
Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 20

Eun Jung’s POV

It’s math. Again. The teacher is handing out our results to a test we did earlier. “Congratulations to Eun Jung. She got first place in this test,”

“Congratulation,” Onew nudge me in the elbow, startling me. Did I mention that we even swapped seats?

“Oh my goodness, you just beat that stupid K-!” Amelia shouts out then suddenly closed . “Second place,” she nods at me.

Onew laughs for no apparently reason. I shoot a glare at him. “What’s going on? You told me that you and Amelia had a fight that you had to break up. Now, Key accused me of doing something which I never did and will never do. I can’t stand you for more than 24 hours and you know that. I don’t know how Amelia does it, being with you 24/7,”

He gulps and looks again…guiltily? I shake my head, “I don’t know what you two fought about, but clear up this misunderstanding that I cheated with you on Amelia,” I hiss threatening. “Else…else I’ll make sure there is no chicken menu in the cafeteria!” its lame I know and it wouldn’t work on other people. But this threat works on Onew the best.

“Ok, ok,” he relents. “Just not my chicken,”

I roll my eyes.


Key’s POV

I glance at those two whispering. How long did they went out together? I glance at Amelia, but she’s looks at her math’s book intently. She’s that hurt huh?

But Eun Jung, when I confronted to her about it, she denies it and ended up crying. So…that meant that she heard an entire different thing to what I did.

“What seriously happened?” I ask Amelia. She flinches and turns to look at me. “Me and Onew had a fight,” she starts.

“About what?” I ask, hoping that it isn’t about Eun Jung with Onew. “Er,” she falters “About his chicken eating habit,” she replies sheepishly.

My jaw drop, “That’s it?”

She nods absent mindedly. “That’s all,” she murmurs. I glance guiltily at Eun Jung. She happens to look up at me and she grimaces.


[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

Onew’s POV

“We are screwed,” Amelia mutters under her breath. “Why?” I question, furrowing my eyebrows so that my chicken menu doesn’t have to be taken out.

“I told Key we fought over the chicken menu,” Amelia cries out. “Funny, Eun Jung threatened to clear things up or else she’ll get rid of the chicken menu,” I recall.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny,” she says in a robotic tone. “Maybe she should, eating too much chicken is unhealthy,” she says after in a thoughtful tone. I decide to ignore the last sentence.

“Well, Key’s feeling guilty about shouting at Eun Jung,” I comment, recalling his guilt stricken face when he glanced at Eun Jung.

“I think everybody will feel guilty about shouting at Eun Jung,” she replies, dismissing the topic. “Argh! We are screwed! Screwed I tell you!” she grasps her head and tries to think.

“Ok, so we are arguing about the ‘chicken menu’ so you go and tell Key and Eun Jung everything and stop having them acting so weird,” she tells me, her eyes determine.

“Tell us what?” a voice inquired.

“We are screwed!” we both shout as Eun Jung and Key stare quizzically at us.


Key’s POV

“Wait up!” I call at Eun Jung’s back. She half turns then she scoffs and keeps on walking. “Hey, didn’t you hear me?” my breath taken out of me.

“You seem to be running around a lot these days,” she coldly replies. I wince. Not that I blame her, I’ll be angry too if I got blamed on something I didn’t do.

“Look, can we talk?” I ask her, trying to keep up her pace. Geez, did she always walk this fast?

“Aren’t we already?” she says in the same cold voice.

“Alright, can we walk slower and talk in some other place?”

“No, besides you already are talking, why talk in some other place?”

“Because you look like you are more running then walking!” I furiously tell her. Can’t she just listen?

She swirls around to see me. “Ok, now what do you want?” she snaps.

“In some other place,” I remind her. “Forget it,” she growls then she proceed to walk away.

I grab her by her arm and tow her to some random corridor. “Do you always have to be forceful?” she grumbles, rubbing her arm.

“Yea yea, whatever. Look, I just want to say I’m sorry,” I apologise. She looks up at me, “About what?”

“About the cheating thing,” I scratch my head. “Wow, Key apologised,” she sarcastically huffs.

“What do you want me to do? Bow down and kiss the floor?”

“That would be a good start,”


Eun Jung’s POV

We were arguing about him apologising when he opens his mouth to retorts something back

“-Tell Key and Eun Jung everything and stop having them acting so weird,” the sentence comes out and I look at Key’s still open mouth. He shakes his head indication it wasn’t him. We take a look inside an empty classroom to see Amelia and Onew.

I thought they ‘decide to take a break’?

“Tell us what?” I ask them, really suspicious. They both jump in fright, “We are screwed!”

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“So you are telling me that you guys fought because of chicken?”I stare endlessly into them. We are all sitting down, me and Key facing them. They nod, shooting each other glances.

“You fought over chicken,” Key repeats unbelievably. “Over chicken,” I state again.

I stand up and all of them watch me. “Where are you going?” Amelia calls out. “To take down the chicken menu!” I roar back.

“But-but!” Onew splutters.

“I’m coming too,” Key grabs his bags. “But!” Onew still protests. “It’s probably for the best,” Amelia consoles him. Onew stares sadly at her.

Key catches up to me. “Are you really going to the cafeteria?” he asks, watching me.

“No, but from the way they are acting,” I stop and turn to look at him. “They aren’t even fighting or as Onew said, ‘taking a break’,”

Key nods, deep in thought. “Yo,” we hear Jonghyun greets inside the classroom. We step a little closer towards the room.

“I feel like a ninja,” Key whispers down my neck. I snicker.

“How did it go?” Taemin asks brightly.

“Bad,” Onew and Amelia report. “Fail,” Minho laughs.

“Fail? For what?” ask a wondering Key. “You were supposed to have them ‘helping’ you guys get together and you ended up making them fight instead!” Jonghyun exclaims. “I got to agree, you guys failed,” he adds.

“Help?” I ask incredulously.

“What did you do, Onew? You made Key shout at Eun Jung and she cried. Key said something about you and Eun Jung cheating on Amelia? Because he found her crying in another classroom” Taemin voice floats over.

“It was a misunderstanding,” Onew sighs. “If Key came in faster then he wouldn’t have seen me hugging Eun Jung,”

“And Onew supposed to ask help from Eun Jung and Key to help ‘our broken relationship’. So they would have to spend more time together without their bet of ‘wishes’,” Amelia continue. Then there is a sudden silence as if they just realised something

“Why were you hugging Eun Jung?” I can imagine Amelia face and gesture. She’ll be poking at Onew by now.

“I don’t know! What else were I suppose to do? Hello, I just broke up with Amelia, may I have a handshake?”

“Pff,” Taemin laughs. “Fail!”

“Shut up!” Onew and Amelia both yell.

I turn to Key and he looks at me.

“So, they were supposedly broke up and Onew was supposed to ask help from me. He ended up hugging me when you come in. Me and Onew were suppose to walk

“We’ve been set up,” and we both grin. “Up for revenge?” he smirks.

“Ooh, what have you got in mind?”

Hey peeps! It's....been a while.....sorta....

Anyway, my dad's came back home from oversea so I'm probably not going to update every so often for the next few days.


Thank for the comments and subscription!!!!


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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!