
Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 34

Key’s POV

I stare at the cards in her hands. This isn’t ordinary pack of cards she’s holding…each card got the same symbol you will find in an ordinary pack but instead of numbers or pictures, there’s letters on them. “Did you cheat in that game?’ I ask blandly, looking at her.

She shifts uncomfortably, “Maybe,” she squeaks. “Don’t worry, I’m not mad at the cheating part,” Because I have no idea how you would cheat with letter cards…”But, how did you sneak those cards into your hand?”

“Magic,” Eun Jung waves her hand airily around and grins.

I look at the letter cards individually, “Amelia is going to tell me off now,” I sigh.

“Eh? Why?” Eun Jung looks at me curiously. “She’s probably goes like, Key! You’re so-“

“Unromantic! Sheesh! I like you ever since you dumped ice cubes down my back,” somebody mimics and Amelia glowers at me.

“At least my Eun Jung should have a scene of confession like this, ‘Oh, Eun Jung!’” Amelia grabs Eun Jung’s hand and caresses on her check. “With skin so smooth and-“

“Hey, how can you stand her?” I ask Onew who is watching the scene with great fascination. “I don’t know…I just…can,” he wonderingly says.

“Oh, the power of luuuve,” Jonghyun emphasises. “It’s love, not luve,” Minho corrects him. “I know that!”Jonghyun snaps back.

“If you knew that, how come you didn’t say it then?” Minho crosses his arms.

“Jonghyun, you have to do better to get your grades back up!” Taemin encourages Jonghyun. “Now, say it after Minho! Love!” Taemin eggs on.

Jonghyun mutters and face palms himself. “I can’t hear you,” Minho sings out in satisfaction. “Jonghyun!” Taemin demands, staring intently at Jonghyun.

“Love…” Jonghyun gives in. “Much better,” they both nod happily. “God,” Jonghyun grumbles.

“Hey! Are you even listening to me?!” Amelia snaps at me with a very nervous Eun Jung staring into space. What did Amelia just done?

“I think it’s fine how Key confesses his love,” Onew places a calming hand on Amelia’s shoulder. She sighs, “But if you plan to get marry to her, do as I say,” she growls. Onew only laughs.

“Did somebody say marry?” Taemin eagerly says.

“I wanna be the people dress in a black suit next the groom. Those people!”

“You mean best man?” Minho cautiously asks. “Why is he so hyper?” Jonghyun pokes Taemin.

“It’s your fault, go and ask yourself,” Minho icily replies. “How am I supposed to ask myself? I can’t even see my own face,” Jonghyun grumbles.

“Here, go to the bathroom and stare at the mirror and ask,”

The rest argues and Eun Jung gives me a secret smile and I feel…warmth. Something I never felt when I was with Joo Young.


Eun Jung’s POV

“What’s this? Is that Key?” My father approaches me from behind. “Hi!” The group smiles at him and sneakily walks away.

“Did he finally confess? Oh, about time!” he laughs heartily at the red face Key. “Dad,” I nudge him, embarrass. “Aw, well, welcome to the family,” he clasps Key’s shoulder.

“T-thank you, sir,” he stutters. I burst out laughing. “Sir? Don’t need to say sir, just say…hmm, let’s see, how about Dad?”

“Dad?” Key’s eyes bulge in surprise. “But, but, you don’t know if we are going to get…” he trails off on the last word.

“Oh, don’t worry, you will,” my father grins. I stare curiously at them, we are going to get what? I don’t get it!

“If you don’t trust me, trust Hae Won. She’s very accurate with these things you know,” he winks and steps away. “Okay, lover birds, I’m going to stop badgering you guys. But I’m warning you, he better be up and running in our house,” he grins at me.

“Dad!” I yelp. “Ok, ok, got it!” and he scampers off and talks to the guest.

“Still, who’s Hae Won?” Key asks curiously at me. “Beat me,” I frown and we both stare at each other. “Well, do you think Taemin knows?” he suggests.


Taemin’s POV

Gah, where is she? I can’t find her but Amelia said that she invited her to this performance. Oh, hey, is that her?

“Hae Won!” I shout, trying to get her attention. Her head whips around to see me and her light brown hair floats down around her shoulder. Wow, she’s pretty!

“Hi!” I breathlessly greet. “Hi,” she smiles. “So, erm, how’s the party?” I start the conversation. She sighs, “Well, so far, I haven’t met people’s eyes yet, so I’m good,” she smiles again.

“Oh yea, when are you going to tell the others about your powers?” I ask her and she glares at me.

