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♨ Kimchi Dumplings Review Shop ♨ || Closed Hiatus ||

Title [3/5]:

To be brutally honest, it was a bit cliché because these kinds of titles are common around AFF making them bland. Readers chose to read from their eyes and if they saw something that has similar titles to other stories, they are likely not to click on the story. However saying that, the title does show a clear romance aspect and it brings out a strong hint to what the story is going to be like.


Poster(s) [5/5]: 

The poster is really good, the people are blended in well and I can see their expressions fitted the title and the story’s theme. The colours were used correctly as well, with the use of orange/pink to show romance genre. Overall, it was really good!


Description & Foreword [7/10]: 

I loved the description since it lured me on and I was really intrigue by the story making me want to read on. It was the right size and it didn’t give away everything but it also made us think and made us curious. The characters description was something I don’t really like in stories. We the readers can think of what their personality is ourselves and we don’t need a description. I was pleased it was a little description and not a massive paragraphs so well done!


Plot and Characters [28/30]: 

The plot was fantastic and although there were a few cliché moments going on, the plot on basic lines were quite original to read and review. There were some events that do not happen often like the bar incident at the start with Hoya.

The characters were also shown expressively and I found out their personalities was written in a detailed way. Great job!


Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation/Word Chose [22/25]

Your grammar was fine and although there were a few mistakes here and there, it wasn’t obvious to find. One thing you should revise in is your punctuation.

Eg. "Eww... Is that abs?"  Jihyun stopped walking and pointed at his brothers' abdomen.

Correction. "Eww... Is that abs/Are those abs?"  Jihyun stopped walking and pointed at his brother’s abdomen.

You should have the apostrophe (‘) after ‘r’ in the word brother because it is his abdomen and it is in a possessive term meaning you should have an apostrophe and then a ‘s’ after it.

The spellings were also perfect and I could find no flaws in them. Perhaps try to use wider ranges of words. I am not saying get a dictionary and chose words that we never come across but look back through your last two paragraphs and see whether you use the descriptive word or not.


Flow [8/10]: 

The flow was a bit too fast at the beginning but it gradually got better so just keep up with the pace and you should be fine!


Overall Enjoyment [12/15]: 

I am afraid I am not a vivid g-dragon fan so I wouldn’t have chosen to read this story but when I did, I really enjoyed it then and it was fun to read.


Grade: 85%  a.k.a B

Reviewed by -CherryBlossoms

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SmileFlyy-- has deactivated without informating me, sorry if you requested from her. Please request again from someone else.


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In_Disguise #2
Chapter 2: Is there by any chance , *cough cough* my review will be finished after a year? XD just wondering, I'm just wondering why a sudden stop of updating?
Ummmm this is random but you spelt "subscribe" wrong on your foreword? Perhaps this was done on purpose? O_O
In_Disguise #4
Chapter 1: Hi~! Can I um.. Pass my request to Imyeoniyeomni? Please do (^-^) thank you.
Excuse me, I just accidentally sent up my form, I was actually planned to send it on other day .__. I'm sorry
UwinLe #6
This is kind of awkward and it might seem like I'm a stalker, but I somewhat really enjoy reading your reviews on people fics. :)
Chapter 2: So sorry for this, but would tell AyoWhatUpKrease I would like to cancel my request.
Can I have a different reviewer instead. Any one will do but my request will go out to cottonSHINEEcandy or vnxazn. Please tell her I'm really sorry for the switch and she is still happy enough to be subscribed to my story :)
I added you as affies ^^
Please link back ^^
Chapter 68: Hqhahha i had their ages in the forewod but people kept telling me to delete the character charts. I'll just add it in the fist chapter then :) thank you so much for the wonderful rview!!
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #10
Cool shop!:)