You lean on his shoulder and not mine?

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 14

“Taemin! Get out! Get out now!” Key jabs towards the door and glaring furiously at Taemin.

“Hey! It’s my house, and I’ll tell who to get out!” I shout at Key, noticing Taemin’s sad face.

Key shoves me into the wall, “Shut up!”

I feel sorry for his ex-girlfriend and his future girlfriend and probably his wife too. Domestic violence much?

“I’m going! I’m going!” Taemin assures Key and heads out towards the door. “I’ll give you your stuff tomorrow,” I promise him.

He mouths a ‘thanks’ before Key slams the door.

“Ok, what the hell is wrong with you?!” I snap. He rubs his temples. “You screamed at Taemin, rudely asked him to get out when it’s my house and now you slam the door? Gah!” I throw my hands in the air.

“I thought you were doing club activities?!” he shouts back and I stare at him dumbfound. He’s angry because we weren’t doing club activities? What's wrong with him?

He sighs, “Sorry,”

“Save it for Taemin,” I snap at him then I sigh, “What do you want?”

“I guess this isn’t the right time,” he mutters and he turns to go out. “Well, you already yelled your way in, might as well just say it,” I sit down the sofa and wait for him to speak.

“Can you do me a favour?” he asks, looking at me.

“No,” I bluntly reply.

“You didn’t even think about it!” he protests, water dripping down the floor. I got up and motion to me to come up the stairs and follow me. He confusing did and I shove him into a bathroom.

“Get showered, I’ll get dry clothes for you before you blame me for having a cold,”

I shut the door behind me and skip over to my dad’s room. If you think my room is amazing, think again. I love his room.

I rummage through his closet and pick up clothes that look like Key’s size and I knock on the bathroom door.

“You done yet?” I call through the door and hearing the shower tap turn off.

“Nearly,” he calls back and I open the door just a crack and shove the clothes towards him without looking in.

“T-thanks,” he takes the clothes and shut the door. I stare amusingly at it, did he just stutter?

“I’ll be in my room,” I inform him before enter to my room. It’s dim dark and I spot Taemin’s stuff scatter everywhere in my room.

“Taemin,” I half groan and half whine. I stack everything together and comb through my room to see if I left anything that belongs to Taemin on the floor, bed, closet or desk. Don’t ask how it got into the closet, because I don’t want to know.

I bounce onto my bed after I clean everything up and immediate get off it when I hear it creak.

“Bed,” I sternly say to it. “Do not, I repeat, do not break when I’m sleeping on you tonight,” I point my finger at it. “Understand?”

“You talk to your bed?” asks an incredulous Key. “It’s Taemin’s fault,” I retort back and whisper to the bed, “Understand?”

Key laughs and I look at him. “Aren’t you in a good mood? What is that ‘favour’ of yours?”

His laughter fades again as he looks serious again.

“Can you teach me magic?”

I do a double take, “You are in Arrange Magic already! Why do you need me to teach you magic?”

“No! Like spectacular magic,” he explains as he sits down on my bed.

“Get off my bed, I don’t want it to break in half,” I shoo him off. I cross my arms, “Who are you performing to?”

“Joo Young,” he glances at me. “I thought she got a boyfriend?” I sit down next to him.

“They decide to take a break,” he replies rather dreamily. Chucks, he’s in love.

“Ah-huh,” my tone makes him look up and I nod at me showing that I agree with him. He frowns, “It’s true you know,”

He follows me trying to convince me. “Whatever the case is, I’m not teaching you magic,” I tell him.

“Fine!” he retorts. “Fine,” I repeat smugly.

“Then I’ll use the wish thingy,” he smirks glancing at me. One look from me and he’s saying ‘Thank you!’

I’m cursing in the head.

“But I’m warning you,” I glare at him, “She’s just using you,”

“For what? Don’t be foolish,” he laughs. “We’ll start tomorrow?” he asks, hopeful. I grunt and shove him down the stair case and out of the house.

“Whatever,” I snap before closing the front door.

Stupid git. He’s just getting into some more heartbreak. Who cares about him anyway?

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

I slump down on the chair with Taemin next to me. “I hate work,” he tiredly says. I nod, “That I have to agree with you,”

“Who knew that running around the school will be that tiring,” Taemin sighs. “It won’t be if some idiots told us the right information!” I shout to the ceiling.

“Whoa, what’s wrong?” Amelia pokes her head into Arrange Magic. “Someone told us we will be picking things up from the Divination Club,” I rub my head.

“We went there, turns out somebody else took it to some random place,” Taemin continues.

