Divination Club

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 2

Water is added into a cup, the magician blows on the cup and out comes ice cubes!

Eun Jung’s POV

That little conceited jerk! Oh, it’s so easy, it’s ridiculously easy! Yeah, it’s so easy that you looked awestruck the first time I did it! Why don’t you just kill yourself and die and I can live peacefully?

“I’m home,” I mutter as I slam the front door shut. “Welcome home my little daughter!” my father opens his arms wide to hug me as he turn away from the TV screen.

“Dad!” I half-heartedly hug him. He looks at me with a blank face, “That’s it?” he sadly says. “My daughter is growing up so quickly! She doesn’t like her poor father anymore! Uwah!” he sniffles.

“Oh, alright,” I laugh and hug him real hard. “Ouch! That’s better!” my dad grins.

“How was school?” he asks as I settle on the sofa next to him. “Same old, same old,” I wave it aside.

“Still top of the school in grades though,” I brighten up. His face lit up, “That’s my girl. How’s the club?”

“Oh, we got new members,” I off-handed say, glaring at the TV.

“Don’t glare at the TV, what had it done to you?” my dad sighs. “By eating the remote control,” I sulkily reply.

“Anyway, why are you here?” I ask him. He gasps mockingly, “You don’t want me here?”

“No!” I playfully smile. “You don’t come home until 11, and it’s 3.” I exclaim and I look at my father’s guilty face.

“Spill.” I demand. “Well...” he starts. “Do you remember that offer I got from several weeks ago?”

I nod. “Yea, well...I accepted it,” he trails off. “You what?” I burst out. “So what? You’re going to leave home for several months? What? How?” I reel the questions into him while standing up in shock.

“I can rest for 2 weeks from today, but otherwise, yes, it’s just like you said. I’ll be away for several months,” he calmly replies, looking up at me.

“But...but, what about my birthday? You’re gonna miss it! You promised this time you’ll spend it with me and mother!” I angrily yell.

He sighs, “I know. But I’ll make it up to you,”

“How?! You always miss my birthday! I never get a complete family on my birthday! You don’t see mother disappearing off somewhere every single time it’s my birthday!” I burst out; all my anger from today explodes.

“I-I’m sorry,” he apologises.

“You’re the worst father in the whole world!” I scream before stomping into my room.

“What happened?” I can hear my mother getting back from work and she hearing me slamming my bedroom door.

“I’m going on a business trip,” I can hear them murmur and my mother’s exasperate sighs, “Again? No wonder she’s mad,”

I take a deep breath and open the magician box when father gave it to me on my fifth birthday. I trace the worn out leather before patting on the lid and shoving it back under my bed.

“He always apologise,” I mutter sulkily before collapsing onto the bed without changing. “And mum’s going to have a fuss about dirty bed sheets,”

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

I stare blankly as the members in my club giggle in delight and clap as they perform tricks to an audience.

Suddenly a voice startles me out of my trance. “Hi, Eun Jung! Wah, I wished I chose Arrange Magic!” I look at the boy and realise its Taemin.

“Hi,” I wave to him. He move his position (which was his head poking out of the black curtains) and sit down next to me.

“You look gloomy,” he comments. I stare back at him, “Is it that obvious?” he nods furiously then slows down when he get the meaning. “That was sarcasm, wasn’t it?”

“Yea,” I breathe. ‘So! How is the Divination club?”

“It’s fun! There’s crystal balls, and tea leave reading. It’s interesting, but lonely,” he sadly trails off. “Aww,” I quickly hug him. He looks up surprise, “Er…sorry… guess it works better with girls…” I laugh it off. “No, I like it,” Taemin smiles cheerfully.

“How about this, I’ll come with you to your club now and you can show me all those exciting things you said,”

“Really?” I nod, standing up. “But, what about your club. You are the head of this club,” Taemin gestures to the room.

“Nah, they are fine. Besides, I think Key is entertaining them,” I look toward the huge group where Key is showing off.

Taemin nods, uncertain. I grab his hand, “Let’s go, no one will miss me in here,” and we both head towards the Divination room.

“Wah,” I praise. “It’s so…mystical!” It really is mystical, I mean, the whole club location is inside a purple tent! And there’s this fog inside!

“Woah!” I yell out as I stumble into something. Taemin grabs onto my before I fall. “Thanks,” I breathe looking down onto the fog to see what I hit.

