.1 Year of cleaning

My perfect man

After 1 year

Jeong’s days were full of cleaning , but she started to think different. Maybe this is happening to me because I  have to be more humble. I threw away my selfish thinking. And enjoy the cleaning. Even with pain I want to look for things I can do for him. Daito even though he is mean sometimes. I noticed that his heart is good. When I do more for others  than they will do something back for me.  Jeong put a piece of toast in .  She chuckled,  I burned it again,  so clumsy. Her stomach still hurt but she learned to deal with it.  This year she lost a lot of Weight and became skinny .  Who cares what others think about me.  She went into the Livingroom.  Daito was sitting there with a frown on his face. He looked like he could burst out in tears any moment.  Jeong sat down beside him. ,,Are you alright?'' The Doctor avoided her Eyes.  ,,Did something happen, why are you so angry?'' His face turned even more angry.  Do you want to talk about it? ,, There is nothing wrong''. Jeong smiled at the Doctor. ,, Why does your face look like this then? Jeong copied his facial expression '' He still could not look at her. ,, you say that you’re fine but you can’t even look me in the eyes''. Daito pouted and looked at the ground. He such a child some times. What should I do ? I got it. ,, Lets go , I will buy you some ice cream''.  Daito looked surprised at Jeong. ,, I don't  need it but if you want to give it to me I don't mind. Jeong nodded , she pulled Daito from the chair. With a bright smile on her face she and Daito left the house. They walked together in the city , passing by all kind of shops. ,, There it is Paul’s Ice cream shop''. Jeong pointed at it. ,,Let's go it's my treat''. Daito nodded and a small smile was on his face.  The glass door's opened . They stepped inside, the shop was painted in baby blue. ,, It looks so cute'' They sat down at one of the white tables. The woman who worked there stepped forward. ,, What would you like to order?'' Jeong looked at Daito ,, You can order first''. He checked the menu. ,, I like two scoops of Chocolate Ice cream'' Two , not one? ,, And you miss?'' ,, Do you have anything sugar free?'' The woman who worked there pointed at a dark pink collared ice cream. ,, We only have sugar free framboesia flavour''. ,, That one please''. The woman gave them the ice cream.  The doctor was his with a happy look on his face. ,, I'm glad you like it''.  He nodded yes. Jeong ate her ice cream with a pink spoon.  She put it in . Her eye twitched,, It’s so sour''. ,, Really how come? '' ,, I think it's because there is no sugar in it''. Said Jeong with a face of disappointment.  He looked at her ice cream. ,, Really hmm'' He went back to his ice cream.  I wonder why he is in such a bad mood?  I see tears in his eyes,  but he won't tell me what is wrong with him.  I wanted to cheer him up but it seems like it's not working at all.  There must be a way right? (...),, I got it!!! ''  Daito was surprised by the sudden outburst. ,, Daito you wait here, I’ll be right back''. Daito stared at her as she ran away to one of the shop’s . ,, I wonder what’s she is up to?’’ Jeong looked at some necklaces who were made with black rope that looked very cool. A dark blue coloured flower hanged from it. I think he will like this one, I will buy two of them then we are a pair. She paid for them ,, Thank you for purchasing our products have a nice day’’. She left the shop and ran back . She waived happily ,Jeong stopped in front of him. He looked at her not understanding what was going on. With a big grin on her face she said ,, Daito I have something for you’’. Jeong took the necklace from her pocket . ,, This is for you’’. She pressed it in his hands. He looked at it his eyes became big. His face brightened up and a big grin was shone on his face. He stood up an suddenly hugged Jeong with all his strength. I can’t breathe . Daito let go and looked at her. ,, Thank you so much Jeong I am really happy with this’’. Jeong felt so happy that he cheered up a bit. ,, I have another surprise’’. She pulled out her necklace from under her jacket . ,, Now we are a pair’’. He smiled and said,, that is so cute’’. He took her arm ,, let’s go back home , I will cook for tonight’’. Jeong did not expected that but it made her happy. ,, Really you will cook, thank you so much’’. He chuckled ,, That is normal right , you don’t have to thank me’’. Together they went back home . Later in the evening he baked fries , meat and made a salad. They sat next to each other on the couch.  Jeong took a bite of the meat . ,, Wow it really tastes good’’. He smiled at her ,, I think it is a little bit too salty’’. Jeong took another big bite. ,, I like it a lot , the more salty the better ‘’ He looked at his Mobile. Jeong tried to get his attention by talking so she continued  ,, When I was young ,  I ate salt with a spoon’’. Daito looked grossed out. You don’t have to look like that. ,, But not anymore I was a weird child back then’’. He did not answer but kept staring at his phone. You know that is so not fun when he does that. 

It's been so long I wonder if Kim forget about me? I am taking care of this Doctor for a year now. I will never fall in love with him because my heart belongs to Kim. I signed this contract with the doctor that I will take care of him . I need those pills from him to stay alive.

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diana05 #1
Chapter 45: ninjas this sounds interesting ;)
diana05 #2
Chapter 42: this is all so shocking her saying no, hyun came back, teacher left her, sudden appearance of guards who are treating her so badly and she fainted...
diana05 #3
Chapter 40: oh so this is how he makes robot. and yesss he proposed her :D
diana05 #4
Chapter 39: prince kei is the teacher aww he came but how i guess i will know it later :D
Kiddo23 #5
Chapter 38: Clifhangers don't you just hate them :p
Will It hit her or not we will find out in the next chapter ^_^
diana05 #6
Chapter 36: what is happening to her
Kiddo23 #7
Chapter 37: Sorry for the short chappie today , My time was limited. But I hope you guys still liked it.
Kiddo23 #8
Chapter 35: If you guys are wondering why Sakura acted like that here is the answer.
Because she is an Half robot/ human there is an inner battle inside of her. The human part is soft and kind but the Robot part Is rough and passionate. I toughed you guys would like to know that. ^-^

Thanks to all the readers.
I will keep going.
diana05 #9
Chapter 34: i can just say that uper gir is on the rescue :)
diana05 #10
Chapter 32: i m so curious to know why she is here and how she came here and i think lee jong suk is her teacher