
Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 31

Eun Jung’s POV

After helping with Amelia’s ‘crisis’ I return back home. I sigh and walk into the closet, starting to feel suspicious when I see the closet door ajar by a bit. Suddenly my mother comes whistling past my door and I call out to her.

“Mum, did you enter my room?” I ask her. I see her shadow freezes up and I purse my lips. “Did you take anything out of my closet?” I start to pelt her with questions.

“Mum, if you stop creeping out of the hallway and enter my room, I won’t scold you,” I bargain. How ironic, a daughter scolding a mother. My mother peeks in nervously at me and meekly steps into the room.

I pull open the door and soon realise I got a crisis myself.

“Mum,” I cautiously call out to her. “Where did the blue dress go?”

“That was yours?” she replies, surprises, joining me in the closet. “Yea,” I answer slowly. “Oh, I thought one of my college’s daughter left it here…” she trails off before realising the situation.

“It was yours?!” she exclaims, staring at me.

Well, Mum, last I check, I am a girl.

“But, but,” she splutters. “You don’t wear dress!” and when I didn’t answer, she place a hand on my forehead, “Are you sure you are alright, sweetie? You don’t seem to be burning up,” she peers at my face with concern.

“Mum, where is the blue dress?” I sternly ask. “The blue dress?” she falters. “My blue dress!” my patience breaks off as I yell.

“I just got from their place, but why do you need the dre-oh! The party! It’s tonight!” it suddenly occurs to her we only have 30 minutes left till the performance.

“Hurry!” she drags me out of the room and dumps me into the passenger seat.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

After much arguing, her college’s daughter agree to part with the ‘lovely blue dress which might get me a boyfriend’ in which I lost patience by snapping that the ‘lovely blue dress which might get me a boyfriend’ is the ‘lovely blue dress which you didn’t buy and now taken advantage of which any boy doesn’t like’ well, I suppose it’s better than ‘the lovely blue dress which you can’t fit in because you are too damn fat!’

“Mum?” I ask glancing at her while she frowns, concentrating to drive. “Yea?” she mutters before swerving sharply into another lane.

“Did you ever thought about the size of this dress and the size of that girl didn’t match?” I finger the clothing.

She freezes. “Guess I never thought of that,” she says after a moment. She speeds through a red light. “Mum,” I cautiously say.

“Say no more, I’m driving as fast as I can,” she replies determinedly. Mind I remind you to never go in the same car as my mother. I tug tighter onto my seat belt as she misses a truck and speeds past another light. I wail in my head, Daddy, where are you?

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

My father glances questioningly at me when I enter the performance all haggard. I slump next to Amelia. “What happened?” she murmurs out of the corner of . “Mum drove,” I dejectedly reply. “Ooh,” she nods, understanding. She pats my back sympathetically.

“Not to hurt your feelings or anything, but,” she hesitated. “How many lights did she sped?” she questions.

“I wasn’t particularly counting, but around 20?” I estimate. “I’ll be expecting fines rushing into our house tomorrow,” I sigh.

“Well, on the bright side, at least you got your own personal rollercoaster controller!” she attempts to cheer me up.

I stare at her, “Why would I be happy because I got a car crashing mother?”

She shrugs, “Well, when you learn to drive, at least she can just say ‘Press on the gas pedal!’”

“Amelia, you are going to be the worst mother I will ever know,” I state. She shrugs.

“Hey, you alright?” a voice whispers next to my ear, startling me. I glance at the person. Yes Key, I’m alright, I had to dash back and forth, nearly got myself killed just to get that stupid dress that you gave me. I’m so alright.

“Uh, yea,” I shortly reply and look at my father’s performance.

Applause around us rings as my father bows. “Remember, there’s party after this,” he winks at the audience.

“Your father is a bit of a flirt, isn’t he?” Jonghyun comments as we file out. “Nah, just give the audience something to remember that there is a party,” I shake my head.

Suddenly, Amelia pushes me. “Party, party, party!” she sings out, pushing me towards the change room. “Ok, we got the idea,” Minho grumbles as the boys glumly walk off. I raise my eyebrows at Amelia. She shrugs, “I think I reminded them a tad too much,”


Weeeeee, I should get the preview done, but nah. XD

One more subscriber, and you know what happens!!



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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!