It's Growing

Sweet Candies


WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!” They shouted in unison as I infromed about Myungsoo and Sungyeol.

I thought, they're gonna break up on thursday? It's still two days early, right?” Dongwoo said. But then Hoya smacked Dongwoo's head.

Yah! What did you say?! I even never thought Myungsoo gonna break up with Sungyeol. From what I see I thought Myungsoo gonna continue his relationship like this.” He said as he scolded Dongwoo.

But... my head hurts hoya.” He winced in pain, Hoya looked at him but didn't care about his pain at all and just rolled his eyes.

Seriously, I thought his gonna make it this time.” Hoya said.

I know Hoya, I thought about that too. Sungyeol... he seems like a vitamin for Myungsoo.” as I said that Hoya looked not interested in my analogical statement. “Yah! But don't you think it's true? Myungsoo looks livelier!”

But you don't have to say vitamin.” Hoya protested.

Hoaegi, my head hurts...” Dongwoo suddenly whined to Hoya. But this time Hoya treated him, he said sorry to Dongwoo and gently caress Dongwoo's head.

Then my phone suddenly beeped again a sign of message coming. I opened it and smiled as it read a message from Sunggyu.

To: Woohyun

From: Sunggyu

Yah! Are you trying to be greasy on me?

But... I appreciate that you think about me.

Want me to pick you up after school?


I smiled widely as he offered hisself to pick me up. But no, I don't want him to pick me up. I'm the guy in this relationship, there's no way he'll pick me up. I know I've been acting childish last time, but it seems that I have to less that attitude.

To: Sunggyu

From: Woohyun

Yeah and I know you like it :P

No, it's ok hyung, I can go on my own.

Just stay focus on your work. Hwaiting!


I pressed the send button. Maybe he's older than me, but I don't want him to control me cause his older. I need to be mature. Should I spend my free time with part-time job? I need to make my own income too. I won't let him pay for everything just because he's working. Whoa, it's gonna be tough.

Hey Woohyun! What are you thinking?” Hoya asked suddenly. “You're just smiling like crazy then turned gloomy. What is it? Something happened?”

I shook my head. “No, nothing. Just thinking about some stuffs. No problem.” I said that to him.

Hmm so, guys. What are we gonna do now with Myungsoo and Sungyeol?” Asked Dongwoo out of the blue.

Right, let's get back to the topic.” Said Hoya. “Hmmm, I believe that we can't do anything about it. We know Myungsoo, he's not an open-up person. I bet he won't tell us about this.” Hoya said, letting out his opinion.

I'll try to make Myungsoo speak about this.” I said to them.

That's better. You should make him talk ok. Then let us know about it.” Said Dongwoo. I nodded to him.

Well then, I think I need to go to the meeting again. There's nothing you'd like to talk again right?” Hoya asked as he stood up from his sit.

No, that's all. Thanks a lot for coming.” I said to him as I smiled.

Well then, let me accompany you to your meeting's room.” Dongwoo said and Hoya smiled to him.

We'll go first, Woohyun. Bye!” Hoya said and Dongwoo waved his hand to me saying goodbye. I waved my hand back to him.


I looked at my watch as it's still 1 hour more to go till the bell ring. I sighed as I wrote some notes from what the teacher had explained. I want to see Sunggyu hyung now. What is he doing now? Probably treating his patients. I really can't wait to see him.



I woke up as another loud sound disturbed me. It's the school's bell now. I woke up and positioned myself to sit position. I opened the curtain and saw Soohyun hyung working on some papers. He turned around and saw me.

Oh, Sungyeol, you woke up? Here let me help.” He said as he supported me with his hand. I still feel a slight dizzy, but yeah better. “Are you going to go home now?” I nodded and searched for my bag. “Then let me take you home.”

I looked at him and gave him a questioning look. “No, hyung. I'm fine by myself.”

No, it's ok. I bring my car today. So it should be more convenient for you. I won't let you hurt yourself.” He said worriedly. Why is he being like this?

I said, no hyung. It's ok, I'm fine. Once again, no, thank you.” I said to him. I think I'm not in a good mood. I picked my bag, “now, please excuse me.” I walked out from the room and going home.

Sungyeol, it seems you need a lot of time to let yourself recover from him.” Soohyun said to no one.


I felt uncomfortable with the stare from the others. They found out about it already. Yeah, I'm totally fell into a deep hole. Now, I'm a loser for falling into Myungsoo's and his group trap hole. My school's life won't be as enjoyable as it should be.

I faster my pace and finally I reached the school's gate while ignoring all the stares but then I met someone that I shouldn't meet at this time.

I looked at him in the eye as he looked at me too, but then feeling as his no one anymore but a jerk I just walked pass him by. To my surprise, he grabbed my hand and stopped me. So, I stopped my pace.

What do you want?” I said with a broken voice.

I heard you passed out at the rooftop. I'm sorry that I didn't help you.” Myungsoo apologized to me.

What do you care about? Stop pretending. It's over right? Don't act like you care about me. I had enough of that. Now let me go!” I brave my self to reply his words.

Sungyeol, let me take you home. For the last time.” He said. What?! He just broke me up and now he wants to take me home?

Yah Myungsoo, are you out of your mind?!” I looked at him and pushed him making him releasing his grabbed on me. “I said stop acting like this. I'm just a piece of toy for you right? You've had fun with me, right? Then go get another toy!!!” I yelled to him as I couldn't my emotion.

