Sleep Over

Protect Us

The aliens did what I told them to do. They quit their jobs and they told me their manager wasn't very happy. In fact, he begged them to stay and told them their pay would double and even triple if they stayed there. Their pay was high already, including the tips but still, they quite because I told them to. When they told me about their increasing pay, I almost screamed at them, asking them why they turned down a good deal but then I screamed at myself for being such a prick.

"Mimi, what are we going to do now?" Himchan whined once I got back from my classes. "We barely even see you. I know you're our protector but we should have fun too, right?"

I admit the aliens and I don't really know each other since we're always busy - I’m always busy. But I had no other option; education and work was what was most important to me. "I don't know, apply for my university, or find a job where we can all work together? You’re all robots, be creative." I threw out random words. I walked into the kitchen and noticed there wasn't a lot of food in the fridge so I stepped out for a bit to go shoppping. 

Not long after, I came home and dropped the bags at the front door. Man, that was tiring. There were a lot of things on sale and I just had to buy them all. In the country, there were no such things as sales, so I just took advantage of it. My parents would kill me for buying so many things for myself but I didn't care. They weren't here to babysit me, anyways. "I'm home." I almost whispered but no one came to greet me.

Usually when I'm in my room with my door closed, and curse quietly at how hard my assignment is, Youngjae always comes rushing to my room, asking what's wrong. He has the best hearing out of everyone. This time, no one came to greet me even after I slammed the door shut. The house was unusually silent.

"Guys?" I sat up and walked into their rooms. No one was there. "Don't tell me they went somewhere because they were bored," I said to myself. I grabbed the bags I dropped at the front and dragged them to the kitchen. I dropped them off on the table and saw a note on the table. The aliens all wrote in different colours. It said:

Dear HyeMi (Mimi and Noona),

We went outside for a bit, so don't go crazy when you don't see us at home. No, were not at the club. We listen to you very well :D. Don't wait up for us because we're going to come home late. We'll be fine if you don't recharge us, just recharge us in the morning. Noona, we'll come back safe and sound!

Love, your aliens.

I smiled at the cute note but then it was replaced by a frown. They were coming back late once again. They told me to go sleep without them, but how can that be possible when I'm worrying about them? I ate my dinner, did my assignments and sat on the couch to watch TV, waiting for them to come home.

Finally, the aliens came back home with a loud, “Mimi!”

Someone elbowed him in the stomach. "Oof!"

"Be quiet, she may be asleep." Yongguk reminded him. On cue, I walked towards the door, "Hey guys..."

"Mimi!" Himchan walked up to me with arms wide open but Zelo beat him to it.

"Noona, you're not asleep yet?" he rubbed my back.

I shook my head on his shoulder, "I couldn't leave you guys uncharged. I'll feel bad if you're tired the next day."

"Aigoo," he let go and pinched both my cheeks lightly. "You’re so cute!" I lightly smiled but then I let out a yawn.

Youngjae chuckled, "I guess our HyeMi is really tired."

I blushed at the word, ‘our HyeMi’. It had a nice ring to it. Suddenly, someone lifted me up from the ground. I let out a small gasp and grabbed onto his neck. He chuckled, "Don't worry HyeMi I won't drop you." Jongup said. I looked up and saw his face just centimeters away from mines. I blushed at the closeness jerked my head back to a safe distance "Let's get you upstairs." We all walked upstairs and Jongup made sure he didn't bump my feet or head against the wall. The aliens headed into my room and Jongup laid me down on my bed.

Before I could even close my eyes, I sat up, realizing something. "Hey, I'm supposed to recharge you guys."

"It's okay, HyeMi. I got the big blankets." Youngjae came in with two thick blankets

"Slumber party!!!” Zelo cheered.

Yongguk and Daehyun spread out the blankets on the floor right next to my bed. Then they used the second thick blanket and folded it to make it as their pillow since there weren't enough pillows for everyone.

One by one, they lay down on the blanket. "Mimi, come sleep with us right here!" Himchan patted the space between him and Daehyun.

"Hyung, why does Noona have to sleep beside you?" Zelo complained.

"Because you got to hug her when we came home and Jongup got to carry her upstairs. It's only fair if I get to sleep beside her."

"What about me!" Youngjae complained. He was lying down beside Daehyun.

"I don't know, ask Daehyun to swtich with you."

"Daehyun~" He did his best aegyo.

"Over my dead body. I like this spot." His aegyo failed and he lied back down and pouted. He couldn't go against his closest friend's words.

"Mimi~" Himchan patted at the spot next to him. I unsurely walked over to Himchan. "I need to recharge the others first.”

He sighed. “Fine, but don't take too long.”

I nodded and headed to the far end, where Yongguk was lying down. I lied down between him and Jongup so I could properly say goodnight to them, instead of hovering over their head.

"I hope you don't find this uncomfortable."

"Whatever,” he said coolly. “I need to take care of the rest of the guys so they don't do anything reckless to you.”

I quietly giggled. “Thanks." I stared at his black hair and unconsciously reached out to touch it. I grabbed on to the tip of his black bangs and I saw him stiffen a bit. I noticed how he was uncomfortable so I pulled my hand back. "It’s so soft."

