
Protect Us


Weeks went by and I haven't heard from Daehyun. He quit work at the bookstore so I had no idea where he was. I didn't know where he lived either. All I could do was wait for him and live my normal life.

One winter day, when snowflakes were falling down, Daehyun appeared in front of my door. I was about to go to the convenience store but when I opened the door, Daehyun was walking towards me. He came back earlier than I expected.

He didn't even greet me, instead the first thing he said was, "They're attacking in 6 months." He walked past me and into the living room. I closed the door and followed after him.

He sat down on the couch and I sat down on the one across from him. "I remembered Youngjae made a spy bug one day," Daehyun said, "and set it up on your computer. He planted it on Jongup's favorite shirt when he wasn't looking and surprisingly we could hear and see everything Jongup heard and saw. When we left, Jongup was wearing the same shirt so I typed the same codes he used when he installed it in your computer and it worked. I heard what they were planning to do. They're attacking Korea first, since this is the only place they know a lot of. I suggest you send your family in a trip out of Korea that month."

When he said he wasn't going to let anything happen, he was serious. I nodded and asked, "Have you figured a way to stop them?"

"The units they're sending aren't as strong as we were before. They know humans can't do anything to defend themselves, so they're bringing weaker robots. They know we have weapons so they're all bullet proof. I've been making a laser at home but it isn't quiet finished."

I blinked. Did I hear that right? "Laser? How did you manage to make that?"

"Even though I am a human, that doesn't mean my knowledge is gone. It's made out of metal with circuits and wires inside. I was going to make it inside of a gun, but it was too small to fit anything inside. It's almost finished."

I nodded unsurely. "How are we going to stop them from killing everyone else? They must have armies coming here."

He rested his elbow on the arm chair and propped his chin on top of his hand. "That's the thing. We don't know how many aliens they're going to send here. We can try to warn them, but I doubt anyone will listen. The only choice is to try to prevent them from killing innocent people. This is going to be really hard. Hopefully, the Warriors know what they're planning to do so they can stop this war."

I walked towards him and crouched down. I placed a hand on his shoulder. I knew he was really stressed about this and as much as I would like to help him with his plan, I can't. All I can do is try to support him and hopefully be of aid. He looked up at me. I gave him a smile. "Don't worry Daehyun. I'll be with you the whole journey, so you won't have to worry. Everything will be fine. We'll be able to come up with a plan and get ready."

He placed his hand over mines. "Thanks Eun Mi."

As days went by, Daehyun finally moved back in. He was really focused on making plans for the invasion. Every day, he would stay inside his room. Whenever I’d go upstairs to check in him, I see him with his hand in his hair. Balls of paper were thrown everywhere on the floor, and tons of eraser shavings were on the table. He was going all out on the plans. I didn't know why he was getting so worked up on it. I mean, I know the world is at stake but the invasion is in 6 months and I doubt he could really come up with a super plan. If he were to, I don't think there is enough material for him to do anything.

Before he moved back in though, he had already finished his first laser. He told me it went through about 10 walls of his apartment and maybe even more. Maybe that was an improvement.

One really snowy day, I just couldn't take it anymore. He was always cooped up inside his room. The only time he does come out, is to eat and to do his business. Other than that, he probably uses the window for fresh air.

I didn't like having Daehyun being so serious. It was like he was a ghost. It was like he wasn't even there and the house felt as empty as before. I knocked on his door and of course there wasn't an answer. I opened the door slightly before announcing I was coming in. When I opened the door fully, the whole room was a mess. More garbage was thrown on the floor than before!

"Daehyun." I called.

"Mmm." He hummed. "Daehyun." I called again. I wanted his full attention. Again, he hummed in response. I sighed. "My stomach hurts."

"Go take medication." He said.

I frowned. He didn't even look at me. I tried again. "I have a burn."

"The first aid kit is in the washroom." He answered. I scoffed. I couldn't believe this. I tried one last time. "I'm pregnant."

"Congrats..." He stopped and his head suddenly turned towards me. "Wait, what?"

I shook my head. I slammed the door shut and stormed downstairs.

*Stupid Daehyun!* I cursed him in my head. He's so into his little world of his, he even said congrats. I grabbed my jacket and put it on. I already made plans with Jiho to go Christmas shopping later today. Three hours later, to be exact but I couldn't stand being in this empty house anymore. While I was zipping up my zipper, I heard his footsteps descending down the stairs. I rolled my eyes. *Finally you come down?*

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Shopping." I replied, wearing my scarf. That was probably the first time in a long time he decided to talk to me. There was a second of silence while I put my boots on. When I opened the door, he asked, "You were joking right?"

