
Need a Roommate?
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The two of them stared deeply at each other before Baekhyun bursts into a nervous fit of laughter –mainly because he is beyond flustered. Chanyeol crossed his arms around his chest as he stared boringly at the younger. An inevitable blush painted Baekhyun’s cheeks the moment he saw how serious his roommate had turned. Loss of words can only be spoken in gestures and Baekhyun felt truly out of words.

That is why he ended up laughing again. “Oi, what are you talking about, Yoda?”

However, the architect kept a straight face. Baekhyun had stop laughing right away and stared at the wall, fidgeting. Anything is better than his roommate, really.

Dammit, Baekhyun can feel his heart beating hard against his ribcage. He is afraid that Chanyeol might end up hearing it. Can Chanyeol hear it? “I am just saying the truth, Baek.”

Baekhyun then frowns because what does Chanyeol even mean by that. Why would Chanyeol want to make him smile? Oh, what is going on? – It’s nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing at all Baekhyun! And he knows that. It’s just that he can’t help but feel that something is different with Chanyeol.

What the hell is he supposed to say after hearing that? Oh, thank you for taking care of me? No, Baekhyun is too shy to say those things.

And why is Chanyeol confusing him? “O-Okay...” Baekhyun sends the architect a shy smile. “Am I forgiven for making you uncomfortable and going against your wishes? This was my whole idea and I shouldn’t have just done this without your-”

Chanyeol finds himself laughing loudly, completely shutting Baekhyun up. The way that Chanyeol laughed had Baekhyun in some kind of trance. It’s addicting, the way that Chanyeol’s ears move as he laughs or how his nose scrunches up in a weird yet cute way. It’s hypnotizing and Baekhyun can’t stop staring in awe. “You still need to pay up,” Chanyeol retorts with a playful look, snapping Baekhyun out of his moment of admiration.

“H-Huh?” the younger shakes his head, saying that he is poor and that Chanyeol shouldn’t be so greedy when he already is filthy rich – which caused Chanyeol to start laughing again.

So Baekhyun finds himself staring at the architect once again. “But it’s my birthday,” Baekhyun silently cursed. Isn’t that the reason why they are here in the first place? Well, not in the bathroom but at the café shop. “And presents are a must for a birthday party. I want mine, Baek.” – Mine? Oh, damn! Baekhyun’s eyes widen for a split second.

It’s not that Baekhyun didn’t get the architect a gift. No, he did get him one but a lame one or at least that is what Baekhyun thinks. Baekhyun had peeked on the other presents and all of them seemed pretty cool. And then there is Baekhyun’s. His present is the smallest and probably the lamest of them all as well. So, no there is no way that Baekhyun is going to put himself through that embarrassment.

Not when everyone got Chanyeol an awesome present while Baekhyun got him – well – he got him a Baekhyun thing. “Later...” noticing the pout on his roommate, Chanyeol couldn’t help but grow curious and excited.

“So...” Chanyeol won’t admit it out loud, but he really wants to hear it coming from his roommate. Why? He is still too much in denial to accept it himself. “It’s my birthday...” the younger nods with a look. “And...”

“What is it, Yoda?” Baekhyun asks rather impatiently.

“Well, you know...” but Baekhyun doesn’t know and Chanyeol is starting to grow nervous – shy. “Well, it’s my birthday...”

“I know that. Why are you being weird all of the sudden, Yoda?” the younger raises a brow. “It’s your birthday and I want for you to have a great time. We might have a surprise after this.” the architect asks what but Baekhyun only smiles back at him rather teasingly. “It’s a surprise!” Baekhyun smiles, “Now come on! Let’s not keep the others waiting.”

Sighing, Chanyeol nods.

“I want my gift, though.” not wanting to hear why he has to give the present later and not at the moment, Baekhyun storms his way out of the bathrooms. He hears Chanyeol calling after him but doesn’t stop. – Stupid Yoda! The younger might think that Chanyeol really wants his present – which he really does – but that it’s not what Chanyeol really wants.

What Chanyeol was trying to get out of him was a big, ‘happy birthday, Chanyeol.’

The architect stares at himself through the wall mirror before chuckling loudly at himself. He gives himself a quick fix up before heading out of the bathrooms.

However, he stops wide eyed when he spots a few pair of concern eyes staring right at him. He smiles at them and everyone seems to instantly relax on their spots.

