Be Mature

Sweet Candies


As school finished I walked out from class and met Dongwoo. It was weird that I only found Dongwoo, where's his other part of him?

Hey Dongwoo, you seem alone. Where's Hoya?” I asked him. He looked not in a good mood somehow.

As always, schools stuffs. Busy student.” He answered.

Oh that Hoya, he never tired, doesn't he? Well, you should support him. Just wait until he finished his stuff at school.” I gave him an advice.

Yeah, I was going to do that. I think I'm gonna wait for him until he finished. I might go to the gym first then, maybe.” He said.

Sure, go on. I need to go too.”

Oh where?” Dongwoo asked curiously.

It's secret.” I said to him and laughed.

Since when are you keeping secret from us, huh? You're no fun, Woohyun.” Dongwoo sulked as he punched me jokingly.

Since now!” I answered him and gave him a merong. “Well, then I should get going now. Oh! Right! Before I forgot, did you see Myungsoo? I need to talk to him for a while.”

Myungsoo? No, I haven't seen him until now.” Dongwoo answered.

Oh that's too bad, then maybe I should talk to him tomorrow.” Dongwoo just nodded. “Well, I'm going first then ok. Say Hi from me to Hoya ok?”

Sure, be careful on your way Woohyun.” said Dongwoo.

I will, thanks. Bye!” I said and walked out from the school.


I walked out from the school building and maked my way to the school's gate. Then, I saw Sungyeol walking so fastly in front of me. I stopped my pace, thinking, maybe I should talk to him too. At least saying sorry for the stupid idea. So, I followed him trying to catch him up. But then he already went out from school. I ran to him, but to my surprise, there's Myungsoo and Sungyeol talked on the street side.

What do you want?” I heard Sungyeol spoke to Myungsoo with a broken voice.

Myungsoo replied to him, “I heard you passed out at the rooftop. I'm sorry that I didn't help you.” What? Sungyeol passed out? And Myungsoo trying to apologize?

What do you care about? Stop pretending. It's over right? Don't act like you care about me. I had enough of that. Now let me go!” Whoa, it's my first time seeing Sungyeol bravely talked like that.

Sungyeol, let me take you home. For the last time.” Myungsoo said. Did I hear right? Myungsoo offered himself to take Sungyeol home? Now, it's obvious that Myungsoo cares about Sungyeol so much. I could see it.

Yah Myungsoo, are you out of your mind?!” Sungyeol yelled to Myungsoo. “I said stop acting like this. I'm just a piece of toy for you right? You've had fun with me, right? Then go get another toy!!!”

Whoa, Myungsoo what are you going to do? I saw Myungsoo grabbed Sungyeol's hand and took him closer. “Sungyeol, but I--”

Yah! Kim Myungsoo!” I was surprised at the other's voice came out from somewhere. I looked at the person as it was Mr. Shin. “Let Sungyeol go.” He said.

You... Just get the hell out of this.” Myungsoo replied to him, sounded threatening him. Sungyeol was looking so scared at the situtation.

Just let him go, you don't have rights for forcing him like this.”

What do you care, huh? Just leave us now, you ty head.” Then I couldn't believe what happened next. Mr. Shin punched Myungsoo in the face. Myungsoo fell down and his lips bleeding.

You... You don't deserve Sungyeol at all. Just leave him alone. I'll show you how precious he is.” Mr. Shin said the word 'precious' and I think I get it, it's love triangle, isn't it? This is getting interesting.

Aish!! That stupid teacher!” Myungsoo muttered to himself.


As Mr. Shin and Sungyeol left I walked to the helpless Myungsoo with his bleeding lips. I stood in front of him and gave him a hand. He took it and stood up then cleaned his clothes.

So, what was that all about?” I asked Myungsoo.

I'm just trying to apologize to Sungyeol. I feel bad, that's all.” Myungsoo answered. To my surprise, he really wants to apologize. He never cared about others feeling at all before.

You? Apologize?” I asked as I can't believe it.

Yes. So just shut the hell up.” He said feeling offended by me.

Chill Myungsoo, It's just so not you. Don't you think that this is a sign?” I said to him. He looked at me didn't know what I was talking about.

What sign?” he asked.

You're making it oblivious, don't you think so?” Still Myungsoo didn't get what I mean. “Admit it Myungsoo, you like Sungyeol, right?” I asked him.

But then Myungsoo's reaction was too much, he grabbed my collar and yeled at me. “I was just trying to apologize!!!” Then he released me.

Whoa Myungsoo chill. You need to fix that temper of yours men.” I said to him. “Well, then I couldn't say anything more. I need to go now.” Then I took out something from my bag. A lollipop. “Here, for you, you should relax your mind first and think straightly, friend.” He took it harshly. But I just ignored it.

Thanks.” He said.

Welcome. Well then I'm going first. Bye Myungsoo!” I said and walked away from him.

