What Matters


Inhye’s brows furrowed as Siwon pulled over in front of the hotel, Khun was sitting at the front.

“Inhye, you don’t~”

“I have to meet them, oppa. If I wont, she wont stop.”

“But this…” Siwon sighed.

“She’s threatened to reveal me, I can’t..just let it pass.”

“Inhye-ah?” Khun turned to her.


“That night..how did you get home? A taxi?”

They saw Inhye tense slightly.

“I needed someone who could drive me out of the place fast. It was Daehyun, I called him.”

To her surprise Khun just nodded silently.

“Have you spoken to Kai?”

“Not yet, he…seems to be busy, not picking up calls.”

Inhye unlocked the door and gave them both a smile.

“Then I’ll have to go now, see you later.”


“Dear, come in!” Heekyung smiled at her as Inhye entered the private hall. She glanced at the young man dressed in a suit beside her.

“Inhye this is~”

“Don’t do this, eomma.” Inhye started.


“I think my going away from the resort last time was enough answer for you, I wont do it. I don’t want to do it.”

“Do you want the whole country to know who you are?”

Inhye shook her head, she knew the elder lady would threaten her.

“You have to marry him, or else, I’ll reveal everything myself.”

Inhye looked up, her jaw had become taut.

“Why are you doing this?”

“It’s time for you to marry, that’s the least you could for Jeguk.”

“Why would you care about Jeguk?” She retorted, then it all hit her.

Once she marries, her shares would be automatically transferred to her husband and her. The male beside Heekyung would have rights over her shares.

“Because you’ve been rejecting this family for a long time already, isn’t it time to~”

“I think that’s enough.”


Kang Heekyung paused and turned to the male who standing by the door, Kai was leaning casually by the doorframe, his eyes darker than the usual.

“And who might you be?”

Inhye bit her lip.

“Kai, wha~” She halted when Kai walked to her and casually wrapped one arm around Inhye’s waist.

“She cant marry…yet.” He shrugged, she felt Kai squeeze her waist slightly, signaling for her to act along.

“Lee Inhye, who is this man?”

“He…He…He’s Kim Jongin, they own this hotel.” Inhey replied.

“And who is he to you?”

“You know, ma’am, I don’t feel so well right now, and all your shouting is giving me a headache, please if you’re going to continue to harass her, I can call security to drag you out as well as your friend.”


Inhye followed Kai to a private office.

“Are you not feeling well?” She asked, Kai shook his head and sat on the desk.

“Sorry for disappearing like that, I…panicked.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kai asked, Inhye looked at him.

“You knew I could help you, I would gladly help you.”


“Instead you call him, Daehyun. Is that…how you see me?”

Inhye dropped her bag on the couch.

“Kai..if I called you instead and people saw us, it would be trouble for you too.”

“Trouble? People have been talking about me and..you, did I looked troubled?”

Inhye looked away.

“Those words I told you, they weren’t empty.” He stood up and walked to her.

“Yesterday, I wanted to talk to you.” Inhye said.

Kai stared at her before turning away.

“I waited for you at the park, but you ignored me when you arrived.”


“I called Daehyun because I know he can bring me out of the place quickly, but if you left, people would look for you.”

“Why would~”

“I was worried, I have a feeling in a few days, I’m going to be in deep…. I don’t want you to be entangled with that.” She explained and sighed.

“Inhye, I would do~”

“I know, Kai, you would do anything but I have to fix this first before I can turn to you.” She smiled before walking to him and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.



“What party?” Inhye asked as stepped out from the bathroom.

“It’s an event tonight for the company.” Siwon said.

He brothers didn’t know, about Kai kicking out Heekyung at the hotel earlier, and somehow Inhye had a gut feeling about that.

“I already have someone to send the clothes you will wear, so I expect to see you later.”

She grunted, Siwon chuckled.

“You’re not going to marry that guy, right?”

“Nope. And oppa?”

“I have something to talk about later.” She said before ending the call. She found a large blue colored box by her living room and opened it. She tossed the pink tissue paper wrapping and pulled out a lavender colored gown.

She puffed her cheeks before bringing it with her to the room.


Choi Eunhee scoffed as she saw entered Kang Heekyung enter the party, she glared at her two sons.

“Eomma, I didn’t invite her.” Khun squirmed, then he saw his close friends, his teammates enter the place.

“See you later, hyung.” He said before running off.

“How about Inhye? I’m worried.”

“She had not yet arrived, eomma.” Siwon replied as he eyed the familiar male with Heekyung.

Siwon saw Kai enter with Jangmi.

“Have you found out about that young man?”

“He’s the son of Ilsan Construction, apparently their company owns a big amount to Heekyung.”


“She wants Inhye to marry him, then he will most likely take hold of Inhye’s stocks at Jeguk. And we all know what happens next, eomma. Honestly, I’m worried. The only way Inhye can solve this is to tell everyone who she is. And we know her, she wont do that.”


Inhye entered the hall alone. She felt the stares all directed at her, she bit her lip before moving forward.

She saw Kai chatting with Jangmi, her brows rose up.

Around her people were staring appreciatively, before Inhye could walk to Kai, she felt someone wrap her arm around his.

“Oppa.” She looked at Siwon.

“Tonight, stick with us. Heekyung’s here.”

“Did something happen?” She whispered.

“Did Kai do something to Heekyung?”

Inhye froze on the spot.

“She told the media that Kai dragged her out of their hotel because of a certain young lady. And she dropped hints on who this lady is.”

“She means business, Inhye.”

Inhye’s eyes narrowed slightly as she saw Heekyung chatting among their business partners.

“Does she want my shares?”

“Inhye~” Siwon blinked, Inhye smirked before letting go of her sibling.


“Miss Kang, right? I heard you were dragged out from Westin Chosun earlier? Are you feeling okay now?”



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14 streak #1
Chapter 37: Rereading this~~
Chapter 36: Suddenly I became curious about her age
Chapter 37: Well what can İ say...loving your stories snd re reading each one of it.Thank you for your amazing stories bluestone nim. 💞
Chapter 36: Such a good brain. Give me am once juseyo
Chapter 28: Ms. Kang, you're in for a treat.
Osekop12 #6
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 6: Re reading this.... Love
Chapter 36: This was really good, and the characters were fantastic!
yeollercoaster_ #9
Chapter 36: aHahahhahahahaha “you have eyebags that would embarrass my backpacks capacity” i’m dead
janefelicia28 #10
Chapter 5: standing from a medical student's POV it's impossible that she got in at age 12 LMAAOOO I laughed so hard

but I love the storyline tho ! ❤️