Amusement Park Part 3

Falling For You...

‘Which channel shall we watch first?’ asked Heechul excitedly as he sat on a large leather swivel chair.
‘Jongsica and Sookey!’ shouted Ryeowook.
‘Nooo, Sunsun and Hyohyuk!’ exclaimed Shindong.
‘I want to see Minyul and Taecyoon. I wonder if Taemin is annoying them’ said Onew worriedly.
Kangin sighed, these children were so fussy, but then he had an idea. ‘Seohyun, Kyuhyun? Can you go get popcorn and drinks for everyone from the food vendor?’ he asked.
‘With Seohyun?’ Kyuhyun gulped, ‘Okay hyung.’
Kangin gave him a death glare saying, don’t mess this up maknae, i gave you an opportunity. As soon as the maknaes left, Kangin turned to Heechul and said, ‘Can send cameras after them? And then turn to Seokyu channel.’
‘Of course! Why didn’t i think of setting them up? Keke, Let’s watch Seokyu channel.’
‘YAY!! Our maknae is growing up’ said Super Junior.


On the Seokyu Channel

‘Where is the food stand, oppa?’ asked Seohyun.
‘Just there, damn hyungs, one of the could have come to help carry the food, lazy’ said Kyuhyun.
Seohyun stared at him with her jaws dropped, he insulted his sunbaes? Kyuhyun realised that he had done something that Seohyun would never do, “way to go, babo” he thought. The walk to the food vendor was quiet after that. Kyuhyun felt stupid for doing that, but then again, Super Junior were his friends, he could insult them all he wanted. Wasn’t Seohyun friends with her unnies? Why didn’t she speak up for herself? He sighed, Kangin had given him a chance to get closer to Seohyun but he had just ruined it by taking off his innocent maknae mask in front of her...
‘Seohyun... I know you’re offended that i insulted my hyungs, but their my friends, equals. We all agreed, and i don’t have to use honorifics with them. It’s only done for show when we’re in public, but when we’re alone, this is how i really am,’ said Kyuhyun.
To his surprise, she smiled. ‘So it’s not just me then? The only difference is that my unnies and i never discussed it, i’ve been like this since day one. But behind the public’s back, we treat each other like equals, Yoonyul act like the maknaes more than me.’

In the control room, everyone from shinee and Super Junior gasped. They looked to Taeyeon and Fany for confirmation on this news, Fany and Taeyeon nodded.
‘Yoonyul even call her unnie sometimes because she looks after them and acts older,’ Fany said.

Back with Seokyu~
‘Why did you look at me with such shock before then? When i insulted my hyungs’ Kyuhyun asked.
‘Because i was so shocked. I thought you weren’t like that. That’s why i even hid my true personality even from Super Junior and Shinee, i didn’t want you to think that i was a disrespectful maknae’
‘Why does my opinion matter?’ smirked Kyuhyun, he knew what was going to happen next.
Seohyun blushed, ‘Because i like you, oppa.’
Kyuhyun kissed her on the cheek, ‘Me too. Seo Juhyun, will you be my girlfriend?’
‘Of course.’
When Seokyu got back to the control room with the food, everyone cheered.
‘Well done Kyuhyun, we taught you well.’
‘At least one couple got together today. Today wasn’t a total waste!’
‘Seohyun, how could you act all innocent in front of us?’
Seokyu laughed when they realised their fellow band members had been watching them, the flat screen was still Seokyu channel and it was like looking in a mirror.
‘Why don’t we change channels?’ asked Donghae.
‘Sunsun, Hyohyuk, Sunsun, Hyohyuk’ everyone chanted while banging on the table.


Sunsun and Hyohyuk channel

‘Sungmin, just give up! You’re not going to get the bear,’ said Sunny.
‘No way! Eunhyuk got the bear for Hyoyeon!’
‘Yeah, and now we’re getting bored. I don’t need the bear’
‘Wait... wait... YEAH!!! I got it. Here you go Sunny.’
‘Kyaaaa!! Thank you so muchhhh!’ she cried.
“ She’s so cute. Bwoh? What’s this? Should i go to the doctor? My hearts beating too fast! What if i’m sick??” thought the clueless Sungmin.
Sungmin pulled Eunhyuk aside as the girls started playing the squirt the water game.
‘Eunhyuk, i think i need to go to the doctor. Do you think Heechul hyung will let me leave?’
‘Why do you need to go to the doctor? Can it just wait? You’re finally spending time with Sunny and now you want to leave?’
‘But it’s really important! My hearts beating too fast! It could be some sickness.’
‘Babo! Isn’t your heart beating fast because of Sunny?’
‘BWOH?! Well it does happen when she’s around but i figured it was just a coincidence. Are you saying she is like, putting magic on me for revenge or something?’

