Coincidence meeting

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 11

Key’s POV

“Key?” she looks worriedly over at me. She lifts her hand up to touch me and I automatically step back away from her. Her face didn’t express any emotion but one glance at her eyes tells me that she’s hurt.

“Uh, sorry,” I mutter my hand reaching up to rub my neck in embarrassment. There is a moment of silent then I say, “Hi! Er, how may I help you?” I look sideway at my house.

She looks down at her shoes and shuffles them. “I miss you,” she quietly whispers, so softly that I nearly didn’t catch her.

This is awkward…what are you suppose to say to an ex-girlfriend? The wind blows over us and she glances up, her brown long hair picking up in the wind. I smile slightly, “Yea, I missed you,”

Her eyes widen at the past tense. Then she smiles again. “You changed so much,”

“Appearance wise or behaviour wise?” I ask looking at her carefully.

She laughs, “Both,”

“Talking about change, I still need to give you back something,” I start. She looks at me curiously. “I’ve been keeping it since we broke up just in case you decide to change your mind. Guess I won’t need it now,” I put my hand into my pocket and clench around empty space. I pat my pocket frantically while Joo Young watches amusingly.

“Ah, maybe I’ll give it to you later if we meet again,” I promise her. “If we meet again,” she echoes and nods, smiling.

A hand clasps on my shoulder and I turn around to meet a shock.

Eun Jung looks at me amusingly as I dash away from her. “Pay back?” she suggests. I pat my thumping heart, “Yea, whatever,” I glance at her grinning face. “What are you doing here?” I sigh.

She dangles something in front of me, a familiar necklace. I snatch it away from her. “Where did you find it?”

She shrugs, “In my room, I didn’t know who left it there, but when I open the locket the name ‘Key’ just explained everything,”

“Ah, nice to meet you again,” Joo Young bows in respect to Eun Jung. Eun Jung stares at her for a moment before bowing, “Ah, yea. Funny coincident,” she says before laughing.

“You two know each other?” I look at them both. “Briefly,” they both say. Oh yes, that’s right, Eun Jung bumped into her yesterday.

I shove the necklace with the picture of me and Joo Young together into Joo Young’s hand. “Here,” she slowly clasps the necklace.

“I guess I’ll see you another time,” I turn around from both of them and into the doorstep of my home.

“And you,” I point to Eun Jung who looks at me, startled.  “Since you got time to stalk me to my house, you might as well come in and study,”

Eun Jung scowls in reply and turn around to go home, “I knew it to give it to you tomorrow,” she curses. I laugh, “But you didn’t, so hurry up!”

“See you later, Key” Joo Young waves goodbye and continue walking down the street. I shut the door and lean against it.

See you later? Somehow I don’t want to see you later.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]


Eun Jung’s POV

I scrunch my face up when I get stuck on the same question. I sneak a look at Key and he is staring intently into the wall in front of him. Maybe it’s not a good time to ask him. Hey, I can always ask the textbook in the answer page!

I flip the textbook quickly and find out how to do it. Bingo!

“What do you think you are doing?” Key growls out. “Learning, why?” I answer back. He slams the textbook shut, “You mean cheating?” Lucky I memorised the last few numbers.

“Technically, no. Since my ‘teacher’ is day dreaming,” I glance at the next question, flipping the page. He flips it back, “Do the one you just did again,” he orders.

“Thinking about Joo Young?” I put down my pacer and stare at him. “You really love her that much?” I ask quietly.

“They say love makes you do crazy things,” he closes the textbook and my book as well. “You were already crazy before you were in love,” I comment. He didn’t answer. I raise my eyebrows at his action. He smiles towards me, “I’m in no mood for math,” Yeah, nice way to go, change the topic.

I roll my eyes, “You just have to be in a no mood for math when I am in the mood,” I pick up my pacer and shove it into my pencil case.

“Well, I shall be going home,” I swing my shoulder bag behind me and push the chair in. I flash Key a grin, “See you later I suppose,” I wave. I turn to go but something latches onto my wrist. I look at Key and he glances at me sadly.

“Can you stay?” he whispers softly. I lightly shake my hand and he doesn’t let go. “I guess I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

“Not really,” he shakes his head. I slump back down onto the seat. “So…what do you want to do?” I awkwardly ask staring out the window.

I glance back at him when he didn’t reply. He looks back, “Let’s go shopping,” and he grabs me hand, proceeding to tow me out of the house. Literally, tow me out of the house.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“Ok, we are currently shopping for your clothes, so why are you holding dresses again?” I stare weirdly at Key who holds the dress out towards me. He rolls his eyes, “You’re going to try out this dress,”

“Nu-uh,” I shake my head. “Uh-huh,” he nods his.

I look at the dress; it’s a navy blue with silver hemming. It’s quite nice and suits my type of clothing.

“Just try it on, it won’t hurt,” Key coaxes. “Fine,” I grumble and snatch the dress off him. I go to the change room and try it on.

“You done yet?” Key shouts through the door. “No,” I shout back.


“Sorta,” I change my answer.


“Yes,” I mutter defeat.

I open the door and peek at him. “Oh come, you act like you never worn a dress before,” Key throws up his hands.

“That’s because I haven’t,” I point out to him. He stares at me, “Are you serious? Not even when you were a baby and your parents dress you up?”

“Eh…” I ponder for a moment, “Not really,”

Key stares eye rounded at me and mutters to himself, “I met a girl who never worn dress in her whole life,”

“Hey! I heard that!” I snap at him. He raises his eyebrow at me, “I’m surprise you even knew how to wear it,”

“I’m not that stupid Key!”

He shrugs, “Just saying,”

“You know, if you keep insulting me, I might as well just change back,” I close the door but Key pushes against it and forcing it open.

“Sorry,” he apologises. “You look pretty good in this dress,”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m expecting insults tomorrow,”

“No really, I’m going to buy it,” he assures me. I gawk at him, “For what? Cross-dressing?!”

He stares long and hard at me. “Please just change,” he finally says.

I never knew he goes that way.

After I change and he bought the dress, we go to a different store. “So, you cross dress?” I ask him.

“No! I don’t know where you get that idea from!” he shockingly says.

“But…you bought a dress! That’s the only idea I got!” I protest.

“The dress was for,” he voice got cut off as a bunch of girls squeal in delight.

“Hey, it’s cute! Let’s keep this one!” they hover over a screen.

“Hey, let’s take pictures! Purikura!” I excitedly drag him over. We got into one of the booth and Key grumbles about how girly it is.

“Like the hell dressing as a girl isn’t girly,” I retort back.

“You weren’t listening were you?” he sighs. I turn from the screen to him. “About what?” I ask confuse. He shakes his head, “Never mind,” he quietly sings out. I shrug.

“Let’s get that one,” Key picks the photo and I glance at him, “I thought you said this is girly?”

“I change my mind,” he airily replies. We walk away with him musing over the photos in his hand. “You look like a pig in this one,” he laughs.

“Key!” I roar in anger but he just laughs. “But you do!” he keeps his point. “Do not!” I argue.

“Whatever you say,” he laughs back. I huff, “Cross dresser!”

“Hey, hey! No name callings!” he warns.

“Cross dresser!” I repeat to annoy him. He smiles an evil smile, “You are going to get it, pig!”

“You said no name calling!” I shout as I dash away from him. “No one escapes from the Mighty Key! Besides, you called me names too,” he adds.


I know I haven't update for a thank you for bearing with me!

I love you all!!!!!!!!!!

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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!