Equation 30

Less Than Three



Key's P.O.V


“How did the studying go?”

Those five very simple words made the two lovers look up in shock at each other, as they finally realized the reason why, they had been away on the trip in the first place.

It hadn't been for the shopping or the trip to the amusement park. Neither had it been so the two of them could find together. (Not that either of them minded that part.)

"," they coed at the same time, as they broke the eye contact to look with panic written all over their expression at Onew.

"This is your fault," Jonghyun whined, as he childishly pointed at Key, who rolled his eyes and rested a hand on his hip starting to tap his foot impatiently against the hard wood floor.

"How can it be my fault, huh genius?" Key wasn't going to take that argument with the older boy, and neither was he going to take the blame.

Unfortunately Jonghyun didn't get the memo, and kept it up, "If it hadn't been for you I would definitely had been studying this weekend!"

"So you're saying, that you would rather have liked, if we hadn't found together?" Ice cold silence crept onto them, as they glared at each other waiting for the other to give up. - Of course Jonghyun was the first to break the eye contact.

"No, it's because you're too y for your own good!" Jonghyun complained with a high pitch, as he continued his rant, "do you have any idea about, how hard it is for me to concentrate, when you're around? I want to kiss and cuddle with you all the time. And the way you remove your fringes makes my heart-"

"I get it," Key interrupted Jonghyun's speech abruptly, as his cheeks took the color baby pink, and he tried his best to look like it didn't affect him at all, "we really need to get ourselves together, if you need to pass your exam tomorrow."

A little cough could be heard from beside them, as they both realized that Onew still was sitting on the couch beside them, "I guess the two of you are finally together?"

"That's like the dumbest thing, I've heard all day," Key rolled his eyes, as his hand found its way to his hip once again, "of course we're together!"

Onew instantly brightened up, as a big smile covered his face. His eyes became smaller than usual, and both Jonghyun and Key smiled back at him.

"Thank you so much for your help Hyung," Jonghyun said, as he snuck an arm around Key's petite waist, and kissed his cheek.

Key looked a bit embarrassed, but couldn't help but smile, as he pushed Jonghyun a bit away getting a pout in return, "we need to go study."

Realization hit the older boy hard, as Key dragged off with him into his own room, as he was sure that Jonghyun's probably was really messy, and that it would annoy him like hell, so he wouldn't be able to concentrate about helping the older boy with his studies.

Finally in his room he sat down at his desk, as Jonghyun plumped down onto his bed, which he had made before they had taken off to Jonghyun's parent's place. - Which Jonghyun ruined pretty quickly.

"I'm never going to make it!" Depression was written all over Jonghyun's face, as he stared down at his feet, which were dangling out from the bed revealing a black pair of socks, "Now I probably have to change departments."

"Don't give up already!" Key reprimanded him, before he dug into the older's bag to find the math book, "I'll teach you."

Key looked up the page, he knew that the two of them had reached to look it over, before he turned to Jonghyun and explained it to him as simple as he could, before he told him to figure some of the problems out on his own.

It hadn't been more than five minutes, before Jonghyun looked up from his paper, and looked over at Key, who was busy doing some of his homework, "Keeeey."

Prolonging the name Jonghyun pouted towards Key, who had turned around to look at the older boy, "What is it?"

Key didn't want to sound angry all the time, but he was honestly scared of, what would happen, if Jonghyun would had to change departments. What if he had to change dorm or even worse - change school? Then what should Key do?

"Can't we make a deal? - Like to raise my determination or something?"

Raising an eye brow Key waited for Jonghyun to continue - telling him what kind of deal, he was talking about, "how about you'll kiss me every time I get a problem right?"

Flushed Key stared at the brunette, as he was surprised by the suggestion - and maybe a little shy?

"Then what will I get out of it?" Key asked slyly, as he tried to hide his slightly pink cheeks by turning around in his chair to stare at his homework absent mindedly waiting for a reply.

"You get to kiss your handsome boyfriend," Key imagined the sly smile pulling Jonghyun's lips upwards in a playful way, as he shamelessly announced, that he was his boyfriend.

Rolling his eyes Key started doing his homework once again, as he knew Jonghyun did the same after he told him, that it was a done deal. Key couldn't help but smile about it, but made sure to hide it from Jonghyun, so he wouldn't get any satisfaction from it.

An hour passed by as they both did their best to finish their homework. It was starting to get late, and they were starting to shift yawning - it was way more contagious than anyone would imagine.

