My ear ache

Arrange Magic

Magic Trick 6

It’s school day again. The weekend passes by quickly. And I studied my off, so it’s worth it. What’s not worth it though is that I didn’t study a topic in the test. How did I know? Because I’m sitting the stupid test at the moment. Who the hell need trigonometry in the first place? Idiots, that’s who. Idiots like Key because last I glance at him he was scribbling furiously on the paper with a carefree look on his face. I can already tell that I’m going to lose the bet. My life is sad…very sad. In fact, go to hell with it. But, hey, there’s still the magic show.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“How was the test, Eun Jung?” Key snickers into my ear. My face change into an I-think-I’m-going-to-fail face.

“I especially love the trigonometry section!” he gleefully says. I glare at him, “You’re too happy in the morning,” I gloomily walk away. Key catches up to me and happily rubs in my face, “Why? Don’t you like trig.?”

“No!” I yell at him and stop walking. He looks back with a surprise face. “No, I hate trig in the whole wide world! And I hate you more! Stop following me, you stalker freak!” I shout in his face and stomp away into a random place where my pounding feet lead me.

“Stupid idiot,” I mutter angrily.


Key’s POV

“What’s wrong with her?” I ask confusedly to the others. Amelia only shakes her head, “For a smarty, you sure are dumb,” she replies bluntly.

“Excuse me?” I ask my voice reaching a crescendo. “Gosh, Key! You’re not in choir!” Jonghyun complains his hands over his ears.

“Oh, shut up,” I snap back.

The bell ring, signaling another period and an angry Eun Jung walks towards us. “Oh, great.” Amelia throws her hand up in the air. “Thank you Key. Now I got to sit next to a gloomy, muttering and unpredictable Eun Jung. Really, thank you.” She smiles sincerely and shakes my hand. Then her expression changes, “Not,” she retorts.

“For making her into this state, you get to sit next to her!” she evilly smirks. Taemin on the other hand brightens up.

“I get to sit next to Minho!” he cheers. I gape at him, “Are you really that happy?” I ask to the squealing Taemin who has a death grip on Minho.

“No offence but your nagging makes my ear ache,” Taemin timidly response. “What?!” I explode.

“You do not talk to your Hyung like that! That’s un-respectful! I have to give you discipline lessons when school finish!” I rage.

Taemin merely puts his hand on his ears and whimpers to the others, “I have an earache already. Can somebody shut him up?” the others merely nod in agreement and leave for class.

“You!” I huff then I see Eun Jung looking at me. “What?” I snap. Having an unpredictable girl like Eun Jung is like having the weather around. You have to carry umbrella to wherever you are going. In my case, it’s…everything, she is just that unpredicatable.

“You got to admit, you do have the ability to give other people earache when you talk,” she tells me, her face serious.

“You too?” I sigh in defeat. She nods, “Someday, you got to zip that nagging mouth of yours. Why did the teachers frown at you when you talk?”

“Because I’m handsome!” I proudly strike a pose. She only shakes her head sadly, “Because you gave them an earache, dumb dumb,” then she walks away in a better mood.

“Is putting me down fun to you?” I shout after her.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

Eun Jung’s POV

“Technically, if I do that then it’s fine!” I argue with Key. He is furiously shaking his head. “It doesn’t work that way!” he argues back.

“You guys still at it?” Onew enters with the crew behind him. “Eun Jung!” Taemin rushes forward and hugs me. “Congratulation on winning the magic performance!” and he admires the trophy in my hand.

“See?” I turn back to an angry Key. “I won the magic performance and probably lost in the test. But you lost in the magic performance and probably won in the test! That means, my wish can nullify your wish!”

“Ha! Probably! That doesn’t count!” he scoffs.

“Oh please, you were bragging so much that you won in the test!” I retort back.

“La la la la la la la! I can’t hear you!” he chants. “I don’t care!” I scream back.

