Pirate Taemin

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 13

Eun Jung’s POV

“You kept this?” he asks amusingly.

“Well, ye-! Er…” I trail off when I realize how stupid I sound. “Yea,” I finish off. His eyes grow wide as he glances at the paper

“YOU TORE A PAGE OFF THE MATH’S TEXTBOOK?!” he shockingly shouts.

“I didn’t tear it off! You did! You handed the note to me first!” I shout back.

He smacks himself on the forehead and starts to mutter.

“What was I doing? *mumble mumble* I’m going crazy *mumble mumble*”

Then he twirls to look at me. Then scowls. Taken back I just look back at him.

“Oh what are you?! Spies?!” he furiously snaps.

Ok, he permanently has gone mad.

I look at where his shaking finger points at then immediately want to say the same thing he just said.

Amelia, Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun and Minho grin sheepishly.

“Oh, get in!” Key swings the door open.

“I still love you,” Onew hugs him as he enters the doorway.

“Get off,” replies a disgruntle Key.

When Key shuts the door behind them an awkward silent comes in.

“So, what were you doing?”

“Stalking us, what else?” Key stomps into the kitchen.

“What’s wrong with him?” Amelia nods her head towards the direction where Key headed.

“I don’t know,” I shrug in reply.

“Did he meet his ex girlfriend again?” Jonghyun asks. Onew brightens up, “Maybe!”

“So that’s why he mistaken Eun Jung as Joo Young!” Minho excitedly concludes.

“Ah, we met the day before yesterday,” I remember the encounter.

“Geez, I thought he got over her,” Taemin plops onto the sofa.

“He always go crazy when we used to say her name,” Onew follows Taemin.

Amelia glances as me, “You got quite a competition,” she whispers. I look back at her, “For what?”

She only shakes her head.

Key returns with drinks in his hands and place them onto the table.

“Drink then leave,” he orders. “And you,” he points at me. “Study, now,” he grabs two drinks and goes to his room.

“Education monster,” me and Jonghyun simultaneously say. We both high five each other.

“Now!” Key roars. I hurriedly scamper to his room before he starts to terrorise the others.

“Coming!” I grab my bag and into his room.


Amelia’s POV

We watch as Eun Jung runs off into Key’s room. Onew picks up a crumbled paper and smoothes it out.

“Key, you un-romantic boy,” he says. We all bump into each other’s shoulder as we jostle to see what it is written on it.

“It seems like nothing is going on between them,” Minho comments before sitting back down properly.

“I second to that,” Taemin look at the note one last time before sitting down.

“I guess we stalked them for nothing,” Jonghyun sighs.

“Not really, at least we know that Key had seen Joo Young,” Onew puts down the note onto the table.

We all sip our drinks quietly. “So, do we still do the plan? It seems to be a bit useless,” Taemin asks.

The door bell rings.

“Should we get it?” I ask the others as the person outside rings more intently.

“Er…” Onew stalls.

“Probably before Key starts to rant and nag again,” Minho says tiredly. “And I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sick of hearing his nagging,”

“I guess I’ll open the door then,” Jonghyun steps over to open the door. “Coming!” he impatiently shouts. “Geez, who are you to ring so much in a minute? I hope you don’t see raffle tickets, Key will be piss off-“we all learn forward in our seat to see what make Jonghyun stop.

“Hi,” he greets awkwardly. The girl titters in reply, “Raffles? Don’t worry, I know Key hates raffles,”

“Hi, Joo Young,” Onew hesitatingly greets her. I wave awkwardly and manage to smack Onew’s head in the process.

“Sorry,” I wince. “I know you hate her, but you don’t smack me!” he hisses as he rubs his head.

“I was trying to wave…” I clear up the misunderstanding. Onew only purse his lips.

“Hi,” Taemin smiles and Minho nods to her.

“Wow, all of you are here. Who’s that?” Joo Young points to me. Onew protectively wraps his arm around my shoulder, “My girlfriend,” he introduces us.

Joo Young nods in understanding. “Erm, cut to the chase…is Key here by any chance?”

“Well, I don’t think Key will leave his house to us, do you?” Jonghyun lightly says and steps back to let her in.

Minho communicates with his eyes that clearly say, why the hell did you let her in?!

Jonghyun glares back, what? You want me to let her stand outside of the house.

Well, yea! Taemin gestures with his head.

We don’t want Key to see her, oh, never mind. Onew shakes his head as Key barges out of the room. Eun Jung looks amusingly behind the door.

“Ok, what’s going on?” Key asks.

“Hi, Key. It’s not their fault, I just came in to ask if you were home,” Joo Young steps in. Yes, play the innocent act why don’t you?

“I-uh, hi, Joo Young,” Key mutters. I roll my eyes. Jonghyun forcefully smacks his own forehead and lets out a whimper.

“Are you free?” Joo Young stands in front of Key, her back facing towards us. We all shake our head and mouth, “Say no! Say no! Say oh!”

We sigh in frustration and disappointment when Key nods his head.

“Oh! Probably not now, ‘cause, ah, Eun Jung is here teaching me. No! I’m teaching Eun Jung math,”

“Oh for head’s sake, he’s in love,” Onew mutters.

“No! Hyung, don’t!” Taemin whispers scream.

“Nah, it’s fine,” Eun Jung steps out of Key’s room with her bag on her shoulder. “I should really go anyway. Come on Taemin, we might as well go to my home,” she tugs Taemin to his feet and towards the door.

Key’s eyes bulge out, “Why?” he demands. Eun Jung waves her hand dismiss fully, “Club activities,”

“Why Taemin?” Minho protests.

