Shooting Star

Protect Us

I was drawing in my sketchbook when Mom called. "Hye Mi, can you come down here?" I told her I would be down in a minute. I just had to color in the finshing touches of my current art project.

Finally, my drawing was done. I smiled at the beautiful drawing of the starry scenery I found as a wallpaper on my computer. I could never get tired of the stars at night. For something so unknown, it was beautiful.

Mom was in the kitchen when I found her. "Can you do something real quick for me?" she asked, taking out money from her wallet. "I need you to buy me some tomatoes so I can make dinner."

Taking a step back, I shook my head. "What? No way. I'm not going all the way there by myself."

She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. "Why? What's wrong? You go everytime I asked you. Why not tonight?"

"There are no stars tonight. It's a clear sky but there are no stars. There is something bound to happen tonight." Did you know? I'm a girl of superstitions.

My mom slapped my arm, which hurt a lot. "What kind of girl are you? You're almost 19 and you're scared of the dark?"

"Mom! What kind of girl do you think I am? I'm not scared of the dark! It's the stars. Nothing good happens on a starless night."

Like she read my mind, she slapped my arm once again and said, "Stop reading those fiction books! Now, go buy me some tomatoes. Oh, and also take this with you. It's kimchi soup. Give it to Mrs. Yu and tell her she should be taking care of her health." She handed me the money and the bowl. I opened my mouth to argue back, but she stopped me. "No buts or I'll take away your books," she threatened. Like an arm spasm, I grabbed the money and bowl from her hands and ran out the door.

The sky looked darker than usual that night. There were no shining stars in the sky, so I had to use a flashlight to light my way. The streetlights weren't the brightest and there weren't many of them.

I was moving to the city for university because of my scholarship. Of course, everyone thought I was going to be majoring in literature since I read a lot of books, but that wasn't what I got a scholarship for. I was going to major in art. I love drawing. It's like there's another side of me when I pick up a pencil or a brush and begin to draw lines. Everything just comes to life.

After I got the tomatoes from the neighbour down the street and left the family with the money and soup, I walked out of the house swinging the bag back and forth. Since we live in the country, there were no grocery shops. We have a farmer's market but since the farmer’s market closes early, we usually make personal visits to buy our food. 

As I walked down the dark road, I saw an extremely large shooting star falling from the sky. I quickly held my hands together and made a wish, "I wish that my life as a university student will be exciting." I opened my eyes and saw the shooting star become bigger and bigger as if it was actually falling from the sky.

It was falling from the sky!

I suddenly felt a strong but faint thud. I had no idea how a huge star could land so silently. I didn't even know if it was a star. As fast as a could, without tripping on anything, I ran home and placed the tomatoes - or more like threw them on the table. "I'll be home soon!" I yelled. I grabbed my camera and ran to where the shooting star landed. It wasn't hard since the smoke from the star was floating around in the air. I didn't even know if smoke coming from a landing star was possible. Of course, I ran to witness the falling star. This would be the best sketch yet! I no longer have to look at stars from my computer screen anymore, although the star would just be a lump of burning rock.

As quickly as I could, I ran to the hills where it landed. When I saw the "star" I almost dropped my digital camera. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of my eyes. It was a spaceship! And I was the first one to find out about it! Not only that, the dirt ground was on fire! How was that chemically possible!?

Quickly, I  my camera to take pictures. I should have ran away but the thing is, I have a weird interest in aliens. If I hadn't gone to grab tomatoes, I wouldn't have seen such an amazing thing! Thank you, Mom for threatening me.

Suddenly, the spaceship made a hissing sound. I quickly ducked behind a boulder, careful not to be seen by the aliens. There were many books that describe how aliens meet the human population, and it is not pretty. The spaceship hissed louder and a light shined from what looked like the door. The door opened and I covered my mouth from gasping too loudly. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest from all the adrenaline.

More smoke was released from the open door and one by one, aliens stepped out of the spaceship.

It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Their silhouettes looked perfect from the smoke and light in the background. It might have been the worst time to admire something. Six aliens walked out the spaceship and the smoke almost completely cleared up. My eyes widened at their appearance. They looked like humans. They looked like males. How could aliens look like humans? That was not right. I picked up my camera, capturing the historical scene before they disappeared. I pressed the button but I forgot the flash was on!

Their heads whipped towards my direction and I quickly hid and prayed hard. Unfortunately, my prayers did not help.

In a second, two aliens stood right in front of me. I gasped, too scared to even scream. They took me by the arm and lifted me up in the air and boy, were they tall. I kicked and kicked, hoping they would let go but their grip was tight. So tight that it probably created a bruise. They walked toward the spaceship and I started to beg. I didn't want to be abducted, especially when I was going to start a new life tomorrow! "I beg you, don't do anything to me! Take someone else! I have to go to university tomorrow! Take someone else!" I cried.

