Playing in the Mud

Protect Us

On the weekend, I decided to go somewhere with the aliens. It hasn't been that long since they've started school but it was taking a toll on the them. They were constantly complaining about the amount of work they had to do and how they had to put up with 'stupid humans' because let's face it: they're intelligent beings. They were also complaining about work and the difficult customers, so I decided to give them a day of relaxation.

When I woke up the aliens I told them that we were going somewhere. Zelo's first guess was, shopping. Man, that alien really liked to shop. Not answering to his guess, I gave them a change of clothes to wear. They were cheap t-shirts and jeans. While they were changing I heard Zelo call me. Well, he was actually screaming my name.

They all filed out with Zelo running out first. He spread out his arms to show me his clothes. "Why am I wearing this? It's so...not my style," he said. I rolled my eyes. "Just trust me on this. You'll all have fun." On top of the clothes I bought them, I bought also bought a couple of bags of new clothing and I am sure it will be Zelo's 'style'. 

"Let's go!" I led them out the gate but Yongguk stopped me. "Where are we going first?"

I put a finger to my lips. "It’s a secret."

"Secret or not, let's fly there."


"Yeah, Mimi. I don't think we can publicly go out like this. And plus, Yongguk gets all angry when he hears the word…bus." Himchan whispered the last word.

I sighed. “Fine, let's head to where you hid your spaceship.” I walked over to Yongguk but I was suddenly picked up by the waist and knees. I looked at the person who picked me up and it was Himchan.

"He already has his hands full. I can carry you."

"Wait, you’re going to drop me like this. Let me go on your-AAHH!" Without a warning, he jumped up and started to fly towards where their spaceship landed. It was a long trip and I didn’t dare look down at the scenery or I'd fall. The only way to look was up. It was a headache looking up at the bright sky so I ended up looking at Himchan.

He had a nice, flawless jaw line and light skin. His nose was perfectly structured and his lips looked nice and pouty. I was brought out of my trance when he smirked and asked, "Am I really that nice looking?"

I blushed and looked away, "N-no. I just thought...Doctor did a really good job in making you guys look like humans." He just let out a light chuckle. By flying, we got there an hour early than the bus. “What are we going to do?” Himchan set me down on the ground.

I straightened up and said for the umpteenth time. "It's a secret. Now follow me." The aliens followed me as we climbed on a bus to our destination. We finally arrived and as I stepped off the bus, I inhaled the familiar mucky air. "This is the life."

I turned around at the aliens and their expressions were all surprised and confused.

"Where are we?" Jongup asked. "I thought we were going somewhere fun?"

I spread my arms out, "We're at a mudflat and we're going to hunt for octopus! This is the most fun you can have here!"


We rented out water suits and boots to hunt for octopus. We wore our equipment and left our bags in a safe dry place. I ran towards the mud and jumped in a puddle with a great big splash. I always loved hunting for octopus. It was really messy and it’s always fun trying to get my feet out of the mud. I looked back at the aliens, "Come on in! It's great!"

The aliens carefully took little steps into the mud, with the leader first. It was the first time I've seen a disgusted look on his face. I trudged over and pulled him in. We both lost our balance and fell into the deep mud. I opened my eyes and saw Yongguk right above me. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds until Himchan let out a huge laugh.

"AHAHAAH! You’re all covered in mud! AHAHAAHAH!"

Yongguk sat up and glared at Himchan. "Yah! That's not funny!"

Still, Himchan couldn't stop laughing and it became contagious for the younger aliens. I even let out a few giggles.

"Guys!" Yongguk yelled.

I got some mud on my two index fingers and leaned over to Yongguk. Then, I made two lines curving upwards from the corners of his lips to make a smile. "Oh come on, liven up a little!"

Himchan looked up and saw the face I made. "PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YONGGUKHASASMILEONHISFACE!" he couldn’t stop laughing.

Yongguk had enough grabbed a handful of mud. He ran up to Himchan and smeared it in his face. "AHAHAHA!" he sarcastically laughed. "Look at who's face is funny now!"

The 5 aliens including me, laughed at Himchan's face. "STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" he took a handful and threw a mudball at the Zelo. Eventually, the aliens got into a mud war.

On the sidelines, I laughed in amusement until a figure stood in front of me. I looked up and saw a smirking Yongguk towering over me. I immediately slapped my hands together and bowed. "Spare me please!"

"You think you can get away with putting mud on my face? I don’t think so."

He squatted down to my level. "Now will I force you or will you make this easier?"

I knew better and lifted my face up. "Make it creative." I closed my eyes and waited for the cold mud.

He chuckled and drew on my face. "Let's give you a unibrow. How about a nice big mole? A moustache and goatee would fit you. Hmm...Let’s give you a man makeover and give you the full sideburns. Now, how about wrinkles?"

Yongguk had a blast, drawing on my face, while the others were still at their mud war.

Yongguk was finally done. "Guys!" he called. "Look at Eun Mi's makeover."