“It’s ok,” he chuckles. “You’ll get use to it.”

“Noona! This is my friend, Eun Jung,” Taemin calls out. I peer into the fog and jump in surprise when I hear a voice behind me.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” she asks being mysterious. “Are you evil?” I blurt out. They both stare at me, “I beg your pardon?”

“Oh…nothing,” I stare somewhere else, waiting for my flaming cheeks to cool down. She bursts into laughter, “You and Taemin are so alike,” I glance at Taemin and he sheepishly grins at me. “I’m going to show Eun Jung around,” Taemin drags me away.

“Ok, have fun. Since Taemin’s here, can I go to your club?” she calls after me. “Uh, yea, sure, oomph!” Taemin forces me to sit down on a hard chair. “Ow,” I mouth. Taemin looks apologetic to me, but he gives me some tea.

“Drink,” he urges, smiling as I take the steaming tea off his hands. I slowly sip the tea. Taemin pouts, “Hey, be quick, I want to show you my skills,” I laugh, “But you can’t rush people life and fortune,”

“Fine,” I sip a bit more tea. “Done yet?” he asks hopefully.




“How about now?”

“Hmm, let me see…how about no?”

“Oh, hurry!”

“Don’t whining! I’m drinking!”

“How about now?”

“Ok, either you let me drink in peace or we keep bickering and not drink at all!”

“Then drink!”

“What do you think I’m doing?!”


“You! Oh, you’re infuriating!”


“Happy?” I grumble as I show him my empty cup with tea leaves. “Very!” he replies happily as he examines the cup.

We spent the whole club activities period in Taemin’s club.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“Hey! Where did you go?” Amelia asks me as Onew sits next to her. Did I mention they are in our class too?

“Yea, where did you go?” Key mimics Amelia while settling in the sit next to me. I glare at him, “Out!” I bark out.

“Oh, Jesus, don’t need to yell,” Key covers his left ear. Taemin turns around from the front, “She went to my club activities,”

“What?” Key looks at me surprised. Then a wide grin spread onto his face, “No wonder there wasn’t this I’m-gonna-kill-you atmosphere!” I glare at him even harder. Jonghyun makes a you’re- going-to-be-dead-if-you-keep-talking sign.

“What’s wrong with you now?” key leans back to inspect me.

“I’d read Eun Jung’s tea leaves,”

“Really? What did it say?” Minho asks from next to Taemin. Taemin laughs, “And I also looked into the crystal ball,”

“And what did that say?” Onew leans forward.

“Secret,” Taemin and I tease them. But my insides are feeling funny. Nah, that won’t happen…would it?

“Anyway, we had so much fun without you,” Key sighs in content. “I’m glad you had fun, so what trick did you do?” I snicker. “Actually, he didn’t-“Jonghyun starts

“Oh, loads,” he replies airily cutting Jonghyun’s sentence. “Puh-lease, he had the other students showing him how to do tricks,” Amelia scoffs. Key bolts up from the leaning position he was in and stares at her, “What? I did some tricks too!”

“You mean you did some of the same trick over and over again?”

“Onew hyung!” Key pleads

“Don’t want to get involve,” Onew lowers his head and open up to a random page.

“Ha! I hate girls like you! You like to control guys!” Key argues.

“Me? Control guys? Better than you, who ‘controlled’ 12 girls at one go! Who’s worst? Me or you?!” she screams back. Jonghyun watches amusingly at the argument.

I tap Taemin and Minho’s shoulder, “Watch this,” I wink at them. I pour water into a plastic cup and hover it on top on Key’s head.

Minho stare intently while Taemin gasps, “You’re not going to pour onto his head, are you?”

 I blow on the cup and dump the contents onto the back to Key’s shirt.

“Ok, now you are just a bitc-COLD!!” he shrieks. He furiously glares at me and takes out ice cubes from his shirt. Minho and Taemin applauds with awe.

“Awesome!” Minho expresses.

“You!” he starts.

“What did you do? What did you do?” Onew asks excitedly.

“Aww, I missed it!” Jonghyun complains.

I stick my tongue out innocently and bow, “That’s the end of the show, ladies and gentlemen,”

I cramp the plastic cup into my bag. Better throw it away when I get the chance.

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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: Yes.....it ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!