“It’s call intuition!” she snaps. “Woah, chill,” I pat her head. “Hmph,” she grumpily lets me pat her hair. Wa, her hair smells nice!

“Still, when are you going to tell?” I keep asking. “Soon,” she promises. “Like when?” I poke her. “Like now,” she nods towards a certain direction. Key, Eun Jung and the rest of the group walk toward us.

“You’re going to tell?” Amelia questions, a small smile play on her lips.

“Please do,” Key pleads.

“Er, shall we go to a more silent place?” Hae Won suggests. “Sure,” Eun Jung agrees and leads the way.

“Woah,” Jonghyun breathes as we climb up the stairs to greet the sky.

“So?” Eun Jung starts.

“It happened when I was small, when I meet one’s eye, I can see their future flashes through them,” Hae Won starts.

“Woah, that’s…cool,” Minho starts. Hae Won gives him a wean smile. “But it’s not just any future, just…love future. So, I can see when they get marry, how they meet, how they got together, when they argue and so forth,” she continues.

“That’s….” Jonghyun trails off when he realises he can’t find the words to describe it.

“Didn’t you know?” Amelia pipes up. “Well, to be quite frank, I don’t think we’re such big gossipers ourselves,” Key bluntly states.

“You said something?” she glares in return. Key backs off.

“Well, she’s quite famous in our school. It was hard to find her,” Amelia frowns. “You sound like a stalker now, “Onew gently says. “Sorry dear,” she murmurs. Key is clearly grumbling under his breath.

“But, thanks for your help. It was fun,” Minho says, smiling. “It is fun,” Hae Won admits.

“Well, since you two are together, let’s go on double dates!” Amelia squeals at Key and Eun Jung. “Oh god,” Key groans.

Hae Won breathes out silently. “You feel lonely at times, don’t you?” I ask her. She turns her head in surprise.

“I-“ she protests. “Silly, I can see it in your eyes,” I cup her face. “Yea, sometimes, I do,” she whispers sadly.

“You must be lonely when you were small,” I comfort her. A tear escapes from her eyes. “Uwah! I didn’t meant to make you cry!” I frantically try to calm her down.

“Do you want a hug?” I awkwardly ask. She buries her head into me and my arms naturally wrap around her.


Jonghyun’s POV

“What do you think they are doing?” Amelia whispers at us. “Stop being such a stalker,” we all tell her. “Hmm, just asking,” she turns around. “Come on, let’s give them privacy,” and we follow her down the stairs. I look back to see Taemin hugs Hae Won tighter. That boy is growing up. Fast.


Eun Jung’s POV

Ah, it was 2 months ago that we went out together. I smile at the phone. “But, Key seems to be late today, but he said something about Taemin…” I trail off.

“I’ll wait a bit more!” I pump myself up.

The phone rings and wakes me up from zoning out. “Eun Jung!” Amelia shrieks through the phone. “What?” I hurriedly ask.

“I can’t get a call through Onew!” she wails. “Holy, Key hasn’t come by either!” I tell her, shock. “I tried calling Key too! He didn’t answer! The phone said it’s out of service of something?” she frantically cries. And through the call, I can hear her sobbing.

“Do you think something happened?” she sobs and I start to worry as well. “I’ll come over,” I promise her. “Hmm,” she whispers before hanging up.

“Key, where are you?” I ask the sky.


Mini Interview

Eun Jung: Woah, the story ended with 35 subscribers!

Key: Isn’t that good?

Taemin: Of course that’s good. ‘Cept I didn’t get to tell the reader who Hae Won was. –pouts-

Minho: Well, that’s a funny ending

Onew: I’m missing? O.O

Jonghyun: Does that mean another story will come out?

Rest of them: …mhm

Taemin: Is Hae Won going to be there?

Jonghyun: Why are you so obsessed with her?!

Taemin: Onew!!!!

Onew: Don’t bully Taemin. He’s only a child.

Key: Is that how you treat your son? –evil aura-

Jonghyun: Uwah! No!!

Minho: You’re stupid as always. Learn to keep your mouth shut.

Jonghyun: Excuse me?! I’m the next main character in sakura4li’s next story!

Rest of them: Oi!!!!! That was supposed to be a secret!!

Jonghyun: Oops!!

Minho: Told you you’re stupid


This is Sakura here! Wah, story finish! But like Onew said, and Jonghyun blurted out. There's a next story out! Want to know why Key and Onew and possibly the rest of the group disappeared? Read it here!

I enjoy reading and writing here! Thank you for the support and encouragement! I hope you also follow me on my next story adventure!

Welcome to Secret Myth!!


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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!