Second Sign

Protect Us

That incident wasn’t easily forgotten. When I walked into class, Jiho immediately asked me what happened. "It's nothing." I replied. "The girls were picking on him, so I had to do something."

"It didn't look like it was nothing. Those other boys looked like they were going to murder someone when they saw her slap you across the face."

"Oh, really?" I awkwardly laughed.

"It looks like you're hiding something," he rubbed his chin in suspicion as he kept his eyes on me.

"I-I have nothing to hide." I cursed myself when that slight stutter came out of my mouth.

"But you-"

"Time start the lesson," the professor said as he walked into the lecture hall. Thank God for him. Jiho pointed at his eyes with his two fingers and then at my eyes, signalling he's watching me. I amusingly shook my head, turned my attention to the front until someone tapped my arm. I turned around and saw a Band-Aid in front of my face. I took the Band-Aid and Daehyun's face was uncovered. He touched his cheek, signalling that there was a cut there. I nodded, peeled the adhesive off and placed it on my cheek. I smiled and gave him a thumb up. He put his fist to his mouth to cover his little laughter. I lightly blushed at how cute his action was.

He reached over and touched my check and I stiffened. That was the first time he ever touched me and I was surprised. He took Band-Aid off and placed it back on the cut. "Do you not have any sense of touch? You missed your cut," he whispered. I blinked a couple times and turned back to the front, completely stunned. I couldn't even whisper a simple thanks.

The day ended, time for the aliens and I to go home. As usual, we flew home and as soon as we walked into the house, the aliens were all over the place, from the situation before. "Calm down!" I yelled over their noisy outbursts. "I'm okay, I've had worse, so stop worrying already." 

Before they could ask any more questions, I grabbed Daehyun's hand. "We have to do our assignment so don't bother us. Bye!" I ran up with Daehyun trailing behind me. We ran into my room and I shut the door closed. "Phew, I thought they'd start asking questions again."

Daehyun cleared his throat. I looked up at him. "What?" He lifted up his hand to show that I've been holding on it for a while. "Oops, sorry." I instantly let go. "Let's get started." I pulled my chair out and sat down but Daehyun was still standing up.

"What?" I asked. "Do you expect me to pull out your chair for you?"

He didn't get the joke. Instead he asked, "What did you mean by, you've had worse?"

I shrugged, "I've always been bullied when I was younger, so it's no big deal. She's not the only one who had their hand in contact with my face." I turned around and took out my materials like it was nothing but Daehyun didn't think so.

He turned me around. "What do you mean, it's nothing? You got slapped in the face and it's not the first time? Why did they slap you? Is it because you defended other people? Is it because you did something bad or is it because you're an easy target?"

"The last one I guess? I was the freak known to read books every single day. Not just different novels, but specifically alien novels. It was also because of my old and worn out clothes. You know how kids are, they don't like something about you, and they start to beat you up. That's how school is Daehyun. You can't stop people from disliking someone. It's because of their hobbies and looks that cause the most amount of bullying."

I saw him ball up his fists which I held on to with my hands. "It's nothing Daehyun, it's in the past. Don't do anything reckless." I guess it was my past that led me to them. I mean, if I never had any interest in sci-fi and aliens, I would've disregarded their landing as a fallen piece of a star. If I was like the girls in my school, I would've left it there for the scientists to do their thing. If I were a normal girl, I would have never met these weird and crazy aliens.

The next day, I decided to bring the aliens somewhere. Although it hadn't been too long since we went to the mudflats, I thought they needed a break. They've been pretty busy with school and work and they have been pretty tense since that whole scene at school grounds so I thought I'd give them a reward. Something more 'normal'.

I called the aliens, who were in the living room watching TV. They all piled to the front door and waited for my announcement. I told them I wanted to go out and they were coming with me. Himchan came over and slung an arm around me. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Mimi."

I elbowed his stomach, which wasn't a good thing. I forgot he was made out of metal. "Not just you." I rubbed my hurt elbow. "We need some fun. You guys have been working a lot lately, and I thought you needed a break."

"Aigoo," Jongup pinched my cheeks. "Thanks for worry about us, but we're alright. We're invincible robots."

I shook my head, "I want to treat you like humans. You look like one anyway. We'll go to Namsan Tower and then Han River."

"Can we to shopping?" Zelo asked. I chuckled, "Sure Zelo, let's go shopping." That boy really liked shopping. He probably had the most clothing out of all of us. He cheered and grabbed his SnapBack on the rack. He linked arms with me. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

We walked out of the yard and waited at the bus stop. Yongguk immediately recognized the bus stop and said, "Tell me where were going, we'll fly."

"Let's be civilized for once," I told him. We didn't get to be civilized on our last trip. "Unlike last time, it's close. I promise not to stand too far away from you guys. We'll be on the bus for 15 minutes; 20, max."

He stared at me for a while before looking away. "Fine, but you better stay close to us."

The bus came on cue and we got on. Again, there were a lot of people who occupied the seats. We walked to the back and held on the railing. Suddenly, I was pulled back. When I looked up, I saw Yongguk. "You promised me you'd stay with us," he sneered. I looked behind him and saw the aliens all the way in the front. I sheepishly laughed and scratched my head. "I thought you guys were following me. Sorry." He sighed and lightly pushed my head. Youngjae suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stood beside the leader. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"The girl promised to stay close to us but she ended up all the way here," he tattled. I glared at him for not using my name when he was clearly talking about me. I was about to say something but I was cut off when the bus driver suddenly floored the vehicle and I lost my balance. I gasped and stuck my foot out to try to balance myself but I was suddenly grabbed by the waist and felt a hard surface. 

