Am I...? Is he...?

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 15

Key’s POV

I sigh as I crouch down to Eun Jung’s sleeping face. “Taemin,” I hiss, nudging Taemin. “Hmm?” he stirs and sits up.

“What?” he asks rubbing his eyes. “You better go home, it’s past 6 already,” I whisper to him, pointing to the lowering sun.

His eyes grow wide and he dashes around the club room. I stare at him, “Exit is that way,” I point to my right.

“Right. I knew that,” he dashes out to go home. “Yea right you did,” I mutter and turn back to Eun Jung.

Then a scene starts to play in my head.

“Why are you being such a jerk to Eun Jung?” Amelia frowns. “I’d always been the jerk the whole entire time,” I protest.

Onew narrows his eyes, “Well now you are doing it deliberately,”

“What?” I ask, incredulous. “Admit it, you’re jealous,” Jonghyun pats my shoulder.

“Huh?” I stare at all of them, questions forming in my head.

“And you’re not in love with Joo Young either,” Minho adds.

“Ok, why am I jealous and of course I’m not in love with Joo Young. We are over,” I exclaim.

“Of course you’re in love with Joo Young. Why did you even bother accepting her request of show me magic tricks?” Amelia mimics the last part.

“So I can console her,” I can only stare as Amelia only sighs

“You’re in denial,” Onew points out. “For what?” my tone makes it clear that I’m getting frustrated and upset of all these questions.

“No, not consoling. Because you can spend more time with Eun Jung,” Jonghyun softly says and lets the words sink in. Before I can protest further, Minho cuts in, “Who’s the one that’s always looking out for her in every subject?”

“All of us!” I deny.

“No, you bothered her about her science, her Korean, her English, her gym, her music, everything!” Amelia watches my reaction. “I-no, no I haven’t!”

“Ok, what grade did Eun Jung got in Science?” Onew challenges.

“B,” my mouth immediately replies. They all raise their eyebrows. “That don’t prove anything,” I shake my head.

“Ok maybe your brain can’t accept beating around the bush. Let me be straight forward,” Amelia starts. “You like Eun Jung,” she states simply.

“Of course not!” I immediately deny.

“You’re jealous too,” Minho adds in. I glares at him, “What?”

“It’s true you know,” Jonghyun backs Minho up. “Who dragged Minho off the seat because Eun Jung was sleeping on Minho’s shoulder?”

“And who offered his shoulder when she wants to sleep?” Onew tentatively asks.

“And who felt abandoned because she refused?” Amelia softly asks me.

I didn’t reply because all these questions are whirring in my brain.

“Think about it,” Minho suggests before walking off. Onew smiles at me before patting on my shoulder.

I stare at Eun Jung. Her rosy cheeks and her silky hair drifts across her face. I’m not in love with her…right?

“You’re going to catch a cold like that,” I nudge Eun Jung awake. She turns around and puts her arm across her eyes then sits up.

“Morning, mother,” she yawns and stretch.

“Funny, I’m known as the mother as well,” I chuckle as her face fills with confusion.

“Oh, it’s you,” she replies in a flat tone. My heart weighs down and all those questions come back to me.

“I guess you still haven’t forgiven me yet,” I sigh. “You better go home. It’s getting dark,”

“Dark?” her brown eyes stares at me then to the window.

“Ahh! What time is it?” she frantically turns her body around to see the time.

“Past 6,” I amusingly watch her. Is she always this clumsy?

“Oh shoot!” she gets up and trip over the blanket I put on over her. She picks it up questionably. “I can’t have you blaming me for catching a cold,” I shrug.

“Thank you,” she whispers. Then she gets up and swings her bag over her shoulder.

“Ah!” she turns around to face me, her face…apologetic?

“Your magic…lesson,” she falters. I smile, “It’s fine,” I get up from my spot. “It’s late anyway,” I gesture to the darkening window. She stares at the window wistfully, the orange glow from the sunset lights up her face.

“I love sunsets,” she whispers. “Come on, I’ll walk you home,” I take her hand and pull her out of room.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“Thank you,” she bows to me. It’s already dark and the streetlights are on. “You really shouldn’t have walked me home,” she peers from her porch into the dark night.

I shrug, “It isn’t safe to walk in the dark,” I turn to face her, “I guess I’ll see you later on,” I wave at her. Something tugs at me from the back of my shirt.

“It isn’t safe to walk in the dark,” she pointedly says. “Well, I got to go home in some way,” I tell her.

“Sleep over at my house,” she suggests and before I can answer, she drags me into her house.

“You sure it’s alright? Your mother won’t mind?” I ask nervously as I take off my shoes and into her big house.

“Of course not. My mother is at late work,” she explains and she makes her way up to her room. I trail after her.

“Go and shower,” she nods her head towards a particular door. “How about you?”

“Dude, we got more than one shower,” she laughs.

“Oh, ok,” I say, embarrass.

I enter the bathroom and immediately mental slap myself.

“And when you are done, I’ll teach you some magic,” she calls out from outside.

Did I mention that she got an angelic voice? No, no, Key! Shower!


Eun Jung’s POV

I stare curiously at the closed bathroom door. Then I hear loud clatter and a bang. I knock nervously at the door, “Are you alright?”

“Uh, yea, I’m fine,” his voice floats through the door.

“Ok…I’ll be at my room,” I start to leave my spot.

“Yea, sure,” he agrees. Then another clatter and cursing can be heard.

I stifle my laughter until I reach my room. Then I let it out. Is he always this fluster? And nice?

I shrug at my thoughts, well he did walk me home. Wonder what’s wrong with him now…


Ok, people heads up!

Hold onto your chair...and whatever you are sitting on......and look forward to the next chapter!

Why you ask?

There will be a continuous series of drama upcoming!


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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!