The Club

Protect Us

The month passed by quickly. Every day was the same. I went to school, went back home to eat, do my assignments and then go to work. On the weekends, I slept in late and finished my school work. It was only the beginning of my first year and there was a lot of work on my shoulders.

I barely saw the aliens and I admit, it was really lonely without them. They never really acted the way I met them the first week. They were always noisy, but now that they know I’m busy with school and work, they have been really quiet. Even when I recharge Zelo, he never does it brightly and neither do the other aliens, except for Yongguk and Daehyun. They're their normal dull selves.

One day, I walked towards the convenience store to start my shift. When I got there, there were police cars surrounding it. I quickened my pace towards the store. I saw my manager, and tapped her on the shoulder. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Someone broke into the store. They broke the door and stole the money and items. Sorry I couldn't contact you earlier. It was so sudden, I forgot."

"No. It's alright. I hope they catch them soon though." I worriedly looked back at the beat up store.

"Thanks, but you can go home. The store is going to be closed for a while. Oh, and here's your pay check. Good work." She handed me the white envelope.

I accepted the money and headed home. On the way home, I cheered quietly. Not because I had no work until the whole situation was fixed, but because I got to go home early and spend time with the aliens. I never thought I would be able to say that. I was actually happy to be with the aliens. When I first met them, they were monsters who I thought wanted to harm me. Now, they're friends.

I skipped to the front door, but then it suddenly opened. With a sly smile I quickly hid behind a bush to surprise them.

"Remember to close the door," I heard Yongguk say.

"I don't want to go anymore." Zelo whined.

"Yeah, I don't want to do this anymore. What if Hye Mi finds out?" Jongup said.

"If you don't want to, then don't. No one's forcing you," said Daehyun.

The two sighed and the aliens headed out the gate. I poked my head out of my hiding spot and watched them walk down the road. What were they talking about and where were they going? Curious, I followed them. It wasn't hard because of Zelo's pink hair.

While I was following them, I saw girls whispering and taking a glance at the six aliens. They were head over heels for the nice looking aliens. Is this what Zelo was talking about when he tried to find a new protector? I shuddered. I would have been very uncomfortable, too.

They ended up going into a really bright and dazzling store. I stepped out of my hiding place and felt disappointed when I read the name of the store. 'Relly Club.' I never knew they spend their time at clubs. No wonder they were always quiet when I was around. They didn't want to talk to me because I'm that boring, lame girl who locks herself in her room all day. They'd rather go to clubs and meet girls with nice, y looking bodies.

Without even knowing, my feet lead me to the front of the club. It wasn't even open yet. I guessed the aliens came early because they were VIPs or something. I wouldn't know; there were no clubs in the country. I've only heard of it.

A voice suddenly appeared behind me. "Hey, the club isn't open yet."

Without saying anything, I bowed at him and turned to leave.

"Wait!" he called. He walked up to me. "Are you looking for a job?"

"I already have a -"

"Well, we're offering jobs here at the club," he cut me off. "We're new and short of staff so we need workers. You don't have to go through any steps. We'll train you right away."

I shook my head, “No thanks.”

"Come on," he whined. "It will be the best place you'll ever work at." This guy really didn't understand my words. It's not like I'm speaking Alien! I ignored him and turned to leave once again but be held my wrist.

"You just have to serve drinks. Nothing much. You'll be fine."

I tugged my wrist out of his hand, but he held on tight. "Let go!"

This man still didn't understand a word I said. He's speaking the same language so why does it feel like he's hearing nothing but Alien?! "It's not much. You just have to serve drinks. You'll get a lot of tips and 30% of it is yours!"

“I said, no thanks!" I struggled to break free from his grip. "I don't want to work at a club!"

"Come on, you-"

"She said to let her go." We turned around to where the voice was coming from. I couldn't believe who I was seeing. It was Jiho!

"She was just looking for a job so I thought she wanted to work here," the man explained.

"She said she didn't want to. So let go of her." He had so much authority in his voice, I got scared. This person wasn't someone I knew. Jiho is a cheery, funny person but this man in front of me with styled up hair in a black blazer and white button up shirt was someone totally different.

The man let go of my wrist and scurried away without a word. "Are you alright?" he asked. I turned to look at him. Now he's the man I knew. His eyes were gentler and he had a slight smile. I told him I was alright but he didn't believe my words and asked me again. Still, I replied the same. Honestly, his change scared me more than the other man but I didn't tell him that. Instead, I asked him why he was wearing what he was wearing.

He looked down at his attire. "Ah, this? I work here."

I nodded but it suddenly hit me. "You work here?!" I shouted. How could Jiho work here? Is this the person I know anymore? First, it was his scary expression, now it was his job!

"Yah, quiet down," he shushed me. "I have a part time job here."

"But, aren't the jobs here...bad?" I asked. "Are you Jiho? Park Jiho? Not Park Jihoon or anything? Do you have a twin?"

He laughed. "Ah, you’re so innocent. I park customer's cars. Sometimes, I serve drinks but that's about it. I'm not allowing you to work here, so don't even try, missy." He wagged his fingers.

