Chapter 43

Drunk in Love

This was quickly edited so sorry for any mistakes.















Hello angel, you’re like a painting
You’re all I see when I look to the skies
City street lights, even if the lights go out
And the moon disappears, it’s bright because
I have a star that fell from the skies
And it’s you

~ Heaven - EXO






~ 1 Year Later~  










Robin's POV


“come on Riyeon. We're almost there,” I say as I hold my hand out for her to grab. I watch as she wobbles while walking towards me.

We walk the rest of the way hand in hand.

We finally made it. I scan the area as a sad smile forms on my face.

I take a seat on the ground before bringing Riyeon to sit on my lap.

“Ma-ma,” Riyeon cutely says as I arrange the flowers.

I stare at the stone for a bit before speaking.




“Hey Cam. I thought I'd bring someone with me this time. I thought this would be the perfect time for you two to meet.”

“Camille, this is Riyeon, your niece. Riyeon, this is your aunt Cam,” I say.

I look down at Ri to see her smiling and fiddling with the flowers I placed in front of the gravestone.

I let out a sigh. “I can't believe it's been a year. A year since you've left me. You've missed so much you know “ I sadly say.

“You've missed your niece being born. You've missed me, Alex, and Michelle graduate. You should've been on that stage with us,” I say as I wipe a single tear away.

“And look, you've also missed this,” I say as I hold out my left hand.

“I wasn't able to share that day with my sister. We were supposed to be each other's maid of honors.”

More tears starts falling from my eyes.

“I just m-miss you so much, Cam.”

“Ma-ma sad?” Riyeon says as she looks up to me.

I nod and wrap my arms around her and hug her tight. “I just miss her is all. But I know she's watching over us.”

I look back at the stone before smiling. “I almost forgot! So, I should tell you IRri’s full name. So her last name is Kim of course. So in English, her name is Riyeon Camille Kim.” i,glance down and couldn't help but smile at Ri.

“I,hope she grows up to be as nice and smart as you. I even hope she has your trait of telling corny jokes. Though she may get that from Jun, too. So her jokes are going to be just terrible.”

“The others said they're going to visit you, too. I guess I should tell you about the others. Oh. Your grandma is doing fine. I offered for her to move in with us since she's basically my grandma, too. She said she would think about it. I just don't want her to feel lonely, you know. But she loves Ri and Ri really loves her back! And her and Jun’s mom get along great!

The guys have a concert here in Seoul tonight and we all planned to go. I'm even bringing Ri along. I'll just make sure to cover her eyes during Artificial Love and The Eve,” I say before chuckling.

“Jun doesn't know me and Ri are coming though. So I'm excited to see his reaction to us being there.”


“Hungwy. Hungwwwyy,” Riyeon says as she pulls on my sleeve.

“Looks like it's time for lunch. I promise I'll come back, Cam. Forever and always.” I kiss my hand before touching the the stone.

“Okay, Ri. Let's go. Tell auntie Cam bye,” I say as I stand on my feet while holding her.

“Bye-bye,” Ri says while waving, which warms my heart.




Authors POV



Is she alright?” Robin asks the doctor  with a shaky voice.

“I'm sorry. She went into cardiac arrest and we weren't able to revive her. The pills she overdosed on put her body in shock, which caused more work for the heart, which lead to cardiac arrest,” the doctor says.

The girls breakdown crying. The guys try to comfort them, not quite believing what just happened.

Do you know if she's been taking het medication daily?” the doctor asks.

“What medication?” Lay asks.

The one for her bipolar disorder. Not taking her medication may be the reason for her suicide attempt. With her emotions and symptoms not being controlled, she may have gone into a very depressive state. Symptoms of bipolar disorder can differ, especially if one stopped taking their medication. Some may include being fast paced or seeming like they have a lot of energy, not eating, doing things they normally wouldn't do, such as drinking or even illegal things. Not sleeping is also a common symptom.”

“I know this is a lot to take in So I'll give you all some time.”


End flashback


Michelle's POV


I pull my suitcase along as I walk through the airport.

I stop for a moment to scan the place, looking for a familiar face. I feel my phone vibrates in my pocket. Once I get it out, I see it's a text from Robin.

In in the front. You can just come out. Be careful. There's some people out here.

I sight before placing the phone back in my pocket.

I start heading to exit with my head slightly down. I walk out the doors and see the people Robin was talking about.

A car horn suddenly sounds, making me whip my head up. I try to peel through the front window. Once I see who it is, I smile and start walking towards the car.

Once I reach it, the trunk pops open so I go and put my suitcase in it. I then walk back around the car and get inside the passenger seat.

“Thanks again for picking me up, Robin,” I say.

“Of course. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever,” she says as she leans over to hug me.

