Who knew one heck of a weirdo would drive me crazy?

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 4

A magic trick where a cup can be levitated

Eun Jung’s POV

“And why is that thing here?” I sourly point to the object. The object glares back, “For the first and the last time, I’m not a thing!” it shouts back.

“Oh, it replied! Where did you buy it from, Taemin?” I glance at Taemin. He waves his hand airily, “Oh, you know, around,”

“What? I’m a human being! Can you hear me? A human being!”

“It’s annoying, Taemin, please return it from where you bought it, I hope you still have the receipt”

“I’m not an it either!”

“Oh, just shut up Key!” I growl at him. Seriously, he just had to come.

“Why do you have to come?” I hiss to him as Taemin walks in front of us. “Isn’t it obvious?” he hisses back.


“I’m here to bother you,” he chuckles at my annoyed expression. “Congratulations, you did. Now go back,” I shove at his back towards my club’s place.

He resists, “But I don’t want to,” he whines. He grabs my arms and turn around to face me. “Besides, I have to check my opponent statics,”

I scoff, “Really?” he nods, “Now walk,” his grip is still on my arm and he forces me to walk backwards.

“Hey, I can’t walk backwards,” I warn him trying to look at him and behind me. “Hey, hey, hey, hey!” I yell out as I stumble backwards but I didn’t fall.

“Key, stop it! I’m warning you!”

“Can’t magicians walk backwards?”

“Not this one!” I grip on his arm as I trip over a branch. “And why the hell is there a branch there?!”

“Whoa, calm down, I’m going to let you go, ok?” Key assures me. I look at him relieve, “That’s the nicest thing you’ve do-“I look at him in horror as he smirks watching me fall backwards. That idiot, he let me go when I’m taking a step back!

“Oomph!” I choke out as I land.

“You alright?” I look to my right and see Taemin. He caught me as I was falling.

“I love you, you know that?” I tell him and hug him briefly. I glare at Key, “And I hate you,”

Key however is glaring at Taemin. Weirdo.

Key’s POV

I wait until Eun Jung walks away. “I told you no touching her!” I hiss at Taemin.

“What? You want me to let her fall?” asks a bewildered Taemin.

“If that’s what it takes then, yes!”

“You are the most un-gentleman I ever saw!”

“Is that even a word?”

“According to the dictionary, no. According to Taemin dictionary, yes.”

“I’ll just take that as a no,”

We walk into the purple tent and a smog of fog blows into my face. I choke as I inhale a mouthful.

“Bleh, what is this?” I turn to look at Taemin but I couldn’t find him.

“Hello?” I call out while trying to get rid of the awful taste. I walk forward, or what seem forward and trip over something.

“Pain!” I gasp to myself.

“Oh my god! You were right!” somebody cheers. It is Taemin. He crouches over me and stares at me in a curious manner.

“How did you do it?” he asks excitedly. “...what?” I start.

“How did you do it?” he repeats again. “I tripped?” I unsurely say.

He frowns at me, “Not you, I’m asking Eun Jung!” and he turns around and repeats the question.

She merely grins and picks up a string on the ground. I gape at her. “You trip me?”

“Technically, no, the string did. But the answer is yes,”

“You’re a genius!” cries Taemin and they high five each other. I get myself off the ground. “Why did you do that for?!”

“I’m here to bother you,” she smiles triumphantly. Where did I hear that phrase from? Oh...from my own mouth.

I glance up to see Taemin teaching Eun Jung about carromancy (a form of divination involving wax). He’s guiding her hand as he helps her tip wax into a bowl.

I stride over to them, and I grab Taemin’s other arm and squeeze it. Hard. He winces and gets the idea because he lets go of Eun Jung’s hand.

“Dude, what are you? An overprotective boyfriend?” he rubs the sore area while asking.

“No! I’m serious, don’t touch her! And I’m not her boyfriend!” I add in for the measure.

“Something tells me otherwise,” he mutters in reply.


Eun Jung’s POV

“I never thought Divination would be such fun!” I exclaims as I talk happily to Taemin. Key on the other hand is nursing his burnt finger from the wax.

“You could have guided my hand you know,” he mutters angrily to Taemin.

