Third Sign

Protect Us

We finally arrived at Han River without any trouble, besides the usual flirty looks for the aliens and glares for me.

"Here's Han river." I pointed.

The aliens were silent. "Eun Mi, what's so special about this river?" Youngjae asked. 

"It's the largest river in Korea. I know it doesn't look like much right now, but it'll look prettier at night. Let's go play!" I grabbed Youngjae's hand and pulled him towards the couple bikes. "Ride this with me!"

He smirked, "So are you saying you accept me as your boyfriend?"

"W-what? No, because it’s a couple bike doesn't mean anything!" I stuttered.

He chuckled, "Sure, whatever you say."

"It's not like that!" I blushed.

He walked over with the bike. "Hop on my little girlfriend," he winked. Himchan was rubbing off on him. I cursed at him under my breath but climbed on anyways. We pedaled around and I totally forgot what I was mad at him for. We pedaled around the forgotten aliens. "Daehyun!" Youngjae called out. I giggled at his love for his friend.

"Noona, where'd you get that? Why are you riding with him? I want to ride that with you!" Zelo complained.

"Sorry Zelo! The bikes are over there." I pointed to the booth. He immediately took Jongup and ran towards the booth. Himchan grabbed Yongguk and followed the latter.

It was only Daehyun who didn't go get a bike so I told Youngjae I was tired and wanted to get off. He stopped and helped me get off the bike.

"Daehyun, get on with me!" Youngjae called.

Daehyun refused so I had to come over and push him towards the bike. "We're here to have fun so you can't be the one who ruins it all." Defeated, he climbed on the bike and they circled around me. Suddenly two more bikes started to circle around me. "Noona look! I'm riding a bike!" "Mimi, Mimi! Look at us!"

I laughed at the silly aliens circling around me. Even Yongguk and Daehyun had smiles on their faces. We were having so much fun, I forgot I had to eat until my stomach growled loudly. I was beside Jongup when it growled.

"It sounds like someone's hungry," he teased.

I blushed and covered my stomach "Yeah I guess…”

"I'm going with Eun Mi to get food!" he called to the aliens. Before they could even reply, he pulled me away from the group. "What should we eat?"

I giggled, "You mean, what should I eat."

He shrugged. We came across a ddukbokki stand and I lead Jongup towards it. Even though it wouldn't fill me up, it's better than nothing. I'd rather not eat by myself with Jongup watching.

I grabbed a toothpick and stuffed ddukbokki in my face. "Is this going to fill you up?” he asked.

I shook my head. "I don’t want to eat alone so having a quick snack will do for now.”

He nodded. Curiously, he grabbed and toothpick and poked a ddukbokki without me knowing. He quietly slipped it in his mouth and when I turned around, he was chewing on it. "Yah! What are you doing?! You can't eat that! Spit it out!"

He stopped chewing and spat it on the ground. I groaned in frustration. I gave the person the money and apologized for Jongup's behaviour. I dragged him back to the aliens, obviously pissed at what he did.

“Did you swallow anything?” I asked after I pulled Jongup away.

He shook his head. Relief flew through my body. "Are you mad at me?" I suddenly stopped and glared at him. He was showing me his puppy eyes but that didn’t work.

"Mad? Mad?! Why would I be mad? You almost killed yourself, no big deal!"

"I wasn't going to die." He pouted.

"You said your body is made out of circuits and wires. Eating food isn't going to do any good. It was going to kill you! That's why people say to never eat or drink near computers!"

"It looked really good and it tasted good too!"

I sighed, “Even though it looks good and- wait... ‘It tasted good too’?”

“I’m sorry Eun Mi! I won't do it again!" Jongup pleaded.

I ignored his apology. “Robots don't have taste you?”

Jongup thought for a while "I don't think so..."

“Then how could you taste it?”

“I don't know. I tasted a spicy ddukbokki and it tasted really good.”

Something was definitely going on. “Youngjae and Zelo have been acting weird too. They were crying and blushing...”

“We don't have those things in our system. We have no source of water, lights in our body, or any taste buds.”

“We need to get back to the others. Maybe Yongguk would know.” When we got back the sun was already setting over Namsan Mountain.

"Noona, look! The sun is setting over that tower over there." Zelo pointed at the tall tower over the mountain.

"Yup that's Namsan tower." I noded

"Are we going to go there today?” he asked excitedly.

I shook my head, “It's too late. Plus, we need to have a meeting.”

He looked at me. “What kind of meeting?”

“Don't worry about that right now. Let's watch the sunset.”

He did what he was told and we all watched the sun set and the lights of Seoul light up.

We got home and the first thing I told the aliens was to meet in the living room.

"So lately, you guys haven't been robots." I started.

"What do you mean Eun Mi?" Himchan asked.

"Can robots cry, blush and have a sense of taste?" I asked Yongguk.

He hesitated but shook his head. "Robots are robots. They don't have those kinds of things.”

“That's my point! Zelo cried the day at school, Youngjae blushed and Jongup could taste food. Those are not possible, right?”

“You're right... We're not supposed to have that." Himchan confirmed. “Yongguk, do you have any clues to what's going on?”

“N-no. Just wait and it'll probably go away.” He stood up. “I'm going to take a shower.”

He walked upstairs. "That’s not like him..." Himchan said. "He usually knows more about this kind of stuff."

"But he's right.” Youngjae said. “What we’re showing, are human traits. If this happens to you, Daehyun or Yongguk, that means there's something really wrong with us.”

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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)