The Results

You are my only one
Then Junsu went outto tell Taecyeon and Chansung to stop the game due to your injury. Taecyeon and Chansung ran towards you with a concern look.." are you alright?" Taecyeon smile at you.." yeah i am alright" trying to tolerate the pain.. Then suddenly Junsu carried you " i am bringing you to see the doctor" "NO!! I DONT WANT!!" you screamed! " Yah! If you dont see the doc your injury will even be worse!" " but i am afraid..." " dont worry i will be by your side since i cause your injury" Junsu sighed.. carried you to the van and brought you to the doctor. When you and junsu entered the room you pulled Junsu's shirt " i think there is no need for me to see the doctor i am alright" you walking backwards " yah! If you dont treat your ankle you wont be able to get well!" Grabbed ypur wrist and push you on the chair. The moment the doctor exaimed your ankle " hmm.. you need an x-ray immediateltly!" You went for the X-Ray and Junsu together with the 2PM members was walking frantically outside waiting for you... When you came out...your leg was in as cast and you were holding crutches to support your other leg..." How is her condition doc?" Junsu run towards the doctor.. the rest of the 2PM members too " Miss Kim broke her ankle bone and she cannot dance for half a year at most." "What?!" Junsu exclaimed "she needs more rest i have another appointment i have to go" "thank you doctor" 2PM bowed together.." i am so sorry" Junsu sat beside you hanging his head down.." no need to be sorry it is notyour fault dont worry i am alright just treat as a break for me" you smile at him " but you are going to debut next year January" Junsu look at you with a sad face " dun worry i can catch up" you pat on Junsu's back and smile.." i will take care of you throughtout this 6 months and accompany you for check-ups" " okay thanks but if you are busy my friends can accompany me dont stress yourself too much" "okay i wont" Junsu winked at you..and your cheeks turn rosy red...
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Try not to write a whole chunk, try to separate them into paragraphs so that it would be neater~ :)
Woo! Congrats on writing the first chapter my friend! :)