Chapter Twenty-nine

Falling For Zhang Yixing

Haeri’s POV

“Hello!” I replied to my phone out of breath. It was left charging in the living room and I came running full speed from the kitchen when I heard it ringing.  I picked up without even seeing the caller ID because I was too scared if it took me a moment longer to reply it would stop ringing and I would miss the call, and all I knew was it could be Yixing.

“We’re going out today don’t even try to say no.”

“O-oh… Sehun-ah.” I caught my breath.

“Why? Are you disappointed?” I could practically hear his pout over the phone.

I let out a small laugh. “No of course… it’s just, let’s go out some other time.”

“NO” he firmly and loudly refused my answer, “Not today. Enough staying home, it’s been like what ten days since the last time you left your house? Be ready at 3 don’t even argue bye.”

He hung up before I could reply. That brat he always wants things to go his way.


I was in no mood to go out, but I didn’t want to reject them once again so I prepared myself. I dressed up in simple denim skinny jeans, white plain t-shirt and a white converse. I just let my hair down and I didn’t care to put any make-up or accessories, only the necklace I got from Yixing rested on my chest.

I tucked the phone in my pocket and went downstairs after hearing Sehun’s motorbike honk.

“Hey,” I greeted casually.

“Oh my God I miss you too Haeri!” he mocked placing his hand over his heart dramatically.

“Just give me the helmet,” I rolled my eyes at him.

He laughed stepping down the motorbike. “No but really, I missed you” he said in a more serious tone while putting the helmet over my head.

“I missed you too,” I said hugging him lightly.

I wrapped my hands around Sehun’s waist before we took off. My gaze never left Yixing’s house as we passed by it and memories started to fill my brain.

Not that they ever left my mind in the first place.

It’s been two weeks now, he still didn’t call, didn’t send a message, I heard absolutely nothing from him. I was sad and worried…

“GIRL WE MISSED YOU” yelled Eunha as soon as I arrived to the park with Sehun where the rest were waiting for us.

“It’s been only few days,” I let out a brief laugh. I sat next to Jina and Kyungsoo on one of the benches that was facing the other one where Sehun threw himself next to Eunha and Jongin.

“Yah did you lose weight?” Jina scolded but I just shrugged. Yes I’ve been skipping meals, but only because I have no appetite to eat. How could I enjoy eating when I know nothing about Yixing. What if he is not eating well?

“Guys I’m fine.” I said calmly but firmly. I didn’t want them to bombard me with questions and scolding and thank God they seemed to understand that because they changed the subject and started talking about other random stuff.

“Yah Do Kyungsoo!” Jina’s voice got my attention even though she was speaking in a low voice only to Kyungsoo who was apparently teasing her about something.

“Okay okay I’m kidding don’t get mad,” he laughed and whispered to her. I was too close so I unintentionally heard. I cracked a smile when I looked at them and saw their intertwined hands resting on Jina’s legs as Kyungsoo her hair using his other hand and kept laughing and whispering things against her ear making her giggle.

I suddenly felt like all the huge amount of missing I have toward Yixing just doubled. I just want him with me right here right now I miss him so bad…

“Right Haeri?” Jongin’s voice snapped me out of my sad thoughts.

“U-uh…” I’m pretty sure my eyes were rounded and I looked pretty clueless looking at him. He was laughing with Sehun, and Eunha was pissed but I had absolutely no idea what were they talking about.

They all looked at me, like they were expecting me to answer them and laugh with them.

“He didn’t…” Jina paused for a moment not sure whether she should bring the subject up or not but she decided to continue, “…call?”

The atmosphere felt gloomy and silence filled the place when I just stared back blankly, and I don’t know why but I felt like tears might fall anytime soon.

“Haeri-ya,” Jongin leaned toward my seat, “Let’s go for a walk” he smiled sweetly like telling me that it’s all okay.

I stood up and nodded, “I’ll see you later guys,” I said before we left.


We walked silently heading to no particular place. Just wandering the streets together with my hands in my pocket and the warm breeze making my hair fly backward.

That’s what I’ve always loved about Jongin. He’d know I’m upset so he keeps my company yet he keeps quiet because he knows too well that I don’t want to talk about it. And on other times when I’m sad and I actually want to talk about it, he’d listen to me.

After walking aimlessly for almost 2 hours we made it back home. It was already almost 6 pm but since its summer it wasn’t dark yet.

“Will you be alright?” he asked and I nodded feeling a bit better after that long walk. “Good” he ruffled my hair lightly and turned to leave.

“Thank you,” I smiled and waved to him before I went inside.