Another hour passed by and the clock placed on Key's desk told them, that it was 2 in the morning. It was also around there, that Jonghyun announced, that he was done with the problems, Key had given him.

"Give them to me," Key yawned, as he leaned forward to reach out for them, but Jonghyun shook his head wearing a teasing smile.

"You come and get them."

"Jonghyun I'm seriously tired, and I'm really not in the mood to-" Jonghyun cut him off, as he had stood up to go over to Jonghyun, by pulling his wrist, so he ended up sitting in Jonghyun's lap.

"Jonghyun let go of me," Key tried to stand up, but Jonghyun responded by wrapping his arms around his waist and pinning him down to his lap.

"Where do you think, that you're going?" Jonghyun whispered into Key's ear making a shiver go through all of his body, "stay here."

Sighing to hide his excitement about being in Jonghyun's lap, he picked up the papers from beside them, as he leaned back onto Jonghyun's chest to sit more comfortable, as he started checking it for mistakes.

But just as much as Key liked sitting in Jonghyun's lap, just as arousing did he find it. Jonghyun rested his head onto Key's shoulder watching him correcting his math, but every time he exhaled his breath would touch Key's neck and make shivers go down his spine.

The exact same cologne he had found so comforting at Jonghyun's place distracted him countless times making him think back to the night, where he had slept beside Jonghyun for the first time.

It was a hard thing to deny for Key, that he was a teenager just like everyone else at his age, and it was hard to deny his lust, as he quickly shifted in Jonghyun's lap to stare the older boy into his dark brown orbs, "oh look - there were no mistakes at the first problem."

"But you didn't finish correcting it yet," confused Jonghyun looked down at the paper in Key's hand, which he had a tight grip on crumbling the side of the paper a little.

"That doesn't matter," Key leaned in to peck Jonghyun's lips, which only made the older boy smile into the kiss, but he leaned back, so their lips weren't touching anymore, but close enough so they could feel each other's breath.

"Change of plans," he sighed in delight, as he looked at the younger with amusement in his eyes, "you finish correcting the problems, and I'll kiss you."

"Urgh, you're such a tease!" Key complained, as he once again turned in Jonghyun's lap to correct the problems once again, but it was really hard to concentrate with Jonghyun making round circles on his back with a light touch on his back.

It took a little longer, than it probably would had done, if Key hadn't been sitting in Jonghyun's lap, but it would be a lie, if he said, that he didn't like it. Actually it felt like he belonged in his lap, and that he should never sit anywhere else again.

"Done," Key sighed, as he returned the paper to Jonghyun, who quickly looked through it all to see his mistakes, but he quickly lit up, "I guess, you really wanted me to kiss you?"

Jonghyun smirked a bit at Key's sarcastic comment, before he pecked Key on his cheek.

"Too bad I'm not going to kiss you though," Key made clear, as he tried to stand up once again, but Jonghyun just pulled him back making it clear, that he wasn't going to leave him just yet.

"Then I'll just kiss you," Key couldn't help but smile at his confident statement, before Jonghyun leaned in and kissed him.

How could he have gotten that lucky? 


Written by MapiHyperMonkey

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21Ame-chan #1
Chapter 29: Thank you!! I love you guys especially for the parents part. Almost all fics make Jong's dad some evil maniac who abuses &/or kicks him out of the house when he finds out about their relationship. I mean, come onnnnn!!!! It's fanfic world! Be different lol
herejusttoread #2
Chapter 42: Loved the story.. but what that math equation mean at the end ? Overall I love this it's perfect
mikeyw #3
Chapter 44: will u guys keep writing for closer, faster? it's seriously good. it didn't feel rushed, the chapters you guys wrote so far. it felt like getting to know the characters individually and together at the same time. the relationship also was progressing slowly, not too rushed. I was really loving "closer, faster" :(
what does the math equation mean?
blind_angel #5
Chapter 16: Omg! I just got really curious... Who tops in this relationship?!
I really love it by the way, I've been reading it all day so far xD
Chapter 44: oh my god why havent i read this sooner? this is really amazing and so fluffy just the way i like it! thank u!
Chapter 42: I really like this story.^^ thank you for creating this author-nims. ^^
Chapter 42: So amazing... and great story^^ :) I was happy & felt their love & romance while I reading ur story^^ :)
Chapter 44: I just added this story to my jongkey rec list. congrates and pls keep up the good work.^^
mzjonghyun #10
Chapter 44: I love the story wish I read it sooner