
Need a Roommate?
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Park Chanyeol woke up a few minutes earlier than usual. There was an overwhelming feeling invading his whole body that prevented him from getting anymore sleep. Now he is fully awake and confused. He is also smiling. It is starting to freak him out, the feeling of anticipation and excitement.  “What the hell!”

Everything about this day in particular is different. Never had Chanyeol felt such way before. “Get your together, man!” the architect runs a frustrated hand through his messy bed hair.

He takes a look on the mirror and realizes that he is smiling despite the conflicting feelings. Why the hell is he smiling? Damn, it’s really creeping him out. Chanyeol shakes his head and escapes his room with a groan. Only that he finds the apartment looking very lonely. Chanyeol finds himself walking around the apartment with lazy steps, badly pouting.

He stops, eyes growing large the next second. How the hell did he end up in front of Baekhyun’s bedroom door? “Argg!” he grumbles in annoyance. “It’s just a normal day, Park Chanyeol!” but it is?

Chanyeol finds himself tilting his head to the side like a curious puppy. “Just like any other day...” except that today is his birthday.

However, there shouldn’t be anything to be excited about. Right?

Why can’t he stop starting at Baekhyun’s bedroom door then? Why is it that he wants to see Baekhyun so badly? Why can’t he get the idea of Baekhyun singing to him out of his mind? Chanyeol hasn’t heard Baekhyun sing since that day at the karaoke room. The thought of Baekhyun singing to him happy birthday really pleases him.

And again he is smiling.

Chanyeol feels as if he is going crazy, thinking that he shouldn’t be having those thoughts. So, with heavy steps, he storms into the living room almost panting. – I will make him like me! Did he really mean that? He frowns, nodding to himself.

He did and still does mean it. There is no way that Chanyeol will allow that Mr. toothy smile take Baekhyun away from him. Baekhyun is his roommate and only his. Park Chanyeol really wants to slap himself for been so stupid and possessive of what it’s not even his to begin with. Though, Baekhyun is his roommate, so, technically, Baekhyun is his.

Chanyeol facepalms.

Groaning loudly, Chanyeol drops his tired body into the velvety couch and deeply sighs. “Why is it beating so fast?” he annoyingly taps his chest. “What the hell is going on with me?!” dammit, he just turn thirty years old. He can’t be acting like a high school girl at the moment. Those days are gone for him – right?

The young boy makes him feel young, though. Does Baekhyun find him old? Would he like to be with an older person? “Aish!” the fact that he is already thinking about that and that he is still somewhat “denying” his romantic feelings towards the younger are really driving him insane.

Man up, Chanyeol, man up!

Chanyeol’s self-tormenting got cut short when he heard a knock on the door. He frowned, thinking that it’s too early for Jongin to be there already. Baekhyun is not even awake yet. The thought of Jongin walking into Baekhyun’s room, sleeping next to him and probably snuggling closer to him have Chanyeol groaning in mere displease.

“Kim Jongin!” he hisses as he walks towards the door. He was about to warn Jongin not to bother Baekhyun when he saw who were really on the other side of the door. He instantly opened the door, in embarrassment for as he just remembered that he is still wearing pajamas and that his hair is still messy.

“Mr. and Mrs. Byun,” he bows at them before moving to the side in order to let them in. “Good morning.”  

Mrs. Byun looks around the apartment, nodding in approval. The boys are doing a good job with keeping the house clean. But that was expected. Baekhyun is an organized boy after all. Mr. Byun, though, stares at Chanyeol from head to toe. “Good morning, son.” he says as he further steps into the apartment. “Where is Baekhyun?”

Chanyeol can’t help but to pout at that. However, he quickly composes himself when he sees that Mr. Byun is still waiting for an answer. “He is still sleeping, sir. Would you like some tea? Mrs. Byun?” said person nods.

“I’ll make it, dear.” she smiles at him. “Would you please get Baekhyun to get up already? If he hears me all he will do is groan and go back to sleep. That boy...” Mrs. Byun shakes her head but there is a loving smile on her face. Chanyeol can’t help but feel warm. How he wished that his mother was like that as well. How he wished his mother would wake him up with a kiss on his cheek... yeah, that never happened and it will never happen.

“Sure...” Chanyeol quickly agrees sounding awfully thrilled with his assign task. The sad feeling on him quickly fades away for as he is about to see Baekhyun. Chanyeol finds Mr. Byun walking into the kitchen as well and says. “I’ll get Baekhyun...” the old man nods in return.