Both the aliens kept quiet and emotionless. I didn't think they understood what I was saying so I told them in simple words, keeping my cool. If there was anything I learnt from alien novels, was that you need to keep calm or they'll eat your brain.

"Don't take me. Me, no good. School tomorrow. You get?" I tried to say slowly, hoping they would understand, but they didn’t say anything. I squirmed around in their grasp but they still had a strong grip on my arms. My life was over! I closed my eyes and replayed everything I regretted before I get abducted by aliens.

They dropped me on the ground, making me trip and land on my knees. I opened my eyes and saw an angry alien-human, ready to rip my head off. He had purple hair but his bangs were coloured black. I looked away, scared that it'll shoot lasers out of its eyes.

"Who are you?" he boomed. I looked at him in surprise. I was surprised that he could speak my language but his scary look made me look away.

"I ASKED, WHO ARE YOU?" he shouted with his big deep voice.

"I'm Hye Mi Lee, 18 years old. I'm starting university tomorrow in the city. I'm going to be majoring in art even though I love to read. I'm an only child. I live with my mom and dad. I like chips, candy, anything sweet but I have very high metabolism and eat my daily fruits and vegetables," I said all at once. I had no idea why I spilled everything out to that alien-human. Probably because I didn't want to have my brain out if I don't give them details.

Instead of saying anything, or nodding, he turned around towards the spaceship with the other alien-humans. "D-does it mean I can go now?" I called out. They didn't answer. What they did next really got me frozen on my spot. They placed a cube not far from the spaceship and stepped back. The cube suddenly transformed into a circular spaceship, much smaller than the one they landed in. It was probably just as heavy as the big spaceship, because it sank a bit into the ground.

The alien with the purple hair pressed a button on the smaller spaceship and the door hissed open. He walked inside and so did the others. Then an arm popped out and it wagged its finger to signal me to go in. Of course, being the smart girl I am, I slowly backtracked. The books always describe how the main character tries to escape whenever an alien is preoccupied. That's exactly what I did, but that didn't work. I was going to take second step back but the deep-voiced alien said, "If you dare run away, we'll kill you right away."

Obediently, I walked towards the spaceship and cautiously climbed into it. The alien with the big lips closed the door behind me which made me jump a little. Inside, were a bunch of screens and buttons. The alien with the half mohawk and super weird spikey hair started to type on the buttons. I was so amazed at how fast he could press those things. The buttons were just lit up squares with no symbols attached to it, unlike our keyboards. Suddenly, the screens got all staticy and another alien-human appeared on the screen. He looked the scariest. 

"Doctor, we have landed safely on Earth," the mohawk alien said in a monovoice.

"Good," he replied. The alien on the screen looked at me and I squirmed under his stare, even though he was displayed on a screen. "You already found someone?"

"Actually, she found us." His eyes pierced through mines. I awkwardly looked away.

"Details?" the alien on the screen asked.

"Her name is Hye Mi Lee.  An eighteen year old female going to university. Majors in art but loves reading. She is also an only child who is going to move to the city tomorrow," the mohawk guy continued.

"Good. Good." He nodded. He looked at me and I straightened up in surprise. "Hye Mi?" he started.

"Y-yes?" I replied, unsure.

"I'm going to explain everything to you, so bear with me, okay?" I hesitantly nodded. "But first, are you sure you want to be involved in this? We could always spray you with Mem-O so you won't remember any of this. You need to make the right decision."

I looked around at the 6 aliens and then the spaceship around me. I thought for a little bit and I made my decision. I looked back at the screen, "I choose to..."

*reference video!

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Chapter 50: I can't believe you made me cry! Do you know how hard it is for me to cry? I couldn't even cry when my dog died and here you are turning me into a cry baby... Ohmygod how do you make it stop??? Do you know how long I've been crying? I've been crying ever since Daehyun was admitted into the hospital... This is the longest that I've cried, how could you do this to me? This is so unbelievable all this time I was the ice princess for not knowing how to cry at all and here I am shedding buckets of tears.
This story is just so.... Aaaaaahh!! It's just so awesome and I'm so speechless that I can't explain how great it is and my chest just feels so heavy cause it's so overwhelming
I want to read the sequel!!~ hopefully the romance will continue with Eunmi and Daehyun ;)
Chapter 51: Off to sequel!! ♡
Chapter 51: nice fanfics~^^
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 51: I really liked this story and I'm definitely reading the sequel...Even though I was kind of sad that Daehyun and Eunmi didn't get together, it was still amazing and I hope Daehyun is happy with his girlfriend:)
roserika #6
Wahh.this story's it all in one go.seriously jiho the warrior leader?really shocked me.awesome story.
Chapter 33: *laughed way too hard at your comment* "This story will be the death of me..." X'D You're so daebak LOL
Chapter 50: I am disappointed ..... I wanted Daehyun go out with Eun Mi .... x)
Brief Your fiction is really great ^^. I like it :)