
Arrange Magic

Chapter 21

I glare at him. “If we do that, then that’s what they expect the plan to be. It’s suicide revenge,”

“It’s still a revenge,” he replies, shrugging with his hands out in a gesture of ‘I don’t know’. “Crap,” he suddenly whispers and pushes me towards the corner.

“They are coming out!” he whispers. “Hey, Key!”

“Too late,” I mutter back to him.

He pulls me behind his back as he greets Taemin.

“What are you doing in a place like this?” Minho asks rather suspiciously.

“Going to classroom,” Key laughs nervously. I kick him in the foot. “Haha-oomph!-ahaha,”

“Right,” Minho draws out at Key’s laughter. “But that way is the gym, we don’t have gym right now,” Taemin objects.

“Er,” Key stalls.

“Toilet,” I hiss. “I was going to the toilet,”

“But you said that you hate going to the toilet using that route,” Jonghyun disagrees.

“Are you holding something behind your back?” Onew asks, and I can see his shadow trying to peer behind his back.

“No,” Key immediately objects. I roll my eyes.

“Really now? I know a lie when I see one,” Amelia replies. “See? You can’t see a lie,” Key laughs.

“Not unless it’s a person,” she points to me in reply.

I grin awkwardly, “Boo?” I suggest.

“What are you doing here?” Amelia looks at me skeptically. “Classroom?” I squeak questionable.

They all raise their eyebrows.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

Onew shoves past me and Key when we are walking towards the cafeteria. And he gazes at the menu board.

“Oh, thank goodness,” he sighs with a blessed expression on his face. “What?” Jonghyun asks curiously.

“The chicken menu is still there,”

Jonghyun rolls his eyes, and Minho groans, “Maybe we should have taken it down. It became too obsessive with you now,”

“Don’t you dare,” he hisses. We all walk past him to get food.

“So,” Amelia starts with food half way to . “So,” I copy her except I already shoveled food into my mouth.

“For Heaven’s sake, eat more lady like why don’t you?” Key sighs. I glance at him, “And you can eat more ‘manly’ like,” I watch him as he delicately spoons food onto his spoon.

I roll my eyes to the top of the head.

“So,” Amelia says more forcefully. “So what?” I wave my fork around before picking up forkful of mash potato.

“Why are you two together?”

I glance sideways to Key and he did the same. “Er,” I mumble. “We…made up,” I grin at her while sweating cold. She stares over at us suspiciously.

“And we are going out,” Key adds in. I give him a murderous look while Amelia squeals.

“Onew!” she hollers out and he comes dashing in. “What?” his eyes take in the scene, “Where’s the fire?”

“They are going out!” Amelia responds by pointing at us and jumps on her seat while sitting down. If that is possible.

Onew looks relief, “Oh goodie,” he replies weakly. Amelia literally jumps into his arms and gives him a death hug.

I cough, “Hem,”

They both look at us, “We…made up,” Amelia grins. “And we are going out,” she adds in. They embrace each other again. That reminds me.

Perfect time to stomp on Key’s foot.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

I huff in annoyance as Key nags about his foot. “You kicked and stomped on it twice! You want me to go any faster?”

“If a snail can, well, yes!”

“Well I don’t see any snails here!” he scowls and continues to limp towards me. “It’s all your fault,” he mutters as he goes past me. “Mine? Excuse me, who was the one that said ‘And we are going out,’?”

“You agreed it with it,” he exclaims back.

“I never did! And what kind of revenge is that?”

“What ideas did you got?” he snaps.

“More of a prank on them,”

“Well, we can’t go back to them and say, “Sorry, we broke up within an hour,””

I sigh, seriously, what kind of a lame revenge is that? Fine, be that way. See if I care if you keep limping towards your house…I look at him. Fine! I care.

“You alright?” I mutter softly to him, refusing to look at him. “Oh, I’m fine and dandy,” he airily replies. “You can lean on me if you want,” I offer, grabbing his arm to steady him. “Thanks,” he mutters in reply.

