You and Changhyun

My delivery girl


Today was the first day for your 2nd semester this year.
New schedule, new classmates to hang out with.
You picked a schedule that would start at 11:30am upto 5pm only. Since your work starts at 6pm.
It's already 6am in the morning and you were awake to prepare breakfast for your younger brother, Changhyun.
You were living in a small apartment with him. You were abandoned by your father, who was living in a luxurious mansion. He married another rich woman after your mom died from a cancer.
You were just 15years old that time and your brother was 11years old. You hated your father for leaving you and your brother. Now, you need to support yourself and your brother so you worked hard.
You were now cooking pancakes in the kitchen when your brother woke up.
"Noona! Goodmorning!" He greeted.
You smiled and approached him. You ruffled his hair.
"Goodmorning my baby Changhyun!" You said.
Ricky pouted and removed your hands on his hair. "Noona, stop calling me baby! Im 15 already you know.."
You laughed. "Aigoo! I never thought my baby Changhyun would be like this.."
Ricky made a face. "And noona, call me Ricky instead of Changhyun"
You crossed your arms. "I dont like the nickname your classmates gave you. I prefer Changhyun more. So go, take a bath now and prepare" You waved him off.
Ricky turned and went to the bathroom.
You smiled and continued cooking.
While cooking for more pancakes, you cant help it but to tear up. You just remember your mom, preparing for your and your brother's breakfast every morning.
*Mom, i miss you...* You thought and you immediately wiped your tears as Ricky went out of the bathroom.
Ricky looked at you and noticed your fresh watery eyes. "Noona, are you crying again?"
You shook your head and smiled. "Ani. Now go wear your uniform so you can eat your breakfast."
Ricky sighed and went to his room. *noona, you've always been working hard.*
After eating breakfast with Ricky, you decided to go with him in his school.
You were wearing this and you were walking side by side by Ricky.
You were looking at each stores you've been passing by. You were looking if they are hiring some workers. You wanted to add a part time job for the morning since your class start late.
Ricky noticed you and stopped in his tracks. You bumped on his back.
"Aish.. yah Changhyun~ah.."
"Noona, are you looking again for a new job?" He crossed his arms and looked at you with one eyebrow raised.
You pouted. "Changhyun~ah, I need to. Especially, my class starts at 11:30am, i dont wanna waste the rest of the free time ive got in the morning to just stay at home."
Ricky shook his head. "Dont noona. You are working so hard already!"
You ruffled his hair. "I need to Changhyun.. It's for our future."
Ricky bit his lip to held his tears. "Noona.."
"It's okay Changhyun, dont worry.  You're noona's strong!" You winked.
Ricky hugged you. You softened at him. He's really sweet with you and he acts brave in front of you, but you know, he's a softy and he cried in his sleeps, muttering "im sorry noona for working hard for us.."
Ricky pulled away and crossed his arms. You raised an eyebrow.
"Noona, you really dont have a taste in picking clothes." he chuckled.
You poked his cheeks. "Whatever! I have no choice, college doesnt have unifroms and I need to wear casuals and you know i cant afford expensive beautiful clothes." You pouted.
"Come on noona! Let's go now or I'll be late!" he started running.
"Wait for me!"
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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 58: This story was so cute and fluffy
So awwww... Myungsoo just too cute. Omg!!!
omg i can't take the fluffiness
Chapter 58: I really love this story it makes me flutter whenever myungyeon were together.....
inanova #4
Chapter 1: Realy2 love this story..myungyeon couple chuahe
Chapter 58: wahh... I really love it ..
I really love MyungYeon ..
By the way continue writing MyungYeon story authornim..
fighting ...:)
o_nofany #6
i really love myungyeon & you fan fix make me love them more ❤️❤️❤️... continue righting
Doojoon_Sunggyu #7
Chapter 47: Most people ** Btw , continue to write !
Doojoon_Sunggyu #8
Chapter 47: I like the ending of this chapter ! Moat people will write about Woori being a bad person but instead , you wrote her into a good person !
Chapter 22: hahaha!!!myungdae is so evil!!!ditching jiyeon so she has to be with myungsoo!!if I was in jiyeon's sitation I would me like this->T^T(and felt they she felt about L)I think he likes to play matchmaker~!!XP LOL
Chapter 58: Awe so cute