Dinner Date

Living with Got7
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A/N: English is in BLACK, Korean is in BLUE, Chinese is in RED.

Previously on Living with Got7:

Anna’s POV

And then the taller male my cheek.

I took a step back and now had my back against the window.

Sigh… He’s going to regret this.

“Do. Not. Touch. Me.”, I said.

“Oh hey, she does know Korean! Do you want to go and play, baby girl?” the male who my cheek said as he placed his hand on my waist.

Just when I was about to kick the guy in the balls, someone stepped in and stood in between me and the creep.

“She’s busy.”

I looked over and noticed the guy in front of me was Mark.


* * *

Anna’s POV

“Oppa~”, I said.

Mark looked at me and smiled, handed me my ice cream cone, and took my free hand and intertwined it with his.

“You both can leave now.”, Mark said while glaring at the ert who touched me.

“YA~ Who do you think you are interrupting me and this very pretty girl?”, the tall creep spat.

“I am obviously her OPPA. Now leave before 6 more OPPAS come and kick BOTH of your asses.”, Mark threatened.

“C’mon man, let’s go. They aren’t worth it.”, the shorter one said.

“Aish. Why do the good looking ones have such protective boyfriends?” the two guys complained as they left.

“Kamsahamnida Mark oppa!”, I said.

“You’re welcome. Let’s head back to dorms. I’m sure you’re hungry by now. We can grab dinner with the rest of them! Is there anything that you want to eat specifically?”, asked Mark.

“Hmm.. I really like samgyupsal! Is there a BBQ place near by? The weather is perfect for a BBQ.”, I said.

As we were walking together, and eating our ice cream I realize that we were still holding hands.

Oh my god. Do I let go? Or will that make everything awkward if I just suddenly let go of his hand. WHAT DO I DO??? DOES HE NOT REALIZE HE’S STILL HOLDING MY HAND?? OMMO. OMMO. OMMO. Okay. Calm down. Think of something. You can’t hold his hand… HE’S AN IDOL. A ROOMMATE. A GROWN MAN. OMGGGGGGG.

Oh. I know.

I let go of his hand and reached inside my bag and grabbed my pink Polaroid camera out. Mark stared at me a bit confused.

“Mark oppa~ Let’s take a picture! I want to put a picture of us in my room later on my bulletin board.”
Mark takes my camera and poses with his ice cream.

“… I meant a picture with me. Not a selfie.”, I said.

Mark smirked. “I know, but I want more pictures of me on your wall~”

Mark takes another picture of himself pouting.

“Ommo. Really now!?!”, I say

“Okay. Okay. Hurry get in the picture, my arm hurts!”

I tip toe next to him and smile.

“CHEESE~” we both say and take 5 more picture of us making silly faces.

* * *

Got6 (now without Mark, haha.) POV


“Ommo. DO YOU THINK MARK HYUNG LIKES HERRRRR~~”, Bambam fanboyed with Jackson.

“Maybe Mark hyung wants to make her feel more comfortable since he’s the best in English out of all of us, so he’ll be the best at communicating with her and showing her around. Plus they’re both from California, so they must have a lot of things in common.” JB reasoned.

“But Mark hyung is so shy~ He never talks, let alone volunteers himself like that AND TO GO ALONE WITH A GIRL~~~” said Youngjae.

“I don’t blame him if he does~ She’s different. She doesn’t fangirl over us. She isn’t one of those Princesses who think they’re all that. She’s down to earth. I’m going to raise such a pretty daughter~~”, Omma JR. said.

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20140511 - SURPRISE! Double update as my gift to you all for being a bad author lately


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 44: It's great to read this story again~ I hope I can read more of this in the future ^_^
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 44: Wow this story is really good! I hope you will update soon :)
Killerkhaos #3
Chapter 44: hope you update soon! wanna know what happens next with anna and mark
AbbySM17ES #4
Chapter 44: After so long I think this story deserves an update. I miss this story
minia143 #5
Chapter 44: AUTHORNIM i'll be looking forward to the next updateee
Chapter 44: Miss u too.. update again pleasee~
Goldie #7
Chapter 44: Awww can't wait to read about the date awww they're so sweet...
Chapter 44: Thank you for the update! I can't wait to read about the date!
Chapter 7: Who is jaehyung and who are 5Live oh goshh!! I am confuse author nimm
kimmietaeyeon769 #10
(: .....................