Let's End This

Protect Us

My eyes trailed up the legs. "Himchan..."

"That's me. Did you miss me?" I didn't answer so he pouted. "What's wrong, Hye Mi? I haven't seen you in such a long time, and this is the way you treat me?"

"Is it...is it really you? The Himchan I know?" I asked.

He spread his arms out. "The one and only!" I smiled and was about to run into his arms until someone pulled me back. I turned around.

"He's not the same person! No one is! Don’t let your guard down." Daehyun scolded.

"Ouch." Himchan placed a hand on his chest. "You're accusing your own friend of being fake? What other Himchan are there?" I looked at Daehyun. He was still glaring holes at him. I heard a scoff. "Smart."

I was suddenly pushed down to the ground but I landed on something soft. "Daehyun!" I quickly got off him. He groaned and sat up. "I'm alright. Are you okay?" I nodded. I heard Himchan laugh behind us and we both looked at him.

"Damn, Daehyun! You still have some sharp reflexes. Darn, if only my laser hit you..." He played with the gun in his hand. His attention went to me. "You know, I really loved that flirtatious trait but the thing that pisses me off, is the way I treated you."

"W-what do you mean?" I managed to squeak out.

"I treated you like a princess. I treated you how you programmed me to treat other girls. You know what pisses me off the most though? The way I ignored other girls because of you. You said you were bullied right? I bet you used me to make yourself feel superior, to feel like you were loved. You used me for your greedy needs."

"That's not true!"

"Then why would you make me such an alien? The first alien you programmed was me. Why did you make such a personality for your first alien? Doesn't that prove your greediness?"

"That's not true, I didn't use you! I don't know why I made you to have such a personality, I-"

"Because it's your conscious telling you to!" he interrupted. "It told you to create me in such a way, so I can make you forget your stupid pain. You know what? I hated not being able to talk to pretty girls because you were my number one. You-"

"That's enough!" Daehyun butted in. "Stop talking to her like that! She would never use you! She's not that type of person!"

He looked at Daehyun and smirked. "Ah, Daehyun. The forgotten one. The one who got his heart before anyone did. Tell me. What did she do to you to get such a heart? Seduce you? Get in your pants? Tell me."

"She did none of those erted things! She was herself and I loved her for that."

He scoffed, "She should've done something. I mean, the flirtatious one always gets the girl, but why didn't I get that heart before you? Why were you the one who got it first?!"

"Because I loved her for-" "Don't give me that kind of BS!"He yelled. "She was number one in my hard drive, yet I had no heart. What happened? What made you get that heart?"

I turned to Daehyun, wanting to hear his reason. "...I got jealous." He answered.

"Jealous?" He mockingly laughed. "Jealous of who?"

"That kid, Jiho." Daehyun said softly.

"Ah, that wimp. He's so skinny I can break him in half. You were jealous of a wimp like him?"

"He...they talked so comfortably in class that it made me angry. It made me angry to see those two converse so easily while I couldn’t even talk to her without sounding rude. When she felt so disappointed that I tore up his gift, I really thought she really hated me. So I walked all the way back to her house that day on Christmas to apologize but then gained that heart when I told her about my feelings."

I froze. Didn't he forget that day? How could he have remembered?

"Confessed? Christmas? Oh, so that was why you were acting all snappy towards us. Because you were rejected and you vented out on us."

"No, you're wrong." I spoke up. "It was because he got a high fever and almost died. I couldn't bear see you like that too, Himchan, or any of the others. If you turned human...if you gained a heart, there would be more pain. More pain than that burn you got. So I thought if I couldn't handle one person's injury, how could I handle all six? I thought if I turned cold and uncaring, you guys would turn back to normal. It was the way I acted that made him mad, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted you all to be strong, just like the way you were before. You liked the way you were before, don't you?"

His hands clenched into a hard fist but then relaxed it. "I wanted to become human so badly. I wanted to be by your side." I heard the old Himchan slowly coming back but not for long. "I wanted my heartbeat to meet yours. Why did Daehyun have to take it first? Why?! You two will die in my hands today! For making my life hell!" He lunged towards us.

"Watch out!" Daehyun tackled him to the ground. "Go to the spaceship! I'll handle him! Go!"


"Go already!"

Himchan threw him off his body and jumped back to a safe distance.  Daehyun regained his balanced after being thrown off and ran towards Himchan. "AAHHHHHH!"

"Die in my hands Daehyun! How dare you get that heart before me? Die!" They lunged towards each other and tackled each other to the ground. It was my chance to escape the mess. With one last look at the fight, I got up and limped all the way towards the spaceship. I noticed that the military commotion stopped when they realized that there can be nothing done to destroy it.

The spaceship was right in front of me and the stairs leading in the spaceship led to an open door, like someone was expecting me.