Myungsoo, until when are you going to lie to yourself that you don't like Sungyeol? I could see it clearly that you like him. You're keep denying it. You care about him so much, I've even never seen you care someone like that before. I hope you'll realize someday that you do like him and bring him back to you.



Great! As I heard the rumour was true from people around I couldn't feel any worse than this. Sungyeol hyung must be in his super fragile time. I should go and check him. But as I called him many times, he didn't answer it. So, I decided to go to his house.

I was walking so fast that my leg was quite hurt. But I know that Sungyeol hyung must be feeling the worst.

As I arrived I stopped walking and try to catch my breath. I stood up properly and I realized someone sitting in front of the door with his head covered with his hand. I could hear a sob, well then it must be Sungyeol hyung.

Sungyeol hyung...” I called him from a far while approaching to him. As he heard me he released his hands and looked at me. He wiped his tears and tried to smile.

Oh... Sungjong. Hi.” He said still wiping his tears.

hyung... Are you ok?” I asked him in concern.

I'm...... well let's just say... I'm not fine, as you can see.” Answered him while showing his now so messy face. I sighed and take a sit behind him.

I heard about it hyung... about the rumour.” I said softly to him, trying not to sound forcing him to talk.

Yeah, of course..... I'm... *sob* I'm... I'm dead now...” He said as his tears start rolling down again.

No, no, no, no, you're not hyung.” I said to him as I heard him sobbing again. “Don't cry, your tears is too precious to waste for a guy like Kim Myungsoo. He's a jerk hyung.”

I know... I know...” He said between his sob. “but, I'm... I'm in love with him. As much as I hate him, still I love the way he is.” So, Sungyeol hyung is falling for him already.

Hyung, I don't know what to say, because I don't like Kim Myungsoo, no I hate him for making you like this.” I mouthed a sorry to him, but he just ignored then I continued. “But you know that I'll always support for everything that you choose, right?” I said supporting him.

Thank you jong.” He said and hugged me. I rubbed his back and he started crying again.

Cry, hyung. Just cry as much as you want.” Sungyeol hyung keep crying hard. “Let it go, we will find a solution for this. Even if you have to forget Myungsoo, I'll help you with that.” As I said that Sungyeol backed out and looked at me.

I... I couldn't forget him, Jong. Not this fast.” He stared at me.

I know, that's why I said I'll help you, we could make you go on a blind date.” I said to him.

Sungjong...... just give me time. I still can't get over him.” He talked while looking with a blank stare on the street. “I don't know how to react at school, people are going to staring at me and gave me a look that somehow I'm disgusting.”

No, hyung. Hell no. No one gonna dare to do that. If someone gave you the uncomfortable look, I'll protect you! You do remember right? If the rumour is true, then I promise gonna kick Myungsoo's for you!” I said that and Sungyeol hyung laughed a bit, at least he let out a laugh now. “So, about this matter, are you going to go to school tomorrow? Since the atmosphere at school not really good.” I asked him with a worried.

I think... I won't.” He answered as he now turned his head to me. “I'll take a day off from school. It's not gonna be a day. It's gonna be a week. Maybe, I could stay at my hyung apartment for a week.” I was surprised as he said it, but I could say that he has no guts for that. How could he ditchs classes? He's not born for that.

Are you sure? You never do that kind of things you know...” I asked him.

He wiped his tears. “Yeah, I'm sure, I'm gonna do this.”

How about your parents?”

I need to make a compromise with my hyung.” He said.

Ok, if that what you want, I'll support you hyung. Just don't hurt yourself just because of this, I don't want to see you hurt.” I said.

I won't jong. Thank you so much for your concern.” He said and hugged me.

Welcome hyung.” I said and hugged him.



I arrived at the hospital and walked to the front desk and found Nurse Soyou. She was so busy with the documents that she didn't realize I was there in front of her. So, I make a cough sound trying to get her attention.

Hmm... May I help you?” She asked as she put her documents away and looked at me. “Oh my! It's Woohyun! Hi Woohyun!”

Hi, nurse. How are you?” I greeted her back.

I'm fine. Things are getting busy lately and so is Dr. Kim.” She said, then suddenly she changed her expression. She changed her voice into a whisper. “Hey, I always see Dr. Kim very happy lately, are you guys finally make it? You know... Are you guys... dating?”

I smiled and laughed at it. “What if I really date him?” I asked her.

Well, no big deal. I'm happy for you guys. Eventhough, it's gonna be weird looking at a high school student dating a doctor.” She expressed her opinion. I just smiled and laughed.

Well, yeah, we're dating now. Finally.” I said.

Oh my god! I knew it! You're the one hitting to our doctor. I'm right from the first time.” She said in victoriously. Was she know it from the first time? “There's a lot of patients that likes to flirt with our doctor. So, I suggest to keep your boyfriend securely.” She said with a wink.