“I did! But you shrugged me off!” protests Taemin.

“It felt weird!” Key shudders. “No offence, but I don’t go that way,” he apologetically glance at Taemin.

“No offence either, but I don’t go that way either,” Taemin returns his glance.

Key blows on his finger, “Hey, magic girl, can’t you just conjure up some ice and water?”

“Oh sorry, why didn’t I think of that before?” I walk over to him and wave my hand above his finger.

“Abracadabra,” I say, somewhat sarcastically. Key looks expectantly at his finger and wrinkles his forehead.

“There’s nothing,” he accusingly says. “That’s because I’m a magician, not a wizard!” I snap back.

He rolls his eyes and sighs, “And just then I thought that was going to be the nicest thing you ever done,” he looks at me and shakes his head, “Shame,” he murmurs and walks away dejectedly.

“Guilt’s not going to work on this magic girl,” I call after him. I can see him shrugs and shouts back, “It was worth a try,”

Key walks in first into the room and the curtains swishes behind him then me and Taemin enter.

“Oh, let me help you,” a girl is tenderly saying. Yea, Key’s the centre of attention. Amelia throws herself at me, “Where were you? I was bored to death!” she wails.

I chuckle, “Don’t you have Onew?” then another body hurl past me and into Taemin.

“Where were you? I was bored to death!”

Taemin laughs, “Didn’t you have Amelia?”

Then those two rushes together nodding their heads while saying, “So bored…”

I walk over to the huddle group and look at Key’s finger. I laugh quietly to myself as the bell ring again signalling the final lesson.

“Bye Key, hope you get well soon!” they call out as we part way.

“Hope you get well? Are you sick?” Minho sceptically asks.

“No,” Key shakes his head.

“What are you talking about, Minho? How could you say that to your hyung?” Jonghyun says, shocked, “He’s sick in the head!” he shouts triumphantly.

“What?!” Key yells as Minho and Jonghyun high five each other.

“Got to admit, they are quite right,” Amelia softly sings. “Onew hyung!” Key turns to Onew his glare obvious to Amelia.

“I agree to whatever my girlfriend says,” Onew objects.

Key turns to me with a scowl on his face, “I don’t suppose you’re going to help me,”

“Gee, the Divination Club must have rubbed off you. How did you know?” I wistfully reply.

He only scowls at me.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“Will. You. Stop. Blowing?!” I whisper-shriek at Key who is taking in the pleasure of my craziness. He his head at me, “Sorry? I can’t hear you,” he cups his hand on his ear.

“I said: Will. You. Stop. Blowing!” I yell. The teacher at the front whacks her desk with a ruler. “Is there a problem down the back?”

I look at Amelia and she gesture that says ‘Sit down’. I realise I’m standing. “Sorry,” I mutter. Key sniggers. Then he huffs at his finger. I slap his injured hand.

“Ow!” he silently howls. I smile to myself, ah, peace and quiet, just how I like it.

Then I hear deep breaths and blowing. I mentally scream to myself. A burnt finger should not hurt that much!

I slam my elbow into his arm and in surprise he clatters off his seat. I face palm myself as the teacher looks at us questionably.

“What was that for?!” Key screams as he heaves himself up into the position where you can see his head and arm on top of the desk.

“Oh, sorry, did that hurt?” I innocently say. “Hell yes!” he hollers.

“What happened?!” the teacher yells over the ruckus.

“She/he started it!” we both call out pointing at each other. “Is that how you an injured person?” Key furious says.

“An injured person, no. A mentally injured person, yes!”

“Teacher! Do you know what I have to put through to be sitting with her?” Key asks the teacher pleadingly.

“Ha! Talk about yourself!” I shout back. We are full on fighting with the teacher looking. But I know him and he knows me, we would care less.

“That’s it! Get yourselves out of the classroom!” The teacher screams and points to the door.

“And Eun Jung! You can treat Key’s injuries!”

“But, teacher!” I protest

“Not buts, just get out!”

We shut the door behind me, “Those aren’t injuries,” I end my sentence sadly. I look at Key and he suddenly scratches himself hard enough to draw blood.

“Now there’s one,” he grins.

And now I’m stuck with one heck of a weirdo.

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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: Yes.....it ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!