A date?

My delivery girl


Days passed by and it was now Sunday. Myungsoo set aside his worries about Woori coming back whenever he'll have conversations with you on the phone. He keeps on getting sweeter and sweeter and that's how you are totally falling for him even more. He was an arrogant, jerk, bastard, cocky when you first met him but now, you are descibing him as a caring, kind, sweet, and still cocky.
"Noona.. Just go by yourself! I'm busy here!" Ricky whined as he was playing the Wii, gift from Sunggyu. You pouted and crossed your arms. "Should I nag Sunggyu oppa for giving you that?" You puffed your cheeks and took your shoulder bag. "Fine! I'll be going now!" You put on your sneakers and went out of the house. You took a bus and arrived at the Dongdaemun market.
You held on the strap of your shoulder bag while eyeing each products that will caught your eyes. You pouted when you saw a really really cute hair clip. *I can't buy that. I need things that we really needed.* She continued to walk with a pouting face as more products that caught her eyes greets her.
Myungsoo was walking around Dongdaemun market as he thought of buying a new toy for Myungdae. He picked the market rather than the mall since Myungdae prefers the toys here than the mall. Myungsoo was eyeing each section and when he looked away, his heart beat faster as usual as he spotted the only girl now who would only make his heart like that. A smirked was formed on his lips as he approached her.
You were tapping your chin as you looked at the products in front of you. *Should I buy that? Do we really need that?* Suddenly, a pair of palms covered your eyes. You gasped and panicked. *Eotteoke?! Who could this be? Is it Sunggyu oppa???* "W-Who's this? A-Are you Sunggyu oppa?" You asked. And as you remember, it's only Sunggyu who was doing this to you so you thought it was him.
Myungsoo made a face, still holding into your eyes. "Ani.. I'm not Sunggyu hyung!" He said in a kinda whiny voice. "Huh?" You tilted your head to the side and your heart keeps on beating so fast. *Is it because I'm nervous or....* "L?" You asked again. He just called Sunggyu a hyung and that voice was like his voice so you guessed it was him even though there is a 99.9% impossible that it wasnt him. Myungsoo smiled widely when you got it right. He removed his palms on you and turned you to face him.
Your eyes widened when you opened your eyes to see him smiling at you. *Omona...* You felt like you just wanted to faint right in front of him. Your knees were weakening and your heart was beating like crazy. "What are you doing here?" He asked. You blinked and shook you head, totally forgotting that you are here to buy some products that needs to be replaced at your home.
Myungsoo smiled and took your wrist. He went out the market with you and lead you both to his car. You blinked when he opened the passenger's seat. "I...Why will I sit.. You dont allow-" He suddenly pushed you inside making you to shut up and just sat there, confused. *I thought he doesnt want anyone sitting here in the passenger seat except for his girlfriend? That time.. Myungdae just forced me and him..* You pouted and Myungsoo went in in the driver's seat.
You didnt look at his way but asked a question, "W-Where are we going?". Myungsoo looked at you and chukled in his mind. *Why is she stuttering?* "Let's have fun." Your eyes widened and looked at him. "F-Fun?" He nodded and put on his belt. He noticed that you weren't still wearing your belt so he moved closer to you and bent down to get the strap of the belt beside you.
Your eyes widened in shocked. You also held your breath as he was so near to you. *Oh my gosh! Omona!* You gulped when he leaned back and smiled at you. "Don't forget to always put on a belt inside the car." He said and started the engine. You held your crazy heart and shut your eyes. *Oh my...*
Soon, the two of you arrived at Namsan Mountain. Your eyes twinkled when you spotted the Namsan tower opposite from it and the cable cars. It was your first time here and you got really excited. Myungsoo looked at you and saw the excitement in your face. *Aish..* He took your wrist and went to the counter. Your eyes widened and gulped as you looked at his hand that was on your wrist. You can feel how soft his hand and wished that you can interlaced your fingers with him. After buying, he showed you the two tickets. "W-We'll ride the cable car?" You asked. Myungsoo nodded with a big smile and both of you went in the queue line.
"Huwaa~ It's been so long since I got here.." He suddenly said. You pouted and lowered your head, "Well, it is my first time going here.." You mumbled. Myungsoo heard it and chuckled. "Jinjja? You're a Korean and you didnt even try this even for once?" He cockily asked. You made a face and looked away. Myungsoo giggled and brightened when it was your turn. "Come on!" He held your wrist and both of you went inside the cable car. Since it was a cable car for 20 people, there are more people went inside.
You went on the window to see the beautiful scenery. "Huwaaa~~" You hands were both placed in the window and your face almost kissing it. Myungsoo chuckled as he went beside you. "It's so pretty..." You said in amused. Myungsoo smiled while staring at you. "Yeah.. so pretty.." You turned your head and smiled at him before looking back again at the beautiful scenery. Myungsoo's heart skipped a beat when he saw your sweet smile.
Next, Myungsoo dragged you to Seoul Plaza. Both of you sat on the grass while eating on the pizza he bought on the way. "It's so relaxing in here." He said. You agreed and took a bite on your pizza. You both sat there for hour, talking or joking. It was really an enjoyable moment for the both of you and with that, both of you got closer.
Soon, the sun was replaced by a moon and Myungsoo was driving the car with you on the passenger seat. "Where should we go next?" He asked. You smiled, your really dont know too. *Banpo bridge!* Myungsoo shouted in his mind and he drove there.
And soon, the both of you arrived in front of the beautiful Banpo Bridge. Your eyes twinkled even more when you saw the beautiful fountain coming from the edge of the bridge. You clasped your hands together while watching it. "Daebak... It's so pretty!" You said. Myungsoo chuckled and agreed on what you said. Both of you stayed inside the car while watching the beautiful scenery.
"Thank you...for this day.." You suddenly muttered. Myungsoo looked at you and met eyes with you. He just smiled and looked at the scenery again. "I should thank you too." You smiled and looked too at the scenery. You bit your lip.  *Should I ask him? Or not...*
"L.. Why did you suddenly became so kind to me?" There, you asked it! Myungsoo blinked and looked at you. "Me?" He asked and you nodded. He rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing how to say it. "Well... maybe beacause I'm tired of annoying you?"
You scoffed and playfully rolled your eyes. "Tired uh?" Myungsoo chuckled and gazed at you. You looked back at him and noticed how he looks at you. It was like full of love. He suddenly leaned closer to you so that both of your faces were just inches away. Your heart pumped like crazy again. He searched for your eyes then your lips. *Because I'm starting to fall for you.. That's why...* He thought before crashing his lips into yours.
Your eyes widened in shock. You looked at him and his eyes were closed. You blinked *What the?!*. You wanted to pull away but his lips were just so soft and really sweet that you didnt even move an inch. And soon, your eyes were slowly shutting and you kissed him back. Myungsoo felt your response and now the two of you were kissing in synch. You wrapped your arms around his neck while his left hand was placed on your thigh and the other on the side of your seat. The kiss turned into a really passionate one. You were pulling his hair signalling that you cant breath already so he left your mouth and started trailing kisses down to your jaw and down to your neck. You were feeling so much pleasure right now. And when he spotted your sweet spot, you let out a moan. He smirked and on it even more. After giving you a hickey, he went back to your lips and his hand that was on your thigh started caressing it.
A ring from a phone snapped the both of you. You both pulled away and looked away. Both of your breaths are the only one that can be heard inside the car. And both of you were blushing really hard. When the both of you heard again the phone that was ringing, both of you searched for it. And it was Myungsoo's phone that was ringing. He awkwardly smiled at you and answered it.
"Yah hyung! Where are you?!" It was Myungdae, whining over the phone.
Myungsoo made a face. *Damn you. Im going to tickle you to death when I got there!* "Ill be right there in an hour!"
"Yeah sure! See you soon hyung!" He then hung up. Myungsoo made a face at his phone. *er!!!!!!!*
You took a quick glance at Myungsoo and chuckled. Myungsoo looked at you and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you laughing?" You bit your lip and pointed at his hair, "You looked like you just woke up from bed." Myungsoo took the mirror and looked at himself. His hair was indeed really messy. He pouted and looked at you. "Yeah, thanks to you."
You stopped laughing and blushed. You bit your lip and clenched your fists. *Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn.*
Myungsoo chuckled when he noticed your blushing cheeks. "I'll take you home." You just nodded without even looking.
Myungsoo glaced at you before starting the engine. *You'll be mine, soon..*