“Just do it, don’t be such a coward!” he snaps. I smirk, “I thought you can’t hear me?”

He wants me fulfill his wish? Hell no! Who knows what he’ll make me do?

“Why don’t you two just give each other a wish and get over and done with?” Minho asks at the two of us. We were bickering so hard that we’re nose to nose and head to head.

“Give in to that person? Hell no!” we both says at the same time while looking at Minho.

“Oh, please,” Jonghyun whines. “Him giving us an ear ache is enough. Him and you arguing over something so silly give us an ear ache and a headache,”

“Sorry, Eun Jung, he’s right on that one,” Onew and Amelia shoots me an apologetic look.

“Who knew you two are so compatible?” Taemin chimes in.

“We are not compatible!” we both roar at the poor guy.

“Just do it!” yells Minho. There was this authority in his voice that made me and Key look at each other.

“Fine,” we both reluctantly agree.

“Thank you!” Jonghyun sighs with relieve.

[♥] [♦] [♣] [♠]

“Eun Jung,” the teacher stands in front of my desk. The other students left because the teacher requests that I have to see her.

“Yes?” I reply monotone. The image of Key laughing when the teacher announce that she needs to see me replay in my mind.

“Your grade is really good. But recently your grade dropped. Is there something that I can help you with?” the teacher sits in Key’s sit. She’s a really nice teacher, one of the best actually.

‘Actually, you can. Can you ask the principle to kick Key out of the school?’ Ah no…the teacher will think I’m crazy. What can I say? ‘Yes, Key is being an annoying jerk who decides to make my life a living hell. May I please kill him?’

No, that makes me sound like a psychopath. There’s nothing much to say.

I shake my head, “No, I just didn’t study trigonometry for the test, and I don’t get trigonometry” I mutter dully. The teacher brightens a bit, “Ah, is that it? Maybe one of the students can teach you. I’ll tell you who got the top mark before anybody else, ok? I’m handing the test paper out tomorrow anyway, wouldn’t hurt to tell you now,” she smiles brightly. “Then maybe you can ask that top student for help,”

I nod hesitantly. An offer to beat Key? I’ll take it!

“The top student in the grade is Kim Kibum, why don’t you ask him to teach you trigonometry?” the teacher concludes.

Kim Kibum?! I’m taking back what I just said, I’m not taking the offer!

“Eun Jung?” the teacher stares at me. I blink, hitting reality. I’m standing up while my chair lies on the floor. “Oh, er, yes, thank you teacher. I-I’ll ask Key to teach me,” I sigh.

She nods once and stands up, “Good luck with your studying. And congratulations on winning the magic show though I got to admit, Key was good too!” she winks at me before collecting her stuff and leaves the room. I grit my teeth and grab my shoulder bag off my table. I stride to the door and open it to reveal Key who was evidentially listening by the door.

Key looks up to my convulse face, “Oops,” he offers.

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ShadowCharmer #1
Your description caught my eye when I started.. Im now starting the first chapter.. hope its nice. :)
sakura4li #2
Ahaha...ending is....surprising? XD<br />
Thank you :DDDDDD
sakura4li #3
@burbbub: Ahaha, thank you!!<br />
Yes!! Click on the link!!
DonaldDuckhyung #4
whoah! I just finished reading it!! <br />
One of the best ff I've ever read... ^_^<br />
is there a sequel?<br />
Key and Onew disappeared?<br />
sakura4li #5
@shalove: ends.....mysteriously.....XD<br />
@burbburb: yes yes!! read it ASAP!!!!!!
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This sounds interesting.. <br />
I'm gonna read it like ASAP
It ends? It ENDS? IT ENDS?!!<br />
I'm sooooo gonna read the sequel ^^<br />
Key and Onew's missing?? <br />
Dun Dun Dun~
sakura4li #8
@Rainy:......I did say who Hae Won is......<br />
And thank you for saying it's good!!