“He’s the assistant of the head club,” she replies. “I am?” Taemin wonderingly says.

“Taemin, your club and our club is working together for the club show, remember?” Eun Jung stares at Taemin.

Taemin’s face clears up, “Oh yea!”

“How did you become the assistant?” Eun Jung asks while shutting the front door behind them.

“Well,” Jonghyun clears his throat. “I better get going too. Nice to see you, Joo Young. See you at school, Key,”

“I’m going too,” Onew states and gets up to get his bag and hands my bag as well. “Amelia you coming?”

I raise my eyebrow at his question then at the bag. “Of course,” I reply to his sheepish grin.

“Wait up, I’m coming too!” Minho hurriedly grabs his bag and we head out to the door.

“See you, Key”

I shut the door after us. “What a bad timing,” Minho comments as he re-adjust his bag. “I know right,” Onew sighs in reply.

“Let’s go honey,” he grabs my hand. I laugh and wave goodbye to Minho.

“Are we still doing the plan?” Onew mutters. I grin at him, “Of course!”

“But…” Onew whines. “Oh don’t worry, it only be brief,” I console him while hugging his arm.

“For that plan to happen, you and I are going out tomorrow just you and me,” he bargains.

“Yea, after all, we aren’t going to be with each other for a while,” I sigh.


Key’s POV

They all left me with Joo Young. This one scene keeps replaying over and over in my head.

“Nah, it’s fine,” Eun Jung steps out of my room, her things already packed up. “I should really go anyway. Come on Taemin, we might as well go to my home,” she pulls Taemin to the door.

Come on Taemin, we might as well go to my home… Come on Taemin, we might as well go to my home…

Come on Taemin, we might as well go to my home…


I land back to reality with Joo Young waving her hand in front of my face. “Ah, yes?” she opens to start talking but my mind isn’t with her.

Why Taemin? And why to her home? Taemin…you better not-! What am I saying? I don’t like Eun Jung, so who gives? No no no, I give! Argh, I’m going insane!

“So, we both decide to give time to our personal space,”

“Eh? I beg your pardon?” my train of thoughts and really look at Joo Young. Her cheery smile that once made my heart beat faster than the normal rate is gone.

“We both decide to give time to our personal space,” she whispers. One glance at her face tells me that the ‘we’ is her and her boyfriend.

“Oh,” is all I can say.

“Key,” she looks up at me. “Can you do me a favour?”

“Depends on what the favour is…”

Goodness, what would the favour be? Hyung, where are you when I need you?

Ok, ok, imagine what they will say.

Jonghyun: Punch him for me.Eh, that’s not helpful.

Onew: Kiss me. Oh my sugar cakes! Mental note, do not, repeat, do not get Onew anymore dramas to watch.

“Do magic tricks for me to see,” she smiles.

Oh, that’s a relief.


Eun Jung’s POV

“And so, your club will do this while my club will do that,” I point to the various things that our clubs would do. Taemin nods in reply.

“It’s really quiet,” he suddenly comments. I stifle a sigh, “My dad is always the loud one,”

“So, are we done?” Taemin bounces lightly on my bed where pieces of paper lay along with me.

I chuckle, “Where are you itching to go to, lover boy?”

He shakes his head furiously in denial, “I can’t stand work,” the bed bounces harder.

“Ok, ok,” I laugh as I shuffle the papers together then stack them onto my desk neatly.

“What should we do?” I ask Taemin. I look wearily at the bed, and made a telecommunication to it. Bed, you better not break while I’m sleeping.

Taemin’s eyes gleam as he stares at me.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“Aah!” I shriek as Taemin chases after me with a huge water pistol in his hand. “Stop it, stop it, stop it!” I scream while trying to block the water with my hand. Which is a fail attempt if you ask me.

“Ahaha,” Taemin laughs rather evilly. I dash into the bathroom and lock the door.

“You cannot escape from me forever!” Taemin bangs at the door. After a couple of minutes, I peek through the door.

“Gotcha!” Taemin jumps into my line of view but I grin. He falters when he sees my face.

I shower him with cold water from my water pistol.

“No!” Taemin yells. “Muwahaha, you cannot escape me forever!” I mimic him.

“You sound too evil!” he shouts back while desperately running doorway to doorway. “And I need a map of this place!” he wails.

‘You cannot escape me!” I repeat again. I grin when I realise the room he just entered have no way out except for the way he come in. Which is being blocked by me.

“Ahahaha!” I laugh as I aim my water pistol at him, ready to fire.

“Please have mercy on me,” he squeaks.

The door bell rings and I groan, “Coming!” I yell out, disgruntle. “And you,” I point my water gun at him, “Do not move,”

He replies with his hand up in the air. The door bell rings some more. “I said I’m coming!”

I stomp down the stairs and yank open the door.

“What?” I greet rather angrily.

“Er,” is the answer. I look closely at the visitor and immediately point my water gun at his throat. “What do you want?” I sneer. Gee, I feel like a pirate, ar!

“May I come in?” he whimpers.

“What business do you have with the almighty Eun Jung?” I snarl.

“Ok, that is just weird. Almighty? You copy cat,” he scoffs. I roll my eyes and remove the gun point.

I step aside for him to come in, “Just come in,”

“What was I doing for the past 5 minutes, oh my sugar cakes!” he shrieks at the last part.

“Pirate Taemin is here for revenge…” Taemin slowly trails off when he see a rather disgruntle and soaking Key.


Update! Yay!

Ok, there's not much club activities going around....maybe next chappie? My school laptop is over heating....=.=

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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: Yes.....it ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!