Chapter 51

I Like Her?! No Way!


When you hugged Dongjun as you bid him goodbye, you heard someone’s coughing behind you. You looked back and you saw Myungsoo stood behind you and staring at you and Dongjun.

“Umm… I’ve told Dongjun and he knew all along. He said he can tell from my look, you know, that thing.” You spoke softly as you grew shy. Myungsoo just stood there silent and you could sense that he’s smirking.

“That’s what you get for leaving her carelessly like that.” Myungsoo stated softly.

Dongjun stepped forward to get closer to Myungsoo. “I admit I lost. But..” Before Dongjun finished his sentence, he approached Myungsoo closer and threw a punch to Myungsoo’s jaw. Myungsoo stumbled back and fell on the ground as he didn’t see it coming.

“What the .” Myungsoo hissed under his breath as he wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. You gasped and hurriedly went over to Myungsoo to checked up on him.

“That’s for stealing ~~~. You’d better make her happy.” Dongjun warned him. Myungsoo once again smirked.

“I’ve always made her happy, dude.” Myungsoo smirked in victory. You just shook your head.

“Enough with the fight. I hate to see both of you fighting like this. Somehow, it’s my fault too, okay. So, anyone wants to punch me?” You offered them your cheek. They just chuckled at you and both of them ruffled your hair at the same time, which made your hair turned into a mess.

“Yah yah yah, don’t make my hair become messy.” You snapped both of them and ran your fingers through your hair.

“You’re going to see me at the airport on Friday, right?” Dongjun asked you. You nodded vigorously.

“Of course! Don’t worry. I’ll see you there.” You laced your pinky fingers with him to sealed the promise.

“I bet he’ll come along.” Dongjun pointed at Myungsoo, Myungsoo just shrugged his shoulder and smirked.


On Friday, you’re getting ready to go to the airport with Myungsoo. He’s going to pick you up in any minute. After you took a last glance on the mirror, you heard a honk outside from your house. But it’s not Myungsoo’s motorbike’s honk. You peeked at the window and you saw a car in front of your house.

You got out from your house and stretched your neck to have a better look on the car. You didn’t recognize the car at all until the window rolled down and you can see Myungsoo on the driver seat. You beamed happily and you went inside to grab your bag and locked the door and approached the car.

“Whose car is this, oppa? Yours?” You asked him as you put on the seatbelt.

“Yeah, I’ve decided to change my bike into a car. More convenient, right?” He pulled the clutch and he drove really well. Soon, you arrived at the airport. Myungsoo told you to meet with Dongjun first at the gate as he will parked his car first.

You went inside the airport and looking for the gate where Dongjun will pass through. You caught a glimpse of Dongjun and hurriedly you went over there and surprised him.

“Oppa!” You surprised him. He jumped in surprise.

“Finally, you came! Where’s L?” He looked to your left and to your right to find Myungsoo’s presence.

“He’s parking the car.” You grinned sheepishly. Both of you chatted happily and not long after that Myungsoo came.

Then you heard the announcement saying that all passenger who’s going to America with Korean Air with the flight number as the announcement had mentioned, you took a peek at Dongjun’s ticket and you groaned as you saw that Dongjun’s flight number was the same as the announcement had said.

“Guess it’s my time. Take care and be happy. Don’t forget to contact me, okay. I’m gonna miss you. Thank you for everything and sorry for everything.” Dongjun hugged you tightly and you hugged him back and nodded.

The three of you bid goodbye and watched him entered the gate.

“Wow, still can’t believe that I broke up already with him.” You told to yourself as you and Myungsoo walked toward his car was parked before.

“Well, you better believe it from now on.” Myungsoo told you while poking your elbow playfully.


The two of you got into the car and Myungsoo the radio to make it not so silence.

“Good afternoon, listeners! Come back with me, Minjung your DJ on Hello There show! So, call our number and wait until we picked up the phone and you’ll be on air and you could send your message to someone!” The DJ host spoke cheerfully.

“This is the first time I heard this show.” You muttered and you saw Myungsoo nodded along with you.

“We got first incoming call already. Hello there?” Minjung asked in a glee tone.

“Hello, am I on air already?” The voice answered Minjung hesitatedly.

Myungsoo’s eyes went wide; hurriedly he turned up the volume of the radio to get louder.

“Yes sir, you’re on air already. May I know what’s your name and your age?” Minjung asked.

“My name is Sunggwan. I’m 19 years old.” That voice answered Minjung. Somewhat the voice sounds familiar to you, it’s like you ever heard that voice before.

Myungsoo by now clenched tightly on the stir wheel and he pulled over and stopped his car and paying attention to the radio.

“What is it, oppa?” You asked him cautiously.

“I can’t believe it. It’s impossible. Impossible. That voice. I know freaking well. It’s Sunggyu’s voice. My hyung. Even his name is similar and his age was the same as Sunggyu if my hyung still alive by now. I’m freaking sure it’s Sunggyu’s voice. Impossible.” 


@Swaggerlicious: LOL ;) thanks for commenting and keep commenting :) :*

@KimLNana: thanks for answering :) keep commenting! :*

@TeaMinT: yeah LDR always ruined relationship :s keep commenting! :*

@ilovemilk: aww :') thank you so much! keep commenting :*

@kyumee68: thanks for answering :) yes yes keep commenting ;) :*

@luckilife: I was quite frustrated how to end this story ;( sorry to disappoint you :'( but guy like him does exist, a friend of mine exactly like him ;) keep commenting and thank you! :*

@myungkitty-ah: thank you for reminding me! Hehe :p 

@BitterSweetx3: LOL ;) thank you for commenting and keep commenting :*

@creaminology: yeah it's going to end soon :( sorry :( but I'm coming up with another fanfic ;) aww really? Feel honored :') :*

@RIE0516: yeah that quote is freaking true LOL and thank you so much :') keep commenting :*


I know the last part might sound weird to you guys, but yeah please bear with it xD
since from the beginning I was intended to put it though ;)
It's going to end in the next 2 chapters ;)

I've made my mind for my new fanfic;
(Are you guys ok with L again? ;s)
Plus, I've made the poster already :3


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Chapter 55: I'm crying over Sunggyu's message at the radio!!!!! Oh my I'm such a crybaby xD
Thank you for this lovely story author-nim!
Chapter 53: Woaaa I read it again ~ (*^_^*) Really nice story ♥♥
Chapter 55: wow, the first fic that made me shed tears. omo i just sooo loved the radio part ( was there when i started to cry ) im just sooo in love with this story.
Thank you author-nim for making this story!
Siera1412 #4
Chapter 55: OMG loved this story
Chapter 54: It was a really nice story ... I really like the radio thing \(^o^)/ thank you author nim ti wrote this beautiful story ♥♥
Chapter 1: OMG! The incident happened on chapter 52 was creeping me out! (;O_O) Actually, I'm still abit confused coz I just skip to that part. LOL xD Ok, Let's be serious. Reading this from chapter 1 again. ^^
InfiniteLove27 #7
AISH you dont know how my eyes are wet from crying especially the part of the radio with sunggyuT.T Love the story:) had to read it in one go LOL now off to bed its 4am
New reader and I LOVEEEE YOUR STORYY ! ;D its daebakkk~~ and im so happy you said not as pretty as SNSD Tiffany <33 hehehe shes my favorite ^^
yes yes yes! lol anyways hi indonesian chingu XD
bythekai #10
@myBabyRicky: thank you for reading! Yes I'm Indonesia, hehe Dia Tanpa Aku right? ;) hehehe

@YoseobsBabyAngie: Aww thank you so much for reading this :') don't forget to read my other stories hehe :3