Everyone in the control room laughed. How clueless could he get?

Back with Eunhyuk and Sungmin~
‘No you babo! Isn’t it because you in love with Sunny?’
‘Me? In love with Sunny? Hmm...’
‘Eunhyuk! Sungmin! What are you doing?’ asked Hyoyeon as she and Sunny walked up to them. “I’m in love with Sunny huh?” thought Sungmin.
‘We want to ride the dodgem cars! Let’s go!’ said sunny.
As they walked to the ride, Sungmin whispered to Eunhyuk, ‘How do you know it’s love?’
‘Because i feel like that when i’m with Hyoyeon.’


Control Room

‘They seem like they’re doing well and don’t need our help, so next channel!’ said Siwon.
‘Jongsica!!!!!’ squealed Ryeowook. Everyone looked at him. What was he, a girl?
‘Nuh uh... i want to see Taecyeon and Minyul. I get the feeling things aren’t going the way they should.’


Minyul, Taecyoon and Taemin channel

‘Hyung! I don’t want to ride alone again!’ complained Taemin.
It was the 5th rollercoaster Yoonyul had forced everyone onto today, and each time, Taemin sat alone because the rollercoaster’s were two seaters. Taecyeon had insisted every time that Minho sat with Yuri, even when Yoonyul complained that they wanted to sit together.

Control Room~
‘Grrr... nothing is happening. Minyul won’t get closer if Taemin and Taecyoon don’t leave them alone!’ cried Heechul.
‘Do something! Heechul don’t you have some trick under your sleeve?’ asked Hangkyung.
‘Of course i do, otherwise i wouldn’t be THE Kim Heechul. Kangin, Leeteuk i need your help...’

Minyul, Taecyoon and Taemin channel ~
‘Can we please go to the haunted house?’ begged Taemin for the hundredth time.
‘Fine’ snapped Taecyeon, man this kid was annoying, how did Minho stand it?
Yoona and Taemin cheered ‘YAY!’. Yuri whimpered and stood closer to Minho when they got to the entrance of the haunted house. ‘What’s wrong Yuri?’ soothed Minho.
‘She’s scared. Yul can’t stand scary things, and she’s got a low ki,’ explained Yuri’s other half, Yoona.
‘Oh yeah, i saw that on your Horror Movie Factory show! Haha, Yuri noona is a scaredy cat’ teased Taemin.
‘It’s alright, i can do this! Yuri, hwaiting!’ she told herself.
‘Are you sure?’ asked Yoona.
‘Yeah, let’s go.’
As they entered the haunted house, Yuri unconsciously grabbed hold of Minho’s hand again. “Man, i’m so lucky today. It’s like winning on Dream Team,” thought Minho. The group continued to walk further into the haunted house which so far, wasn’t too scary, until...

In the control room ~
Kangin and Leeteuk had already left to do whatever Heechul had told them to. The rest were watching Minyul, Taecyoon and Taemin walk inside the haunted house.
‘Are you guys ready?’ asked Heechul.
‘YEAH!!’ exclaimed the guys.
Heechul reached over the control switch and flicked a switch as he laughed evilly.

Haunted House ~
The lights went out as Yoonyul screamed. Taecyeon grabbed Yoona and ran away from what he thought was danger, “I’ll keep her safe, i know you can keep Yuri safe, so i’m leaving her to you Minho” he thought.
Yuri hugged Minho tight and he rubbed her back to calm her down.
Taemin on the other hand, felt a hand cover his mouth and another pair grab him. Two pairs of hands dragged him away.


(a/n) for those that don't know, Seo Juhyun is Seohyun's real name

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YosoyEvelynDaiana #1
Chapter 40: I like it so much! Now i'll read the sequel, thank you! :)
yurisaranghaeminho #2
Chapter 40: i cried because yoonyulsic try to save each other no matter what happens and dont worry i will be subscribing your 2nd fanfic to kamsahamnida Author-nim
Wow! I just finished and it's really good!
typicaltaeyeon #4
Chapter 40: i finished eadding this bu not hera in AFF but in wattpad.
your story is very interesting but the end is kinda boring i like how the story goes but in the end you will be disappointed. but if im going to rate it its VERY GOOD.
OKAY so i finally finished reading this. And i LOVE MINYUL!
ShineeSoshi08 #6
I've read ur fic about 7 times now and I never get tired of it!!! Well...back to reading...for the 8th time
Chapter 2: Awww the pairings are all so cute together!! :D
I am new reader here .

I really love your story !

Love all the couple too .
you should have put taemfany (tamin and tiffany) together, you'll get another couple, kekekeke i'm a teamfany shipper~~~ <3