My chest felt a lot lighter. I'm glad he's not doing anything bad in the club. I made an X with my arms. "Nope. Never. Even if there weren’t any clubs where I came from, I've heard bad things about." 

He looked down at my uniform. "Going to work?"

"I'm going home, the place was robbed," I answered. I laughed when he suddenly panicked and made me turn 360 degrees, making sure I wasn't harmed. I told him I wasn't at the scene and he sighed in relief. Soon it was time for his shift so he bid me goodbye and ran into the building. I watched him run in and stared at the building for a while longer. How dare the aliens go clubbing and hide it from me?!

I was home, waiting for the aliens to come home. They arrived home before 11, the time I usually finished work. That made me even madder to know they would secretly go to the club without me knowing. On top of that, they've done it plenty of times. I walked towards them with my arms folded together against my chest. They walked in and of course they weren’t expecting me to be home early at all from their surprised faces. Even Yongguk and Daehyun looked surprised and that meant something, considering they were forever pokerfaces. 

"Hye Mi, w-what are you doing home so early?" Himchan stuttered.

"I didn't have work today. The store got robbed," I answered.

"The place got robbed? Are you hurt?!" Youngjae's protective trait kicked in. He inspected my face, arms and legs for any injuries, just like Jiho. I pushed him away and he looked hurt. I felt bad, but it was his fault in the first place.  "I didn't get hurt! It was robbed before I got there.” He relaxed. "Where were you guys doing while I was away?"

No one answered. "Do I have to do this the hard way?" No one answered, so I took it as a yes.

I walked up to Himchan. "Himchannie~" I cooed. He twitched. I secretly smirked. My aegyo was working. "Can you tell me where you guys went? You know how lonely I was by myself? I wanted to die on the couch. You guys weren't there with me," I pouted. I almost puked at my own act. I was seriously not a cute girl and I swear this is the first time I've ever done something like that. Not even in front of my parents do I do something like that. 

He looked away. "No, I can't tell you."

I scowled secretly. This alien was hard to persuade and I wasn't going to do that stupid cute act anymore. It's cringing! "Fine! You're no longer my favourite alien." I walked towards Zelo but Himchan held my arm back. "I'm your favourite alien?"

I nodded. "Was!” I corrected. “You're not telling me where you went, so you're not my favourite anymore." I turned to leave but he stopped me, again. "Wait!" I smiled. My act was working!

"Yah, Himchan!" Daehyun hissed.

"Sorry, but I can't lose my number one place in her heart. We...went to a club."

"Ha! I knew it!" I pointed at him. I saw Daehyun slap his hand on his face in the corner of my eye. “Do you go right after I go to work?” I questioned him.

“An hour later," he truthfully answered.

"How often do you go?"

"Monday to Friday."

That hurt. "So you guys are really bored of me, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?" Jongup asked.

"I'm sorry I don't spend any time with you guys. But you don't have to go there with those kinds of people."

"Hye Mi."

"I'll quit my job if I have to. I don't want anyone to go back there."

"Hye Mi.”

"Zelo looks underage. How could you even sneak him in? Don't tell me you use your powers to allow him to go past the door!" Oh gosh, I was going crazy! What if someone there found out they were alien robots? Did someone already report them? They must have felt how cold their skin was and how their muscles are rock hard. Something is going to happen and I know it. Some stupid person in there will-

"Hye Mi!" Yongguk shouted. "What are you talking about?"

"It's obvious you guys go there to party because you're bored of me!"

"Party?" Youngjae asked.

"Yeah! You didn't hear me the first time? I said I'll quit my job to spend more time with you guys. You guys are obviously bored at ho-"

"We don't party," said Daehyun. "Does it look like we do?"

I nodded and Zelo sighed. "Noona, we've been earning money there."

"Huh?" I didn’t see that coming.

"Daehyun wanted to earn money to pay for your broken door knob because he felt bad. We thought if we all had a job, it would be quicker to replace the door, and so you would quit your job too," he explained.

"Seeing you lock yourself in your room and working all night is really painful. We wanted to help too," Jongup continued.

I was so touched. I never knew the aliens had this big of a heart to care this much about me. Now I feel bad. I've been accusing them of such things that never happened. They just wanted to help me and I accused them as stupid aliens who didn't know their place. I sighed, "Quit."

"Hey, I said I wanted to pay for the door and we wanted YOU to quit so you can't tell us to-"

“Find another job!” I yelled at Daehyun. Everyone stared at me. I lowered my voice, "The club isn't someplace where the working environment is good. I don't want you guys to work at a club." I looked at Zelo, "The maknae doesn’t want to work there right?"

He nodded and faked a sniffle. He walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Only Noona understands me!" he whined. I patted his back but then he was suddenly removed from me by Himchan.

"Just work somewhere else. Better yet, find a job where ALL of us can work at."

The aliens looked at each other and Yongguk gave them a small smirk and said, “Don’t regret what you said Hye Mi.” I shuddered. They won’t possibly find an opening for 7 people…will they?

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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)