“Oh, look! They are already hugging each other!” somebody squeals.

We both glance up, “What are they? Professional spies?” we both sigh together.

Key steps away from me as Amelia and Onew come forward. “Aw, don’t. I want to take a picture,” she whines, holding up a camera to show me.

“You want to take a what?!”

“Picture. You know, you take it with a camera. This is a camera, and this button is the one that takes picture,” Onew explains to me.

“I’m pretty sure I know what a camera and its function are,” I snap at him.

“What are you guys doing here?” Key asks, keeping his distance from me. Well, can’t say I’m doing the same.

“Well, since you guys are going out,” Amelia starts with a grin as she tugs Key closer to me. “Can we go on double dates please?” she pleads.

“Er,” is all I say, taken back. “Now?” Key looks at the sky as if calculating the weather. “It’s not going to rain Key, I checked the weather forecast,” I tell him sarcastically.

“Yea,” Onew nods at Key.

“I don’t know,” I say unsurely. “I think I can’t come, I got plans”

“I don’t know either,” Key looks at me. “I think you and I got time,” he grins at me knowing full well that I don’t have plans.

“Great!” Amelia jumps up and down on the spot. “Let’s go!” Onew cheers as they both link arms and go.

Key straightens himself and I got ready for his limping. Instead, his limping never came.

“You were faking the whole time?” I snarl at his perfect walk. He flashes a grin at me before running away from my murderous look on my face.

“Key! You jerk, come back here so I can skin you alive,” I chase after him. We bypass Amelia and I hear her saying, “They are so lively. Aren’t they a perfect match?”

Hmph. If only she knew.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“I can bet you,” Key breathes into my ear. I eye at him cautiously before letting him goes on. “That you can’t stand this ‘revenge’ and tells Amelia about the plan,”

“What?” I hiss back. He shakes his head, thinking. “Nah, that won’t be fun. How about for every double date there is always a bet?”

“How do you win?” I murmur back, strolling behind Amelia and Onew down the street. “First person to win 3 bets,” he whispers.

“What does the winner get?” I hiss back. “5 minutes of their live taken by the loser,” I scrunch my forehead in confusion. What, he’s going to turn back the time or something?

I open my mouth to ask him.

“If you don’t say anything, I take it as a deal. If you say anything, I’ll also take it as a deal,” he interrupts. I scowl, what’s the point of talking then?

“Deal,” he grins at his smartness. “Hmph,” I huff.

“Guys, let’s go to the arcade!” Onew shouts with Amelia dragging him inside already. “Amelia’s really demanding, isn’t she?” Key comments on the scene.

“Yea…you can say that,” I reply back.

We enter the building and exchange some of our money for game coins.

“Shall we play Air Hockey?” Onew points to the tables and Amelia nods excitedly.

 “We might as well go with them,” Key makes me follow him by holding my hand. I glance at it and heat immediately rises to my cheeks.

What the heck? Maybe I have body temperature control problems.

Key glances slyly at me, “Bet number 1. Winning at Air Hockey,” he slides me an air hockey mallet.

“The person who scores the most goals in 5 rounds,” he continues, pointing at the 5 pucks sitting on the table ready to go.

“Deal,” I grin as he inserts the coins into the coin slot, and the machine hums to life.

“Let the battle, begin,” Key shoots a puck towards my end with speed.


I know what you guys a thinking about. I really do. 'That revenge ,'

Am I right?

I know, it's not a particular good revenge, but this revenge is important. I'm going to wrap this up more ish chapters? I don't know, I'm only guessing.

Anyway, if you think about it, Key is pretty smart. In this story.

So, after one of them wins 3 bets, it's gonna be over pretty soon!

So, keep wondering why this 'revenge' is important. :P

I love teasing you peeps.

'Kay then, see you later!


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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!