Fights and Plans

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 8

“So, how was the tutor lesson?” Amelia immediately ask when I step my feet into the classroom.

“Oh, fine, apart from the fact he called me stupid for no reason at all,” I settle in my seat and Key gives me a glare.

“You did what?” Amelia calls out threatening to Key. “I did nothing!” Key shouts back, all knowing too well that he can’t fight Amelia.

“Good, because if you did something, you wish you didn’t,”

Key looks at my pointedly, I only stick my tongue out.


Amelia’s POV

“Don’t you think they look cute together?” I whisper to Onew. He turns to look at me and then at them. “Yea, their tempers suit each other,” he grins.

I laugh silently, “Do you think we should set them up together?” I glance at Onew who is frowning hard.

He shakes his head, “It’s bad to meddle with other people’s affair,”

I sigh, “Eun Jung definitely isn’t going to get a boyfriend at this rate,”

“No, neither will Key,” Onew agree. We both sigh simultaneously.

“You know,” Onew starts “I’ve heard from Taemin that Key told him to stay away from Eun Jung,”

My eyes sparkle with glee, and Onew immediately says, “Oh no,”

“Oh, come, it will be fun!” I persuasively say to him.

“For us, not for them,”


Then Taemin turns around, “Look over there,”

We all glance at what he’s pointing to and see Eun Jung and Key bickering.

“Why am I not surprise?” Minho sighs. “They really are compatible,” Jonghyun muses.

“Ah, let’s do this,” Onew replies, defeated. I grin, I knew he would agree.


Eun Jung’s POV

I concentrate on the question that the teacher gave us. Then out of nowhere, a pencil taps on the paper, startling me.

My eyes travel up to the pen, up on an arm and into Key’s face. “That’s not how you do that question,”

“Did you have to do that?” I whisper. “Do what?” he replies as he takes in my working out.

“Scaring me,” I watch him as he circles the paper.

“That part is wrong, fix it,” then he turns back to his own work.

“Yes, teacher,” I sarcastically reply and scribble the wrong numbers into an unidentifiable blob of ink.

“That’s better,” Key replies when he glance at the new answer. I roll my eyes.

Then I look at him, “Why are you so nice to me?”

“What do you mean?” he mutters as he flips the book to see the answers.

“You usually laughs in my face,” I look at him carefully, his every movement.

“Guess I’m just in a good mood today. Don’t get use to it,”

I turn back to my book, and make a face at it, “Now that’s the Key I know,”

I peek at him to see him having a trouble face. “What’s wrong? Got questions wrong?” I . He only stares at me and smirks, “As if,”

Yep, he’s definitely back.


Key’s POV

I saw her. She was outside my house. Maybe she was trying to have the courage to come in? But Eun Jung had to go out at that time. I sigh to myself, I can’t blame others. I can only blame fate.

“What’s wrong? Got questions wrong?” Eun Jung’s teasing voice floats back to reality. My mood brightens up and I smirk at her, “As if,” Why did my mood brighten up? That girl, I don’t know how she manage to get top grades before I came here. I mean, trigonometry is the easiest thing here. In other words, either she cheated or she’s just really lucky. I look at her answer to the next question and sigh in defeat.

“Just how many times did I have to tell you that you can’t use the rule Soh Cah Toa in a not right angle triangle?” No matter how much I explain, she just wouldn’t listen.

“Loads of times, just do your work and let me figure out the questions. I can’t have you beside my table telling me what’s wrong and what’s not in an exam,” she replies dismissively but she scribbles the working out anyway.

At least she’s independent. “Do I have to come over today?” she suddenly asks. “If you are getting the basics wrong, then yes,”

“Can I not?”

I hesitate, “I thought you want to beat me in tests?”

“Well, yea, but my father’s going away in a business trip for several months. It’s his last day,” she furrows her eyebrows as she looks at her answers then the textbook’s answers.

I shrug, “Sure, whatever,”

“Thank you,” she has this really big grateful smile on her face. I turn back to my work and realise I have a smile on my face too.

What is going on with me?


Jonghyun’s POV

“Wow, they look pretty close to each other,” I comment making Taemin glance over Minho’s shoulder.

“If milk makes you grow taller, what makes you grow shorter?” Taemin wonders.

“What are you implying?” Minho asks. “That you are too tall,” Taemin tells him without fear.

“So, what’s the plan?” I ditch listening to those two argue and turn to look at Amelia.

“I just wish I know what they are saying!” she replies, obviously frustrated.

“Still, what’s the plan?” Amelia stares at the bickering pair in front of her. Then her face brightens, “You are a genius Minho!”

“You don’t insult other people-what did you just said?” Minho asks confuse, staring from Taemin to Amelia.