ohmygaaaaaaaaaaaaa im blushing really hard when writing the last part wahahahahahahahahaha damn it was so sweet lol
i want the polaroid from Myungsoo's DP hahahaha
hehe thank you so much for the comments! I love reading each of them! :))
and again, please comment a lot and to new readers, dont forget to subscribe!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 58: This story was so cute and fluffy
So awwww... Myungsoo just too cute. Omg!!!
omg i can't take the fluffiness
Chapter 58: I really love this story it makes me flutter whenever myungyeon were together.....
inanova #4
Chapter 1: Realy2 love this story..myungyeon couple chuahe
Chapter 58: wahh... I really love it ..
I really love MyungYeon ..
By the way continue writing MyungYeon story authornim..
fighting ...:)
o_nofany #6
i really love myungyeon & you fan fix make me love them more ❤️❤️❤️... continue righting
Doojoon_Sunggyu #7
Chapter 47: Most people ** Btw , continue to write !
Doojoon_Sunggyu #8
Chapter 47: I like the ending of this chapter ! Moat people will write about Woori being a bad person but instead , you wrote her into a good person !
Chapter 22: hahaha!!!myungdae is so evil!!!ditching jiyeon so she has to be with myungsoo!!if I was in jiyeon's sitation I would me like this->T^T(and felt they she felt about L)I think he likes to play matchmaker~!!XP LOL
Chapter 58: Awe so cute