Eventful events

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 12

“So, how was the date,” Amelia grins slyly with Onew staring probingly at me. I stop in my track to my seat, “What date?” I glance at the grinning group. “You know,” Jonghyun drags out. I think for a moment, “Not really,” I place my bag into the chair.

They all give me a Yeah-right look. “What?” I protest.

“Morning,” Key waltzes in.

“How’s the date?” Onew asks him. He stops and looks over at us. “What date?”

“May I talk to you for a second?” Both Amelia and Onew say together and proceed to drag me and Key out. You can’t say they aren’t compatible.

Onew grabs Key’s elbow and leads him to a random place where as Amelia just shakes my shoulder.

“Think, Eun Jung, think!” she whispers furiously. “About what?” I stare back at her, ridicule about what’s going on.

“What did you do with Key?”



“Taking purikura photos?”




“Nothing happened?”

“What?! That’s all?!” she shrieks. “What else is there?!” I shout back.

“I dunno, something more…eventful!

“What? You want me to have with him?!”

We then can hear a ghost yell of ‘What?!’ from Key.

“NO! Not that eventful!” I don’t even call it eventful, Amelia.

“Then what?” I sigh exasperatedly.

“Hug, kisses?” she suggests.

I brush past her into the classroom, “In your dreams,”

Key appears next to me and we both make eye contact, “I’m not doing anything dirty with you,” we both inform each other at the same time.

“Good!” we both agree.

He better not.


Key’s POV

Onew, please, stop shaking me. My brains are going to fall out. “Think, Key, what did you do with her?”


“And?” he probes further on.

“Purikura photos?” I suggest.

“Then?” his hands gesture for me to go on. “Erm, that’s it,” I conclude.

“Nothing eventful?” he asks, his eyebrows rises up.

“What do you mean eventful?” I furrow my eyebrows. “Uh,” Onew ponders then we can hear Eun Jung screams out something along the lines of, “You want me to have with him?!”

Onew clicks his fingers and point to the direction of the scream, “That!”

Now it’s my turn to scream, “What?!”

“You want me to do what?” I repeat. Onew winces, “Just a suggestion,” he defends. Then he sees how I’m staring at him, “From the girls,” he adds.

I huff, “In your dreams,” and go back to the classroom. I bump in Eun Jung.

“I’m not doing anything dirty with you,” we both inform each other at the same time.

“Good!” we both agree.

She better not.


Jonghyun’s POV

“Ok, what did you do?” I state as Amelia and Onew seat themselves to their seats.

“Yea, we heard something about ?” Taemin inquires. “You are suppose to be innocent, Taemin,” Minho replies.

“When was I supposed to be innocent?” Taemin protests.

“From the day you were born,” we all reply, monotone. “But, but,” Taemin splutters but we didn’t listen to him.

“So?” I inquire referring to Eun Jung and Key’s situation.

“They went shopping, took Purikura photos and that’s it,” Onew lists off his fingers.

“And what’s with the eventful and not that eventful?” Minho grins.

“OK, don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting the chills here. Minho, you are supposed to be innocent,” Taemin shivers.

“What, when?”

“Not going to answer that,” we all say.

“And please, if you are going to fight, turn the other way around,” I suggest. They all give me weird looks.

“What? You can’t argue with a person in between,” I defend myself. Then Taemin and Minho starts the arguing.

“Oh, ok,” I sigh. “Just ignore me,”

“This is awkward,” Amelia sighs. “Tell me about it,” I roll my eyes. “Not your I’m between the arguers, it’s those two,”

“And I thought you care for me,”

“Well now you know I don’t,” she turns her head around the other way and cross her arms.

Why do girls always get the last sentence?


Eun Jung’s POV

This is awkward. Extremely awkward. I look at everything but Key. But he’s pretty into math right now, so I don’t have to worry about making eye contact with him. I look at the blackboard and zone out on what the teacher is talking about.

A note lands on my desk and I look inquiringly to Key. He points to the note with the end of his pencil. I try to open the note without making any noises. It reads, ‘You better listen to the teacher, ‘cause I’m going to test you later on’

I shoot an Oh-really look to Key but he’s already scribbling eagerly into his notebook. I scribble in a message and throw it back to him. He returns it immediately; ‘Then start paying attention’

Education monster.


Taemin’s POV

“They look pretty close,” I turn around to look at Amelia. She looks up distracted from her math then look at Eun Jung and Key.

“Not eventful my ,” she immediately says.

“What are they doing now?” Minho leans back in his seat to look over my head. “Passing notes?”

“Why would they pass notes when they are next to each other?” Jonghyun throws down his pen to look over at us.

“Maybe so the teacher can’t hear?” Onew suggests.

“Onew, Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun and Amelia! Do your work now!” the teacher snaps from her teaching.

“Yes!” we all grab our pen and pencils and face down to our workbooks.

“Naw, and I thought I would take a rest from these numbers,” Jonghyun grumbles.

“And Jonghyun, stop complaining!” the teacher demands.

“Yes, sorry,” he mumbles back. I look at him just in time to see him mouth the words ‘Education monster’


Key’s POV

I sigh and I open the front door then close it shut behind me. I shrug off my bag and throw it into my room. I grab a drink and slump onto the kitchen table. Today is the most boring day in my life and the worst day. Why? Because someone suggest to do something to another someone. Sick.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY!” somebody shouts and bangs the front door. I growl, this day is worst enough already.

“I don’t want to donate much to say that I’m broke by doing it, I don’t want to buy raffle tickets either, I don’t want to fix up your broken machine whatever you got broken and I don’t want your ironing board!” I roar as I step closer to the door and jerk it open.

“And I don’t-!” I stop to see who’s actually there. “Hi,” I finish my sentence awkwardly.

“And I don’t hi?” Eun Jung strings the two sentences together. Then her facial expression change to a weird one.

“That doesn’t make sense,” she concludes. I roll my eyes, “Whatever, English teacher. What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here?” she gapes at me. I nod. “I walked with you for 30 minutes when it should have taken 15, went and stop at random timing in the street because you stop, went into weird shopping centers and alley ways because you just stroll into them, slam the front door shut and ignore my cries of protests and now you ask me what I’m doing here?!” she rants.

“Eh, yea,” I scratch my head in confusion. She sighs, “Whatever,” she stomps past me and into my house. She then holds up a note, “Remember?”

I take the note from her and open it up.

You better listen to the teacher, ‘cause I’m going to test you later on

But I didn’t listen to the teacher in the beginning! >.<

Then start paying attention >.>

Education Monster

I rise my eyebrows at her, “You kept this?”

“Well, ye-! Er…” she pauses then finishes with a rather lame “Yea…”

I chuckle, and then take a closer look at the paper.



Ok, another update....this story is going nowhere and I just realised that there aren't any club activities going on around!

Next chappie, I will put one in....:P


Sakura4li with her forgetfullness.

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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: Yes.....it ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!