He grabbed my hands again and pulled me closer to him, “Sungyeol, but I--”

Yah! Kim Myungsoo!” Suddenly someone shouting his name. I looked at the person as it was Soohyun hyung. “Let Sungyeol go.”

You... Just get the hell out of this.” Myungsoo said to him. I'm shaking now. I couldn't hold my emotion. I had my teary eyes and soon the tears going to fall down.

Just let him go, you don't have rights for forcing him like this.”

What do you care, huh? Just leave us now, you ty head.” Then I couldn't believe what happened next. Soohyun hyung punched Myungsoo in the face. Myungsoo fell down and his lips bleeding.

You... You don't deserve Sungyeol at all. Just leave him alone. I'll show you how precious he is.” Soohyun hyung said the word 'precious' and I couldn't believe it. He took me from Myungsoo, but as he dragged me I kept looking back to him, if he was doing fine.

Aish!! That stupid teacher!” Myungsoo muttered to himself.


Hyung, thanks for that. I was really in trouble. Glad, that you saved me.” I said to him thankfully.

It's fine, Sungyeol. Glad that I could help you too.” He said then suddenly I realized he brought me to his car.

Eh hyung? Your car?” I asked him as I pointed to the car.

He nodded. “Yeah, my car.” He answered as he searched for the car's key. As he found it, he looked at me, “I'll talk you home, no matter what you're answer. Just hop in to the car, Sungyeol.” He said to me. I couldn't say anything but to follow him.


Sungyeol, why don't we go to some place before I send you home? You look pretty mess up actually.” He asked me to go out first. Do I look that mess up?

Hmm where are we going?” I don't want to actually, but I should appreciate him for trying to cheer me up.

We could go to a mall, cafe, bookstore? Any where you want. I'm at your service, Lee Sungyeol.” He said jokingly. I just smiled a bit.

Thanks for the offer hyung, but... No, thank you. Just send me home.” I said and paused a bit to think out a reason. “I need... to take more of sleep.” I said to him.

Oh right, you need your rest first. You're not in a good condition after all.” He said as he remembered my condition.

Yeah, maybe next time hyung.” I said to him.

Next time... hmm right! do you remember, what I asked you on my monday about us going out?” He said trying to make me remember.

Hmmm about that, hyung... Maybe I couldn't make it. I don't feel right after what happened today. Please understand my situation.” I told him how was I feeling.

He just silent, thinking about what to reply to me. “Well, then I couldn't force you right. Just take a good rest and forget about Myungsoo.” he said to me. “And, I wouldn't mind if you want to tell me anything about this. I'm at your service ok?”

I laughed awkwardly, “Thank you hyung. I really appreaciate that.”

Your welcome. And Sungyeol,” I looked at him as called me asking for my full attention. “I really mean it when I said that you're precious. You really do.” I was surprised, I feel good inside of me somehow. No, I shouldn't act like this. “Just let me take care of you, I promise I'll make you happy.” He said, what was that? Was he confessing?

Uh hyung... thank you.” I could only said that words.

Your welcome, Yeol.” He replied. He called me with 'yeol'. Somehow I already missed how Myungsoo would call me with 'yeol'. I guess, I just need to accept the truth, I'm invicible. I felt like crying again now, argh hold it Sungyeol. It would be embarassing if I cry now. I hold my tears until I arrived at my house.

Here we are, in front of your eyes.” He said as he parked his car in front of my house.

Thanks hyung. I owe you one.” I said to him.

No problem, I don't mind it.” He said.

Well, I'll get inside now. Please be careful on you way back.” I said and bowed to him.

I will! Thanks Sungyeol. Bye!” He said and drove his car away.

As he went away, tears rolled down immediately. I sat on the floor, in front of my front door. I cried hard as I convered my face with my hands. Myungsoo, how could you really do this to me? You're a jerk... I hate you. But, this feeling has been growing stronger for you. How could you play with my hearts like this? I don't know how should I go to school after this.

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I just learned about the story feed haha but sadly I learned when the story almost finished. Pls wait up for the next update :D


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What a nice story..
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 29: I heat how sunggyu forgive woohyun this fast . ¤_¤
khasabat #3
Chapter 53: I think all must be better for them! Myungyeol!!
devi38 #4
Chapter 53: It's already been so long time since the last update TvT
Kpopmilf #5
Chapter 53: Myungyeol would have been a nice ending.....just my But I loved your story and I think you did a great job!!!!!
Kpopmilf #6
Chapter 43: Cheers cheers cheers!!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #7
Chapter 32: I love this Sungyeol!!!!!!
Kpopmilf #8
Chapter 20: You did a good job on the !!!
TEENTOP10031996 #9
Chapter 53: please update
UndertheMoonTaeil #10
Chapter 29: Tsk! I really wanna slap Sunggyu more than Woohyun. Blood is thicker than water. If what happened to Sungyeol happened to my little sister god forbid, I'd have slapped Woohyun not Sungyeol. Even if i didn't know what had happened i still would have took my family's side. You can't choose someone you met a month ago over family. And instead of apologising and looking relived over Sungyeol returning, he goes to search for Woohyun? Ugh! I am glad that my brother isn't the Sunggyu here.