saved ?

You are my only one

Words highlighted in yellow is in Japanese.



Just like this..

1,2,3,4,5 months passed.

You and your members are in Japan fliming your debut mv in Japan.

After all the fliming it was almost to evening.

Your members and you head back to the hotel.

" wahh, finally... HOTEL!"

Chun Mi hopped out of the van and ran inside.

Park Eun slowly come out of the van.

" yah.. wait for me.." 

You slowly walked out with your manager.

" Oppa, is it okay if i go out for a walk? i would like to explore the places here"

" Okay, remember dont go too far.. call me if you need any help?"

" Ne oppa, i will"

And you walked to different shops.

Selling fresh seafood, clothings, toys and lots of delicious food.

Until a japanese fan saw you. 

" Ahhhh.. it's ~~~~~~ from Dreamstar. hello"

"ahh.. Hello"

"can you help me sign this album? ohmygosh! i cannot believe i can meet you here!"

"hahah.. sure.."

"ohh.. ~~~~~~~ how is your relationship with 2PM Junsu?"

You got shocked your eyes widened.. and stop signing...


" ~~~~~~~ are you okay?"

" huh..ohh yes.. here you go"

" ahhh thank you.. i am so excited for your Japanese debut! bye!"


Your japanese fan left..

You placed your hands inside your pocket and sigh while walking pass few shops.

* sigh... i just cannot forget Junsu oppa can i?*

 you walked passed a shop selling keychains

you saw a familar face inside the shop

* Junsu oppa?*

Junsu happened to turn towards the entrance after making his payment.

 you quickly walked away

* is that ~~~~~~~?*

he ran out of the shop and chased after you.

* omg... what should i do?*

you saw a small alley and ran into it..

Junsu didn't see you running into the alley.


You heaved a sigh.

Suddenly a middle aged man walked into the alley looking drunk

you bowed and walked pass them but one of the man grabbed your wrist and turn you around.

You were shocked.

The man pushed you against the hard cold wall.

" ouch"

" hahah.. what are you doing here?"

"huh.. ohh i was just walking by"

" hahah when you walked in here there is no walking out.. soo pretty.."


the man pinched your chin and tilt your head

You shivered.

" Dont worry i wont hurt you.."

he drop his glass bottle and pin you against the wall.

" HELP!!!"


He slapped you and hit your stomach




He slapped you several times and bit your neck



You screamed with all your might


Junsu happened to pass by the alley after he couldnt find you

he heard a scream

* that sounds like ~~~~~~~*


He quickly rushed to the alley and he was shocked

he saw you being all bruised and attacked by a man.

He ran and pushed the man aside letting him fall on the floor.

" ~~~~~~ are you okay?"

But you fainted after all the beating and shock.

Junsu quickly carried you in bridal style and left the alley


Junus brought you back to the hotel and you fell asleep.

" Who is th....OMANA?! UNNIE?! WHAT HAPPENED?!"

Chun Mi screamed when she saw Junsu carrying you and you are all bruised

Junsu quickly lay you down on the bed.

Park Eun put a bowl of cold water and some medication beside the bed.

Junsu took the towel and soaked in the cold water.

He placed it on your head , clean your face.

* ~~~~~~~ i'm sorry.. *

Junsu cried when he saw that you were badly bruised.

* cough cough*

You coughed and breathless heavily.

" ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~"

You opened your eyes

" Where... am.. i..?"

" You are back in the hotel.."

" You saved me?"

" kinda of.."

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled abit.

You sat up and sighed.

" Thank you.. if it is not for you i would have died"

" i just heard your scream so i ran.."

He sat closer to you.

" I'm sorry ~~~~~~"

" for ? you saved me?"

" No not this... it's..."

" ohh that.. never mind it's over"

" NO! we are never over!"

" Huh? what are you saying Junsu.."

" i...i..."

You tilt your head and gave Junsu a confused look

" my relationship with Yunhee is faked... Yunhee planned it"





To be continued~








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Try not to write a whole chunk, try to separate them into paragraphs so that it would be neater~ :)
Woo! Congrats on writing the first chapter my friend! :)