I turned around. "What?"

"About being...pregnant." He said, hesitatingly. I didn't say anything. He laughed, "I knew it. You were kidding right? You got me scared there for a second, I really thought-"

"What would you do?" I interrupted.


"You're scared? You're scared that I'm pregnant? You weren't scared that I was hurt, but you were scared because I'm pregnant?"

"I'm sorry, I had a really good plan in my head and I needed to write it down. Where does it hurt? Does your head hurt? Do you have a cut?"

"Your plans won't work." I suddenly said.

His eyebrows knitted together. "...Why won't it? You haven't seen them before."

"I've seen one of the papers you've thrown on the floor. A hundred feet tall laser? Do you plan to rob the Bank of Korea too? You can't build any of the things you're planning to make. It's impossible. I mean, your small laser was successful but it only had small wires and circuits. We have 6 months, Daehyun, not 6 years."

His eyebrows furrowed. "That's why I trashed the idea. Now I'm-"

"It's still not going to work!" I yelled. "Any piece of technology you build isn't going to protect the country! No matter how big and cheap it is, you're never going to make it in time. No matter how small and expensive it is, you don't have the money. Face it, we're going to die." I didn't mean to be that harsh but Daehyun needed a reality check. Aliens against us? We have no chance.

It seemed like he had nothing to say, so I stepped outside. I turned back around and before I closed the door, I said, "I had a stomach ache and a burn, not a headache and a cut!"

While I was out, I did a lot of thinking at the bookstore. Even though Daehyun didn't work there anymore, that doesn't mean I can't go there for coffee.

I regretted snapping at Daehyun back home. I didn't mean to, it just came out. I guess I was really angry. I know he's trying his best to save the planet but his plans are unrealistic. How can us two defeat armies of strong robots? How can we protect innocent lives? We can't just knock on their door and say, "There's an alien attack 6 months from now. We suggest you move out of Korea for a while." They would probably call the cops on us.

I sighed. I wondered what Daehyun was doing but then I realized he could still be planning and throwing more paper onto the floor, just like a daily routine. I looked at my wristwatch. Only an hour has passed. I didn't know what I'm going to do for the next two hours. I could just go to Jiho's photo shoot, but that would probably distract him and bother the staff.

I sighed and sipped my hot coffee. "Eun Mi." I heard. I turned around to see Daehyun panting.


He walked up to me and grabbed my cup of coffee from my hand. "Let's go." He walked outside the store. It took me a second to process what just happened. I quickly wore my jacket and grabbed my purse. I ran outside, afraid Daehyun would go too far ahead but I saw him casually leaning against a pole, waiting for me.

He smiled when he saw me approach him. He extended his arm towards me to give me back my coffee. I took the warm cup in my hands. "Why are you here?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Am I not allowed to be?" I didn't say anything. "Let's go somewhere." He said.


"You'll see." He grabbed my hand and led me away. We went on a bus and when we arrived, at first I didn't know where we were. "Where is this?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You don't know where this is?" I shook my head. He chuckled and pulled me inside. That was when I realized we were still holding hands. I didn't notice the first time. It felt too natural.

When we were inside, I noticed that we were at an indoor skating rink. There were two huge rinks, one on each side. There were families, young and old couples, friends and people of all ages. It looked like everyone was having fun, making me grow a big smile on my face.

"Eun Mi!" I turned around at the sound of my name. I saw Daehyun holding up skates a couple meters from me. That was when I realized he went to rent skates and left me standing there.

I walked towards him and grabbed the hockey skates. "Were there no more figure skates?" I asked.

"There are lots of figure skates left but I read online that they were uncomfortable so I didn't rent them out for you." I smiled at his sweetness. "Thanks."

"Let's go put these on." He said, leading me to a bench.

We both put our skates on. He helped me with mine since it was pretty hard to tie it tightly. I stood up and wobbled a bit, making him hold my arms to support me. "Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "I really don't know how to skate. This is my first time."

"Really?" He seemed surprised but then smiled. "I guess I'll teach you."

"Teach me?" I raised my eyebrow. "Isn't this your first time too?"

"I learn fast. I was a robot after all." He held my hands and carefully led me to the rink. He stepped onto the ice first while I stayed back. I was scared of breaking my skull on the ice. "It's fine, come in."

I looked at Daehyun who was still holding my one hand while my other was holding onto the railing. Hesitantly, I took one step into the ice. When that foot felt like it wasn't going to slip, I decided to lift my other foot to step on the ice.

