Found out

You are my only one
Junsu went to the living room and sat together with the rest of 2PM members and JYP. "You guys did well in the commercial! Congrats 2PM!" "Thanks hyung!" 2PM exclaimed. "By the way how come there is a pair of red high heels there?" JYP points to that pair of high heels.. 2PM swallowed their saliva hard " And Junsu how come you have lip gloss on your lips?" Junsu wiped off the lip gloss with his thumb. "What are you guys keeping from me?" JYP walked to each of their dorm and when he opened Junsu's dorm door " Junsu, why is there a lady's handbag on your room?" Junsu ran and close his room door.." ermm that is for my mom" " wait.. i saw.." JYP open the door and saw you " this lady?" " anneyeong ahjusshi.." "Junsu this is...." "hyung this is my girl" walk towards and hugs your waist. "Oh! Anneyeong!" JYP greeted you. Junsu and you were both shocked. " come and sit down with us." JYP hold your wrist and bring you to the living room. " Junsu followed you behind and sat beside you. " so how long have you been together?" JYP looks at you head to toe. " Hyung!" " what?!
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Try not to write a whole chunk, try to separate them into paragraphs so that it would be neater~ :)
Woo! Congrats on writing the first chapter my friend! :)