As we pull away from each other , I hear giggling from the backseat. I turn around and smile.

“This can't be Ri! She's gotten so big,” I say.

“It had been a year,” She says as she begins to pull out the busy airport parking lot.

“I know, I know. At least I still keep in contact with you and Alex,” I say. “Where is she anyways?”

“We're going to pick her up then head to the concert.”

“Oh. That's still a thing?” I ask.

“I'm assuming you guys haven't talked since you left?” she asks.

“You may be right,” I say as I look out the window. “I'm kinda nervous to see him, to be honest.”

“I'm sure it'll be fine.”

“I hope you're right.”

“We're here. You mind texting her saying we're pulling up.”

“Will do,” I say.


Alex's POV

I walk out the door to see Robin's car. I shut and lock my door after making sure I have everything I need. I walk towards the car and slide in the backseat.

“Hey lil RiRi. How's my favorite niece doing?” I ask the smiling girl who starts playing with my fingers.

“Well hello to you, too,” someone says in the front.

I turn my head to see Michelle looking back at me.

“Well damn. You actually came. I had my doubts of you coming. But it's good to see you, Michelle,” I say as I reach forward to hug her.

“You too,” She says.

“Alright girls, we have a concert to go to,” Robin says before pulling the parking space.

“Okay, let's it all out,” I say as I wipe a tear from my eye.

“I took Ri to visit her grave this morning,” Robin says as she drives.

“I'm glad lil cutie finally got to meet her third aunt,” I say with a sad smile.

“I actually called her number today and basically had a conversation to her voicemail,” Michelle says.

“Let's make this day happy. Cam wouldn't want us crying and being all sad,” Robin says with a shaky voice. I glance over to Michelle who's crying as well.

“She's right,” I say. “She'd probably laugh and call us weak for crying,” I say before chuckling.

The mood lifted as the car ride continued.

“So Mrs. Kim. How's the married life been going?” Michelle asks.

“Great. I thought it was going to be hard, you know, with him being an idol and doing doing things. But Jun is such a great father. Just by looking at him, you can see all the love he has for Ri,” Robin tells us with a proud smile on her face.

“I'm glad to hear everything is going good. I also see that you're gaining more fans than he is,” Michelle  jokingly say.

“Who woulda thought, Robin being in the same spotlight as an EXO member,” I say before laughing.

“Have you guys started any planning?” Robin asks as she makes a left turn.

“Not really, “ I say. “It's pretty hectic with our schedules right now. Besides, we just want to enjoy it.”

We continue talking and catching up like old times. We especially get caught up with Michelle since she's moved back to the states.


Author's POV

“Do any of them know we're coming?” Michelle asks as they step out the car.

“I didn't tell Jun. I thought I'd surprise him,” Robin says.

“Same here. This will actually be the first time I've seen him in person in like a day,” Alex says.

“Wow. Have you been that busy with running your restaurant?” Robin asks over her shoulder as she gets Riyeon from her carseat.

“Here, I'll hold her while you get situated,” Michelle says.

“Thanks,” Robin says as she hands Ri over. She then goes back into the car, looking in the mirror to make sure she looks okay and then making sure she has everything Ri may need.

“Yes. That and being the head chef takes up so much time. I love my restaurant, I really do. I just don't get that much free time,” Alex says.

“At least you're free tonight,” Michelle says with a smile while holding a mumbling Riyeon.

“That is true my friends. So, I got the tickets and backstage passes. How are we doing this?” Alex says.

“I'd say we just go and find our seats and see if they spot us in the crowd,” Robin says as she looks up the car.

“Right. I wonder what they'll do of they do spot us,” Alex says she quickly fixes her hair.

“That will be the fun part,” Robin says with a smirk. “Alright girls. Are we ready?” she asks as she takes Riyeon back from Michelle.

“Maybe I should just stay out here or something,” Michelle says.

“No. You are going in there,” Alex sternly says.

“What of he sees me? What if he wants to talk? I haven't seen or talked to him since I left,” She says.

“That's kind of the main point of us coming to this concert. So they can see us,” Alex starts off. “And you do know we're all practically like one big family so what did you expect to happen when you came here?”

“Alex, don't,” Robin says.

“I just thought I could get by without seeing him, that's all. It's a slim chance, I know. But I also came because I wanted to see you guys,” Michelle states.

“How about we'll just deal with it when it happens. I'm sure you two can be mature about this. Now let's go while Ri is still doing good,” Robin says as she moves Riyeon to her right hip.  “Now, let's go.”

Alex shook her head and caught up to Robin as she began to head to the building. Michelle sighed as she joined the other two and got behind them both. Maybe I can hide behind them, Michelle thought.

“Let's hurry and find our seats before people recognize us,” Robin says as they start to walk down one of the aisles of the concert hall.

