Folded Napkin myth

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 17

Eun Jung’s POV

The weekend flies by so quickly. The bell just rang, signaling the end of the last class and into club activities.

“Morning, afternoon, night everyone,” I greet the people inside my club. Some laugh back and others wave.

I just sit down on a chair and watch people do their magic. Amelia sits down next to me and pulls me into a hug.

“What was that for?” I ask, surprise. She just sighs. Onew comes in and they both hug each other. For 2 minutes straight. World record.

“If you think that’s world record, think again,” Jonghyun mutters into my ear. Minho nods and Taemin complains about not seeing something.

“You’re too young!” Minho and Jonghyun both tell him off. “Like we said before, you are supposed to be innocent,” Jonghyun explains and I tune out on 3 of them.

“Oh, hey,” says a breathless Key. I wave a ‘hi’ to him. “Can I skip club activities today?” he anxiously asks. Onew and Amelia share a look.

“But you just got here,” Onew objects. Key waves his hand at him, telling him to be quiet, “You’re not the club’s head,”

Onew scowls and mutters under his breath.

“Sure, you look like you’re in a rush, where are you going?” I ask him questionably. He is already halfway out of the curtains.

“To Joo Young’s house,” he briefly pokes his head in and dashes out again. “Oh no you’re not!” Onew and Jonghyun both roar together.

“What’s with all the hassle?” Amelia grunts as she holds onto Onew’s shirt from the back. “You tell me,” I shake my head as I re-hold my grip on Jonghyun’s shirt from the back.

“You do realise you are running on the spot?” Minho inquiringly says to both of them. They give up and slump into a chair.

“What now?” I ask, mystify by their behaviour. They both start talking at the same time and I catch words like Joo Young, break, boyfriend, heart, can’t, there and other words I can’t decode.

I glance at Amelia, who glances at Minho who glances at Taemin.

“Joo Young is back with her boyfriend and we don’t want Key to know that. We were planning to tell him but now he’s going to be heartbroken. He can’t go there!” Taemin mimics their tone and translates to us.

“How did you know?” Amelia frowns at him. Taemin pauses and shrugs, “I speak Onhyun language?” he suggests.

“Well, just let him be. He got to realise someday or later. Besides, I doubt he believes you unless he sees it with his own two eyes,”

“You got that right,” Amelia mutters and the others nod in agreement. “Did I miss something?” I look at them curiously.

“Nah, nothing. Let’s just do the club activity. And I need help,” Amelia looks at the boys in a meaningful way.

“Ok,” I reply and then get push back by Amelia. “No, not you,” she orders. “Stay,” she points her finger at me.

“I’m not a dog,” I shout to her retreating back. I huff in annoying.


Amelia’s POV

“Ok, let’s do this plan either today or tomorrow. Depends on the situation,” I glance at Onew. “He’ll probably come running back here when we finish the club activities,” Minho predicts. “But to be in the safe side, have your mobile on all the time,” Taemin tells us.

“Just in case he calls,” Onew grins and takes out his mobile out from his pocket. “Ok, it’s on,”

“We’ll go, Eun Jung’s probably going to be suspicious,” Minho and Taemin walks away.

Onew hugs me from behind. “I’m going to miss you,” he murmurs. I laugh as I lightly hit his arms. “We spent the whole weekend together,”

Onew only responses by hugging tightly. “We can always meet behind their backs,” I suggest.

He pulls back slightly, “But that would be considered as cheating on them,”

“Well, technically, if we do this plan, we are cheating on each other,” I point out of him. Onew groans.

“Come on, can’t be that bad,” I gently say.

“It is that bad,”


Key’s POV

“Hey,” Joo Young greets me. “I thought you got club activities?” she steps aside for me to enter.

“Eun Jung gave me permission to skip today,” I enter and show her my bags. She claps her hand in delight.

“You want some drinks?” she calls out from the kitchen after she tells me to go to her room.

“If you don’t mind,” I call back, taking in her room. It didn’t change, her bed is still the same, the desk, and the wallpaper…only the photo changed.

It used to be just me and her, grinning. Now it’s her and some other guy laughing. However, I expect a pain, a blow to the heart…but I feel nothing.

“There,” Joo Young sets down a cup and smiles at me.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“Wah! Teach me how to fold that,” she points to the napkin. I wiggle it in the air and she laughs.

“Here,” I teach her how to do it, our fingers brushing against each other often. But she and I know we can’t go back to what we were before.

She looks at her finished folded napkin and pulls a face at it. “You know,” she starts “You’ve been spacing out today. A lot,” she looks at me.

“Sorry,” I look back at her. She takes in deep breath, “Me and my boyfriend are back together,” she informs me.

“I know,” and she does a double take. “How?” she asks, grinning. I mutely points at the photo, “You normally would have slammed it down so you don’t have to see the photo,”

She laughs, “Always the detective, always the one looking out for others, Key,”

She becomes silent, “But…I think this time, you should be looking out for yourself now,” she softly says, fiddling with the napkin.

“What do you mean?” I ask her, putting my head on the table, looking at her sideways.

“Like, knowing when you love someone and yet you deny it,”

“Who do I love again?” I jokingly ask her.

Her solemn eyes stare at me, “Eun Jung,”

I sit up straight, “Ok, why does people tell me that I like Eun Jung?”

“Did you ever feel that you can find her perfect, and even when you find her faults, you still think of her as perfect?”

“No,” I bluntly reply. She laughs again, “I know a lie when I hear one. Tell me about this Eun Jung,”

“She’s clumsy, she’s bad at math, she’s bad at everything at school except for club activities,” I list.

“But,” she prompts me.

“But, she’s always trying to light up the mood, treats everybody equally, she’s the head of the club activity, she never complains in front of us about her father’s leave, she always manage to provoke in some way or other, she cares for you even though it’s not her fault…” I trail off.

“And you can go on and on about her,” she continues.

“See, you don’t like me, Key. You never did after we broke up. You are always with Eun Jung, no matter what happens. Key, face the truth. You like Eun Jung.” She watches closely at my reaction.

Then I look at the folded napkin and realised something.

“Some people says,” she frowns as she folds the napkin “That if you wrote the person’s name you like on one side and your name on the other side and fold it into this shape, you both will be lovers,” she shows me proudly.

“Write your name and Joo Young’s name,” she urges. She gets up, “I think mother is home, I’ll get the door,” she smiles before leaving me and a pen in my hand.

I unfold the napkin and there are the words. Kim Kibum and as I flip to the other side, my eyes widen…Eun Jung.


Ok, maybe I lied...that's half the drama and the other half is being written, but hey, he finally realised!

By the way, who can guess what they folded the napkin into?

And the myth is wrong, I just made it up. But you can try it if you like, maybe it'll come true!


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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!