I looked up and met Youngjae's eyes. "Don't be so clumsy," he warned. This was the second time I've been so close to his face and I couldn't help but stare for a bit. "What are you staring at?" he stuttered. I squinted my eyes to see if I was hallucinating. "You're blushing."

"Blushing?" he felt his face. I giggled and nodded. "That's impossible!" I stepped away from him and took out my small compact mirror and gave it to him. He looked through the mirror and his face turned into utter surprise when he saw that pink tint on his cheeks. "I didn't know we had lights inside us..."

I snickered. "What do you mean lights? You blush when you're embarrassed."

"We don't have emotions like that." I raised an eyebrow, not believing a word. He sighed, "Fine, we do, but we are not supposed to show it. We're made out of circuits and wires. There's no way we can cry, feel physical pain, or blush. I think it's your eyes and the mirror that's making my face flushed."

Wait a second. Zelo cried and he said the same thing as Youngjae. He said it was impossible for him to have tears.

"Yah, what are you guys doing?" Yongguk interrupted. Youngjae and I turned our heads towards his direction. I looked out the window to notice we were just a stop away before we could get off. "What do you mean?" I asked. "It's not our stop yet..."

He nodded down at my waist. I looked down and saw Youngjae's arms wrapped around my waist. Before I could even pull away from him when we were caught in the embarrassing act, he only held me tighter. "Why? You jealous?" he stuck his tongue at him. Yongguk was going to lunge at him but I stopped them in time. "Look our stop, tell the others." I pushed the button for the bus to stop.

We all got out and I lead the way to the subway. Before we went down, I reminded the aliens to behave. I bought our tickets and walked onto the subway. Luckily, there were some seats unoccupied so we could sit down.

We arrived at our stop and went outside. "Noona, I see a clothing store!"

I chuckled, "Okay, let's go Zelo." I linked arms with his as we skipped to the store.

"Aigo, you two, stop embarrassing yourselves!" Himchan called out. We stuck our tongues at him and continued our skipping. The aliens were looking around for clothes in the men’s section while I stayed with them. I didn't even bother checking out the girls section because I knew I wasn't going to buy anything anyways.

"Why aren't you looking for clothes?" Jongup asked. I was helping him choose some outfits.

I shrugged, "I'm not going to buy anything anyways." I continued looking through the men's rack. I found a nice hoodie and pulled it out from the rack. As expected, it was nice. I put the hoddie against his chest and judged him. "What do you think about this one? I think it looks nice."

He frowned and grabbed my arm. He pulled me towards the girls section and I tried to pull back but that obviously didn't work. He had a grip of steel.  "Choose." he demanded, spreading out his arm to show the vast variety of racks and shelves.

"Jongup, I don't want to-"

"Choose!" he said louder. His face hardened. Not once has he ever raised his voice at me. From my surprised expression, he relaxed. "Sorry Hye Mi, I didn't mean to shout at you." I didn't say anything so he sighed, "I heard what you talked about with Daehyun. You said you were bullied because of how you looked. I don't want you to be bullied anymore. Everyone in your class wears baggy clothing, but what about outside, right here? I think you're perfect just the way you are, but aren't you scared what others think about you?"

I looked down. Jongup had a point. I was scared about what others thought about me, but I had no confidence in myself.

"I'm going to make you feel more confident about yourself." Jongup said as if he read my mind. "Now that you have enough money and with us pitching in, let's buy you some clothes." The cheery Jongup was back. I smiled. I trust he had a good sense of fashion.


While the other aliens were busy choosing their own clothes, Jongup and I looked at clothes I could wear. It was getting really hard for him because whenever he'd pick a piece of clothing, I'd always shake my head in disapproval. He finally burst and said, "No, you are going to like it, and you are going to wear whatever I give you. No excuses!"

In the end, he gave me piles of clothes to try in the fitting room. He gave me fitted t-shirts, all kinds of jeans, heels, shoes and accessories to try on. "Jongup, we're not going to have to money for all this..."

"Don’t worry we'll pick the best 5 outfits okay?" He pushed me into the change room.

I put on the pink long sleeve top with the lace back on, black skinny jeans and flats. I also put on a long necklace, feather earrings and huge bracelets. There was no mirror in the change room so I had to go out and see. I unlocked the change room and stepped out. He made a big "O" on his lips.

"Don’t make that face. Do I look okay?" I unconsciously rubbed my arms together.

"You look more than okay!"

I gave him a weird look and walked towards the mirror. I also made a big "O" on my face. "Oh my gosh. Is that me?" I felt my face and clothes.

He laughed. "Silly Hye Mi, who else could it be?" He turned me towards him and stepped back and looked at me like I was a piece of art. "Model Hye Mi, please turn around." I giggled and played along. I did a little spin and some poses while he held out his fingers and make a little box "Perfect."

"You think so?"

He nodded "Of course. Like I said, you'd be perfect even if you weren't in these clothes, but with this, you can be another 200% perfect." After much thought from Jongup, he finally picked the best 5 which took quite a while.

"Hey!" Yongguk boomed when he saw us. "Where have you guys been? We’ve been searching everywhere!"

"I gave Hye Mi a little treat." He held up the shopping bags. "Once you see her with this, your eyes will pop out your head just like mines did. Of course I had to do surgery so that took longer than usual," he joked with a grin. I slapped his arm lighty at his lame joke. He grabbed my hand, "Lead the way model Hye mi!"

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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)