I will. I'll make sure no one could touch him except me.” I said to her.

Aigoooo! This is so cute! A high schooler dating a doctor. Aigoooo! So cute.” She squealed.

I rolled my eyes and changed the topic. “So, Is Sunggyu hyung in his room?” I asked her.

Oh! Yes he is. You're just right in time. He doesn't have any schedule after this. You might go on a date with him.” She teased me. I just smiled with a tint blush.

Thanks for the info, I'll go first nurse Soyou.” I said and left her squealing like a fangirl.


I opened the door slowly and peeped through the opened door. I could see him reading some documents with books on his table. Is he studying? I decided to knock. Knock~ knock~. He looked at the door and met my eyes. I smiled to him widely and so did he.

Hey Sunggyu hyung.” I said calmly trying to look cool like I don't miss him that much.

Hey Woohyun!” He said excitedly and approaching me. I came in to the room and approaching him too. He hugged me tightly, “I miss you, Woo!”

So do I, hyung.” I hugged him back. Then he released the hug. “So, what are you doing? You look busy there.” I said as I pointed to his table with a book everywhere.

Yeah, just a little a bit research on some diseases.” He said. I just mouthed an O. “So, where are we going? I already finished my schedule here.”

Hmm, you decide.” I said.

You sure?” I nodded, then he think hard. “Why don't we go to...... hmm my place? Let's just have a nice evening together?” He suggested.

Somehow, I heard that as I signed for something... you know, me and him, just the two of us in an apartment together. What might happen next? My face heated up and I was getting shy.

W-what? Y-your p-place?” I asked stutterly.

Yes, my place........” He answered, but then as he looked at my face, he knew that I've been thinking about ert stuff. “Yah! You, don't you dare think about anything ert! I didn't ask you for that.” He said.

N-no, I'm not! I just..... couldn't hear what you were saying.” I make an excuse.

Yeah yeah whatever.” Sunggyu said in annoyed. “So, let's go. I'll prepare my bag first ok.”


As he finished with her stuffs, he escorted me to the parking lot and went to his car. He pressed the button to open the car's doors. Then I attacked him with a backhug.

Hey, Woohyun. What are you doing? I thought we're going home.” Sunggyu said in surprised. I traveled my hand from hugging him on the waist to his hand and hold it. But then, I snatched the car's key away from his hand. “Oh my god, Woohyun what do you want?”

Do you believe in me?” I asked him.

W-what do you mean?” He asked in confused.

I asked you, Do you believe in me? Just answer it.”

Of course, I do! Now, can I have the car's key back please?” He pleaded.

No, If you believe in me... then I'll drive.” I opened the door to the driver seat and went in. Sunggyu just let his mouth opened widely. He stared at me from outside the car. I put the key to its place and started the engine. Sunggyu was startled and the engine sound then he realized, I already on the driver seat.

Yah Woohyun! Can you even drive?!” He said from outside. I lowered down the window and pinched his cheek.

What If I can't? Then we could die together? Isn't it so sweet?” I said to him jokingly.

Oh my god! Woohyun! That's not funny at all.” He said in surprised.

He looked so freaking cute in his panic mode. So I pulled out my head a bit and captured his lips, which was pouting. It was not a long kiss then I released it.

Just believe in me, hyung. I'll make sure, both of us we'll arrive in your apartment safely, together.” I said to him. He looked worried though but decided to trust me. So, then he came inside to the passenger's seat. “Just sleep if you feeling tired and I'll drive us to your place.” I smiled to him and making sure that I'll keep my words.

Be careful Woohyun.” He said worriedly. I nodded and started driving. I'll make sure you think me as a mature from now on, not a high schooler, teenager.

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I just learned about the story feed haha but sadly I learned when the story almost finished. Pls wait up for the next update :D


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What a nice story..
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 29: I heat how sunggyu forgive woohyun this fast . ¤_¤
khasabat #3
Chapter 53: I think all must be better for them! Myungyeol!!
devi38 #4
Chapter 53: It's already been so long time since the last update TvT
Kpopmilf #5
Chapter 53: Myungyeol would have been a nice ending.....just my But I loved your story and I think you did a great job!!!!!
Kpopmilf #6
Chapter 43: Cheers cheers cheers!!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #7
Chapter 32: I love this Sungyeol!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #8
Chapter 20: You did a good job on the !!!
TEENTOP10031996 #9
Chapter 53: please update
UndertheMoonTaeil #10
Chapter 29: Tsk! I really wanna slap Sunggyu more than Woohyun. Blood is thicker than water. If what happened to Sungyeol happened to my little sister god forbid, I'd have slapped Woohyun not Sungyeol. Even if i didn't know what had happened i still would have took my family's side. You can't choose someone you met a month ago over family. And instead of apologising and looking relived over Sungyeol returning, he goes to search for Woohyun? Ugh! I am glad that my brother isn't the Sunggyu here.