Chanyeol searches for Baekhyun through the small crowd, finding him pouting next his mother. “Chanyeol,” Kyungsoo cuts into the sudden silence.

The architect reacts to Kyungsoo’s voice, smiling widely at the younger in front of him. He engulfs Kyungsoo into a bone breaking hug, chanting how happy he is to see Kyungsoo after so long. Both Baekhyun and Jongin feel the pit of their stomachs stirring up in a very unpleasant way.

It just feels so wrong!

“Happy birthday, Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo chuckles as he lets Chanyeol hug the living lights out of him. The hug is warm and very much welcomed, but it somehow feels so different to Kyungsoo.

Things inside of his heart are definitely changing and it’s scary.

Chanyeol had taken notice of Kyungsoo’s appearance before engulfing him into a hug. However, it took him few seconds to finally realize what was different about his best friend. “Soo!” Chanyeol gasps in mere surprise. “What did you do to your hair?!”

Feeling very much aware of everyone’s gaze on him, Kyungsoo asks Chanyeol if he looks bad.

Chanyeol then bursts into laughter while shaking his head, snorting. The look of disappointment and hurt was pretty visible in Kyungsoo’s face. “No, it looks amazing, Soo!” but the smile soon returned after hearing that he looks good. “It’s just that you had never done something this crazy and are those jeans?!”

Kyungsoo thinks that Chanyeol shouldn’t be that surprised. He had worn jeans before, only that not that often. He is definitely blushing, alright!

“Yah!” he sees the others laughing making him blush deeper.

“What got into you, Soo?” Chanyeol continues to tease without mercy. Kyungsoo can’t help but think about what Chanyeol had asked him.

– What got into me?

His doe-eyes narrow as he thinks about it. However, his gaze suddenly lands on a certain dancer making him lose his balance. – Dammit! Why does it have to be Kim Jongin?

Blood rushes all the way to his face for as Jongin is definitely looking at him. Why must Jongin be staring at him like that? It causes Kyungsoo’s mind to turn into goo. “Nothing!”

Let it be Kyungsoo to suddenly shout like that. It’s his second time already. – Get your together, Kyungsoo!

What exactly got into him?

Oh, nothing just Jongin – the bastard who decided that it was okay to kiss him and now Kyungsoo can’t stop thinking about it. Heck, Kyungsoo can’t stop thinking about how he is slowly but surely falling out of love with Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo deeply sighs.

Is he really falling out of love? Can that even happen? How can a person love someone for so long and then so suddenly change hearts? It’s so damn hard. But the heart plays in very mysterious and frustrating ways.

Kyungsoo hates it so damn much. “You look amazing, Soo.” though, there is still that remaining spark in Kyungsoo whenever he sees Chanyeol smiling at him that way.

It makes him blush and his heart to swell.

That blush appearing on Kyungsoo’s face is enough to make Jongin jealous. He doesn’t like it – not one bit. And neither does Baekhyun. There is something about Kyungsoo that Baekhyun can’t figure out just yet. And there is something about the way that Kyungsoo stares at Chanyeol that Jongin simply doesn’t like.

It didn’t take long for the others to wish Chanyeol the best on turning thirty. The architect had a hard time with Kyungsoo and Junmyeon teasing him about it, but he is way too touched by everything to even get angry.

That is why he wants to express his gratitude, but the words won’t come out. Chanyeol is beyond overwhelmed. “Aigoo!”

Seeing someone cry is Mrs. Byun’s weakness. She hates it when Baekhyun cries and seeing Chanyeol sobbing truly breaks her heart. “Sweetheart,” Baekhyun stares at his mother’s movements and then at Chanyeol. He smiles at the way that Chanyeol lowers his head.

Mrs. Byun then lets Chanyeol bury his head on the crook of her neck, patting him on his back. It is a rather awkward position for Chanyeol since he is tall, but Chanyeol has no intentions of moving.

In fact, he wants more of that motherly love. “It’s okay. We are here for you,”

“Don’t you ever forget that, okay?” Mr. Byun joins in the hug.

It is then that Chanyeol lets everything pour out once again. He just turned thirty years old and is yet crying like a little kid. How can he be sobbing like a little kid at such age? Maybe that is what happens for letting so many years of anger and confusion build up.

No one can really blame him. It actually makes everyone at the café shop feel rather apologetic towards him. Some of them don’t really know why the architect run away from his house or why he quit his job as a CEO but can only guess why.