The three ladies and the baby walk down to their row and find their seats.

“These are good seats. They actually may be able to see us from the stage,” Alex says.

“And that's a good thing?” Michelle asks as she quickly takes her seat.

“Yes it is, especially for Ri,” Robin says.

“Now we're going to stay and enjoy the concert, no matter what happens,” Alex says.

Michelle let's out another breath before mumbling a whatever.




The concert soon begins as the boys come out and start performing Overdose.




The crowd goes wild at the boys entrance. Robin looks down at Riyeon to make sure the earplugs were securely in her ears before placing a pair of headphones on her head.


The boys continued to put on a great show. They dances and sang their hearts out. As the boys finish another song, walk to the front of the stage to get some towels and water. After a few moments of catching their breath and and downing some water, Lay steps up and begins talking to the audience.


Hello Seoul! Is everyone enjoying the concert so far?” he asks the crowd as they respond in screams.

Awesome. We're all glad you're here. Now, I have a question for you all,” he says and pauses before speaking again.

Will you all let me and the rest of the guys sing a special song. Its dedicated to a dear person who will always be in my heart,” he says before looking down.


The crowd screams yes and soon music starts playing.




“Oh my god,” Mihelle says as she wipes away her tears, just like the other two.

“He wrote her a song,” Robin starts off. “W-wait, does this sound like a love song?

The girls go quiet as they listen to the song before realizing what it meant.

“N-he was going to c-confess,” Alex stutters out between her crying.

They all look back up at Lay, only to see tears running down his face. He turns away from the audience to hide his tears, as he starts to cry harder. Some of the guys went to comfort him while the others tried to finish the song as they were getting emotional, too.

The crowd went aww at the scene they were witnessing.




The guys soon continued on with the show. Everyone was having a blast. Riyeon was even clapping her hands and dancing to their songs.

Robin reached in her bag to get a wipe so she could wipe off Riyeon’s face as she was slobbering.


Wooooooo! The crowd suddenly erupts.


“What's going on?” Robin yells to Michelle and Alex.

“They're performing one of their newest songs,” Alex says. “The dance is surely on point!”

Robin nods and sits back with Riyeon on her lap.


The guys were down to their last song. They took another mini break to get a drinking water and to wipe some sweat off.  

As they were doing this, the crowd was surprisingly quiet.


Riyeon began squirming in her mom's lap. Robin was opening to say something but her daughter beat her to it.

“Da-da! Da-da!” Riyeon screamed.


Suho's POV

I was closing my water bottle just as someone yelled throughout the crowd.

“Da-da! Da-da!”

I immediately look up and scan the crowd.

Well well. What do we have here?” I hear Chen ask the crowd.

“Da-da da-da!”  my eyes widen and my jaw drops to the stage ground.

It can't be. No way. She told me she couldn't make it.

Do we have a Mrs. And baby Kim in the crowd tonight?” Chanyeol asks.

The crowd starts applauding as I notice a spotlight come on and scan the crowd before landing on my family. I couldn't help but smile at the perfect sight. I walked over to the edge of the stage. As I got closer, I could see Riyeon hold out her arms, waiting for me to come hold her.


I made it to the edge of the stage and held my arms out as well. I could see Robin glance between me and Riyeon, deciding if she should let me take our daughter on stage.

She'll be okay,” I say, forgetting that I indeed have a microphone on.

Robin turns around as the crowd starts chanting Mrs. Kim. She turns back and looks down, probably nervous with all the attention on her now.

Don't be shy now,” I say as I get down on my knees and lean over to kiss her on the cheek.


Awwwwww, The crowd went.


Not in front of the kid!” I hear Baekhyun say, making the crowd laugh.


Fine. Just be careful,” Ronin says before handing me Riyeon. I stand up and walk back to center stage.


I'd like you all to meet the newest and only female member of EXO,” i say.

“Baby Kim! Baby Kim,” the crowd chants.

This made Riyeon laugh.  “She says thank you,” I say before kissing her nose. “Are you enjoying seeing your dad work?” i ask Riyeon.

“Da-da!” she says as she starts clapping her hands.

I'm sorry everyone but i think she is my number one fan. Honey, you may have some competition,” i say as I look at my wife. I see her laugh before talking to someone. I take a closer look before smirking.


Byun Baekhyun, i think someone is here to see you, too,” I say into the mic.

He looks my way before looking out towards the crowd.


Baekhyun's POV

I break out into a smile as i see Alex staring back at me.

I jog to the end of the stage before jumping off.

Before i start walking over to Alex, security guards have already surrounded me. I just shrug and keep walking until Alex is in my arms. We don't say a word. It’s like we both know what we’re feeling.

It feels so good to have her in my arms. It’s been way too long and that is something that I’ve come to hate.