“Hey, what about me?” Taemin protests. “You too Taemin,” Amelia dismisses him with a casual wave of hand. Taemin rolls his eyes.

“Ok, here’s what we do,” Amelia whispers. We all lean in and bonk heads with each other. Which cause another fight between Taemin and Minho.

“Maybe we should pair them up together,” I joke. They all hit my head.

“I don’t go that way!” they both whisper scream.


Eun Jung’s POV

Finally. The bell finally rang. About time! I quickly shut my math book, shove everything into my bag and sling it over my shoulder. “What do we have next?” I ask Key who is taking his time to close his book. I mentally roll my eyes.

“Hey, guys, what do we have next?” I call out to Amelia but those four are whispering to each other. Ok…what is going on?

“We got gym,” Key murmurs and walks out of the door. “Ugh,” I debate whether to dash after a daze looking Key or wait for the slowpokes, who are still whispering. What are they on about? I glance at them and suddenly a fight breaks out between Jonghyun and Minho. Er, Key it is.

“Hey, hey, wait up!” I run up to him, panting. He merely looks at him with raise eyebrows. “Ok, spill,” I command and he shoots me a confuse look.

“What is wrong with you?” I state as I re-adjust my shoulder bag. “Nothing,” he plainly says. I look at him worriedly, “Ok,” I slowly say. I look at him more carefully. Did he just smack himself on his face?

“You sure about that?” I attempt to ask him once more. He looks at me, still walking forward.

“Yes!” he snaps. “Why do you keep asking me?!” I point to the front and he walks straight into the wall.

I look down as his fallen figure and shrug, “Ah well, too late.” I wince at his groaning. “Guess I’ll see you at the gym?” I suggest and make a run for it. No way in hell am I going to clean up his wounds…if he had any.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

We all wince as he falls down again. “Jeez, what’s wrong with him?” Onew complains. “Get up your fat and move it!” the gym teacher yells.

“I’m glad I hate track,” Amelia comments. “Who doesn’t?” I whistle as he falls down again. We all watch as the teacher tells him off and points to us. He limps to us, his face wincing in pain.

“I’m not cleaning up your wounds,” I immediately say.

“Goodness, what happened to you Key?!” Taemin asks as he comes back from the bathroom. I gesture to the floors and walls, “If you look really closely, you will see dents in them,” I points to the bits where Key fell.

“Where? Where?” Taemin excitedly scanned the gym. I pull a face at him and glance at Minho. He only shrugs, “Might as well keep him occupied,”

I look back at the huddled group and then at Taemin who is on his knees searching for ‘dents’. Yea, might as well keep him occupied.

“What is wrong with you today?” Jonghyun asks. Onew slaps on a band-aid on Key’s knee. “Oh my god, you are the same as Eun Jung!” his twisted face complains. Onew winces and gently pat his injuries. “Sorry,” he mutters.

“At least you didn’t forcefully dab alcohol onto the injuries,” Key mourns over. I raise my eyebrows at him, oh, so now it’s my fault?

Amelia finds me and drags me out of the group, “Ok, what had you done to him?”

“Nothing!” I protest. She glares at him suspiciously, “Well you were with him in the first lesson. Getting all touchy and what-not, so tell me!”

“You were shouting at him in the morning and now you’re blaming me? Whose side are you on?” I notice her glare and immediately say, “Well, he was looking daze in the middle of the lesson,” I explain to her. She shakes me, “Why?” she demands. I shrug furiously, “Do I look like I can mind read to you?” she stares at me and drops her hands. “No, sorry, you don’t,”

Then Key moans in pain, Amelia shakes me like a rattle for a baby immediately, “Are you really sure?” she hisses.

“Dude! If you want a mind reader, ask him!” I points to Taemin who is still looking at the ground. Except this time he flattens himself onto the ground to check the ‘dents’. That guy got loads of attention span that’s what I’m saying.

Amelia shoots me a confuse look. “You should really go to the Divination Club sometime,” I cross my arms and duck out before she can shake me again. I swear, my brain is going to fall out.

She shoves me towards Key, “Just…check on him!” she orders. I look at her bewildered, “Isn’t that what you 4 guys are doing for the past 6 minutes?”

“Just do it!” she hollers. I put my hands up in a form of defeat. “Ok! Ok!”

I walk to the group and they part a way for me. “Hi, Key,” I hesitantly say. His eyes look daze. I wave my hand in front of his face and got no reaction. I shake him lightly be the shoulders. Then he suddenly looks at me and his arms wrap around my body for a hug.

“I missed you, Joo Young,”


Who's Joo Young? o.O

I just realised...I'm posting up more chapters than writing them!


Anyway, enjoy. Again.


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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!