dialed numbers to his phone and showed it to me .

My brain almost explode!

He got my mothers number correctly! Darn it!


  I bit my lips so hard it was almost bleeding .

" well? What are you waiting for ? Christmas? Get going. You wasted your 10mins complaining " . He said and crossed his arms .


I took the freaking list and ran outside and shouted in frustration !

I was about to cry when The maknae line  suddenly showed up .

" noona!! Are you crying?? " taemin suddenly asked .

" who made you cry?? I'm gonna punch him ! " Mir said .

" myungsoo!! " I screamed.

" owwwww " Mir said and scratched his head .  

I told them what myungsoo asked me no , ORDERED ME TO DO .

" noona! We'll help you ! Taemin said and Mir nodded .

"let's get going noona! I swear the last time myungsoo hyung gave me a time limit and I didn't made it , he almost drowned me to death " Mir said .

I stood up " lets go! " I said .

Well, of course we took the bus. I was with two minors. Mir begged me to just ride a car , but I can't risk Mir getting caught because of illegal driving XD myungsoo will kill us all .  



I watched minhae as she  left with Mir and taemin. I smiled . " did you wrote it down? " I asked eun ah .

" of course " she said and handed my pen back .

" good ". I said . * let's see what you've got drankard girl * I said with a smirk .



" I can't believe hyung asked you to buy all of these. " taemin said looking at the list . Mir joined him and was shocked too .

" hyung he obviously did this on purpose " Mir said

I sighed . " let's go " I said and all of us grabbed a grocery stroller and grabbed everything that was listed .

We went to a drug store because there were vitamins listed .

" whose taking all these? " I asked both of them .

" me ." taemin said and blushed .

I smiled and asked the old lady for the. Listed vitamins . SHe immediately  gave us the vitamins .

" what's next on the list?? " I asked them but they were quite. More like shocked . They were looking at the last item on the list .

" what is it? " I asked and tooked the List . They were looking at me dumbfound  .

 I read the last item on the list  AND I WAS SHOCKED!


" a box of what???!!!! "

" anything else KIDS?" the old lady asked . All us looked at each other. .

No wonder he emphased to buy EVERYTHING . KIM MYUNGSOO!!  

"ajusshi, can you--- can you give us --- a --- box of--- " I can't even say the WORD!!

" a box of what??" the old lady asked .

 " you know! A box of rubber bands! " Mir said with courage !  Taemin was forcing not to laugh .

". Rubber bands you say ? We don't have that here honey , you should go to the department store , there's no hair bands here " the lady said .  

All of us face palm ourselves . She obviously misunderstood .

" ani, it's here . You know.. The one you wear  when... Ammmm when -- " taemin said and can't even finish his sentence and scratched his head .


My jaw and taemin's jaw dropped !

* owww mirue-yah!*

" WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU----------! " the old lady said and well ------


The sound almost made me deaf! Mir  collapsed to the ground with Hand on his cheek . Yaahhh the lady slapped HIM SO HARD THERE WAS A HAND MARK LEFT .

" yaaaahhhhh!! " all of us were thrown outside the drug store .

" noona?? What are we going to do ? " taemin Asked while Mir was crying at the corner .

" it's the last on the list . And we don't have much time ". * he's obviously expecting this to happen ! He's probably laughing his head off right now! I gritted my teeth . THAT DEVIL ! *

" lets go to the next drug store! " I said with determination .  

I went inside while the maknaes stayed outside . I went directly to the lady .

" good afternoon maam what can I do -------- "

" GIVE ME A BOX OF CONDOMS RIGHT NOW! " I said in frustration and my voice echoed in the entire store and all the people stopped and looked at me .


 The lady gave the box and I paid it and went outside .

" yehey NOONA!! " both the maknaes rejoice .


 We were now riding a bus but seems like the traffic was on myungsoo's side!

 " noona! We only have 10 mins! We won't make it !" Mir said .

" let's take a healthly run ! " I said.

We got off the bus and started running with the grocery bags when taemin suddenly stopped I front of a store .

" yaaaahhh! Taemin --ahh why did you stopped? " Mir asked .

I went to taemin and saw what he was looking at . BANANA MILK!!

" oh c'mon!! " Mir said stomping his foot .


We were running like crazy while taemin was sipping his banana milk and carrying a grocery bag at the other hand .

We reached the house and myungsoo was waiting like a BOSS .

  All of us were sweating an ocean and grasping for air .

Myungsoo checked his watch . And checked all the groceries .

He was smiling like an idiot . " good job guys " he said .

" yaahhhh!!! Mir! What happened to your face huh??!! Eun ah asked looking at Mir's red hand mark on his cheek. "


I went home and immediately jumped into my bed . " I've never been this tired ! " and fell asleep .



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I'm having some writer's block going on ~~ GOD HELP .


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Justine_Lei #1
Chapter 89: Author-nim. Please update.
sarahloh1110 #2
Chapter 89: Pls update authornim don't keave us cliffhanging
carla23 #3
Chapter 89: Update please
Chapter 89: Reading this story about 5 times already i miss the trolls & the love-sick-desperate myungsoo ;(
Chapter 89: Update! Update! Update! HAHAHA! i miss my Myungie~ seriously :))))
kim-eun-ah #6
Chapter 89: I really hope you update soon... I'll be waiting for it ^_^
Chapter 89: hope you get to update one day soon :) read the story 3 times :D
Chapter 89: really missing this story, hope I can see you update again soon :)
Chapter 89: really miss this story... hope u'll update this holidays :p merry xmas :)
cecivilpaz #10
Chapter 89: Authornim please update soon I need to know what is going to happen