At the sound of my name, the aliens stopped and came closer.

"Say hello to mister Mi." He stepped to the side and revealed my face to the aliens.

The aliens laughed hysterically. Even Yongguk joined the laughter. I took out my phone and looked into the screen's reflection. I looked like some male monster, ready to drink a whole jug of beer. I laughed along with the aliens at how silly I looked. I the camera on my phone. "Come here guys! Let's take a picture of our masterpieces!"

The aliens went behind me and moved around so they could fit the screen.

"1, 2, 3, kimchi!"


We got our buckets and started to hunt for octopus. After we loosened up and got used to the mud, we were all sitting and crawling all over the mudflat, trying to catch some octopus. To make it fun, we challenged each other to see who would get the most octopuses. Since there were only 4 buckets, we split into teams of two but Daehyun wanted to do it himself since he thought he could beat all of us.

The losers would be plummeted by mud by the winners and they would also have to do what the winners say. I was with Zelo. Youngjae was with Jongup, and Yongguk was with Himchan.

The whole afternoon, we were searching for octopus. The aliens were so competitive that the ahjummas and the ahjusshis were all amazed at how we were so into it. Some were even saying that the octopus would be endangered if we kept going like that. Actually, it was the aliens who were making it seem so easy to find. I couldn’t let Zelo down, so I searched twice as hard. Luckily, my phone beeped, signalling the contest was over. We sat down and counted our octopus. 

"35." We all showed our 35th one. "36, 37, 38, 39."

"Oh shoot!" Himchan shouted. "We don't have anymore!"

"It’s all your fault!" Yongguk blamed.

"My fault?!"

Youngjae calmed them down, “Don’t worry, there will be others joining you. You all have to feel the wrath of Jongup and I!”

“Who said you’re going to win?” Zelo argued.

In the end, Daehyun, Zelo and I lost. The winners were Youngjae and Jongup with a number of 47 octopus.

"Asa!" the two high fived each other. We all stood in a line for our punishment.

"Eun Mi, you can come over here. You don't have to go through the punishment." Jongup called me over.

I happily ran over to their side and Himchan complained. "That’s not fair!"

"It is fair, we’re the winners and I believe the winners can tell the losers what to do, so we made Eun Mi escape the punishment and join us." Of course the smart one is always right.


We picked up mud and started hurling it at them. From head to toe, they were covered in mud and they couldn’t do anything about it. Ahhh, the life of a winner is awesome!

The end of the day was nearing and we headed back to the apartment I rented for the day with the money we made from our previous jobs. Of course, we also brought home some octopus for me to eat. Since the aliens didn't eat, I made extra to bring back home and for Jiho.

I ate alone in the kitchen while the alien winners had fun ordering around the aliens who didn’t win the contest.

"Why aren’t you out there?" Yongguk knocked on the door frame.

"I'm eating. I don't want one of you to knock over my food with your silly games."

He chuckled and sat down across from me. "So did you do your punishment?" I asked.

"Yeah," he lifted his black bangs to reveal words that said, “Hi I'm unit 253, the controller of bunnies.”

I laughed and almost chocked on my rice. "Jongup? I asked. He scowled but nodded. "Good job Jongup!" I called.

"Thanks!" he called back. I heard Yongguk quietly scowl again. "So how's the trip so far?" I asked.

"It's actually really fun." he admitted.

"Ha! I told you this would be the most fun you can experience - playing in the mud, catching octopus and eating them. How much fun can it get? Except, you can't taste its wonderfulness." I stuck my tongue out.

“I don't need to eat octopus.”

"I guess..." I shrugged, kind of bummed I had to eat all by myself. At times like this, I wished I had someone to talk and eat with but there's no point in wishing. These aliens can never turn human even if they tried and no matter how much I wished for it to happen. Now that I think about it, the aliens and I have been very close. I am no longer scared of them and there are no more thoughts on the chance of them ever killing me. These aliens have really impacted me without me knowing it. I hope I also impacted them, also.

We were sitting in silence when in the corner of my eye, I saw an octopus climb out of the bowl. It crawled onto Yongguk's hand and he yelled, "WHAT THE HELL!" He shook his hand to get rid of the octopus. He panicked and accidently fell on the floor along with the octupus that flew a couple feet away from him.

The aliens rushed in the kitchen from the noise. "What happened?" Himchan asked. I looked at the octopus on the floor and back at Yongguk. I raised my hand to point at him and laughed hysterically. "The octopus – how – aha!" I couldn't keep up with my words.

The rest of the aliens stared at me with confused faces, probably thinking how crazy I am. Jongup made a circle with his finger at the side of his head to signal how crazy I am. Yongguk sneered at me but he eventually chuckled a bit. His chuckle turned into a joyful deep laugh that I haven't heard before. That was the most memorable day I had ever had with the aliens. We laughed, played, and had fun with each other. No other day could beat it.

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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)