I limped towards it and hopped up the stairs. When I was inside, I was welcomed by a long, metallic grey hallway. I didn't know where the rooms would lead to, so I decided to head inside the first door to my left. The room had an automatic sliding door. There were cells all over the room, which had clamps and needles in it. It looked like the chambers aliens rest in, on TV. It was probably the place where the aliens would've rested in, since there were 6 cells.

Not seeing anyone there, I went to another room. It was an empty room, with 5 luggage bags but the corner was what caught my eyes. I limped over to the corner to take a closer look. It was the bunnies I made for them when they left. There was a bunny with a red mask, a green mask, a blue mask, a pink mask and one with a clown face. I unknowingly smiled. I guess it was because they still kept the bunnies. Even though they've all changed, they still kept their things from Earth.

I limped out the room and headed to the next. Instead of going to the room right next to it, I headed to the last door at the end of the hall. The door slid open. My instincts were right. It was the main control room. There was someone sitting on the chair. It could only mean one thing. "Yongguk?" I whispered. "Is it…you?" I meant the old him.

"I never changed." He said quietly. He turned his chair around and faced me. He looked exactly the same two years ago. Except, he looked tired. I saw faint dark circles and it looked like he lost some weight too. 

He stood up, and took out a box under his chair. I stepped back cautiously, "What is that?"

"Come here," he said. "I won't hurt you." Somehow, I believed him. There was no violence or trickery in his voice, instead it sounded sad and regretful. I walked towards him, still alert. "Sit down," he told me. I obediently sat. He crouched down and opened the red box. I was surprised to see a first aid kit.

He took out the alcohol to clean my cuts and scrapes. "If you don't clean it, your wounds will get infected. Especially in this kind of polluted air." He gently took out a cotton swab, dipped it in the alcohol and cleaned my wounds. I winced at the contact but Yongguk blew the stinging away.

"Why...why aren't you like them?" I asked.

"Because Doctor trusts me. He didn't have a reason to brainwash me, since I was the one who was given the mission. I didn't want this war to happen."

"Then why…?” I didn’t have the words to explain how I felt. “You can stop it right now, before it's too late."

"I can't stop anything right now. I have no control of what is happening. I really want to stop this whole thing. I really do."

"Then why don't you?” I almost whispered. “Why didn’t you stop it before it happened?"

"If I told Doctor I was against his plans, he would wipe my hard drive clean. Just like Daehyun. If he did that, then there would be no way of stopping this disaster."

"But you were the one who erased his memories."

"I know. I had to. If I sent him back to Mato, the brainwashing wouldn't work on him. If Doctor found out he came back with a beating heart, he would've killed him. Daehyun has a small temper so he wouldn't be able to keep up the act like I could."

I absorbed his words in. "Wait...act? You mean...?"

"I'm officially human." He gave me a tired grin.

I frowned. "When did that happen?"

"While I was making plans for the invasion. Planet Mato has oxygen, so I was okay. I kept regretting everything my hands were doing. I was programming the robots, but whenever I completed a circuit, you always popped in my head. I remembered the way you took care of us, the way you work so hard and I'm thinking to myself, why should I hurt her? If I hurt the world, then I'm hurting her. I couldn't do it. So in the end, I completely forgot about Doctor's mission but I had to keep up the façade. My plan was, to inform the Warriors about Doctor and come here to stop the robots I made. If I wasn’t here to disable them, you would’ve encountered thousands of them along the way. And of course, having you in front of me is a bonus." He took my hand and lifted me on my feet. He enveloped me in his arms, by surprise. "I missed you. I couldn't take you off my mind for one second. You were the one who helped me come to my senses. If it wasn't for you...this whole world would have been demolished. Thanks Hye Mi. Thank you helping me become human."

A smile grew on my face. Even though I was supposed to be upset about this whole thing, I warmed up from his sweet words. "I thought I was the one to protect you guys. Now why is it the opposite? You're the one who's protecting us."

"Because I am Yongguk Bang," he smirked.

The screen suddenly . We both turned around to see Doctor. "Yongguk the - what are you doing?!" he screamed.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm having a sweet moment with Hye Mi," he growled.

"Sweet moment?! Do you know what is happening right now? The Warriors know about our plan!"

"I told them." He said with a straight face.


"I won't let you destroy the world Hye Mi is living in."


"Open up!" There was someone in the background. The door behind doctor burst open and people in gas suits came out. One of them held out a badge and said with a raspy voice, "You are under arrest for destroying planet Earth!"

"What? No! I didn't do anything wro-" The screen suddenly turned off.

Then, we heard other spaceships landing outside. Youngguk grabbed my hand, making me look at him. "I guess that’s our cue. Let's go."


Erm, I think I could've done better with this. But nonetheless, I hope you enjoy! The end is coming up! Oh, and sorry to burst your bubbles, but there is no romance in this story. (maybe later ;])

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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's reallyawesome.read it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)