I threw my body on the large couch first thing after I entered the living room without looking around. I kept staring at the roof above me thinking about the one and only person that never leaves my thoughts. What would he be doing now…?

I literally got a mini-heart-attack when I heard a voice next to me saying “Want some?”

“HOLY YOU SCARED ME” I yelled jumping off the couch and I reached the door in just a second because she frightened me. It was my mother sitting in the living room on the ground eating ice cream.

She laughed lightly at first but her laughter grew into a louder and louder one while I was still standing with my hand over my chest.

“You should have seen the way you jumped” she laughed so hard that she ended up snorting and that’s when I burst into laughter as well.

I went and sat on the floor beside her. “It’s because the room was terribly quiet and then you spoke I thought it was some ghost” I spoke between my laughter until we finally both stopped.

“You don’t look well” I said.

“You honestly don’t look well yourself” she said sadly and I nodded. “What is it?”

I looked at the ground. “Nothing it’s just that…” I looked at her she was listening and waiting for my response. “I miss Yixing.”

She nodded slowly, “no news from him?” I shook my head.

“What about you? Anything happened?”

She sighed deeply. “Someone proposed to me” she said before shoving a spoon full of ice cream in and I almost chocked on my own saliva.

“W-what?” she stayed silent. “And what did you say?” I tried not to sound like I just freaked out which I totally did.

She shrugged miserably, “I… I miss your dad Haeri…” her head hung low.

My heart that was already broken broke into smaller pieces when I saw a tear threatening to leave my mother’s eye. Something deep inside of me was burning and I just wanted it to stop but it wouldn’t go away.

“Mom…” I whispered placing my hands around her so tight. I felt her tears falling on my shirt and my tears fell along.

“I never loved anyone else” she sobbed, “It has always been him Haeri… He left me long ago. He left us long ago and it still kills me every single day… I miss him terribly.” She gasped for air between her words. She was breaking down and for the first time in my life it hit me.

The reason why she never sticks with anyone is because it has always been my father. He died long ago but she still loves him till now. The days she came drunk… it was probably because of the pain inside of her.

“It’s okay mom,” I her hair and back trying to calm her down when my tears were flowing nonstop. “It will be okay” I kept saying.

She cried and cried until she fell asleep in my arms. Her face looked tired and pale. I carried her to the couch and lied again on the other couch I was on before. Staring back at the roof and drowning in deep thoughts until the loud ringing of my phone snapped me back to reality.

I slid my finger over the screen as soon as I took the phone out of my pocket not wanting my mom to wake up from the loud ringing.

“Yes?” I went out of the living room. No one replied. “Hello?” I spoke again.

“Can you hear me?? Haeri-ya hello” I froze. It’s like my heart stopped, it was either not beating or it was beating at the speed of light.

“Yixing?” I whispered. “Yixing?!” I asked in a louder tone as realization hit me.

“Haeri! I miss you so much baby!!!!” His voice changed into a louder and happier one when he heard mine.

“Yixing oh God I was so worried about you I miss you so much baby how are you?” I sat on the stairs because my knees couldn’t support me anymore.

“I’m so sorry it took me till now baby, I don’t have a number here, I’m calling from the street phone. When I arrived it was night and the whole training process started the very next morning.”

I nodded while he’s talking as if he could see me. “Have you been eating well and sleeping enough?” I asked worriedly.

“Yes baby don’t worry about me I’m fine here. I miss you like hell I wanted to talk to you before but the training schedule is so stuffed and crazy. How are you my princess?”

I missed him calling me that… I tried not to cry, he shouldn’t hear me crying now. I should stay strong for him.

“I’m fine too, don’t worry… yixing-ah… I love you so much.”

“I love you more baby,” he sounded sadder, “I love you more than anything.”

“Please take care of your health and don’t skip your meals, hmm?”

“Hmm… Haeri” he called my name softly.


“I may be thousands of miles away… but you’re still the first thing on my mind… always” I noticed how his voice was trembling and I know he swallowed hard not to lose control over his emotions. I placed my hand over my mouth as well hoping he won’t hear my silent sobs.

“Please don’t cry” his voice sounded so gentle over the phone. Before I could reply I heard beeps indicating that the call was disconnected.

“Yixing-ah” I called but I knew it already disconnected. “Yixing!!” I cried. I didn’t even get to tell him how he’s always on my mind too and how badly I miss his presence here…



{Two Weeks Later}

“Haeri,” my eyes shifted from my plate to my mother who was eating her dinner with me. We’ve grown closer than before. I wouldn’t say we’re best friends now but in comparison to what we were before, we’re way better now.


