Day With Jongup

Protect Us

Today wasn't just a regular day with the aliens. Today is the day that Jongup "booked" me for the day. I've been so busy with work and school that even Jongup complained. He wanted me to have a day off and be worry-free. Today, we had no classes and Jongup and I had no shifts either. Early in the morning, Jongup woke me up. "Eun Mi, time to wake up!" he lightly shook me 

I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head. "One more hour...let me sleep," I mumbled. 

"No, we can’t have you be sleeping in and lazy on your day off. Get up!" he sat me up but I lied back down. I was a really lazy girl who hated mornings.


"Aigoo." He pulled my legs over the edge of the bed and sat me up. He sat between my legs and pulled my arms to wrap around his neck. "Hold on tight," he warned. I held on and he lifted me up on his back. I was already used to this, as he always woke me up after his recharge button disappeared.

He set me down gently on the closed toilet seat. He took the brush on the counter and brushed my hair. "You don't have to do this every day Jongup," I giggled.

He smiled, "I want to do this for my favourite girl."

After he finished, he set the brush down, grabbed my pink toothbrush and spread mint toothpaste over it. "Ahhhh," he motioned me. 

"Ahhh." He stuck the toothbrush in my mouth and started brushing my teeth. He cupped my chin, in case any toothpaste drips down my mouth. 

"Aigo, my little Eun Mi. Why are you so lazy?" 

I frowned, "You're the one who's volunteering."

"Okay," he laughed then kissed my forehead. "If you frown, there will be ugly wrinkles there."

I giggled at his little plan to kiss my forehead. After he finished, I swished my mouth and washed my face. He pushed me towards my room to change. "Wear the clothes I chose for you okay?" he winked.

"But-" I started but he closed my door. I sighed and took out the clothes in the back of my closet.

When I finished changing, I walked downstairs, into the kitchen where Jongup was waiting with breakfast on the table.

"Wow..." his mouth opened. “You look really pretty Eun Mi."

I self-consciously rubbed my arm. Jongup saw how uncomfortable I was, so he hurried me to eat my breakfast.

"I heard Noona! NOONAAAA! Noona-" he stopped in his tracks when he entered the kitchen. "Whoa," he said while staring at me.  

I blushed. "Don't stare at me like that!" I yelled.

He raised his hands up. "Sorry, but you look really pretty."

"Sorry for being ugly before all these clothes." I poked my food.

Zelo panicked. "No, I didn't think any of that." He quickly walked over to me. "You're beautiful Noona," he sincerely commented and I grew embarrassed. "I actually like you better without these new clothes. People won't look at you."

I softened, "Aigoo, you know I only have you guys in my heart."

He brightened. "Really?" I nodded. "So you won't have a boyfriend and grow old with us?" he sounded really excited. I didn't know how to answer that, and not ruin his mood.

Jongup noticed my position and coughed. "We're late Eun Mi. Let's go."

"Wait, where are you going?" Zelo pouted.

I shrugged, "Somewhere Jongup wants to go."

"I want to go too!"

"No!" Jongup grabbed my hand. "Today is my alone time with Eun Mi. You can play with one of the others."

"But they're still sleeping! Noona!" he whined.

"Sorry Zelo, but Jongup wanted to take me somewhere. Next time, tell me where you want to go and we'll go together."

"Just the two of us?" he brightened. I smiled, nodding. "Okay," he smiled. "Have fun!"

Jongup and I got on a bus and it drove to our destination. He told me to get off and led me somewhere. "Where are we going?" I asked him. 

He put his index finger to his lips. "Secret." He grabbed my hand and pulled me beside him. I smiled while shaking my head.

After a while, Jongup stopped and said, "Here we are," with a big smile planted on his face.

I stared at the scene in front of me. "...are you joking?"

We were right in front of a park, but not a park full of slides, swings and little kids, but a park full of exercise machines.

"I've always wanted to come here. I've seen it on TV a lot and I've always wanted to come here and exercise." He walked towards a cross-country ski machine planted in the sand. "Woohoo!" he shouted, getting giggles and looks from the people around him. He was going all out on that thing. I laughed at his silliness and got on the machine next to his.

"Don't you love this park Eun Mi?" he smiled.

I smiled back, "Uhm, sure."

He skied until his legs couldn't handle it anymore. I was standing, occasionally working it but most of the time I was watching Jongup enjoy himself.

"Let's go on that!" he pointed to the tall horizontal metal bar. He jumped up and grabbed onto it. He pulled himself up to do a chin up. He did a lot of those, and quickly too. I stayed on the side, with my mouth wide open. He seemed to enjoy it very much.

We spent about an hour there exercising, or more like Jongup was. I was sitting on the bench watching him in amusement.

"Let's go," Jongup finally offered. He helped me stand up from the bench and he led me to wherever he was going.

We arrived at a little chicken shop for lunch. "Two servings here, please!" he called to the only person working here. "And two bottles of water!"

"Coming right up!"

"So, are you enjoying yourself?" I asked Jongup.

"I should be asking you that. I'm the one who planned this whole thing."

"Really? It seemed this whole day is for you to show off," I giggled.

"Hmm, I guess you're right." He laughed along.

"Here's your food. Enjoy!" the man bowed.

After we finished our lunch, we walked a bit more, to wherever Jongup was taking me. I kept asking him where we were going but he refused to answer me.

We walked for what seemed like forever, and finally arrived to where he wanted to show me. We walked into an old building and walked up to the second floor. I looked around the place in confusion. He led me to a room but stopped right in front of it.

"Promise me you'll never tell anyone about this, okay?" he held out his pinkie finger. "This is only between you and me. If someone knew about this, I would be in trouble...I think."

"Why? Is there something in there?" I asked.

"Just promise me. It's nothing that bad, I swear."

I nodded and linked pinkies with him. He smiled in satisfaction and then opened the door. We stepped in and the whole place was practically sparkling new. It was a dance studio.

"I know it's an abandoned building and all, but it would be a waste if anyone didn't use this room. So I cleaned it up a bit," he confessed.

I smiled at the innocent Jongup. "No one's going to be angry at you for this. It's an abandoned building, but one day it'll have to be broken down for another building."

He shrugged. "If that happens, I'll go look for another place. Now, sit down and enjoy the performance."

He pushed me by the shoulders to a lonely chair in the corner of the dance studio. I sat down and watched him do his dancing and I was so amazed at how good he was, once he the music and danced.

He was on the floor, throwing out all these b-boy moves. He was spinning, posing, and having fun. It was absolutely amazing, watching him dance. The song ended and he posed. He stood back straight. "How was I?"

I gave him two thumbs up. "SUPER AWESOME."

The whole day, we were playing around in the dance studio. He showed off his dancing a bit more and even showed me a couple moves. It wasn't just b-boy that he knew, he knew how to salsa, waltz and tango. He was definitely a talented dancer. The fun day ended as we walked home from fatigue.

"I hoped you had fun today, Eun Mi."

"Like I said, today is Jongup's day to show off," I joked, "but I really had fun.”

"We should do that again soon!" he offered.

I agreed. "But not before Zelo, or he'll be really angry."

We talked, and laughed all the way home. Today was definitely a day worth remembering with Jongup.

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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)