If Chanyeol is crying like this over a simple birthday party than that only means that he must have been very lonely – to the point of hating celebrating his own birthday.

It’s saddening.

However, the sight of Chanyeol crying makes him more approachable. He is just like all of them only that he is a very rich CEO/architect. “Can we start the party already?” Jongin clears his throat while trying to not cry as well. “I am hungry!” let it be him to be the one to always break the awkwardness.



To say that Chanyeol is not happy would be a complete lie. He had never spent a birthday feeling so full of love and care. There is Taemin, Jongin, Yixing, Baekhyun and Baekhyun’s parents who are new in his life. Then there is Junmyeon and Kyungsoo who have been with him for ages now – especially Kyungsoo.

Chanyeol is only missing his father, but he doesn’t want to think about him since he probably let him down once again. He is also having way too much fun at the moment. “Aigoo, would you look at the time?” the boys chuckle at Mrs. Byun.

They eventually help Mrs. Byun put everything away. The architect glances at the clock on the wall, confirming that it is past ten already. They had spent the last four hours talking and laughing about many things. Chanyeol got to know everyone a bit better. He learned a lot about Baekhyun’s parents as well. And Chanyeol won’t admit it but he likes to view the couple as his own parents.

The feeling comforts him. The old couple loves to travel but they’d only started doing so. Baekhyun ended up pouting, saying that they were only waiting for him to get out of the house.

Chanyeol couldn’t stop laughing and Baekhyun couldn’t stop staring.

The architect also learned a lot about Junmyeon. He had never seen the elder so carefree before. Junmyeon is an easy person to get along with. However, Chanyeol remembers the old Junmyeon, the one who would scold at him when picking him up late at night from the bars. That Junmyeon does not compare to the new Junmyeon.

But maybe this new Junmyeon was him all along – except that he used to work for Park Chanyeol before.

Now, Yixing and Taemin are quite the pair even worse when Jongin tags along. Chanyeol came up with a name for them and that is the idiotic trio. “Presents yahoooo!” Taemin shouts follow by Jongin who starts clapping like a seal.

“Let’s open them up!” Jongin exclaims.

Baekhyun stopped on his tracks with eyes wide opened. He does not want to share with everyone what he got for Chanyeol.

Very discreetly – according to him – Baekhyun walks towards the table holding the presents and grabs his. “What is that, Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun’s eyes widen as he stares at his mother. He shakes his head while mouthing his mother to stay quiet. However, Mrs. Byun does not understand a single word. “What? Present? Quiet? Honey, I don’t understand you. Why are you whispering?”

Baekhyun literally smacks his face with his free hand. He instantly gulps when he sees that everyone is staring at him – Park Chanyeol included. Smirking, the architect walks towards him. Baekhyun takes a step back, gulping rather loudly.

All eyes are on them.

Chanyeol quickly got a hold of the present that Baekhyun tried to hide. “Y-Yah!” the younger’s eyes widen even more when Chanyeol smirks at him. “Give it back, Yoda!”

But Chanyeol ignored him. “Why would I? I believe this is mine. It has my name on it.” Chanyeol smirks.

Kyungsoo frowns as he stares at his best friend playfully teasing Baekhyun. Even Junmyeon noticed the mischievousness coming from Chanyeol – something that he hadn’t seen in quite a while now.  Then there is Mrs. Byun who silently squeals while gathering her husband’s attention. The old man stares at his son and at Chanyeol, rolling his eyes when he sees Baekhyun blushing. “No, give it back. I-It’s not for you –”

“Oh,” Chanyeol stares at the small box and then at Baekhyun. “Do you happen to know someone else named Chanyeol?”

Baekhyun glares at him, sighing exasperatedly. “Fine! But you get to open it last!”  Blood rushed to his face the moment Chanyeol nodded so enthusiastically at him, beaming in the cutest way ever.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes because that is all he can do at the moment. His roommate is just so stupid and cute and handsome and – stop! Groaning, Baekhyun rushes towards his mother to finish helping her out. “Okay, let’s open them!” both Taemin and Jongin drag Chanyeol towards the rest of the presents.

Taemin shoves him into Chanyeol’s hands and asks him to open it. The architect does so and laughs. “What?” the others laugh as well. “Mouth wash? gloves? bandages? Are we going somewhere?” he laughs again.

“We wanted to give you something that you need in a regular basis.” Taemin says though he is trying to control his laughter.

