Please Don't Go.

Forever With You.


Seungri POV

Riley marched out of the entire party leaving her everyone behind her. I chased after her and she ignored me.

“Mi Sun!” I shouted and she turned around with a smile. Ahh maybe she’s came to her senses?

But without a doubt she reluctantly threw her shoes and jewelry at me.

“OW” I winced at the shoe hitting my head.

“My name is Riley Static.” She hissed at me. “Maknae of Reign of Terror one of the meanest and talented girl group to come to YG and Korea. I’m a gold digger, , and sometimes . I eat at least 7 times a day and have strange addiction to Fanta. Are sure you want to marry me?” She pointed to herself and raised her eyebrows.

“Yes.” I nodded.

She shrugged. “Then…how bout we have a little bet?”

“A bet?”

“Yup a bet. The engagement party will be a masquerade, I will be in costume. If you find me before the clock strikes 12 I’ll marry you. But if you don’t you cancel the wedding and leave me alone”


She continued to walk barefoot down the street.

“Wait were are you going?” I rushed over to her.

“Back to my moms house I already told her I catch a cab” She yawned.

“Let me drive yo-“

“No” She smiled.

Narrator POV (

Riley was on the verge of insanity, she hadn’t felt this feeling since she had her first and last weed experience.

‘What if someone put something in my drink?’ She thought to herself but ignored it.

A beat started to play in her head and she felt her feet walking in a rhythm. The world seemed colorful even though it was pitch dark.

“Riley…” Seungri grabbed her hand and walked with her. “What is wrong with you?”

“Everything” She looked up at the stars and then looked straight forward. But to her surprise she saw a young man with white hair smiling widely. “Seung…” She smiled back but he disappeared into the air.

“What?” Seungri looked at Riley and she rubbed her temples.

Everywhere she looked she saw him; he was just hanging out and smiling.

‘Yup someone drugged me…why not take advantage of this...’ She started to hum the beat in her head.

“You’re humming?” Seungri was shocked at Riley’s sudden cute actions.

If I wake up tomorrow will you still be here
I don't know
If you feel the way I do
If you leave I'm gonna find you
Baby please don't go go go go

Riley sung quietly looking at her figure of imagination enjoying every moment, but to Seungri she was singing to nothing but air.

Steven POV

I stared at the door just waiting for her to walk threw, I have never been so mad at Riley before.

She changes her name, doesn’t respond to any of my messages, and now she’s engaged to some random guy!  While ranting in my head I heard the door open. Tammi and Ji-Yong walked in with bags of stuff.

“So who’s down to crashing a masquerade party?” Tammi smiled widely and laughed evilly. “Daddy’s home” 

"Lets get my sister back" 

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Forever withyou Part 2 thats my vote !Lol. I loved this story ^^
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #2
i love this story!<br />
one of my favorites ever <3
hai_young #3
uhh. that was kinda sudden? ^^<br />
but ty for it:D<br />
hai_young #4
i like~ <br />
thanks for the update^^
MargoLUV #5
@yesmath Why? Her and Tammi are my favorites
bellavita #6
Tammi jealous love it XD