“Remember the man I said he proposed to me?” she asked not sure how I’d react. I nodded. “Do you think you should meet him?” she asked me.

“D-do you want to accept his proposal?”

“Not if you’re not fine with it.”

“No mom I want you to be happy. I’m not a kid anymore and I know you need someone by your side. Mom, let me meet him.” I assured her that it’s okay. She also deserved someone to continue her life with.

“Then I’ll invite them to dinner soon.” She broke into a thankful smile. I looked at her with questioning eyes. Them? “He has a son as well.”

I nodded again while stuffing my mouth with food. She has a daughter so I guess it’s okay if he has a son.


Yixing finally got a number but nothing changed much. We barely spoke twice in the past weeks and only for few minutes. The time difference between our places is huge. And it’s not that I mind staying up late just to talk to him and hear his voice, but the thing is, he never has the time. His schedule is always crazy and they literally train from early morning till late night with very little time to eat, shower, and rest.

Based on what he told me, they take different classes for modeling, walking, posing, smiling to the camera, besides the acting classes that also teach them about talking and facial expressions and a hundred other things.

They also made him follow a diet to maintain a good figure and daily gym hours were a must of course.

In the middle of his busy life, I hope he won’t forget about me.



Another few days passed… days were passing like this. I was missing Yixing more with every day. It was around 5 pm and I had nothing to do. Maybe when university starts, around a month from now, I would find something to keep me busy until Yixing comes back.

“Mom I’m going out for a while” I yelled as I tied my shoelaces. She’s been spending more time at home lately and it made me happy that she’s finally getting her life back together. No more drinking and no more endless dates.

“Don’t be late we have guests for dinner!” she yelled back before I left.



I wandered around for too long. Just me alone with earphones in my ears. It’s a habit I developed not so long ago. I lost track of time but I didn’t bother to check my watch. I knew it was getting late when the sunlight was gradually getting replaced with darkness. Couples started to appear on streets holding hands, hugging and kissing and once again it made me miss Yixing terribly. Seeing them brought me memories of our own dates.

“Oh !” I murmured to myself remembering that I will meet my mother’s boyfriend tonight. I shoved as much ice cream as I could into my mouth that my brain froze. I started running not to be late but I wasn’t willing to throw away my ice cream so I just ran and ate simultaneously.

I was still running with whatever energy left in me when I finally made it to the neighborhood. I glanced on my wrist watch trying to check the time when instead, I collided into someone and almost fell back but he caught me quickly.

“Yah!” I snapped at him getting away from his grip.

“You bumped into me!” he defended himself quickly. “Look at yourself running around like a kid,” his voice sounded like he was smiling but looking at him was useless. It was dark and his features weren’t clearly visible.

All I can say is, he’s really tall and his shoulders are very broad.

“Tsk” I rolled my eyes. “Sorry” I murmured and I doubt he heard, “I’m in a hurry” I mumbled and walked away.

“Do you, by any chance, live around?” he asked and I noticed his voice is deep. I stopped and looked back at him, “I was supposed to come with my father but I had something to do first so I eventually came alone, he sent me the exact address in a text message but my phone battery died…”

Didn’t he hear me say I’m in a hurry?

“Uh, who exactly are you visiting?”

Weirdly enough, he said my mother’s name.

I looked at him with huge wide eyes. You mean to tell me this giant here is m-my step… brother?


Okay this is a bit boring i know i know but i had to make a bridge to reach more important events that will come next >.<

Sorry for the late update too, things had been crazy lately t^t

Oh btw, i'm pretty sure you all guessed which member Haeri's step-brother is LOL

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Chapter 38: cute story with some angst...i like it !! ♡♡
radhadp6599 #2
I've reread this story about 5x :)
Chapter 37: I love this story sooooo muchhhh!
Kash0330 #4
Chapter 37: maybe you can write story about sehun and eunha later on....for specials
This is a really good fic, I wasn't expecting it to engage me as much as it did... I really like how they grew together as characters and as a couple. Good work !
Chapter 37: its a cute story authornimmmmm ^^
imma crying because of fluffiness of the couple T^T
Kahanbo123 #7
t-rexlay #8
I loved this ~ Please write another fic with Yixing! pretty please! :D
Chapter 37: OMG I love this story so much. You're really talented and please write more stories about lay. Thank you so much this story really made me feel good.
jennipapoy #10
Chapter 33: This is my second time reading it and it's still the best story!! I laughed here when yixing thought Chanyeol is Haeri's bf when she clearly told yixing about Chanyeol before. Just...omg yixing XD