“We?” Chanyeol raises a brow.

Jongin and Taemin stand right in front of him. – Right. Chanyeol snorts. “Happy birthday!” the two of them laugh while giving each other a high-five.

Chanyeol shakes his head while placing the items back on the bag. “Thanks guys.” but then Jongin grabs a pink large bag and shoves it in Chanyeol’s hands. “Another one? What is this... shaving cream?” he jokes to which Jongin rolls his eyes.

“These are our real presents, dumbYeol.” the architect glares at Jongin but the younger ignores him. Both Taemin and Jongin wait impatiently for Chanyeol to open the rather large bag.

“Woah!” Chanyeol gasps as he brings the objects out of the bag. “They are amazing!” he says while placing a cap on his head. “How does it look?” he asks to which Taemin and Jongin show him their thumbs up. “Thanks, I love them. Aigoo, this one is cute!”

“I got you the black one while Taemin got you the white one. We got the furry hat as a compliment and why not gift it to you as well. Though, Taemin wanted to keep it.”

“Yah!” Taemin blushes. “That’s not true...”

“Well, thank you guys.” Chanyeol bows at them.

Jongin then shoves another present into Chanyeol’s hand with a slight blush on his cheeks. Kyungsoo’s eyes widen when he realizes that the present in Chanyeol’s hands is his. “Oh,” Chanyeol finds his favorite cologne inside the bag. “I had just run out of mine already. Thanks, Soo!” Kyungsoo nods with a blush of his own.

Chanyeol applies some of the cologne on himself. The smell reaches Baekhyun making him stop on his tracks. It’s that smell that he loves on Chanyeol – the one that he always wears. And it’s smells so damn good! – So manly!

“I want to thank you all for the presents. They are amazing.” Baekhyun feels his temples throbbing as he fidgets on his spot. He hopes with all of his being for Chanyeol to have forgotten about the present, but luck is not in Baekhyun’s side.

Baekhyun panics for a moment when he sees Chanyeol grabbing something from his back pocket. He instantly curses everything for being so... Baekhyun!

Dark clouds surround the top of his head as he stares at Chanyeol who is so grinning at him. – Oh, I’ll be damned!

The architect raises a brow at the younger, chuckling. Why is his roommate so damn cute? Chanyeol can see Baekhyun muttering things that he can’t quite make up, but the younger seems to be cursing. – Cute.

“I hate myself right now.” Baekhyun sighs as he waits for Chanyeol to finally open the stupid present.

But then it hits Baekhyun that he is just stressing over a simple present. There is really nothing to be ashamed of. Oh, but who is he fooling. Baekhyun feels his cheeks getting hotter by the second.

He closes his eyes when he sees that Chanyeol is about to open the box. Really, it’s just a present. Everyone knows how Baekhyun is. No one will about it. That is why he walks towards his roommate in awkward and rather robotic steps. “Oh!” Chanyeol blinks at the object that’s inside

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Chapter 48: I agree with kink! It was nice and soft for their first time, but I am sooo open to more things in the future!
Beau1996 1373 streak #2
Chapter 48: Excellent author-nim with just the right amount of kink + love👍
roby100100 #3
Chapter 47: Omg you don’t know how much i love this fic
Please don’t be latee?
sara_gg_xol #4
Chapter 47: Thanks for updating. Baekhyun is so sweet and lovely and unconsciously hot and when it was bothering Chanyeol and got him arroussed, was nice. They are such a cute couple.
I hope Chanyeol's father wouldn't ruin his son's happiness as he could see it too.
Thank you for updating and all the best
chanbaeksbaby #5
Chapter 47: Please they’re so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Anneong! New reader here~
Chapter 47: Thanks for the update! That's some spicy tension lolol
Poor Chanyeol at the end tho XD
Kinda sad that the end is coming soon but glad I am here for this story, as always your writing is very fun :D Keep up the great work
chanbaeksbaby #8
Chapter 46: I missed this fic so much :’) thank you for the updates! Baekhyun is just way too cute I cant
Chapter 27: Ahh I've been looking so long for another roommates au so when I saw the update for this I subscribed right away
I'm binge reading all of the current chapters rn and I just wanted to say that your writing is very fun, and I appreciate the well written plot and the characters are so interesting, my heart hurts for Chanyeol ;-;
Keep up the good work! :D
Chapter 46: Ahh this is what I need after so long