Chapter 12

I Like Her?! No Way!


The school is finally over. You were pretty worn out today because you play basketball and plus the hit from the ball earlier as well. You really wanted to reach home soon and relaxed yourself in the bathtub filled with warm water. As you walked down the street, you saw a familiar figure who’s standing in front of the food stall with a girl. Then it hits you that it’s your father. But the most hideous thing was that he was with a girl that is around 20s which is not suitable for him. You looked at those figures in disgust. Slowly you approached them.

Myungsoo who didn’t feel like to walked you home today and by now walking around the street but then his eyes caught a glimpse of you. He saw the right side of you, he was about to hollered your name but then he saw you clenched your hand and there is this disgust and furious in your eyes. He decided to postponed his urge to call you.

You approached your father slowly. You gulped as you were getting ready to call him. But turns out he turned his body around and shocked as he saw you standing in front of him right now.

“~~~-ah..” He called your name weakly. You let out a smirk.

“So this is the reason you left us? Going out with a young girls? Young maybe I suppose?” You smirked and tears are welled up in your eyes. Your father and the girl were taken aback by your word.

“Don’t say like th…”

“SLAP!” You felt your cheek hot in burning and stinging pain could be felt until you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore.

“Ya! Who the hell are you?! Calling me . You are the . Approaching me and my boyfriend all of a sudden and saying rude things!” The girl slapped you in the face and you just lower your head and keep crying. Your father tried to calmed her down.

“Ya, Hyuna, don’t be like that.. she’s my daughter, she’s the one I told you before…” Your dad grab her hand and calmed her down. She scoffed at you and glared you.

“Wow, I thought your daughter would be a girl with full of respect and manner. Probably you become like this since your mother couldn’t teach you well, right? No wonder he left you two!” You are filled with anger by now as she brought your mother up in this conversation.

“Don’t. Say. A. Thing. About. My. Mother. You. .” You growled at her and glared at her. She flinched a bit because of your glared. You raise your hand and you’re about to slap her right in her cheek but then you felt someone grab your wrist, you looked at your right and you saw Myungsoo in front of your face already.

“Eh?” You confused and before you could say anything else, you were being dragged by Myungsoo. Practically, running away from your father and his girlfriend.

You didn’t care anymore where Myungsoo going to take you right now, too many things on your mind right now as your tears keep flowing down endlessly on your cheek.

Both of you reach the park near your house. You sat on the swings and started rock the swing back and forth slowly. You felt the breeze on your face, you closed your eyes. Then you felt something extremely cold on your cheek. You opened your eyes and you saw Myungsoo put the cold soda can on your cheek while he looked away. You smiled and took the can.

“Put it in your eyes so your eyes won’t get swollen..” Myungsoo broke the silence. Too late, you open the can and drank it already. He throw his palm on his face and shook his head in disbelief and you just laughed at it.

“Good that you laugh now. Here, put mine on your eyes.” He offered his soda can to you. You sheepishly grinned and put it over your eyes. Both of you went silent.

“Don’t you want to ask about what happened earlier?” You swing your leg back and forth while still swinging yourself lightly. Myungsoo who sat on the swing next to you turned his head to face you. You felt nervous somehow because this time Myungsoo didn’t glared at you in hatred but instead there is this pity and caring spark in his eyes.

“Nope. Eventually, you’ll tell me what happened earlier when you felt better.” You nodded in agreement to his saying. Again, there’s silence between you too. All you could hear was only the wind and the pebbles cracking each other because of the wind and the noise that came out form the swing because you swing it back and forth slightly. You felt peace and you calmed yourself down.

“I saw my dad again…” You broke the silence for only-God-knows-when. Myungsoo turned his head to face you and listening to you intentively.

“But.. he was with a girl. A much younger girl than him. Hmpfh. Disgusting, isn’t?” You smirked in sadness as you recalled the incident. Myungsoo stared at his feet for a while.

“But have you heard his explanation?”

You shook your head. “Why should I hear to his explanation? It will only make me more hurt and more sad. I’d rather know it like this. He left me and my mom because of a younger girl. Pathetic. Am I that unwanted for him?” You asked at the sky as you let out a big sigh. You can feel that tears are fighting to go out from your eyes but you held back with all your might.

“No, you’re not pathetic. It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything. Many people want you, remember your mom, your family, your friends. It’s okay just let it out, cry all you want to make you relieved. You can lend my shoulder or even my chest.” Myungsoo blurted out and as he realized what he had said at the last minute, he blushed a bit unknowingly.

When you heard that, you couldn’t hold your tears anymore and you pour it all out and you just practically drag your swing to Myungsoo’s swing and you frantically hug Myungsoo and cried as a baby on his chest.

Myungsoo who surprised at you who cried at his chest because he never thought that you’re going to choose his chest as your place to cry on, he just couldn’t help but to hug you back and patted your shoulder and your hair slowly. You just keep on crying and crying until you exhausted and unknowingly fell asleep.

“Gosh, what an awkward position..” Myungsoo mumbled. Slowly, he hold you and he got up and he carried you bridal style to sit on the bench near the swing so you can sleep in a more comfortable position. As both of you sat down on the bench, you flinch but you didn’t wake up instead you snuggled more on Myungsoo’s chest. Myungsoo just shocked and stay still in that position while keep stealing movement to make both of you more comfortable but he couldn’t woke you up.

Just like that, the night grew deeper..

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Chapter 55: I'm crying over Sunggyu's message at the radio!!!!! Oh my I'm such a crybaby xD
Thank you for this lovely story author-nim!
Chapter 53: Woaaa I read it again ~ (*^_^*) Really nice story ♥♥
Chapter 55: wow, the first fic that made me shed tears. omo i just sooo loved the radio part ( was there when i started to cry ) im just sooo in love with this story.
Thank you author-nim for making this story!
Siera1412 #4
Chapter 55: OMG loved this story
Chapter 54: It was a really nice story ... I really like the radio thing \(^o^)/ thank you author nim ti wrote this beautiful story ♥♥
Chapter 1: OMG! The incident happened on chapter 52 was creeping me out! (;O_O) Actually, I'm still abit confused coz I just skip to that part. LOL xD Ok, Let's be serious. Reading this from chapter 1 again. ^^
InfiniteLove27 #7
AISH you dont know how my eyes are wet from crying especially the part of the radio with sunggyuT.T Love the story:) had to read it in one go LOL now off to bed its 4am
New reader and I LOVEEEE YOUR STORYY ! ;D its daebakkk~~ and im so happy you said not as pretty as SNSD Tiffany <33 hehehe shes my favorite ^^
yes yes yes! lol anyways hi indonesian chingu XD
bythekai #10
@myBabyRicky: thank you for reading! Yes I'm Indonesia, hehe Dia Tanpa Aku right? ;) hehehe

@YoseobsBabyAngie: Aww thank you so much for reading this :') don't forget to read my other stories hehe :3