“Walked around the whole freaken school,”

“Worked like detectives,”

“Just to find out it’s in here!” I sigh.

“That sounds tiring, how long have you been doing that?” Onew smiles slightly.

“2 hours,” Taemin holds up his fingers for them to see.

“Two hours?! I’ll be dead already,” Jonghyun says from his sprawl position. “You only did 15 minutes of work!” Taemin complains.

“Where’s Key?” Onew asks. “Don’t know, don’t care,” I mutter in reply.

“I wanna go to sleep,” Taemin whines to me. I point to the lazy Jonghyun, “Go sleep with him. You think you’re tired? I can’t sleep all night yesterday!”

“And why’s that?” Jonghyun mumbles as Taemin snuggles up to him. “Because I had fear of the bed breaking,” I cross my arms.

Taemin peeks at me with one eye open and pouts, “I’m sorry,”

“Hello!” Key smiles as he enters the room.

“He’s there,” I point at Key for Onew.

“I think I saw him,” he replies.

“Why is he in such a good mood?” Amelia directs her question to Minho who just walked in. He shrugs, “I tried to ask him about it, but all I’d been hearing is jumble mumbles,”

He walks towards me, “Move over,” he nudges me. I groan as I move into a sitting position.

“Party pooper,” I poke him. “When was there a party?” he amusingly asks. “You can sleep on my shoulder if you like,” he offers. I grin gleefully. “Why? Didn’t you sleep last night?”

“Blame him,” I point at the vague direction of where Taemin is with my eyes close.

“I said I was sorry!” Taemin whines.

A shadow looms over my close eyes. I peek at the shadow and immediately close them.

“Hey! At least say something,” Key protests. I look at him again, “Go away. There, I said something,” I close my eyes again.

“Minho, I need you for a moment,” Key turns his attention to Minho. “No you don’t,” I lazily wave him away.

“No, I don’t,” he agrees. Then the shoulder I’d been leaning on disappears and I knock my head against the hard chair. I shoot up ready to yell at Key who jerked Minho out of the seat. “Onew does,” Key shoves Minho towards Onew’s direction.

“Ugh,” I pull at face and rub my head. “Haven’t you gotten sleep last night?” Key sits next to me.

“I- don’t ask, I told the answer like 5 times already,” I grumpily say, ready to fall asleep.

“You can sleep on my shoulder,” he smiles at me. “Huh, and gets up for me to bump my head again? No thanks,” I stand up and stretch.

“Taemin, I wanna sleep too! Get off,” I scamper towards Taemin and start to shake him. He sleepily opens his eyes and opens his arms wide.

“I don’t want to sleep with you. Get off,” I shake him roughly, enough for Jonghyun to get up.

“I’m going, I’m going,” Jonghyun gets off and I push Taemin off.

“Ouch,” he mutters before closing his eyes. “Night,” I close my eyes and escape into the world of dreams.


Key’s POV

I walk in cheerfully and excitedly. Why? ‘Cause I get to see Eun Jung. And annoy her to the ends of the Earth.

“He’s there,” Eun Jung points at me. Onew just sighs and nods in reply. “I think I saw him,” he flatly says. Onew starts to talk to me about random stuff. I didn’t bother paying attention. Until he goes away and I turn back to see Eun Jung sleeping on Minho’s shoulder. Why can’t she sleep on Amelia’s shoulder? Why a boy? Why Minho?!

I stand over her and she peeks up at them. Aw, she’s cute I think happily. Before she closes her eyes again.

“Hey! At least say something!” I protest. She didn’t even bother acknowledge me.

“Go away. There, I said something,” she mutters. Sheesh, this girl. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Onew signaling Minho to come.

“Minho, I need you for a moment,” I gesture to Onew. “No you don’t,” Eun Jung snaps back. I grin gleefully, “No, I don’t,”

I drag Minho off the seat and Eun Jung bumps onto the chair. Her face contorts into a ‘What the hell?!”

“Onew does,” I push Minho into Onew’s direction.

“Ugh,” she rubs her head as I sit down next to her. “Didn’t you sleep last night?”

“I-don’t ask, I told the answer like 5 times already,” she moodily replies, her eyes on the verge of closing again. “You can sleep on my shoulder,” I offer to her.

“Huh, and gets up for me to bump my head again? No thanks,” she glares at the thought before standing up and rushing to Taemin.

Oh, so she can sleep on Minho’s shoulder and not mine? I glare at her as she drifts off into her la-la land.

Why did I ever care for you?


Another update!

Thank you for the comments! That inspired me to write another chapter!

Thank you for the subscription as well!

I love you all!


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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!