It’s just me and her now. I was able to block everything out until I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.

I turn my head to see Chanyeol moving his head back towards the stage. I nod before turning back to Michelle.

Go she mouths. I nod before giving her a quick kiss on the lips. I pull back to see her shaking her head and laughing. I feel my heart race at the sight. It’s been awhile since I've been able to see that smile or hear that laugh. I wink at her before heading back towards the stage.


Once I'm facing the crowd again, they erupt into another chant, one that i didnt mind them doing.

Future Mrs. Byun. Future Mrs. Byun.”

I smile and start chanting with them as I look at Alex.


Author's pov

Alright alright. Let’s get back to the concert shall we? Hyungs need to stop showing off their ladies. They’re making me jealous,” Chanyeol says which earns a round of laughter from the crowd.

Xiumin, however, isn't paying any attention. He's looking towards the direction of Robin and Alex. I could've sworn I saw her here, too. Maybe it's just my mind playing games on me, he thinks. He internally sighs before focusing his attention on the concert.



The guys successfully finish the concert but not without any distractions of course. Suho placed Riyeon on her feet for a while and watched her dance to his songs. If one looked into his eyes, all they would see is happiness and love.






Backstage in Exo's dressing room


That had to be the greatest concert ever,” Suho says.

Yeah, we know. You haven't stopped smiling since you saw Riyeon and Robin,” Kai says as he changes his shirt.

“I agree with hyung on this. It was so great to see Alex. I felt like I was able to perform better since she was here,” Baekhyun says.

“Yall have gotten so mushy,” Sehun says as he shakes his head but with a smile on his face.

Yah!” Baekhyun yells before swatting at the taller maknae.


“Hey hyung. Are you alright?” D.O. asks Xiumin who was just sitting on the couch.

“I think Michelle is here. I swear I saw her tonight,” he says.

The guys all look at each other with shocked expressions.

Have you guys talked any?” Kai asks only earning a shake of the head from Xiumin.

It was then that Sehun noticed Lay was missing.

Where’s Lay hyung at?”

The guys look around the room only to see that he really isn't there.

He did mention that he had to go see someone after the concert,” Chanyeol says.


Suho was about to ask who when he figured out where Lay was going. He could only nod.


“Oh, i guess we have plans tonight,” Baekhyun says with a smile.


“And those would be what?” Chanyeol asks.

Alex wants us all to go to her restaurant to eat. She says it's been a while since we've all hung out. Plus, we'll have the place all to ourselves, so we won't have to worry about fans or paparazzi,” Baekhyun says as he reads the text he got from Alex.


The guys all agreed and then started getting ready as they changed out their stage outfits and took their makeup off. Baekhyun responded to Alex saying that they'll be there.


It was sure a concert like no other, some of the guys thought. 











Hi all! I hope you all have been doing good. 

First, I jist wanna say sorry for being MIA and not updating for you guys. Some things have come up the past few months and I just haven't been able to write. So sorry again.



Before i wrote this very crappy chapter, i skimmined over the last chapter I posted. I saw that this chapter here was supposed to be the final one. I had that in mind while I was writing this. I figured i could end it here but then I feel like I'm leaving so much out so I guess you guys get more bad chapters!😂😂. I just want to end this story because I feel like I've just been dragging it out. But let me guys know what you think in the comments.


And thank you all for continuing to stick with this story!

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Chapter 4: Damn Alex is spit fire straight forward
Chapter 3: Cam was pissed but I mean she had reason to be
Chapter 1: Every time I read lay I got triggered *insert meme*
Look Momma what I’m reading now 🥺😂
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 49: That was great ☺
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Mai heart omygosh it's so beautiful ahhhhhhh I can't. I love it soh fricking much!!!
Chapter 22: Oh goddddddddd......
Chapter 44: Yixing got me crying right of the back T_T ... Michelle get it together girl you love him so let him talk...... baek talking bout just wait till we get home, no funny business mister, but I am happy for him and alex, hope she gets to partner up with Kyungsoo......
Chapter 43: Oh no my heart goes out to xingah~ Baby sheep and whats going on with Min and Michelle? Glad things turn out good for Suho and Baekhyun and what about Chanyeol?
Chapter 43: First of let me just say thank you for the update! But how could you kill off Cam!? I got tears yo! Like you did my dude Yixing so wrong, my heart is breaking for himT_T....... I am however happy little Ri is here! She’s so cute and how she called Suho dada and he heard her over all the crowd, such a beautiful family, congrats on the wedding Robin! Now I don’t know what’s going on between Michelle and Minseok for her to go back to America, but not talking to him ain’t gonna solve it, TALK TO HIM!!! Gone head Alex, you run your restaurant! You be that boss lady, baek better buckle up and wife her before she gets some sense lol