Bad idea. I ended up falling backwards. I closed eyes and waited for the hard fall but I suddenly felt my waist being hugged. I opened my eyes slowly. I saw Daehyun's blurry face in front of me. I gasped and tried to push away from he held on tighter. "Are you trying to break your head? Stay still."

I didn't move an inch. When he saw me calming down, he carefully straightened me up and let go of my waist. "See? You're standing in ice by yourself." He congratulated. "Now, let's move towards skating."

He held my hand and began to lead me across the rink. I was right next to the edge of the rink so if I fell, I could always support myself back up. I was going as slow as a tortoise but Daehyun was patient.

"You can go up ahead and skate." I told him. "I'll just stay back here. I'm going to ruin your fun."

He pouted. "There's no fun if I'm not skating with you."

I blinked. Did he just...pout? I cleared my throat and looked away, feeling the heat rise up my cheeks. I suddenly took interest in the railing. "I don't even know how to skate. It's going to take all day for me to let go of this railing." I patted it like it was my good friend.

"Then let go." He said.

"Huh?" I looked at him. "Why take a whole day when you can let go right now?"

I shook my head, "I'm going to fall!"

"No you won't. Trust me." He skated in front of me and took my hand off the railing. I was hesitating. "Don't worry. I promise I won't let you fall." He was showing me his perfect smile of his. Who can resist a smile like that? I held his hands tightly. "Don't you dare let me go!"

"Promise." He started to pull me while he was skating backwards. While he was pulling me, I was looking at my skates. I thought I'd fall if I didn't look where my feet were but he told me otherwise. "Don't look down. You need to look up. Concentrating on your skates won't prevent you from falling. Get your mind off the idea of falling and just look at me."

I did what I was told and slowly looked up at him. I stared into his alluring eyes. He was right; I did take my mind off falling on the ice. Instead, my mind was falling for him. I was staring right into his eyes and he was staring into mines. Everything seemed to be blocked out. The only thing I could see was Daehyun. I don't know what happened, but I think I'm falling for him. * I can't!*

My sudden thought made me snap back to reality. I looked down at my feet, but when I did, I saw that my hands were empty. I suddenly panicked. "Daehyun!"

"Calm down." He said. "You were doing find for the past couple minutes."

"You let me go for that long?! You said you wouldn't let go!"

"If I didn't let to, when would you learn? You're doing great, just take it slow and look up."

I took his word and looked up. This time, my mind was still on the ice, which was a horrible thing to think about. I suddenly lost my balance but luckily he was there to catch me. "Try again." He insisted.

I tried again and this time, I got around the whole rink by myself. "I did it!" I cheered. He laughed. "See? I told you, you could do it."

"Let's go again!" We skated and skated around the rink. We even played tag in the rink. It was quite fun but we were obviously getting tired. "I think we should go back." I said. Daehyun chuckled but didn't argue.

When we got out of our skates, it felt great to be back in boots. I checked the time and my eyes bulged out. I quickly opened my purse to find my phone. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. I ignored him and the screen. I had 14 missed called. I cursed under my breath. Daehyun and I skated in the rink for over three hours, which kind of seems unrealistic but that's what happens when I'm having fun. I totally forgot about my plans with Jiho.

I pressed the call button and it began to ring. The ringing stopped, signalling that Jiho picked up. He stayed silent though. I knew he was really angry with me. "Oppa..." He didn't reply. He must've been really angry. "I'm so sorry. I was skating with Daehyun and lost track of time. Sorry oppa, I'm reeaaally sorry." I tried to do aegyo over the phone, but it didn't seem to work. He still didn't say anything. "Oppa." I whined. "I said I'm sorry. Please say something. I'll make it up to you! I promise I won't lose track of time in the future."

I heard him sigh. A smile lit up on my face. "Fine. I forgive you but you have to make it up for me."

"Anything." I said. "I'll do anything."

"Come over and cook for me." He told me.

I looked at Daehyun who was staring right at me. "Right now…?"

"Why? I thought you said you'd do anything."

"No!” I said quickly, breaking my eye contact with him. “It's not that, I thought you'd make me do something more complicated. I'll come over right away! See you later!" I hung up the phone.

I started to run out the building but someone held onto my wrist. I turned around to see Daehyun. "Uh, sorry Daehyun but I'm going over to Jiho's place. I was supposed to go shopping with him today but I lost track of time. If you want to eat at home, there are leftovers from yesterday. Okay? Sorry, bye!" I quickly ran out but them slowed down. I felt kind of bad for ditching him all of the sudden. I turned back but I didn't see him anywhere in sight. *I guess he already went home* I looked around one last time before heading over to Jiho’s.


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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)