The Perfect Couple

You are my only one
After JYP left, the 2PM members took a sigh as relieved. Then you stood up " who wants dinner? " Chansung raised his hand first then Junsu then the rest. " okay you boys take a shower while Noona i make dinner okay?" All of them stand up immediately " YES NOONA" and one by one marched off to their dorm. You giggled while the marched off. You went to the kitchen and open the fridge " wow! There are so much good stuff here! Lets see hmm..." You took out eggs; anchovies; cabbage; beef and carrots. And of course rice from the cabinet. And you start making beef stew. Cutting the vegetables and beating eggs. When suddenly someone whispers your name and you turn around and your lips touch Junsu's lips and Junsu hugs your waist and puts down the untensils from your hand and slide his fingers into yours. You guys kiss a long time and suddenly " soup!" You rush towards the pot and luckily it has not boil yet. " dont distract me!" You poke Junsu nose. " dont you like it?" " you were too concentrating on me baby" peck your lips gently. "No no! Later my dear" peck back Junsu's lips. "then can i help?" " okayy check the soup if it boils stir it" " yes baby" Junsu immediately stood there and you are thinkng - he is such a cute guy, and i love him- and you smile to yourself. "Yeobo, why are you smiling to yourself? Are you alright?" Touch your forehead. " yes junsu shii i am alright" as you smile at him you accidently cut yourself. "Ouch! " you screamed. " ~~~~~~~~~ are you alright?" Saw your finger bleeding... right away Junsu grab the first aid box and help you bandage your wound. As Junsu was bandaging your wound you gazed at him thinking - i am so lucky to have him as mine man, yes Junsu you are my man and i believe you and i will be with you forever, Junsu i love you- and you kissed his lips. " yeobo!" And you smile at him " i love you" and you wrapped around him and kiss him. This was when all of the 2PM members witnessed the whole thing and left both of you alone. " They are such a lovely couple" Junho said it with envy. " yeah. Hyung is so lucky" Chansung sighed. " Both of them are a perfect match" Nichkhun mummered out. Wooyoung agreed Taecyeon stared at the ceiling said nothing but full of jealousy.
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Try not to write a whole chunk, try to separate them into paragraphs so that it would be neater~ :)
Woo! Congrats on writing the first chapter my friend! :)