"Of course," he cleared his throat. "This is human hair. Doctor knows how to make every part of us realistic."

I smiled, “Goodnight Yongguk.”

He stared at me for a bit before he said goodnight. I pressed his button at the back of his neck and he shut down. I turned around to Jongup and he was already staring straight at me. I jumped a bit in surprise.

"I enjoyed carrying you upstairs.” He goofily smiled.

I giggled at his silly comment. “Thanks for making my trip upstairs easier.”

“No problem HyeMi.” He pinched my cheek. “I want to show you my dance moves one day. I’ll show you my talent, and you can show me your art skills.” He held out his pinkie.

I chuckled, “Sure.” I linked my pinkie with his. After I recharged Jongup, I stood up and lied between Zelo and Himchan.

“Noona," Zelo cooed. “I missed you.”

I giggled, “We just saw each other a minute - oof!" Zelo grabbed my waist and pulled me right up to his chest until our nose touched. Good thing Himchan's back was facing us, or there would’ve been a World War III. "Z-Zelo..." I stuttered.

"Noona, you smell nice." He took a whiff of my hair. I placed my hands on his rock hard chest and pushed myself away from but he still had his arms tight around my waist. " have nice pink hair?"

Zelo smiled and leaned in to kiss my nose. "Good night Noona." He let go of my waist.

"Night Zelo. See you tomorrow." I pressed his button and he shut down for recharge.

I turned around and tapped Himchan's back, interrupting his conversation with Daehyun and Youngjae.

"Mimi!" he turned around to face me.

"Ready to recharge?" I asked.

He pouted, "I don't want to sleep so soon. I haven't seen you all day long."

"Well you could've stayed home instead of going out." I blamed.

"I'm sorry, Mimi." He looked away in shame.

I smiled, telling him I was only joking, "It’s okay. Sorry for blaming you. It's just I thought you went to that club again."

"We'd never go to the club ever again! Seeing you all sad from before, made us feel really bad. We didn't know you would be so against clubs."

"I'm not against clubs!" I argued back. "It’s just...they're not the best place to be and I don't want you guys to be influenced by the atmosphere.”

He smiled. "Okay, we won't be bad aliens. Just the aliens you built us as." He leaned in to kiss my forehead and I closed my eyes by instinct. "Goodnight Mimi. Sweet dreams."

I smiled. "You too, Himchan." I reached over and pressed his button. I sat up and lied down between Daehyun and Youngjae. Of course, Youngjae courteously moved back a bit so I could fit. I turned towards Daehyun but he immediately said, “Youngjae first.” So I did what he said and turned around to Youngjae.

"How's school?" Youngjae asked for the first time.

"It's been really busy, but I guess it's fun," I shrugged.

"Aigoo, my little art major." He affectionately rubbed my head. He looked up at my table, filled with art supplies. "I guess being a university student is going to be tough, huh?"

“Going to be tough? It is tough,” I replied. “There’s so much to do in such little time.”

He chuckled, “I guess that’s what I have to get used to.”

“Get used to what?" I asked, confused.

He shook his head. “Never mind, don’t worry about it.” He grabbed my hand and moved my hand towards his lips. He held it on there for a couple of seconds before letting go. "Goodnight, my little piece of art."

I giggled at his cheesy line so I played along. "Goodnight, Super Saiyan." I pressed the button at the back of his neck. I turned around to face Daehyun who was glaring through my back while I was talking to Youngjae.

We kept staring at each other because we didn't know what to say. I’ve never been so close to Daehyun's face before. He always ignore me and walk away when I try to talk to him, but now he has nowhere to go. I scanned the details of his face. He had somewhat thick lips, a little crease between his eyebrows and a cute little mole under his left eye. My heartbeat accelerated when he said a simple, "Hey."

"H-hi," I stuttered.

"Are you going to stare at forever or are you going to sleep?" He raised his eyebrow.

"R-right. Goodnight." I reached over to press his button since I guessed he had nothing else to say but then he grabbed my wrist.

"I didn't say I needed to be recharged. I told you to sleep.”

“But I need to recharge you before I sleep.”

"I don't want to be recharged. Just go to sleep.”

“What do you mean? Of course you have to be recharged.” I argued back

“No, I don't.” He growled. “I can find my own way to recharge so go to sleep.”

“But why do you want me to sleep first? It'll only take three secon-“

He suddenly moved his lips to my ears. “You talk too much.” He whispered.

My heart just stopped for a second. What the heck was that? “O-okay.” I whispered and turned around, lying on my back.

“Goodnight Hye Mi,” Daehyun whispered.

“G-good night, Daehyun. Make sure to recharge.” I closed my eyes but I couldn’t sleep. My heartbeat wasn’t going to slow down anytime soon. I guess Daehyun seemed to notice I couldn’t sleep, so he started to sing.

Still, I only love you

Still, I only think of you

It will never change forever, the love of you and I

I love you more than myself

I think of you more than myself

No one needs to know, if only I have you, I can live (Secret Love, B.A.P.)

In a few seconds, my eyelids got heavy but before I drifted on to dreamland, I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)