The architect doesn’t know why Baekhyun’s parents are there but he doesn’t mind it at all. In fact, he was wondering when he was going to see them again. Something about the old couple brings a feeling of longing to him. And he really loves the way that Baekhyun is around his parents. It’s a side of him that Chanyeol doesn’t get to see much. It’s like if the younger is trying to be someone else.

Chanyeol can only guess what and why and it makes him feel guilty.

Now, should he just knock or step inside? He doesn’t want to be rude by just stepping into the room without any permission, though. It’s just that Chanyeol really wants to see Baekhyun. He is starting to break a sweat. Meetings back at the corporation never had him this nervous. “It’s just Baekhyun...” he tries to calm himself down but makes everything worse by mentioning Baekhyun’s name.

Man up, Chanyeol, man up!

The first knock is soundless. Chanyeol actually facepalms for been so scared. The second knock is way too loud that it makes him cringe. –What the hell am I doing? However, he doesn’t hear any sounds so he knocks again. He waits a few seconds until he hears movement from the other side.

He quickly steps back when he hears the door knob moving, heart beating already fast against his rib cage. Chanyeol will finally see Baekhyun. “Yoda?” and there he is.

Chanyeol finds himself staring at the way the sleepy boy rubs his eyes and then yawns. Chanyeol is completely speechless. “Do you know what time it is?” but then he blinks. “Yoda, it’s barely nine in the morning! I don’t have school! Do you know how precious these days are for me?” completely speechless and in awe. Why is Baekhyun so cute?

“Yah, don’t speak to your elders like that!” Chanyeol steps to the side.

Baekhyun hears his mother and quickly beams. “Omma!” he clings himself on his mother. Poor lady has to pat him on the in order for him to get down.

“You are getting heavy!” she chuckles. “I see that my boys are eating very healthy. I was really worried! Two men living on their own, I assumed that you two would be eating out all of the time.” but Baekhyun shakes his head, pouting cutely.

He eats very well all of the time thanks to his handsome roommate. But Mrs. Byun is the second person that tells him that he is getting fat. Is he really getting fat? Maybe he should eat fewer pancakes. “Yah, and don’t talk like that to Chanyeol.” Mrs. Byun softly hits him on the shoulder.

“Sorry, Yoda...” Chanyeol only smiles back at his roommate.

“Yoda?” Mrs. Byun looks confused. “Who is Yoda?” both Chanyeol and Baekhyun start laughing. Baekhyun then explains to her why she calls his roommate that and giggles.

Chanyeol sees it again. Baekhyun giggling and acting carefree, sassy and witty all of those characteristics that Chanyeol doesn’t get to see much. He finds himself staring at Baekhyun in amusement. “Son?” Chanyeol’s eyes widen.

He clears his throat while facing Mr. Byun. The old man is staring at him with a crook brow. Oh, God, did he just witness Chanyeol staring at Baekhyun like that? Oh, how Chanyeol wished the ground opened up and swallow him. “Y-Yes, Mr. Byun,”

“Dad!” Baekhyun runs towards his father, wrapping the old man into a tight hug. “Daddy, oh, look at you!” Baekhyun laughs. “You are getting older, man.” Mr. Byun raises an offended brow, spanking his son on the . Baekhyun laughs but doesn’t let go of his father.

The moment between Baekhyun and his parents shouldn’t be this uncomfortable, but it is to Chanyeol. It just makes him feel sad and frustrated. He feels as if he should let his roommate have a more private moment with the old couple and leaves. Chanyeol knows that Baekhyun hasn’t seen his parents for a while now. And the scene in front of him makes him realize that he misses his father and a lot. However, he knows that he will not get the same treatment from his father the way Baekhyun is. It both saddens and angers him.

He wanted to see Baekhyun but lets the small family have a moment instead. Chanyeol will have the time for Baekhyun later on. “Just a normal day...” Chanyeol mutters as he steps out into the balcony without the others realizing his absence.

“Just a normal day, Chanyeol-ah...” the day is cold – sure – but Chanyeol can hardly feel it. Truth be told, it is not a normal day and Chanyeol knows it. Baekhyun had been bothering Chanyeol with his birthday but had stopped doing so a while back. Does that mean that he completely forgot that today is Chanyeol’s birthday?

The architect deeply sighs as he stares down at the busy streets of Hongdae. He was the one that told Baekhyun to forget it anyways. He shouldn’t even be feeling sad. Besides, he had never spent a birthday feeling happy. He was always alone, angry and sad.

But there is always that one person that makes his sadness go away – Do Kyungsoo. A large smile spreads all over his face as he answers his ringing phone. “Hey...”

“Happy birthday, Chanyeol-ah!” said person smiles warmly. Kyungsoo never forgets his birthday. He is always the one making him company during that sad and lonely day of his life. The doe-eye man is the one that makes him feel loved. Without Kyungsoo, Chanyeol would be lost. “Yah, how does it feel to be dead already?” Kyungsoo jokes.

They had always joked about their ages. The number thirty had always sounded too ancient to them, but now that they are mature they no longer feel the same way about that number. So, it is their personal joke.

Chanyeol sarcastically laughs, saying, “You will know in a year.” to which both of them start laughing. And that is what Chanyeol needed at the moment. He needed to distract himself from thinking about Baekhyun and how he will spend another lonely birthday, again. He also missed talking to Kyungsoo. The younger has been nothing but cruel to Chanyeol. “I wish I was there.” he hears Kyungsoo saying. “But I have a class to attend in a couple of minutes.” the architect can only nod in understand.

He slightly shakes his hands, though Kyungsoo can’t see him. “Don’t worry, Soo.” never had Chanyeol really cared about his birthday before. He had never really worried about growing older, having a huge party or spending the day with friends and family. It is only now that he is starting to crave those things. However, he had never wished for those things because he had never had a motive.

Chanyeol had never wanted to hear the words “happy birthday” from someone like he does now. Only that the person whom he wishes to hear those words from completely forgot. “Hey, I have to hang up. Go out, man. Don’t stay locked inside that apartment. It’s your birthday.”

“Nah, I have to work anyways.” typical. Kyungsoo knew that he was going to hear something like that coming from his best friend. But he is glad that Baekhyun came up with this plan. He is grateful for as Chanyeol had never experience something like a surprise birthday party before. Kyungsoo is dying to see Chanyeol’s reaction.


Baekhyun had spent an hour talking to his parents about Chanyeol’s birthday, not realizing that his roommate was still out in the terrace. They had been to engross talking about the things that they need that they completely forgot to be more discrete. Chanyeol could have heard everything for all they know, except that Mr. Byun was the only one who noticed Chanyeol walking out into the terrace an hour ago.

“Go check on your roommate.” Mr. Byun pause their conversation, asking his son to check on the architect. “And take him a jacket or something. He’s been out for an hour now.” Mrs. Byun’s eyes widen. The man must be freezing cold by now.

“Oh, Baekhyunnie, get him inside now!” Mrs. Byun pushes her son towards the hallway that leads to their rooms and terrace. Both Mr. and Mrs. Byun know that Chanyeol must have had a rough life, that the boy probably feels lonely and angry. They are old after all and they are also parents.

They know how a sad boy looks like.

Baekhyun grabs some of the hot chocolate that his mother had made, pours it on a cup and starts walking towards his room. He quickly grabs a blanket and heads towards the terrace. He finds Chanyeol blankly staring at the sky. – Why do you look so sad? It breaks his heart.

Not wanting to see that look on his roommate, Baekhyun quickly steps o

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Chapter 48: I agree with kink! It was nice and soft for their first time, but I am sooo open to more things in the future!
Beau1996 1373 streak #2
Chapter 48: Excellent author-nim with just the right amount of kink + love👍
roby100100 #3
Chapter 47: Omg you don’t know how much i love this fic
Please don’t be latee?
sara_gg_xol #4
Chapter 47: Thanks for updating. Baekhyun is so sweet and lovely and unconsciously hot and when it was bothering Chanyeol and got him arroussed, was nice. They are such a cute couple.
I hope Chanyeol's father wouldn't ruin his son's happiness as he could see it too.
Thank you for updating and all the best
chanbaeksbaby #5
Chapter 47: Please they’re so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Anneong! New reader here~
Chapter 47: Thanks for the update! That's some spicy tension lolol
Poor Chanyeol at the end tho XD
Kinda sad that the end is coming soon but glad I am here for this story, as always your writing is very fun :D Keep up the great work
chanbaeksbaby #8
Chapter 46: I missed this fic so much :’) thank you for the updates! Baekhyun is just way too cute I cant
Chapter 27: Ahh I've been looking so long for another roommates au so when I saw the update for this I subscribed right away
I'm binge reading all of the current chapters rn and I just wanted to say that your writing is very fun, and I appreciate the well written plot and the characters are so interesting, my heart hurts for Chanyeol ;-;
Keep up the good work! :D
Chapter 46: Ahh this is what I need after so long